Verbs 23 Flashcards
To stop working, break down, become not functioning
To prevent (ه = s.o.) from working, interrupt or delay (ه = s.o.’s work);
عَطَّل، يْعَطِّل
المَاكِنَة مْعَطَّلِة [P] the machine is not in use (could mean that it is broken or that it is simply not on at the moment);
عَطَّلني [P] he interrupted my work, wouldn’t let me complete my work; {ʕɑṭṭɑlny}
عَطَّلتَك عَن شُغلَك [P] I kept you from working; {ʕɑṭṭɑltak ʕan šuġlak}
مَا بَحِبّ / بَحِبِّش أَعَطّْلَك [P] I don’t want to interrupt you while you’re working; {ma baḥebb / baḥebbᵉš ʔaʕɑṭṭºlak}
عَمِ تْعَوِّقْنِي بْشِغْلِي = عَمِ تْعَطِّلْنِي عَم شِغْلِي [S] You’re interfering with my work,
ما لَحَ اْعَطّْلَكِ كْتِير [S] I won’t keep you very long,
فِقْدَان واحِد مِن أَحْسَنِ مْهَنْدْسِيْنْنَا عَطَّلْنَا كْتِير [S] The loss of one of our best engineers has set us back considerably,
To bring together, consolidate, put together (ه =
To bring together, join (ه =, ل = to)
To bring into, take into, join, include (ه =, ل = to);
ضَمّ، يْضُمّ
ضَمّْ إِيْدَيْه كَإِنَّو رَحَ يْصَلِّي [S] He put his hands together as if he were about to pray,
ضَمُّوْه لَ النَادي [P] they took him into their club; {ḍɑmmūᴴ la-n-nādy}
To earn (ه = money)
تْطَلَّع / طَّلَّع، يِتطَلَّع / يِطَّلَّع
To become unemployed
To stop working, stall, breakdown, come to a standstill
تْعَطَّل، يِتعَطَّل
المَاكِنَات تْعَطَّلُوا [P] the machines are idle (e.g. because the workers are on strike, or because of a power outage, etc.); {‘il-mākināt tºʕɑṭṭɑlu}
تْعَطَّلِت سِيَّارْتَك [V] your car has broken down?
To clog up, clog, stop up (ه =
سَطَم، يِسْطُم
المَزَاْرِيبِ بْتِنْصِطِم لَـمّا بِتْمَطِّر [S] The drains clog up whenever it rains.
لا تِلْحِشَهْا بِالبَلُّوعَة بْتِسْطُمَهْا [S] Don’t throw it into the drain, you’ll stop it up
فِي شِي صطَمِ البَلُّوْعَة [S] Something clogged the drain,
لَحَ تِسْطُم البَلُّوْعَة [S] You’re going to stop up the sink
To chatter, prattle
ثَرْثَر، يْثَرْثِر
بِيْثَرِثْرُوا بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] They chatter incessantly
To pass, go by
To go through, pass through (ب / في =
To drop in (على = on s.o.)
To pass, elapse (Said of time);
مَرّ، يْمِرّ
مَرّ قِدَّام [S] to pass in front of
لَمَّا بَمُرّ قُدَّام بَيْتُو [P] when I pass in front of his house; {lamma bamorr quddām bēto}
كِنْت مارَّة هَيك [L] I was (just) passing by…
كِلّْ يَوْمِ بْمِرّْ قِدَّام هالبَنْك [S] I pass this bank building every day.
مَرّ مِن قِدَّام [S] to pass in front of, pass right by
مْنِقْدِرِ نْمِرّْ مِن هَوْن [S] We can pass through here,
الإِنسَانِة اللي بِتمُرّ بِتَجرِبِة مِن هَا-شِكِل [P] any woman who undergoes an experience of this kind; {‘il-ʔinsāne-l-ly bitmorr bitajribe min ha-šikᵉl}
المُشكِلِة اللي بَمُرّ فِيْهَا [P] the problem I am going through; {‘il-muškile-l-ly bamorr fīha}
وَاحَد بيْمُرّ بِأَزمِة لَازِم وَاحَد يْكُوْن جَنبُو / جَمبُو [P] when someone goes through a crises, someone (else) must be at his side (to support him) (جمب is how جنب is actually said, but the correct spelling is جنب); {wāḥad byºmorr biʔ¡azme lāzem wāḥad yºkūn janbo / jambo}
العَائِلَات مَرُّوا في أَوضَاع صَاعبِة جِدًّا [P] the families have gone through some very hard times; {‘il-ʕāʔilāt mɑrru fy ʔawḍᾱʕ ṣᾱʕbe jiddan˜}
مَرّ في فَترِة عِلَاج طَوِيْلِة [P] he has undergone a long period of treatment; {mɑrr fy fatre ʕilāj ṭɑwīle}
مَرّ بِالعَمَلِيِّة بْنَجَاح [S] He came through the
operation nicely
الوَقِت بيْمُرّ [P] time passes; {‘il-waqᵉt byºmorr}
مَرَّت عِشرِيْن سِنِة [P] twenty years have elapsed
To make (ه = s.o.) win (ه =, earn (ه = s.o., ه =
سْلُوْكَو كَسَّبَو اِحْتِرَامِ الجَّمِيْع [S] His conduct earned him universal respect.
To scatter, disperse, break up, rout (ه = s.o. /
شَتَّت، يْشَتِّت
تْشَتَّت، يِتشَتَّت
السُكَّانِ تْشَتَّتُوا [P] the inhabitants scattered
الشِّرْطَة شَتَّتَوا الجَمْهُوْر [E.G.] The police broke up the crowd
To make a mess (ه = of, to leave (ه = in a mess
كَركَب، يْكَركِب
تْكَرْكِب / اِتْكَرْكِب / اِكَّرْكِب، يِتْكَرْكِب
كَركَبِ الغُرفِة [P] he made a mess of the room; {karkabᴵ-l-ġurfe}
بيْكَركِبِ السِيَّارَة [P] he leaves the car in a mess; {byºkarkebᴵ-s-siyyᾱrɑ}
لَيْش مْكَرْكِب [S] why did you make a mess?
To get even (من = with)
اْسْتَدّ، يِسْتَدّ
لِسَّا بِسْتَدّْ مِنَّو يَوْمًا ما [S] I’ll get even with him some day.
To bother, annoy, upset, make unhappy (ه = s.o.)
قَهَر، يِقهَر
اْنقَهَر، يِنِقحِر
اْنقَهَر مِنِ الفَشَل [P] he was upset by his failure
هَادَا اِلّي بيْقهَرني [P] that is what upsets me; {hāda ‘illy byºqhɑrny}
سايْحَة وْنايْحَة مِن قَهْرَهْا عَلَيه [L] melting and crying from her upsetness over (what happened) to him;
To groan, moan
أَنّ، يْئِنّ
المَرِيْض عَمَّال يْئِنّ [P] the patient constantly groans; {‘il-mɑrīḍ ʕammāl yºʔenn}
ضَلّ يْئِنّ طُوْلِ اللَيْل [P] he moaned all night; {ḍɑll yºʔenn ṭūlᴵ-l-lēl}
كِنِت عَم اِسْمَعَو يْئِنّ بِالأُوْضَة التَّانْيِة [S] I could hear him moaning in the next room
حاجْتَك أَنِيْن [S] Quit moaning
أَنِّ بْنَوْمَو [S] He groaned in his sleep
To become acclimatized, get used (على = to) (intransitive)
تْأَقْلَم / اِتْأَقْلِم، يِتْأَقْلِم
شِوَيَّة شْوَيَّة تْأَقْلَمِت على حِيَاتِي [E] bit by bit I got used to my life
To undermine, weaken, ruin, upset
ضَعْضَع، يْضَعْضِع
تْضَعْضَع، يِتْضَعْضَع
زَعزَع، يْزَعزِع
تْزَعزَع، يِتزَعزَع
مَركَزهَا تْزَعزَع في العَيْلِة [P] her standing in the family was shaken / undermined
بيْزَعزِعِ الحُكُم [P] to shakes (undermines) the regime; {byºzaʕzeʕᴵ-l-ḥukᵒm}
هَادَا زَعزَع ثِقَتُو فِيِّ [P] they shook his faith in me
صِحّْتَه تْضَعْضَعِت مِن شِرْبِ التِّرْيَاك [I] His health was weakened by smoking opium.
ضَعْضَعِتِ المَيز مِن قَدّ (گَدّ) ما تْهِزَّه [I] You’ve weakened the table by shaking it so much,
خَلِّيه قاعِد (گاعِد( بْمُكَانَه، لا تْضَعْضِعَه [I] Leave it sitting where it is. Don’t disturb it.
To set, lay down (ه =
وَضَع، يُوْضَع
أَنَا مُو غَيْرِي بُوْضَعِ القَوَاعِد هَوْن [S] I lay down
the rules here
وَضَع حَدّ لَ [S] to put an end to
ما فِيكُن بَقَى تُوْضَعُوا حَدّ لَهَالأَخِد وِالرَّد [S] Can’t you put an end to this arguing?
لازِم أُوْضَع حَدّْ لَهَالـمَسْخَرَة [S] I’ll have to put an end to that nonsense
ما بْتِقْدِر تُوْضَع حَدّْ لَهالعَلْك [S] Can’t you put a stop to that talk?
To fight (ه = over
خَصَم، يِخْصُم
مْنِخْصُم هالشَّغْلِة بِالاِجْتِمَاعِ الجَّايِ —— يَا نِحْنَا يا هِنِّة [S] We’ll fight this thing out at the next meeting
خَلِّيْهُن يِخِصْمُوْهَا بَيْن بَعْضُهْن [S] Let them fight it out by themselves,
To take about
برَّم ، يبرِّم
To run wild
الكَلْبِ تْوَحَّش مِن وَقِت ما صَاحْبَو [S] The dog has run wild since his master died
To give (ه = s.o.) a gift (ه = a gift)
هَدَى، يِهْدِي
اْنْهَدَى / يِنْهَدَا
هايْدِي بْتِنْهَدَا لِـمَلِك [V] this could be gifted to a king;
هَدَانِي كْتَاب [E.G.] He gave me a book as a gift
To terrify, frighten (ه = s.o.)
رَعَّب، يْرَعِّب
رَعَّبْنِي [S] He terrified me