Verbs 5 Flashcards
To pump
ضَخّ ، يْضُخّ
اِتْضَخّ / اِضَّخّ / اِنْضَخّ
To resist, withstand, fight against (ه =
قَاوَم ، يْقَاوِم
بيْقَاوِمِ التَجرُبِة [P] he stands the test; {byºqāwemᴵ-t-tajrube}
بيْقَاوِمِ الإِغرَاء [P] he resists temptation; {byºqāwemᴵ-l-ʔiġrᾱʔÅ}
قَوَّصُوه وْهُوِّ عَم يْقَاوِم تَوْقِيفَو [S] He was shot while resisting arrest
ما طِلِع بْإِيْدِي اْقَاوِمِ الإِغْرَاء [S] I couldn’t resist the temptation,
To purify, cleanse (ه =
طَهَّر، يْطَهِّر
To hope
To meditate
تْأَمَّل ، يِتأَمَّل
نِتأَمَّل هَيْك [P] let’s hope so; {nitʔ¡ammal hēk}
أَنَا تْأَمَّلِتِ اْنُّو يِرجَع / رَح يِرجَع [P] I hoped he would come back; { ʔana tºʔ¡ammalᵉtᴵ ‘ºnno yirjaʕ / rɑḥ yirjaʕ}
نِتأَمَّلِ البَرنَامَج يْكُوْن عَجَبكُم [P] we hope you enjoyed the program; {nitʔ¡ammalᴵ-l-barnāmaj yºkūn ʕajabkom}
كانِت مِتْأَمّْلِة تْشُوفَك [S] She had hoped to see you
خَلِّيْنَا نِتْأَمَّلِ الخَيْر [S] Let’s hope for the best
To reflect (ه =
عَكَس ، يِعكِس
عَذَابِ الشَعبِ الأَرمَني اْنعَكَس عَلَى مُوْسِيْقَى الأَرمَنِيِّة [P] the sufferings of Armenian people are reflected in their music
To take care (ب = of), care for, look after (ب =
To be concerned (ب = with)
عْتَنَى ، يِعْتِنِي
أنا ما بِعْتِنِي بِالتَفَاصِيْل (بِالتَفَصِيْل) = التَفَاصِيْل (التَفَصِيْل) مُو شِغْلِي أَنَا [S] I’m not
concerned with the details
النَرسِة بْتِعتْني / بْتِعتَني بِالمُرَضَا [P] the nurse looks after the patients; {‘in-narse bºtiʕtºny / bºteʕtany bi-l-murɑḍɑ}
أَنَا اْعتَنَيْت فِيْهُم [P] I took care of them; { ʔana ‘ºʕtanēt fīhom}
أَنَا اْعتَنَيْت فِيْهِن [P] [P, G] I took care of them; { ʔana ‘ºʕtanēt fīhen}
عندي بسة صغيرة عمرا يومين يتيمة عم اعتني فيها كتير [V] I have a small kitten whose age is 2 days, an orphan I’m caring for it a lot;
لا يْكِن لَك فِكِر، بِعْتِنِي بِوْلادَك = لا يْكِن لَك فِكِر، بْدير بالي على وْلادَك [S] Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your children
بْيِعْتِني كْتِيرِ بأَوَاعِيه [S] He takes good care of his clothes
اْعْتَنَى بْحَالَو = دار بالَو على حالَو [S] to take care of oneself
لازِم تِعْتِنِي بْحالَك أَكْتَر [S] You have to take better care of yourself
هالجّْنَيْنِة مِعْتَنَى فِيْها مْنِيح [S] This garden is well cared for.
اْعْتَنِت فِيه حَتَّى شِفِي [S] She nursed him back to health, she took care of him until he got better
مِيْن بِدَّو يِعْتِنِي بِالبَيْبَيْه = مِين بِدَّو يْدِير بَالَو عَ البَيْبَيْه [S] Who’s going to mind the baby?
To press, compress, put pressure on (على =
ضَغَط ، يِضغَط
To store, accumulate, gather, hoard (ه =
خَزَن ، يِخزِن
تْخَزّن / اِتْخَزّن، يِتْخَزّن
To anchor, cast anchor
رَسَى ، يِرسي
رَسُّوا السَفِيْنِة بَرَّا بِالخَلِيج [S] They anchored the ship out in the bay
To forbid, prohibit, ban (ه =
حَرَّم ، يْحَرِّم
تْحَرَّم / اِتْحَرَّم، يِتْحَرَّم
To separate, detach (ه =, عن = from)
فَصَل ، يِفصِل
To kick
لَبَط ، يُلْبُط
To acquit, declare innocent (ه = s.o.)
بَرَّى ، يْبَرّي
تْبَرَّا، يِتبَرَّا
To sharpen (ه = a pencil)
بَرَى ، يِبري
هَا القَلَم، لَازِم تِبرِيْه [P] this pencil, you need to sharpen it; {ha-l-qalam، lāzem tibrīᴴ}
اْبْرِي لِي القَلَم مِن فَضْلَك [S] Sharpen the pencil for me, please
To crawl (said of a child)
حَبَى ، يِحْبِي
To graze
To herd (ه = sheeps, flocks), lead (ه = flocks) to pasture
رَعَى ، يِرعَى
To satisfy, please (ه = s.o.)
رَضَى ، يِرْضِي
صَعِب تِرْضِيْه [S] He’s hard to please
ما فِيك تِرْضِي كِلِّ النَّاس [S] You can’t please everybody,
بِدّْنَا نِرْضِي زَبَايِنْنَا عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] We like to give our customers complete satisfaction
ما فِيك تِرْضِي كِلِّ النَّاس = ما بْيِرْضِي النَّاس إِلَّا اَلله [S] You can’t satisfy everybody,
صَعِب تِرْضِي كِلِّ النَّاس = ما حَدَا بْيِرْضِي النَّاس إِلَّا اَلله [S] It’s hard to suit everybody
To fall asleep, drop off, doze off
غِفي ، يِغفَى
كُنت نَعسَان وِغفِيْت [P] I was drowsy and I fell asleep; {kunt naʕsān weġfīt}
نَامَت عَ الأَرض وْغِفيَت [P] she lay down on the ground and fell asleep; {nāmat ʕa-l-ʔɑrḍ wºġifyat}
بيْفِيْق وْبَعدَيْن بيْعَاوِد بيْغفَى [P] he wakes up, then he drops off again
To become expensive, go up in price
غِلي ، يِغلَى
To empty, become empty, free, unoccupied
فِضي ، يِفضَى
بَسّ يِفضَى المَحَلّ [P] as soon as the place becomes free; {bass yifḍɑ-l-maḥall}
الصَّالَة فِضْيِتِ بْخَمِس دَقَايِق [S] The hall emptied in five minutes
To spray, squirt (ه =
بَخّ ، يْبُخّ
To wet, moisten (ه =
بَلّ ، يْبِلّ
لَازِمِ تْبِلِّ الطَابِع [P] you have to moisten the stamp; {lāzemᵉ tºbellᴵ-ṭ-ṭᾱbeʕ}
بِلِّيْ لُو شفَافُو [P] moisten his lips for him; {bellī lo šfāfo}
الطَرِيْق كَانَت مَبلُلِة [P] the road was wet
To shear (ه =, e.g. a sheep)
جَزّ ، يْجِزّ
بيْجِزُّوا الغَنَم [P] they shear the sheep; {byºjezzu-l-ġanam}
بِيْجِزُّوا الغَنَمِ بْأَوَّلِ الرَّبِيع [S] They shear the sheep early in spring
To scratch, scrape, rub (ه =
To itch, cause an itching (ه = to s.o.)
حَكّ ، يْحِكّ
To block, block up, block off, seal off, plug (ه =
سَدّ ، يْسِدّ
اْنْسَدّ، يِنْسِدّ
أَحسَن مَا يِنسَدّ [P] so that it doesn’t get blocked up;
To wrap, wrap up (ه =
لَفّ ، يْلِفّ
غَلَّف، يْغَلِّف
To collect, gather together, gather up, pick up (ه =
لَمّ ، يْلِمّ
To lay (ه = cables, pipes, etc.), string (ه =, e.g. wire), stretch (ه =
To extend, stretch, reach out (ه =;
مَدّ ، يْمِدّ
مَدُّوا خَطّ كَهرَبَا [P] they laid an electricity cable; {maddu ḵɑṭṭ kahrɑbɑ}
الخَطّ مَمدُوْد بَيْنِ البَيْتَيْن [P] the cable is laid between the two houses; {‘il-ḵɑṭṭ mamdūd bēnᴵ-l-bētēn}
كِيف بِدَّكِ تْمِدِّ الشّْرِيْط [S] How are you going to string the wire?
مِدّ حَبْلِة بَيْنِ القَائِمْتَيْن [S] Stretch a rope between the two posts
مَدّ إِيْدُو [V] either 1. to extend the hand / arm (literally), or 2. to help, or 3. to ask for help / beg, or 4. to help o.s. (e.g. a host will tell a guest to help o.s. to the food); {madd ʔīdo}
مِدّ إِيْدَك [V] help yourself!
ما بِدَّهْا حَيَا، مِدّ إِيْدَك [S] Don’t be bashful, go right to it
تْفَضَّل مِدّ إِيْدَك [S] Please help yourself
بيْمِدّ إِيْدُو لَلفُقَرَا [P] he helps the poor; {byºmedd ʔīdo lalfuqɑrɑ}
بيْمِدّ إِيْدُو لَلنَّاس [P] he begs from people; {byºmedd ʔīdo la’ºnnās}
مَدّ إِيْدَو لَ [S] to clutch at, reach for
الزّْغِير بِيْمِدّْ إِيْدَو لَكِلّْ شِي بِيْشُوْفَو [S] The little fellow reaches for everything he sees
مَدِّة إِيْدَهْا لَفَرْدَهْا [S] She reached for her gun
مَدَّيْت إِيْدِي لَجَيْبْتِي [S] I reached into my pocket,
مَدّ إِيْدَو لَيِمْسِكِ الحَبِل بَسّ ما لَحَّق [S] He clutched at the rope but missed it
مِدِّ لْسَانَك [P] put out your tongue, stick out your tongue!; {meddᵉ lºsānak}
مَدّ نَظَرَو [S] to extend one’s gaze, strain one’s eyes (to see)
مَدّ نَظَرَو لَيْشُوف شُو كان صَايِر عَنْدْ جِيْرَانَو [S] He strained to see what was going on at his neighbor’s house
مَدَّيْنَا رُوْسْنا حَتَّى نْشُوفَو [S] We craned our necks to see him
عَلَى قَدِّ فْرَاشَك / لْحَافَك مِدِّ اْجرَيْك [P] proverb: stretch out your legs according the length of your bed / blanket
To break down, demolish (ه =
هَدّ ، يْهِدّ
هَدَم، يِهْدُم
اْنهَدَم، يِنِهدِم
To bounce, rebound
طَجّ ، يْطُجّ
الطَابِة بِتطُجّ [P] [P, G] the ball bounces / rebounds; {‘iṭ-ṭᾱbe bitṭojj}
الشَكّ بيْطُجّ [P] the check bounces; {‘iš-šakk byºṭojj}
هالطَّابِة ما بِتْطِجّ [S] This ball doesn’t bounce
To cough
سَعَل، يِسْعُل
To discipline, teach manners (ه = to s.o.)
أَدِّب، يْؤَدِّب