Nouns 11 Flashcards
Inspector, observer, controller, comptroller, censor
مْرَاْقِب، ج مْرَاْقِبِيْن
اْنتِقَاد، ج اْنتِقَادَات
ما فِيه يِتْحَمَّلِ الاِنْتِقَاد [S] He can’t stand criticism,
ما كانِت شاطْرَة بْشِي غَيْرِ الاِنْتِقَاد [S] She had nothing to offer but criticism
بْنِسمَعِ اْنتِقَادَات مِنِ الطُلَّاب [P] we hear criticisms from the students; {bºnismaʕᴵ ‘ºntiʠᾱdᾱt minᴵ-ṭ-ṭullᾱb}
بْيِنتَقِدِ اْنتِقَاد بَنَّاء [P] his criticizes constructively; {bºyintaʠedᴵ ‘ºntiʠᾱd bannāʔÅ}
اْنتِقَادَات بَنَّاءَة [P] constructive criticisms; {‘ºntiʠᾱdᾱt bannāʔÅa}
الاِنتِقَادَاتِ اللي بيْوَجّْهُوْلُو اْيَّاهَا [P] the criticisms they direct at him
Background (metaphorical)
هَادَا سَار عَلَى خَلفِيِّة = It took place against a backdrop of…
Background (of a patterned fabric, painting, etc.)
اْحتِجَاج، ج اْحتِجَاجَات
Claim (i.e. to land, property etc.)
مْطَاْلَبِة، ج مْطَاْلَبَاْت
مْطالَبْتَو بِالأَرِض ما عادِت صَحِيحَة [S] His claim to the land is no longer valid,
Placard, poster, sign, banner
لَافِتِة، ج لَافِتَات
بيْعَلّْقُوا لَافِتَات [P] they put up posters; {byºʕallºqu lāfitāt}
كَان فِيْه لَافِتَات بِعَرضِ الشَارِع [P] there were banners (hung) across the street; {kān fīᴴ lāfitāt biʕɑrḍᴵ-š-šāreʕ}
شُو مَكتُوْب عَلَى اللَافِتِة هَاي [P] what’s written on that placard
Acquisition (على)
تَوْقِيْع، ج تَوَاْقِيْع
إِمضَا / إِمضَاء، ج إِمضَايَات
اِعْتِبَاْر، ج اِعْتِبَاْرَاْت
مَا عَنْدَو اِعْتِبَار أَبَدًا لِلْغَيْر [S] He has no regard at all for others.
أَخَدِ بْعَيْنِ الاِعْتِبار [S] To take into
لازِم ناخُد عِمْرَو بْعَيْنِ الاِعْتِبَار [S] We have to consider his age.
في عِدِّة أَشْيَا لازِم ناخِدَهْا بْعَيْنِ الاِعْتِبار = في عِدِّة أَشْيَا لازِم نِفْتِكِر فِيْهَا = في عِدِّة أَشْيَا لازِمِ نْفَكِّر فِيهَا [S] We have to take several things into consideration,
فِي تْلِتْة اِعْتِبَارَات لازِم ما نِدْجاهَلُهْن [S] There are three considerations which we should not overlook,
أَخَدنَا بْعَيْنِ الاِعتِبَار مَطَالِبِ السُكَّان [P] we took into consideration the residents’ requests; { ʔaḵadna bºʕēnᴵ-l-‘iʕtibᾱr mɑṭᾱlebᴵ-s-sukkān}
طَلَبِت ياخْدُوا رْسَالْتَو بْعَيْنِ الاِعْتِبَار [S] asked that his letter be given special attention
Hiding place
مَخبَا، ج مَخَابي
طِلِع مِن مَخبَاه [P] he emerged from his hiding place
Race, breed
عِنْصُر، ج عَنَاْصِر
مُسَاوَاتِ العَنَاصِر [P] racial equality, equality of the races; {musāwātᴵ-l-ʕɑnᾱṣer}
ما فِي شِي اِسْمَو عِنْصُر خَالِص [S] There is no such thing as a pure race,
العَنَاصِرِ المُعتَدِلِة [P] moderate elements (in society); {‘il-ʕɑnᾱṣerᴵ-l-muʕtadile}
القِصِّة فِيْهَا كِلّْ عَنَاصِرِ المَهْزَلِة الرّْخِيْصَة [S] The story has all the ingredients of slapstick comedy
كَم عِنْصُر كِيْماوِي بْتَعْرِف [S] How many chemical elements do you know?
فِي عِنْصُر كِرْدِي قَوِي بْهالمَنْطِقَة [S] There is a strong Kurdish element in that area,
القِدَمَا عِرْفُوا أَرْبَع عَنَاصِر هِنِّة النَّار وِالمَاء وِالأَرْض وِالهَوَا [S] The ancients knew four elements: fire, water earth, and air
عَنَاصِر طَبِيعِيِّة [S] natural elements
طُوْل تَعَرُّض هالقَوْم لِلعَنَاصِرِ الطَّبِيعِيِّة جَعَلُهْن يِتْحَلُّوا بِالِخْشُونِة [S] Long exposure to the elements has made these people a hardy lot
Expression, phrase
تَعْبِيْر، ج تَعْبِيْرَاْت / تَعَاْبِيْر
التَعبِيْر عَن شُعُوْرُو [P] expressing his feelings; {‘it-taʕbīr ʕan šuʕūro}
تَعبِيْرِ الوُجِه [P] facial expression; {taʕbīrᴵ-l-wujᵉh}
قُوِّةِ التَعبِيْر [P] power of expression; {quwweᴵ-t-taʕbīr}
هادا شُعُوْر صَعْبِ التَّعْبِير عَنَّو بْكَلَام [S] It’s a feeling that is hard to put into words
Follower, adherent
تَابِع، ج أَتبَاع
Framework, structure (metaphorical, e.g. institution, government, school, education )
إِطَار، ج أُطُر
في إِطَار عَمَلُو [P] in the context of his work; {fy ʔiṭᾱr ʕamalo}
أَولَاد خَارِج إِطَارِ الزَوَاج [P] children born outside the marital framework; { ʔawlād ḵārej ʔiṭᾱrᴵ-z-zawāj}
خَارِج إِطَارِ المَدرَسِة [P] outside the school system; {ḵārej ʔiṭᾱrᴵ-l-madrase}
أَنَا جِيْت لِإِطَار مَوجُوْد [P] I’ve entered an existing framework / system; { ʔana jīt liʔ€iṭᾱr mawjūd}
فِيْه عِدِّة أُطُر [P] there is a variety of frameworks;
دَوْرِيِّة، ج دَوْرِيَّاْت
بيْقُوْم بْدَورِيِّة [P] they carry out a patrol; {byºqūm bºdawriyye}
دَورِيِّةِ البُولِيْس [P] police patrol; {dawriyyeᴵ-l-bulīs}
نَصَبُوا كَمِيْن لَلدَّورِيِّة [P] they set an ambush for the patrol; {nɑṣɑbu kamīn la’ºddawriyye}
بَعَتْنَا دَوْرِيِّة لِلاِسْتِكْشَاف [S] We sent a patrol out to reconnoiter
سَيَّارِة دَوْرِيِّة [S] squad car
Settlement, colony
مُستَوطَنِة، ج مُستَوطَنَات
Youth, young days
أَيَّام شَبَابي [P] in my young days / when I was young
رَاْيِة، ج رَاْيَاْت
Supply and demand
العَرض وِالطَلَب
Fire, blaze
حَرِيْق / حَرِيْقَة، ج حَرَاْيِق
Fire extinguisher
طَفَّايِة حَرِيْق
Enlistment, mobilisation, recruitment, draft
Slaughter, butchering
دَبِح (دَبْح)
Emotionalism, emotionality, sentimentality
Despair, desperation
كَانِ مْبَيِّن عَلَيْه كْتِير يائِس لَـمّا وِصِل لَهَوْن [S] He seemed to be very desperate when he first arrived,
السَّائِق عِمِلِ مْحاوَلِة يائْسِة لَيِتْفَادَى الأَكْسِيْضَاْن [S] The driver made a desperate move to avoid the accident
عِمِل مَجْهُوْدَاْت يَائِس لَيْخَلِّص حالَو [S] He made frantic efforts to free himself
مِن يَأْسُو عِمِل هَيْك [P] he did it out of desperation; {min yaʔ¡ºso ʕimel hēk}
سِنِّ اليَأْس [P] menopause (literally: the age of despair. And yes, this is the word for it); {sinnᴵ-l-yaʔ¡ºs}
بَلغَت سِنِّ اليَأْس [P] she reached menopause; {balġat sinnᴵ-l-yaʔ¡ºs}
بْحالِة يَإِسِ الإِنْسان بْيِتْعَلَّقِ بْقَشِّة [S] In despair, man grasps at any straw
سَبَب يَإِس [S] despair, source of despair, cause of despair, as in:
هُوِّ سَبَ يَإِس أَبُوه وْإِمَّو [S] He’s the despair of his parents
حالِة يَإِس [S] distress
البَاخْرَة كانِتِ بْحالِة يَإِس [S] The ship was in distress
Laughter, laugh
مَاتِت مْنِ الضِّحِك [S] She shook with laughter
ضُحكُو مِّش طَبِيْعي [P] his laugh is not natural (it sounds forced); {ḍuḥko mmiš ṭɑbīʕy}
مُتنَا مِنِ الضُحُك [P] we died of laughing (i.e. we laughed a lot);
Scream, screaming, shout, shouting, yelling
كان فِيك تِسْمَع جَعِيْرَو مِن على نِصّْ كِيْلَوْمِتِر [S] You could hear his roar for half a kilometer
بَلَّش هيدا العَرِيف على الجَّعِير والصَّرِيخ [L] this head guy starts shouting and yelling
وْأَنَا مَوْجُوع صَرِيخِي واصِل عِنْد الله وْهِيِّ عَم بِتْشَكْشِك بَقٔى، عَمْ بِتْشَكْشِك. [L] I’m in agony! My screams are going up to God. She kept jabbing and jabbing.
Slander, malicious gossip
تَنْهِيْدِة، ج تَنْهِيْدَاْت
هَرْطُوْقِي، ج هَرَاْطْقَة
Appearance (I.e. one’s appearance and something’s appearance in general)
مَظْهَر، ج مَظَاْهِر
الإِنسَان بِتهِمُّو المَظَاهِر [P] people care about how things look; {‘il-ʔinsān bithimmo-l-mɑẓᾱher}
بَسّْ لِلْمَظَاهِر [S] just for appearances
اْشْتَرَى هالسَّيَّارَة الغالْيِة بَسّْ لِلمَظَاهِر [S] He bought that expensive car just for show.
لازِم تْعْطِنِي بْمَظْهَرَك أَكْتَر [S] You have to pay more attention to your appearance
ما بِحْكُم عَ المَظَاهِرِ بْنَوْب [S] never judge by appearances,
المَظَاهِر بِتْغِرّ [S] Appearances are deceiving
Sum, amount (of money)
مَبْلَغ، ج مَبَاْلِغ
Stone, rock
حَجَر، حْجَار / أَحجَار
حَجَرة، ج حَجَرَاْت
Belief, teaching
عَقِيْدِة، ج عَقَاْئِد
عِمْلَاْق، ج عَمَاْلْقَة
إِيْقَاع مِرِح [P] a lively rhythm; { ʔīʠᾱʕ mireḥ}
لَازِم يِتقِنِ الإِيْقَاع [P] he has to master the rhythm;
سَبَق، ج سَبَقَاْت
أَيْمْتَى بْيِبْدَا السَّبَق [S] When does the race start?
رَايِح على سَبَق / سَبَقَاتِ البِسِكْلَيْتَاْت [S] Are you going to the bicycle races?
نَشَاط، ج نَشَاطَات
فَعَّالِيِّة، المؤنث: فَعَّالِيَّات
فَعَّالِيَّاتِ الشِركِة [P] activities of the company
النَّشَاط هَونِ كْتِيْر قَلِيل إِيَّام اِلأَحَد [S] There’s very little activity around here on Sundays
في عَنْدَهْا نَشَاط اِجْتِماعِي وَاسِع [S] She engages in a lot of social activities,
اِحكِيْلْنَا عَن نَشَاتَكِ الفَنّي [P] tell us about your artistic activities; {‘iḥkīlºna ʕan nɑšᾱtakᴵ-l-fanny}
نَشَاطَاِ اْجتِمَاعِيِّة [P] social activities; {našᾱṭᾱᴵ ‘ºjtimāʕiyye}
المَرِيْض رِجِع لَنَشَاطُو [P] the patient has resumed normal activities; {‘il-mɑrīḍ rijeʕ lanɑšᾱṭo}
Disagreement, conflict, argument, dispute, controversy, difference of opinion;
خِلَاْف، ج خِلَاْفَاْت
صَار في خِلَاف بَيْنهُم [P] they had a disagreement / difference of opinoin; {ṣᾱr fy ḵilāf bēnhom}
إِذَا بيْصِيْر فِيْه خِلَافَات [P] if there are differences of opinion; { ʔi∂a byºṣīr fīᴴ ḵilāfāt}
اْشتَدِّ الخِلَاف [P] the conflict has intensified; {‘ºštaddᴵ-l-ḵilāf}
أَنهَيْنَا الخِلَاف [P] we’ve ended the conflict; { ʔanhēna-l-ḵilāf}
فَضَّيْنَا الخِلَاف [P] we broke up / put an end to the dispute; {fɑḍḍēna-l-ḵilāf}
الخِلَافَات مَوجُوْدِة في كُلّ مُجتَمَع [P] conflicts exist in every society; {‘il-ḵilāfāt mawjūde fy kull mujtamaʕ}
هالخِلَاف كان لا بِدّْ مِنَّو عاجِلًا أَو آجِلًا [S] This conflict was bound to break out sooner or later.
الجَّرِيدِة نَشْرِت وِجِهْتَينِ النَّظَرِ التِنْتَيْن تَبَعِ الخِلَاف [S] The newspaper published both sides of the controversy
على شُو كان خِلَافْكُهْن [S] What was your disagreement about?
الخِلَاف حَوْلْ الِحْدُوْد صارْ لَو (صَرْلَو) سْنِين وْسْنِين [S] The border dispute has been going on for years.
كان خِلاف بَسِيط بَسّ [S] It was just a little argument.
Wild animal, beast, monster
وَحش / وَحِش، ج وُحُوْش
Pact, treaty
مْعَاْهَدِة، ج مْعَاْهَدَاْت
الِـمْعَاهَدِة التِّجَارِيِّة تْجَدَّدِت لَخَمْسِ سْنِين تَانْيَاْت [S] The commercial treaty was renewed for another five years
Material, substance
Material (e.g. for a course, class)
مَاْدِّة، ج مَوَاْدّ
Fabric, textile
مَنْسُوْج، ج مَنْسُوْجَاْت
صِنَاعَةِ المَنسُوْجَات [P] the textile industry; {ṣinᾱʕaᴵ-l-mansūjāt}
كَانُوا عَارْضِين شِي مَنْسُوْجَاْت بِالمَعْرَض [S] Did they show textiles at the fair?
أَكْتَرِ الصِّنَاعَة بْهالمَنْطِقَة صِنَاعِة مَنْسُوْجَاْت [S] There’s mostly textile industry in this area
Security, guarantee
ضَمَاْنِة، ج ضَمَاْنَاْت
سَلَف، ج أَسْلَاْف
خَلِيْفِة، ج خِلَفَا
Pact, charter
مِيْثَاْق، ج مَوَاْثِيْق (مَوَثِيْق)
تَعْوِيْض، ج تَعْوِيْضَاْت
هَادَا تَعوِيْض عَنِ الضَرَر [P] this is compensation for the damage; {hāda taʕwīḍ ʕanᴵ-ḍ-ḍɑrɑr}
طَلَبنَا تَعوِيْضَات [P] we asked for compensation; {ṭɑlɑbna taʕwīḍᾱt}
بِطْلُب تَعْوِيض كامِل [S] demand full compensation
مْفَاْجَأَة، ج مْفَاْجَآت
مَغْوَاْر، ج مْغَاْوِيْر (مَغَوِيْر)
خْسَاْرَة، ج خْسَاْيِر
خَسَاْيِر : losses, casualties
خَسَايِرنَا بْأَفْرِيقْيَا كانِت بَسِيطَة نِسْبِيًّا [S] Our casualties in Africa were relatively small,
بِخْسَاْرَة [S] at a loss
بِعِت سَيَّارْتِي بِخْسَارَة [S] I sold my car at a loss
صَابِتُهْن خَسَايِر فَاضْحَة [S] They suffered heavy losses
بِعْتِ البَيْت بِخْسَارَة [S] I sold the house at a loss
Conversation, talk (also diplomatic)
مْحَاْدَثِة، ج مْحَاْدَثَاْت
كَان فِيْه مُحَادَسَات بَيْنِ الجِيْرَان [P] there were discussions among the neighbors; {kān fīᴴ muḥādasāt bēnᴵ-l-jīrᾱn}
الطَّرَفَيْن قَرَّرُوا قَطِع الِـمْحادَثَات [S] Both sides decided to break off their talks
الِـمْحادَسَات بَين مَنْدُوبِيْنِ الدَّ,ْلَين كانِت مِثِمْرَة كْتِير [S] The conversations between the representatives of the two countries were very fruitful.
Mediator, broker, middleman
وَسِيْط، ج وِسَطَا
Headache, migraine
صُداع نِصْفي
صداع الشقيقي
خَدِش (خَدْش)، ج خْدُوْش
خَدْشة، ج خَدْشَاْت
a (single) scratch (instance noun)
Tumor, swelling
وَرَم، ج أَوْرَاْم
مِيْزان حَرَارة
Ray, beam
شُعَاع، ج أَشِعَّة
أَشِعَّةِ الشَمس [P] the rays of the sun, the sun’s rays; { ʔašiʕʕaᴵ-š-šams}
صَوَّرُوْه بِالأَشِعَّة [P] they X-rayed him; {ṣɑwwɑrūᴴ bi-l-ʔ¡ašiʕʕa}
عَمَلِيِّة بِأَشِعَّة لَيْزِر [P] laser treatment; {ʕamaliyye biʔ¡ašiʕʕa lēzer}
عِملُوْلُو عِلَاج بِالأَشِعَّة [P] they gave him radiation treatment; {ʕimlūlo ʕilāj bi-l-ʔašiʕʕa}
الأَشِعَّة فَوْقِ البَنَفسَجِيِّة [P] ultraviolet rays; {‘il-ʔ¡ašiʕʕa fōqᴵ-l-banafsajiyye}
البَلَّورِ العادِي بْيِمْنَع نَفَادِ الأَشِعَّة فَوقِ البَنَفْسَجِيِّة [S] Ordinary glass keeps out ultraviolet rays
أَشِعَّة فَوْقِ البَنَفْسَجِي [S] ultraviolet rays
أَشِعِّة رُنْتْجِن / رُنْدْجِن [S] X-ray (said rondjen, but the proper spelling is رُنْتْجِن , from the German scientist Wilhelm Röntgen who discovered it. Note that when referring to X-rays, it is often just shortened to أَشِعَّة)
مِينِ اْكْتَشَف أَشِعِّة رُنْتْجِن [S] Who discovered the X ray?
في شْعَاع ضَوّْ فاتِ مْنِ الشِّبَّاك [S] A beam of light came through the window,
شُو طِلْعِت نَتِيجِة صُوْرْةِ الأَشِعَّة اللي عَامِل لي يَاها [L] what is the result of the X-rays that you did for me
Dose (of medicine, an inoculation)
جَرْعَة، ج جَرْعَاْت
خُد تَلَت جُرْعا مِن الدَوا يَوْمِيًّا [E] take three doses of medicine daily
The right thing
صْحِيْح / صَحِيْح، ج صْحَاح
أَقُل لَكِ الصَحِيْح [P] should I tell you truth; { ʔaqul lakᴵ-ṣ-ṣɑḥīḥ}
عِمِلِ الإِشي الصَحِيْح [P] he did the right thing
Sweets, confections, pastries
Role, part, turn
دَوْر، ج أَدْوَاْر
(Special) occasion
مُناسْبة، ج مُناسْبَاْت
حَفِيْد، ج أَحفَاد
Respecting, honoring, showing respect (to s.o. /
تَكرِيْمِ الوَالِدَيْن [P] honoring / showing respect for one’s parents
غَسِل دِمَاغ
Youth, young people
Hot spell, heat, hotness, hot weather
شَوْبِة، ج شَوْبَاْت
يِقْطَع الصَيْف وْشَوْباتُو [L] damn summer and its heat; (يقطع الصيف وحرَّهُ)
قَدَّيْشِ بْتَعْتِقِد هالشَّوْبِة بَدَّهْا تِبْقَى [S] How long do you think this hot spell will last?
مُتَنَمِّر، ج مُتَنَمِّرُوْن
Life, way of life, lifestyle
بْيِكِسْبُوا مَعِيْشِتُهْن بِالصَّيْد [S] They gain their livelihood by hunting
مِسْتَوَى المَعِيْشِة [S] standard of living
كِيْف بْيِسْحَب مَعِيْشْتَو [S] How does he earn his bread?
مُستَوَى المَعِيْشِة [P] the standard of living; {mustawa-l-maʕīše}
غَلَاءِ المَعِيْشِة [P] cost of living; {ġalāʔÅᴵ-l-maʕīše}
بيْطَلِّع مَعِيْشتُو [P] he makes a living
Military rank
رِتْبِة، ج رِتَب
رُتَبِ الجَيْش [P] military ranks; {rutabᴵ-l-jēš}
شُوْ رُتِبتُو [P] what is his rank; {šū rutᵉbto}
عَلَامِةِ الرُتبِة [P] military: insignia of rank; {ʕalāmeᴵ-r-rutbe}
شُو رِتْبِة هالظَّابِط [S] What’s that officer’s rank?