Adverbs / Phrases 2 Flashcards
Many thanks
مِتْشَكِّرِ كتِير
أَلْف شِكِر
Absence, lack, in-, im- (in nouns)
لَعَدَم تَوَفُّر + إضافة [S] for lack of
لَعَدَم وُجُوْد + إضافة [S] for lack of
Hardly ever
نَاْدِر مَا
Addict (على = to / on)
مُدمِن، ج مُدمِنِيْن
بَجِيْب مِن جَمِيْعِ الخُضرَوَات [P] I bring vegetables of all kinds; {bajīb min jamīʕᴵ-l-ḵuḍrɑwᾱt}
جَمِيْعِ الدُوَل [P] all the countries / all countries; {jamīʕᴵ-d-duwal}
الله يِفرِجهَا عَلَى الجَمِيْع [P] may God make easier on all
As you wish
عَلَى كَيْفَك
Both of (us, you, them)
تْنَيْنَاتْنَا زِرْنَاْه [S] We both visited
تْنَيْنَاتكُم [P] both of you, you two
I beg you!; I implore you!
دَخِيلَك / دَخِيلِك / دَخِيلْكُن
Who, which, that; here: the one that…, he who…
اِلّي / اللي / يَلْلِي / يَلِّي
الوَلَدِ اللي شُفتُو [P] the boy whom I saw; {‘il-waladᴵ-l-ly šufto}
البِنتِ اللي شُفتهَا [P] the girl whom I saw; {‘il-bintᴵ-l-ly šuftha}
عَشَان هَيْك قُلتِ اللي قُلتُو [P] because of that I said what I said (here the resumptive pronoun is just the generic “it”); {ʕašān hēk qultᴵ-l-ly qulto}
اِلّي جَابُوْه مِش رَح يْكَفّي [P] what they’ve brought won’t be sufficient; {‘illy jābūᴴ miš rɑḥ yºkaffy}
اِلّي جِبتِ اْلَّكِ اْيَّاه [P] that which I brought for you; {‘illy jibtᴵ ‘ºllakᴵ ‘ºyyāᴴ}
بْتِندَم عَ اللي عْمِلتُو [P] are you sorry for you did; {bºtindam ʕa-l-ly ʕºmelto}
الزَلَمِة اْلّي شُفنَاه [P] the man whom we saw / the man we saw; {‘iz-zalame ‘ºlly šufnāᴴ}
أَنَا سْمِعِتِ اللي قُلتِيْه [P] I heard what you said; { ʔana sºmeʕᵉtᴵ-l-ly qultīᴴ}
السَيَّارَة اْلّي اْشتَرَاهَا [P] the car which he brought; {‘is-sayyᾱrɑ ‘ºlly ‘ºštarāha}
النَاسِ اللي بيْفَكّرُوا هَيْك [P] the people who think like that; {‘in-nāsᴵ-l-ly byºfakkru hēk}
بِاْلّي [P] in what, with what; {bi’ºlly}
بيْكتَفي بِلّي عِندُو [P] he is content with what he has
لَاحَظْتِ الزَّلَمِة يَللي هَلَّق مَرَق [S] Did you notice just passed by?
الصَّدِيْق يَللي عَطِيْتَو يَاها كان مِحْتَاج لَهْا (مِحْتَجْ لَا) كْتِير [S] The friend to whom I gave it needed it badly
هَايِّ السِّتّ يَللي لَقَيْت شَنْتَايِتَهْا مْبَارِح [S] There’s the lady whose bag you found yesterday.
هادا تَمَام يَللي كِنْت رَايِد اِتْفَادَاه [S] That’s just what I wanted to avoid
شِكْرًا عَ الِكْفُوفِ الحِلْوِين. هادا يَللي كان لازِمْنِي بْعَيْنَو [S] Thank you for these pretty gloves. They’re just what I needed
مِن فَضْلَك رَجِّع الِكْتَاب يَللي اْسْتْعِرْتَو [S] Please return the book which you borrowed
هادا البَيْت يَللي كِنْت ساكِن فِيه [S] This is the house where I used to live
بِالبَلَد يَللي عِشِت فِيْهَا أَحْيَانًاِ المَطَر بْتِنْزِل لَمِدِّة أَسَابِيع (أَسَبِيْع) [S] Where I come from it sometimes rains for weeks
يَللي حَاطِط كِزْلُك بِالصَّفِّ التَّانِي إِسْتَاذِي [S] The one with the glasses in the second row is my teacher
اِلّي قَال لَك هَيْك [P] whoever told you that
Greetings, regards, best wishes
تَحِيِّة، ج تَحِيَّاْت
بَعَتُوا لَو التَذَاكِر مَع تَحِيَّاتِ الإِدَارَة [S] They sent him the tickets with the compliments of the management.
ما اْنْتَبَه لَتَحِيْتِي [S] He didn’t notice my greeting,
بَعَتُوْ لْنَا تَحِيَّات مِن رَوْمَا [S] They sent us greetings from Rome
بَلِّغ تَحِّيَّاتِي لِلسِّتّ = سَلِّم لِي عَ المَدَام [S] Give my regards to your wife
مَع تَحِيِّةِ المُؤَلِّف [P] with best wishes from the author;
Call me
Stop beating around the bush and get to the point
حاحة تبرم الموضوع, هات من الآخر
When [something] arises
وقت يصير
With disgust
ما هيك ؟
Turning point
نِقْطِة تَحَوُّل
Etc, etc
إلخ، إلخ
As a matter of principle
To pay one’s respects to
قَدَّم اِحْتِرَامَاتَو لَ
It’s apparent that
الظَّاهِر إِنّ
الظاهر إنّه ما رح يجي اليوم.
(Ez-zāher inno ma raḥ yījī el-yawm.)
“It seems that he won’t come today.”
• الظاهر إنّه في زحمة عالطريق.
(Ez-zāher inno fī zaḥme ʿaṭ-ṭarīʾ.)
“It appears that there’s traffic on the road.”
• الظاهر إنّه خلصوا الكهرباء. (Ez-zāher inno khalaṣo el-kahrabā.) “It seems that the electricity is out.”
On the face of it
عَ الظَّاهِر
بِالظَّاهِر = حَسَبِ الظَّاهِر
In plain view
ظَاْهِر مِتْلِ الكَفّ
Temporary arrangement
تَدبِيْرِ مْوَڥَّت
Pan-Arab nationalism
القومية العربية
طُول + إضافة
الوَلَد بِقِي يِبْكِي طُوْلِ اللَيْل [S] The child cried all night long
بْقِيْنَا بِالجّْنَيْنِة طُوْلِ النّْهَاْر [S] We had been in the garden all day long
طُوْلِ السَنِة [P] all year long; {ṭūlᴵ-s-sane}
طُوْلِ النْهَار [P] all day long; {ṭūlᴵ-n-nºhᾱr}
طُوْلِ اللَيْل [P] all night long; {ṭūlᴵ-l-lēl}
طُوْل بَعدِ الضُهُر [P] all afternoon, throughout the afternoon; {ṭūl baʕdᴵ-ḍ-ḍuhᵒr}
طُوْلِ السِّنِة [S] all the year round
تْضَحَّكْنَا طُوْلِ الفِلِم [S] We laughed through the whole film
فِيكِ تْلاقِي هالخِضْرَا طُولِ السِّنِة [S] You can get these vegetables throughout the whole year,
صار لِي طُوْلِ النّْهَار عَم اِنْتِظِر [S] I’ve been waiting all day.
طُوْل الوَقِت [S] all along, all the time
كِنِت عَلى طُوْل دَرْيَان فِيْهَا [S] I’ve known about it all the time
هادَا يَلِّي قِلْتَو على طُوْل [S] This is what I said all along
عَم تِشْتِغِل طُوْلِ الوَقِت هَلَّق [S] Are you working full time now?
Entirely, completely
In the long term
عَلَى المَدَى الطَوِيْل
In the short term
عَلَى المَدَى الڥَرِيْب