Adverbs / Phrases 1 Flashcards
For short
But, yet, however, although (commonly preceded by a و , as in وَلَكن)
Due to
In addition to
بِالإِضَافَة ل
Except, apart from, else
Other, another; person(s) or thing(s) other than the one(s) in question, other(s)
غَيْر، ج غَيْرَات
فِشّ هَادَا غَيْرَك [P] is there no one other than you?; {fišš hāda ġērak}
غَيْر هَيْك [S] else
قِلْ لِي بْهَيكِ ظْرُوْف شُو كان بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيدِي أَعْمِل غَيْر هَيك [S] Tell me, what else could I do under the circumstances?
لَيْش غَيْر هَيك بِدَّو يَعْمِل مِتِل هَالشِّي [S] Why else would he do a thing like that?
غَيْر هَوْن / هْنِيك [S] where else (هون or هنيك would be used respective of the place in reference)
وَين مِمْكِن يْكُوْن غَيْرِ هْنِيكِ بْهالوَقْتِ مْنِ النّْهَار [S] Where else can he be at this time of day
وَين مِمْكِنِ تْكُوْن غَيْر بِالبَيْت [S] Where else can she be but at home?
شِي تاني = غَيْر شِي [S] anything else, something else
حَدَا غَيْر + إضافة [S] somebody else, anybody else
في حَدَا تانِي هَون = في حَدَا غَيْرْنَا هَوْن [S] Is anybody else here?
أَيّْ شِي تاني = أَيّْ شِي غَيْرَو [S] anything else
وْغَيْر هَيْك = وْغَيْرَو [V] et cetera, apart from that {wºġēr hēk}
صَافْيَان عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) بَسِّ تْنَيْن = مُو صَفْيَان عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) غَيْرِ اْتْنَيْن [S] We have only two left
ما … غَيْر [S] nothing but
ما فَات لَتِمُّهْن غَيْرِ الخِبِز وِالمَيّ [S] They got nothing but bread and water,
أَعتِيْني وَاحَد غَيْرُو [P] give me another one (instead); { ʔɑʕtīny wāḥad ġēro}
غَيْرُو [P] anything else? can I get you anything else? (said by a shop assistant when addressing a customer); {ġēro}
زَمَان أَوَّل غَيْر وِاْليَوْم غَيْر [P] the past is one thing, the present another; {zamān ʔawwal ġēr we’ºlyōm ġēr}
غَيْر نَاس [P] other people; {ġēr nās}
وْغَيْرُو وْغَيْرَاتُو [P] …and so on and so forth; {wºġēro wºġērāto}
بيْحِبّ يْسَاعِدِ الغَيْر [P] he likes to help others; {byºḥebb yºsāʕedᴵ-l-ġēr}
مَا فِيشّ غَيْر هَا الِكْتَاب [P] there is nothing except this book; {ma fišš ġēr ha-l-ᵉkºtāb}
غَيْرُه [L] is there anything else (said as a curt response);
لا، غَيْر مَرَّة [L] no, another time (said as a polite refusal);
هَلَّق بَعْطِيك غَيْرَهْا [L] I’ll give you another one now;
ما عَنَّا (عندنا) غَيْر [L] we have nothing except;
بْتُؤْمُر شِي غَيْرُه [L] do you need anything else?
غَيْر مَرَّة [L] another time;
بَدِّي غَيْر بَطْرَوْن = بَدِّي بَطْرَوْن غَيْرَو [S] I’d like another pattern
عَطِيْنِي غَيْر هَالشَوْكِة، هايّ وِسْخَة [S] Give me another fork, this one’s dirty
غير هيك
Either … or
يا … أو
Each other, one another
I feel like … / I fancy …
جاي ع بالي
As long as, while, as long as (it is true that), since
In, within, in the course of, during
مِن خِلال = خِلال [E] through;
شافَك مِن خِلال الشِبَّاك [E] I saw you through the window;
وِقِع مِن خِلال صوابْعِي [E] it fell through my fingers;
خِلَال زْيَارتُو [P] during his visit
خِلَال سَنِة [P] within a year, in the course
of one year
إِشي شَفَّاف، بِنشُوْف مِن خِلَالُو [P] if something is transparent, (then) we can see through
خِلَال سَنِة [P] within a year, in the course of one year; {ḵilāl sane}
خِلَال سَاعتَيْن بَكُوْن عِندَك [P] I’ll be with you in two hours; {ḵilāl saʕtēn bakūn ʕindak}
خِلَال زْيَارتُو [P] during his visit; {ḵilāl zºyᾱrto}
خِلَال هَا الفَترَة رَح أَكَمِّل [P] within this period of time I will complete….; {ḵilāl ha-l-fɑtrɑ rɑḥ ʔakammel}
هادا مِنْتَظَر يْخَلِّيْك مَشْغُوْل خِلَاْل هالكَمْ جِمْعَة الجَّايِة [S] That should keep you busy for the next few weeks
Way (of doing, manner
طَرِيْقَة، ج طِرُق
على غير العادي
For example
حَتَّى النِهَايِة [P] until the end, right up to the end; {ḥatta-n-nihāye}
حَتَّى يِرجَع [P] until he comes back; {ḥatta yirjaʕ}
عادَةً حَتَّى آخِر شَهْر أَيْلُول [L] usually until the last of September;
كَفِّي دِغْرِي حَتَّى تُوْصَلي حَدّ الفَرْمَشِيَّة، بِتْفُوتِي بِطَرِيق صْغِير عَ الشّمَال [L] continue straight until you reach near the drug store, then you will enter a small road on the left; (note use of ب in the second clause after حتى );
اْسْتَنَّيْنَا بِالسَّيَّارَة لَرِجْعِت [S] We waited in the car until she came back
حَتَّى اِبنُو رَفَض [P] even his son refused; {ḥatta ‘ibno rɑfɑḍ}
حَتَّى لَو كَان بِدُّو [P] even if he had wanted to; {ḥatta law kān biddo}
حَتَّى الرَّجُلِ العادِي بْيِفْهَم هالشِّي [S] Even a layman can understand that,
هادا حَتَّى أَحْسَن [S] That’s even better.
حَتَّى هَلَّق ما لِي قَدْرَاْن اِقِنْعَو [S] Even now I can’t convince him
ما قْدِرِت شُوْفَو حَتَّى [S] I couldn’t even see him
حَتَّى هُوِّ مُو عَرْفَانِ الحَقِيقَة [S] Not even he knows the truth.
حَتَّى وْلَو كان هَيْك [S] even at that
حَتَّى وْلَو كان هَيْك ما بِدْفَع أَكْتِر [S] Even at that wouldn’t pay more
حَتَّى وْلَو كان هَيْك بِيْكُون كْتِيْر [S] Even at that it’ll be too much
اَللهُمَّ حَتَّى [S] let alone…!
حَتَّى هُوِّ ما بْيِفْهَم أَلْمَانِي، اَللهُمَّ حَتَّى يَعْرِف يِحْكِيه [S] He can’t even understand German, let alone talk it
عن جديد
مَرَّة تَانيِة
On behalf of / Instead of
أَنَا بَحمِلهَا عَنَّك [P] I’ll carry it for you / instead of you
أَنَا بَشكُرهَا عَنَّك [P] I’ll thank her on your behalf
عَنْدَك سِلْطَة تِمْضِي هالكَوْنْتْرَاْت عَنَّو [S] Do you have the authority to sign this contract for him?
For (someone’s) sake, for the sake of
كِرْمَاْل + إضافة
لِأَجِل / لِأَجْلِ + اسم
تْأَخَّرِت مِنْشانَك = تْأَخَّرِت لَأَجْلَك [S] was late because of you.
عْمِلْتَهْا لَأَجْلَهْا [S] did it because of her
رِجْعُوا لَبَعْضُهْن كِرْمَالْ الِوْلَاد [S] They went back to each other for the children’s sake,
كُرمَالي [P] for my sake!; {kurmāly}
اِعمَلي هَيْك كُرمَال جَوْزَك [P] do it for your husband’s sake; {‘iʕmaly hēk kurmāl jōzak}
مِشْ كِرْمالَك، كِرْمال لَإِمَّك [L] not for your sake, for your mother’s sake;
كُرْمَال شُو عَم تَعْطِيني رَقَمَك [L] why are you giving me your number?
At most
Leaning towards / Tending to
مايِل على
As for …
أمّا … ف
As usual
متل عادة
In general …
بشكل عام
More/ most likely
الأَرْجَح + جملة [V] the most likely thing is that…;
مِحْتَمَل أَكْتَر شِي هادا يَللي بِيْصِير = الأَرْجَح هادا يَللي بِيْصِير [S] This is what is most likely going to happen
عَ الأَرْجَح [S] in all likelihood
عَ الأَرْجَح بْيَاخُدِ الشَّغْلِة [S] In all likelihood he’ll get the job
عَ الأَرْجَح هَيْك = عَ الأَغْلَب هَيك [S] That’s more likely
To oneself
بينو و بين حالو
كِلّْمَا / كِلّْ مَا
كِلّْمَا عَطَيْتَو أَكْتَر كِلّْمَا بْيِطْلُب أَكْتَر [S] The more you give him the more he wants
كِلّْمَا عَجَّلُوا لْنَا بِالدَّفِع كِلّْمَا كَان أَحْسَن [S] The sooner they pay us the better
Train of thought
حبل أفكاره
Doesn’t mind
ما عنده مانع
Belongs to
Belonging to, for (more examples)
تَبَع، ج تَبَعُول
هَادَا تَبَعي [P] this belongs to me
المَدرَسِة تَبَعنَا = مَدرَسِتنَا [P] our school
تَبَعَهْا [S] hers
تَبَعَو [S] his
تَبَعِي [S] mine
تَبَعُهْن [S] their, theirs
Full of …
حافِل ب
Special, of a special type, particular (ب = to), characteristic (ب = of)
Special, noteworthy
Private, personal (opposite of public)
خَاصّ بِ / في [P] particular to; {ḵᾱṣṣ bi / fy}
هَا المُشكِلِة مُش خَاصَّة فِيْك [P] this problem is not particular to you (i.e. you’re not the only person with this problem); {ha-l-muškile muš ḵᾱṣṣɑ fīk}
شُو الإِشي الخَاصّ في هَايِ الصُوْرَة [P] what’s special about this picture? {šu-l-ʔišy-l-ḵᾱṣṣ fy hāyᴵ-ṣ-ṣūrɑ}
كِلّْ واحِد مِنَّهْا إِلَو ذَوْقَو الخاصّ [S] We each have our individual taste
هُوِّ رْفِيق خَاصّْ إِلَك [S] Is he a particular friend of yours?
لَهِجْتَو خَاصَّة بْهَدِيكِ المَنْطِقَة [S] His dialect is peculiar to that region
هَايِّ غْرَاض الخَاصَّة [S] They’re my personal belongings
أَنَا مْخَلِّيْهَا لَـمْنَاسْبِة خاصَّة [S] I’m saving it for a special occasion
هالقَضِيِّة إِلَهْا وَضِع خَاصّ [S] That’s a special case,
شِفْتِ العَدَدِ الخاصّْ تَبَعِ المَجَلِّة [S] Have you seen the special edition of the magazine?
لَازِم اِتِّبِع حِمْيِة خَاصَّة [S] I have to follow a special diet
هُوِّ صَدِيْق (سَدِيْئ) خاصّْ إِلْنَا [S] He’s a special friend of ours
هالشِّي خاصِّ بْعَصِرْنَا = هالشِّي مِن مُمَيِّزَات عَصِرْنَا [S] That’s characteristic of our time
مْنَاسَبِة خَاصَّة [P] a special occasion; {mºnāsabe ḵᾱṣṣɑ}
عَدَد خَاصّ تَبَعِ الجَرِيْدِة [P] a special edition of the newspaper
مُلك خَاصّ [P] private property; {mulk ḵᾱṣṣ}
هادا مِلْكِي الخَاصّ [S] This is my private property,
That’s why
Compared to
مُقَارَنِةً ب
بِالمُقَارَنِة مَع