Verbs 14 Flashcards
To persecute (ه = s.o.)
ضطَهَد، يَضطَهِد
To mislead, cause to make a mistake (ه = s.o.)
غَلَّط، يْغَلِّط
غَلَّطني [P] he made me make a mistake
To quote, cite (ب =
اْستَشهَد، يَستَشهِد
اْسْتَشْهَدِ بْكِتَّاب مَشْهُوْرِين بِخْطابَو [S] He cited well-known authors in his speech
To be robbed, have something stolen (from oneself)
To be stolen, get stolen
اْنسَرَق، يِنِسرِق
أَنَا اْنسَرَڥِت [P] I was robbed
المَصَاري اللي اْنسَرڥَت [P] the money that was stolen / that got stolen
اْنْسَرَق جِزْدان مَرْتِي [V] my wife’s purse was stolen
To organize, arrange, put in order (ه =; (also translated as to straighten up, tidy up, work out, draw up, fix up)
رَتَّب ، يْرَتِّب
مِين رَتَّبِ الكِتِب [S] Who arranged the
لَازِمِ نْرَتِّبِ الأَوضَة [P] we must tidy up the room;
هَنْدِز أُوْضْتَك قَبِل ما يِجُوا الضّْيُوْف [S] Put your room in order before the company arrives
عَم يْرَتِّب أَشْغَالَو [S] He’s putting his affairs in order
مِن فَضْلَك رَتِّبِ الأُوْضَة إِذَا بِتْرِيد [S] Will you please straighten up the room
لازِم اْرَتِّب أُوْضْتِي شْوَيِّة [S] I’ve got to tidy up my room a little
To relax, loosen, slacken (ه =
رَخَّى ، يْرَخّي
رَخّي حَالَك [P] relax, loosen up!
رَخَّيْتِ الحَبِل [P] I loosened the rope
To rest, relax, take a break;
(often said to guests to mean: sit down and be at ease)
سْتْرَاْح ، يِسْتْرِيْح
تْفَضَّلِ اْستْرِيْح [P] [S] please sit down and rest!, make yourself comfortable!
خَلِّيْنَا نِسْتْرِيحِ شْوَيِّة [S] Let’s take a short rest,
خَلِّيْنَا نِسْتْرِيْحِ لْنَا (نِسْتْرِحِ لْنَا) شْوَيِّة هَلَّق [S] let’s take a break now
To take (ه = s.o.) for a visit / trip
زَوَّر، يْزَوِّر
زَوَّرنَا القَريِة [P] he took us to visit the village
To make a vow
نَدَر، يُندُر / يِندِر
اْلّي بيْندِر نِدِر لَازِم يُوْفِيْه [P] he who makes a vow must keep it;
نَدَر المَلِك أَنُّه إِذا بيجيه مَولُود، بَدُّه يِدَرِّج نَهِر عَسِل وْنَهِر دِبْس [L] the king vowed that if he had a child, he would make (grade / dig) a river of molasses and a river of honey;
To declare, state ( ه / ب =, or إن = that
To declare (ب / على =, e.g. on a form, in taxes, for customs, etc.);
صَرَّح، يْصَرِّح
صَرَّح بِمَصاري وْبِهدِيَّة [V] he declared money and a gift (at customs in an airport);
ما اْصَرِّح بِشِي [V] I have nothing to declare;
بيْصَرِّح عَلَى أَلفَيْن شَيْكِل [P] he declares (an income of) two thousand shekels (e.g. to the income tax authorities); {byºṣɑrreḥ ʕala ʔalfēn šēkel}
في عِندَك إِشي تْصَرِّح عَلَيْه [P] have you anything to declare? (when passing through customs); {fy ʕindak ʔišy tºṣɑrreḥ ʕalēᴴ}
لازِم اْصَرِّح شِي عَنِ التِبِغ بِالگِمْرُك [S] Do have to declare the tobacco at the customs?
الوَزِيْر صَرَّحِ اْنُّو [P] the minister declared that; {‘il-wazīr ṣɑrrɑḥᴵ ’ºnno}
الرَّئِيْس صَرَّح إِنَّو ضِدِّ التَّغْيِيْر [S] The President has come out against the change
صَرَّح إِنَّو بْحَيَاتَو ما بِيْوافِق على هَيْك شِي [S] He declared he would never consent to such a thing
To flicker
رَجَف، يِرْجُف
الضَّوّ عَم يِرْجِف [S] The light is flickering
To form, shape, formulate (ه =
To make up, assemble, put together (ه =;
كَوَّن، يْكَوِّن
لِسَّا مَا كَوَّنتِش فِكرَة [P] I haven’t formed an
opinion yet
هَيك عَوَامِلِ البِيْئَة بِتْكَوِّن عَقْلِيَّاتِ الأَحْدَث [S] Such environmental factors mold the minds of the youngsters
ما فِي أَحْلَى مْنِ الواحِد يِتْفَرَّج عَ الفَاخُوْرِي وْهُوِّ عَم يْكَوِّن مَشْرَبِيِّة حِلْوِة مِن كَبْتُوْلِة فِخَّار [S] It’s fun to watch a potter shape a lovely vase out of a lump of clay
لِسَّا ما كَوَّنِت فِكْرَة [S] I haven’t formed an opinion yet
To hurt, harm, cause harm to (ه = s.o. /
ضَرّ، يْضِرّ
اْنْضَرّ، يِنْضَرّ
اْنْضَرّ أَكْتَر واْحِد هُوِّ [S] He got the worst of it
مُو أَنَا هَللي بِنْضَرّ [S] Well, I’m not the one who will be hurt (i.e. it’s not my problem)
بِالآخر مَا عَاد فِينِا راح أُفْقَٔع… فَانْضَرَّيت. [L]
مِنْ بَعْد كِلّ هَيْدَا اللي عَم بِتَاكْلُه، مِش مَعْقٔول مَا تِنْضَرّ. [L] No way you won’t suffer after eating like that.
أَنَا ضَرَّيْتَك [P] have I harmed you?
هَادَا بيْضُرِّ الصِحَّة [P] that’s bad for (your) health;
مُش رَح يْضُرِّك [P] this won’t harm you;
خَايِف يْضُرّني [P] I’m afraid it / he will do me harm;
ما بْيِضُرُّه [L] it won’t hurt him;
هادا بِيْضِرِّ التِّجَارَة [S] This will hurt business
بِيْضِرّ شِي إِذَا تْأَخَّرِت [S] Will it hurt if I’m late?
إِذَا بْتَاخِد لَك شِي فِرْصَة ما بِيْضِرَّك [S] A vacation wouldn’t do you any harm
هالطَّقْسِ النَّاشِف ضَرِّ المَزْرُوْعَاتِ كْتِير [S] This dry weather has done a lot of harm to the crop
ما مِنْهَا ضَرَر / ما بِيْضِرّ [S] harmless
بِيْضِرّ شِي إِذا أَهْمَلْتَهْا [S] Will it do any harm if leave it out?
ضَرِّتْنا أَكْتَر ما نَفْعِتْنَا [S] It did us more harm than good,
To glorify (ه =
تْمَجّد / اِتْمَجّد، يِتْمَجّد
To reduce in price, make cheaper (ه = (this is meant in the literal since)
To cheapen (ه = (in the figurative sense of degrading or demeaning something)
To license (ه =
رَخَّص، يْرَخِّص
تْرَخَّص / اِتْرَخَّص، يِتْرَخَّص
رَخِّص لي شْوَيّ [P] bring the price down a bit for me
To penetrate (ب =
فيه تَلَت دَبَّابات اْتْغَلْغِلِت فِ خْطُوطِ العَدُوّ there are three tanks that have penetrated behind enemy lines;
الحَضارة الفَرانْسِيَّة اْتْغَلْغِلِت فِ مَصْر the French culture has spread in Egypt
To fan something
هَوَّى، يْهَوِّي
To introduce (ه =, على = to)
To insert, put in, enter (ه =
To bring in, let in, admit (ه = s.o. /
دَخَّل، يْدَخِّل
دَخَّل عِدِّة تَعْدِيلَات على سِيَاسِةِ حْكُوْمْتَو [S] He introduced a number of changes in
his government’s policy
بِدُّو يْدَخِّل تَجدِيْدَات في المَعمَل [P] he wants to introduce innovations at the factory; {biddo yºdaḵḵel tajdīdāt fy-l-maʕmal}
لَازِم أَدَخِّل هَا الكِلمِة في الجُملِة [P] I have to put this word into the sentence; {lāzem ʔadaḵḵel ha-l-kilme fy-l-jumle}
دَخِّل هالجِّمْلِة بَعْدِ الفَقَرَة الأُوْلَى [S] Insert this sentence after the first paragraph
دَخِّل هالأَسَامِي بِاللِيْسْتَة [S] Enter these
names in the list,
دَخَّل صَاحبُو في النَادي [P] he got / let his friend into the club; {daḵḵal ṣᾱḥbo fy-
ذْكُوْر اِسْمِي بِيْدَخّْلُوْك [S] Mention my name and they’ll admit you
To fly (ه =, make fly (ه =, let fly;
To blow away (ه =
To knock off (ه =
طَيَّر، يْطَيِّر
الهَوَا طَيَّرِ الوَرڥَة مِنِ الشُبَّاك [P] the wind blew the paper out of the window;
الوَلَد بيْطَيِّرِ الطَيَّرَة [P] the boy flies the kite;
طَيَّرتِ العَصفُوْر [P] you’ve made the bird fly away;
طَيَّرُوا بَالَوْن [S] They let up a balloon
الهَوَا طَيَّر وَرَقِ الشَّجَرِ الهَارِر [S] The wind blew the dead leaves away.
طَيَّر لَو السِّكِّيْنِة مِن إِيْدَو [S] He knocked the knife out of his hand
كان رَحَح يْطَيِّر لِي بِرْنَيْطْتِي (مِن على رَاسِي) [S] He nearly knocked my hat off
To shut in, enclose, pen, corral (ه =
زَرَب، يِزْرِب / يِزْرُب.
مِين زَرَبِ الكَلْبِ الگَرَاج [S] Who shut the dog in the garage?
لازِم حَدَا زَرَبِ القَطَّة بِغْيَابْنَا [S] Someone must have shut the cat in while we were gone
اْزْرِبِ (زْرَيْبِ) القَطَّة لِلصِّبِح [S] Shut the cat up for the night
زَرَبُوْنا كَلّْنَا بْأُوْضَة زْغِيْرِة [S] They herded us all into a small room,
To be herded (ب = into)
To be shut, shut in
To rule out / consider something unlikely
اْسْتَبْعَد، يِسْتِبْعِد
ما بِسْتِبْعِدَهْا عَنَّو [S] wouldn’t put it beyond him
• “استبعدوا فكرة الرحيل.”
(They ruled out the idea of leaving.)
• “ما بستبعد انو يكون عنده حل.”
(I don’t rule out that he might have a solution.)
To insist, stand (على = on)
صَرّ، يْصِرّ
هِيِّ مُصِرَّة عَلَى الزَوَاج [P] she insists on getting married; {hiyye muṣerrɑ ʕala-z-zawāj}
أَنَا مُصِرّ عَلَى مَوقِفي [P] I’m sticking to my position; { ʔana muṣerr ʕala mawʠefy}
لَيْش عَم بِتْصِرِّ تْرُوْح [S] Why do you insist on going?
To mumble
تَمْتَم، يْتَمْتِم
To charge (ه = s.o., ه =
شَوْفَوْرِ التَّاْكْسِي دَفَّعْنَا كْتِير كْتِير [S] The cab driver charged us too much
To be focused (in one’s thought), to focus, concentrate one’s attention (على = on)
رَكَّز، يْرَكِّز
تْرَكَّز، يِتْرَكَّز
To stain, spot (ه =
بَقَّع، يْبَقِّع
تْبَقَّع / اِتْبَقَّع، يِتْبَقَّع
بَقَّعِت بَنطَلَوْني [P] I stained my pants; {baqqaʕᵉt bɑnṭɑlōny}
بَنطَلَوْني مْبَقِّع [P] my pants are stained / have spots on them; {bɑnṭɑlōny mºbaqqeʕ}
بَقَّعِت صِدْرِيْتَك [S] You’ve stained your vest