Verbs 24 Flashcards
To make an irritatingly loud noise
لَعْلَع، يْلَعْلِع
البارْحَة كان (چان) صَوْتِ الرَّصَاص يْلَعْلِع [I] Yesterday the sound of the gunfire was terribly noisy.
صَوْتَو بِيْلَعْلِع [S] He has a booming voice
To grab, seize, catch (ه =
To grab a handful (ه = of
To grab, catch, pick up (ه = s.o.) (in the context of police, criminals, etc.)
كَمَش، يِكْمُش
اْنكَمَش، يِنْكَمِش
كَمَشِ الحَرَامِي مِن قَبّْتَو [S] He grabbed the thief by the collar
اِكمِش كَمشِة [P] take a handful, grab a
handful (e.g. of nuts)
يا رَيْتِ البَوْلِيْس يِكِمْشُوْهُن [S] I hope the police will get them
غِلْطُوا وْكَمَشُوا إَيْر هَللي كانُوا عَم يْدَوَّرُوا عَلَيْه [S] They got the wrong man
الشِّرْطَة كَمْشِت عِدِّة مَشْبُوهِين [S] The police picked up several suspects.
كَمَشُوه بِالجِّرْمِ المَشْهُوْد [S] He was caught red-handed.
To drag (ه =, pull (ه =
جَرّ، يْجِرّ
اْنجَرّ، يِنجَرّ
مِش لَازِم يِنجَرّ وَرَا عَاطِفتُو [P] he mustn’t let himself get carried away by emotion; {miš lāzem yinjɑrr wɑrɑ ʕᾱṭifto}
اْنْجَرَّيْت لَهَالِـمْجَادَلِة غَصْبًا عَنِّي [S] I’ve been drawn into this argument against my will
الإِحِصْنِة ما قِدْرُوا يْجِرُّوا الحِمْلِ التّْقِيْل [S] The horses were unable to haul the heavy load
جَرُّوْنِي جَرّ مْنِ الفَرْشِة السَّاْعَة سِتِّة على بِكْرَا [S] They hauled me out of bed at six o’clock this morning
سَحِبْتَو مِن طَرَفِ الهُوِّة [S] She pulled him away from the edge of the gorge
كِلّْ مَا بِدِّي اْرُوْح لَشِي مَحَلّ بِنْجِبِر اْجِرّ أَخِي الزّْغِيْر مَعِي [S] Every time I want to go somewhere, I have to drag my little brother along
To joke, tell jokes
نَكَّت، يْنَكِّت
جَوْزي بيْحِبّ يْنَكِّت [P] my husband likes to tell jokes; {jōzy byºḥebb yºnakket}
يْصِيْرُوا يْنَكّْتُوا نِكَت بِشْعَة [L] they start telling terrible jokes
To waste time, mess about, fuck around
To cover up, keep under wraps (ه =, e.g. a scandal)
لَفلَف، يْلَفلِف
تْلَفْلَف، يِتْلَفْلَف
لَفلَفُوْهَا [P] they kept it under wraps
Crazy, obsessed, infatuated (ب = with)
مَهْوُوْس، ج مَهَاْوِيْس
To grow up, be brought up, be educated, be raised
تْرَبَّى، يِترَبَّى
أَنَا تْرَبَّيْت في قَريِة [P] I grew up in a village; { ʔana tºrɑbbēt fy ʠɑrye}
لَازِم يِترَبَّى [P] he needs to be (properly) raised; {lāzem yitrɑbbɑ}
أن شاء الله يتْرَبَّى بْعِزَّك وْدَلالَك [S] may he be brought up with your strength and pampering (a common phrase of well-wishing said to parents about their children);
To be optimistic (ب = about
To regard as a good omen, regard as auspicious (ب =
تْفَاْءَل، يِتْفَاْءَل
أَتْفَاءَل لَك بِالنَّجَاح [I] I predict success for you, I’m optimistic about your success
تْفَاْءَلوا بالخَيْر تَجِدُوه [I] Be optimistic and
you will get it.
أَتْفَاءَل بِالبِلْبِل [I] I always regard the nightingale as a good sign.
To be superstitious, believe that (من = brings bad luck
To be pessimistic, expect the worst
تْشَاءَم، يِتشَاءَم
بَلَاش تِتشَاءَم [P] don’t be so pessimistic
فِيْه نَاس بيْتْشَاءَمُوا مِنِ العَدَدِ تْلَتَّعِش [P] some people are superstitious about the number thirteen; {fīᴴ nās byºtºšāʔamu minᴵ-l-ʕadadᵉ tºlattɑʕᵉš
To attract (ه =
To attract, draw in (ه =, ل = to)
جَلَب، يِجلِب
جَذَب ، يِجذِب
نجَذَب ، يِنجَذِب
أَنَا اْنجَذَبِت لَهَادَا العَمَل [P] I was drawn to that (kind of) work; { ʔana ‘ºnja∂abᵉt lahāda-l-ʕamal}
هُوِّ اْنجَذَب إِلهَا [P] he felt drawn to her, he was attracted to her
عَشَان يِجلِبِ السُوَّاح [P] in order to attract the tourists;
غِرْفِةِ التِّجَارَة عَم تَعْمِل خِطَط لَتِجْلِبِ الصِّنَاعَة لَهَالمَنْطِقَة [S] The Chamber of Commerce is making plans to attract industry to this area,
ما بْتِقْدِر تِجِلْبَو لَهالشَّغْلِة [S] Can’t you interest him in that?
الكَوْنْسَيْر أَكِيْد لَحَ يِجْلِب جَمْعِ كْبِيْر [S] The concert is sure to draw a big crowd
To get, receive
تْلَقَّى، يِتلَقَّى
تْلَقَّى دْرُوْس [P] to took lessons; {tºlɑʠʠɑ dºrūs}
تْلَقَّى عِلَاج [P] he received treatment
To meet each other, run into each other (or مع = with)
To join together
تْلَاْقَى / تْلَاْگَى، يِتْلَاْقَى / يِتْلَاْگَى
تْلَاقَيْنَا = اِلتَقَيْنَا [P] we met; {tºlāqēna = ‘iltaqēna}
مَصِيْرِ الحَيّ بيْتلَاقَى [P] proverb: it is the fate of the living to meet (meaning, our paths will cross again); {mɑṣīrᴵ-l-ḥayy byºtlāqa}
مْنِتْلاقَى الساعة هُوْنِيك لَكَان [L] so, we will meet there;
خَلِّيْنَا نِتْلَاقَى قِدَّامِ السِّيْنَمَا [S] Let’s meet in
the theater,
وَيْن هالطِّرُق بْتِتْلَاقَى [S] Where do these roads join?
To arrest, apprehend (ه = s.o.) (for political reasons)
اْعْتِقَل، يِعْتِقِل
To sway
تْمَاْيَل، يِتْمَاْيَل
شُوفِ البْنَيَّة دا تِتْمَايَلِ بْمَشِيهَا [I] Look at the girl swaying as she walks.
To clear, clear out (ه =
عَزَّل، يعَزِّل
لَازِمِ نعَزِّلِ البِيْر [P] we have to clean out the well / cistern (often referring tot he cistern next to or underneath the house, used for collecting rainwater in winter);
عَزَّلنَا الأَوضَة مِنشَانِ الضْيُوْف [P] we cleared out the room and cleaned it for the guests; {ʕazzalna-l-ʔōḍɑ minšānᴵ-ḍ-ḍºyūf}
مِنْعَزِّلِ البُستَنّ مِن الِحْجَار [P] we clear the garden of stones
To reach, attain (ه =
بَلَغ، يِبْلُغ
بَسّ يُبلُغ سِنِّ الرُشد [P] as soon as he reaches maturity; {bass yubloġ sinnᴵ-r-rošd}
الخَسَايِر بَلْغِت آلَاف وْآلَاف [S] The casualties ran into the thousands
الفَوَاتِيْر (الفَوَتِيْر) بْتِصَل لَمِيْت دَوْلَاْر = الفَوَاتِيْر (الفَوَتِيْر) بْتِبْلُغ مِيْت دَوْلَاْر [S] The bills figure up to a hundred dollars
كا لَا بِدّْ إِلَّا الأُمُوْر تِبْلُغ حَدَّهْا [S] Things had to come to a head sooner or later
بَلَغ سِنِّ الرِشِد [S] to come of age
To have, possess;
(usually with abstract nouns, like to possess certain skills, etc.)
اْمْتَلَك، يِمْتِلِك
To be heard
To be hearable
اْنْسَمَع، يِنْسِمِع
الصَّوْت بْيِنْسِمِعِ مْنِيْح بِاللَيْل = الصَّوْت بِيْوَصِّل لَبْعِيد بِاللَيْل [S] sound carries well at night.
To be tasted
اْنْدَاْق، يِنْدَاْق
If, whether
(conditional conjunction, contraction of إِن كان . However, in dialect it can take pronoun suffixes)
(the word can also take pronoun suffixes, like نْكَنَّه , if he)
اِسْأَلَه نْكانَه يِبِي يَاكِل [G] ask him if he wants to eat
نْكَنَّه (نْچَنَّه) يْحِبّْنِي يَعْطِيني شْوَيّْة فُلُوْس [G] if he loves me, he gives me some money
نْكان (نْچَان) نَجَح رِحِت هَنَّيتَه [G] if he had succeed, I would have gone to congratulate him
جِيبُوا لَحِم، نْكان لَحِم اوْ دْجَاج [G] bring meat, whether red meat or chicken (this shows one of the things about the word لحم . It can mean meat in general or specifically red meat)
مَا اْهتَمِّش يِعرَف إِن كَانّي فَاضي [P] he didn’t concern himself with finding out whether or not I was free
To make different, diversify, variegate, add variety to (ه =
نَوَّع، يْنَوِّع
تْنَوَّع، يِتْنَوَّع
شَكَّل ، يْشَكِّل
تْشَكَّل، يِتْشَكَّل
كُلّْما تِتْنَوَّع بِضَاعَتْنَا، شُغُلْنَا يِتْحَسَّن [I] The more diversified our goods are, the more our business improves.
يْنَوِّعِ بْ أَحَادِيثَه. مَرَّة أَخْبَار، مَرَّة قُصَص، مَرَّة فَلْسَفَة [I] He inserts variety in his speeches; one time current events, then stories, then philosophy,
لَو الشَّرِكَة تْنَوِّعِ الحاجاتِ لْ تِشْتِرِيها مْنِ الخارِج، كان (چان) يْصِير عَلَيهَا إقْبَال [I] If the company diversified the goods that it buys from abroad, there would be a demand for them.
To kiss (in a sexual way), smooch, (and hence also) to make out
كَجْكَج، يْكَجْكِج
كَجْكَجْتَهْا [L] I made out with her
شْوَيِّة كَجْكَجِة [L] a bit of smooching