Nouns 5 Flashcards
جَمْعِيِّة خَيْرِيِّة
مْنَظَّمِة خَيْرِيِّة
Duty, obligation
وَاْجِب، ج وَاْجْبَاْت
لا شِكِر على واجِب = العَفْو = أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا = ما في شي مِن واجْبَك = ما في شي مِحْرِز = أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله [S] not at all, don’t mention it, don’t worry about (in response to a thanks)
كان واجْبَو يْعِيل إِمَّو وْأَبُوه = كان فَرْض عَلَيْه يْعِيل إِمَّو وْأَبُوه [S] It was his duty to support his parents
الرَّد ع التَّلِيفَون أَحَد واجْبَاتِي [S] Answering the phone is one of my duties
واجْباتْنا [L] it’s our duty (often used as a polite response to thank you);
لَيش حاسِّة هَيك كَأَنِّي عَمَلِت — لا، واجْباتْنا [L] why do you feel like this as if I did — it was nothing, our duty;
هَادَا وَاجِب [P] it’s our duty! (said to someone who says thanks, or to a visitor who expresses thanks for hospitality, etc.); {hāda wājeb}
لَا شُكر عَلَى وَاجِب [P] duty needs no thanks! (said as a response to thank you); {la šukr ʕala wājeb}
قُمتِ بْوَاجْبي [P] I did my duty, I fulfilled my obligation
مِتْطَوِّع، ج مِتْطَوِّعِيْن
ذَنِب، ج ذْنُوْب
دَعوِة، ج دَعوَات
عَزِيْمِة، ج عَزَاْيِم
Aggression, aggressiveness, hostility
بيْصِيْر عِندُو عُدوَان تِجَاه أَهلُو [P] he starts to exhibit hostility towards his family; {byºṣīr ʕindo ʕudwān tijāh ʔahlo}
العُدوَانِ الأَمِركَاني [P] American (US) hostility
سْتَاْد، ج سْتَاْدَاْت
بَعِد تَعَرِّفُهْن عَلَى بَعْضُهْن تَصَافَحُوا [S] After their mutual introduction they shook hands
Trust, confidence
ثِقَة بِالنَفِس [S] self confidence, assurance
الثِقَة بِاْلنَّفس [P] self confidence; {‘iθ-θiʠɑ bi’ºnnafs}
عالَجِ الشَغْلِة بِالثِّقَة بْنَفْسَو وِالكَفَاءَة [S] He tackled the job with assurance and efficiency.
ثِقَة بِالنَّفْس [S] self-confidence
ما عَنْدَهْا أَيّْ ثِقَة بِالنَّفْس [S] She has no self-confidence whatsoever
حَاطِط ثِقَتِي فِيك [S] trust I’m putting my trust in you
ما بِدّْنَا نْطَيِّر ثِقَتَو فِينَا [S] We don’t want to destroy his confidence in us.
على ثِقَة [S] confident (ب = in)
عَدَم ثِقَة [S] distrust
ضَاْعِت ثِقَتِي فِيه [S] I lost faith in him
كَانَت ثِقَتُو بْنَفسُو قَوِيِّة [P] he had a profound belief in himself; {kānat θiʠɑto bºnafso qawiyye}
فَقَدِت ثِقَتي فِيْهَا [P] I’ve lost confidence in her; {fɑʠɑdᵉt θiʠɑty fīha}
كِسِب ثِقَتي [P] he gained my trust; {kiseb θiʠɑty}
ئِلُو ثِقَة فِيِّ [P] he has faith in me; {ʔilo θiʠɑ fiyyi}
السَبَب هُوِّ عَدَمِ الثِقَة في جَوْزهَا [P] it’s because of her lack of faith in her husband; {‘is-sabab huwwe ʕadamᴵ-θ-θiʠɑ fy jōzha}
ما في شُعُور بالثِقَة [S] there is no feeling of confidence
Company (i.e. who yous round yourself with)
شايِف صِحِبْتَو ظَرِيْفِة كْتِير [S] find him very good company.
الوَلَد دا صُحْبَة سَيِّئَة [E] this boy is bad company;
البِنْتِ دي صُحْبة سَيِّئَة [E] this girl is bad company;
Handle (e.g. of a cup, because of the shape)
إِدِن ( إِدْن)، ج أَدَاْن / أَدَنَيْن
إِدِن هالفِنْجَان مَكْسُوْرَة [S] The handle of this cup is broken
Passage, text
Version (of a text)
نَصّ، ج نْصُوْص
النَصِّ الكَامِل [P] the full text; {‘in-nɑṣṣᴵ-l-kāmel}
النَصِّ الأَصلي [P] the original text; {‘in-nɑṣṣᴵ-l-ʔɑṣly}
نَصِّ الاِتِّفَاق [P] the text of the agreement; {nɑṣṣᴵ-l-‘ittifᾱq}
نَصِّ التَصرِيْح [P] the text of the statement; {nɑṣṣᴵ-t-tɑṣrīḥ}
نَصِّ البَيَان [P] the text of the statement / announcement; {nɑṣṣᴵ-l-bayān}
فِيك تَعْطِيْنِي النَصِّ الكامِل يَللي إِجَا هالتَّصْرِيْح فِيه [S] Can you give me that statement in context?
ما فِي نَصِّ بْهالِـمْقَاوَلِة مِنْشَانِ الضَّمَانِ الصِّحِّي [S] There is no provision in this contract for health insurance,
النَّصِّ اللَاتِيْنِي بَعْدَو تَرْجَمِة يُوَنانِيِّة [S] The Latin
text is followed by a Greek translation
فِيْه عِدِّة نُصُوْص [P] there are several versions; {fīᴴ ʕidde nuṣūṣ}
هالطَّبْعَة بْتِخْتِلِف لَدَرَجِة مْنِيحَة عَنِ النَّصِّ الأَصْلِي [S] This edition differs considerably from the original version
طَارِئ، ج طَوَارِئ
حَالِةِ الطَوَارِئ [P] the state of the emergency; {ḥāleᴵ-ṭ-ṭɑwᾱreʔÁ}
في حَالِة طَوَارِئ [P] in a state of an emergency; {fy ḥāle ṭɑwᾱreʔÁ}
مَخرَجِ الطَوَارِÁ [P] the emergency exit
حَاْلِة طَوَارِئ، ج حَالات طَوَارِئ [P] [S] an emergency situation, emergency; {ḥāle ṭᾱriʔÁa}
فِي يا تَرَى يِتْصَرَّفِ بْسِرْعَة بْحالِة طَوَارِئ [S] Do you think he could act quickly in an emergency?
قَصَّة، ج قَصَّاْت
قَصِّتهَا [P] her haircut; {qɑṣṣetha}
قَصَّاتِ جْدِيْدِة لَلشَّعِر [P] new hairstyles; {qɑṣṣᾱtᵉ jºdīde la’ºššaʕᵉr}
قَصِّة شَعِر [S] haircut
مْنَيْن جِبْتْ هالقَصَّة الغَرِيْبِة [S] Where’d you get that funny haircut?
مِن فَضْلَك قَصِّة شَعِر [S] Haircut, please
مُشط / مُشُط، ج مْشَاط
رِسِغ (رِسْغ)، ج رْسُوْغَة
كَسْرِت رِسْغَهْا [S] She broke her wrist
Condition, requirement
شَرِط (شَرْط)، ج شْرُوْط
مُتَطَلَّب، ج مُتَطَلَّبَاْت
مَبْدَأ / مَبْدَا، ج مَبَاْدِئ / مَبَاْدِي
عِندُو مَبَادِئ [P] he has principles; {ʕindo mabādeʔÁ}
اِنتِا رَجُل سَاحِب مَبَادِئ [P] your a man of principles; {‘inte rajol sᾱḥeb mabādeʔÁ}
مَبدَئِيًّا [P] in principle; {mabdaʔiyyan˜}
عامِلَهْا مَبْدَئِي إِجِي عَ الوَقِت [S] I make it a policy to be on time,
مَبْدَئِي اْحَاكِي كِلّْ واحِد مْنِ المِسْتَدْعِين شَخْصِيًّا [S] It’s my policy to talk to every applicant
عَامِلَهْا مَبْدَئِي اْصَمِّد كِلّْ شَهِر شْوَيِّة مَصَارِي [S] I make it a principle to save some money every month
هُوِّ رَجُل صَاحِب مَبْدَأ [S] He is principled
مَبْدَئِيًّا [S] as a matter of principle
مَبْدَئِيًّا أَنَا ما بَعْمِل هَيْك أَشْيَا [S] I don’t do such things as a matter of principle,
مَوْرِد، ج مَوَاْرِد
Worker, workman, laborer (generally referring to manual labor workers or factory-type labor, i.e. not white collar employees. The feminine also often refers to in house servants, especially these days foreign ones)
عَاْمِل، ج عِمَّاْل
أَنَا عَامِل بَسِيْط [P] I’m an ordinary laborer; { ʔana ʕāmel bɑsīṭ}
بيشَغِّل عَشرِيْن عَامِل [P] he employs 20 workers; {byšaġġel ʕašrīn ʕāmel}
عَامِلِ اْجْتِمَاعي / عَاملِة اْجتِمَاعِيِّة / عَامِلِيْنِ اْجْتِمَاعِيِّيْن [P] social worker (male, female, and plural); {ʕāmelᴵ ‘ºjºtimāʕy / ʕāmle ‘ºjtimāʕiyye / ʕāmilīnᴵ ‘ºjºtimāʕiyyīn}
العُمَّال عِملُوا مُظَاهَرَة [P] the workers held a demonstration; {‘il-ʕummāl ʕemlu muẓᾱhɑrɑ}
عِيْدِ العُمَّال [P] Labor day; {ʕīdᴵ-l-ʕummāl}
إِجْرِةِ العِمَّال [S] labor costs
إِجْرِةِ العِمَّال وَحْدَهْا بِتْكَلّْفَك تْلَات مِيْت لَيْرَة [S] Labor alone will cost three hundred pounds
العِمَّاْل مَا رَحَ يْوَافْقُوا أَبَدًا على هَالاِقْتِرَاح [S] Labor will never agree to that proposal
حَرَكِة عِمَّال = حَرَكِة عِمَّالِيِّة [S] Labor movement
حِزْبِ العِمَّالِ البْرِيْطَانِي [S] The British Labor Party
نَقَابِة عِمَّال [S] Labor union
نَقَابِة عِمَّالِ الفُوْلَاذ دَعِت لَإِضْرَاب [S] The Steel Workers’ Union has called for a strike
الطَبَقَة العامْلِة = طَبْقِةِ العِمَّال [S] working class
نَاقِد،ج نُقَّاد
مَسْؤُوْلِيِّة، ج مَسْؤُوْلِيَّاْت
اِحْتِرَاْم، ج اِحْتِرَاْمَاْت
Domination, control
تَمْدِيْد، ج تَمْدِيْدَاْت
طَلَب تَمْدِيد إِجَازْتَو [S] He’s asked for an extension of his leave
Country, countryside, rural area
رِيْف، ج أَرْيَاْف
Arrangement, planning, measure, step (to ensure something)
تَدبِيْر، ج تَدَابِيْر
تَدْبِيْرِ المَنْزِل [S] home economics
هَادَا تَدبِيْر مُوَقَّت [P] this is a temporary arrangement; {hāda tadbīr muwaqqat}
تَدبِيْرِ المَنزِل = التَدبِيْرِ المَنزِلي [P] housekeeping / household management; {tadbīrᴵ-l-manzel = ‘it-tadbīrᴵ-l-manzily}
اِتَّخَدُوا تَدَابِيْر [P] formal: they made arrangements / took measures; {‘ittaḵadu tadābīr}
لَقُوا تَدْبِيْر حَلِّ المِشِكْلِة بِالمَرَّة [S] They found an arrangement that solved the problem once and for all.
لازِم نِتِّخِذ تَدَابِيْر صارْمِة [S] We’ll have to take strong measures
لَحَ نَاخُدِ التَّدْبِيْرَاتِ اللازْمِة بِالقَضِيِّة [S] We’ll take the necessary steps in this matter.
غَزْوَة، ج غَزَوَاْت
Herd, flock (e.g. of sheep)
قَطِيْع، ج قِطْعَاْن
مِين صاحِب هالقَطِيْع [S] Who owns this herd?
مِشْيُوا وَرَاه مِتِل قَطِيْع غَنَم [S] They followed him like a flock of sheep,
رَاْعِي، ج رُعَاْة
Pond, puddle (e.g., of rain water)
بِرْكِة، ج بِرَك
Examination, survey
كَشِف (كَشْف)، ج كْشُوْف / كْشُوْفِة
House, home, household
مَنْزِل، ج مَنَاْزِل
Destroyer (ship)
مُدَمِّرَة، ج مُدَمِّرَات