Nouns 13 Flashcards
سيناريو (ج) سيناريوهات
سِينارِيَو الفِلِم [L] the movie script
ما عْرِفْتَو بْتَنَكّْرَو = ما عْرِفْتَو وْهُوِّ مِتْنَكِّر [S] didn’t recognize him in his disguise
Maneouver, stratagem, tactic
مُنَاوَرَة، ج مُنَاوَرَات
عَم يَعِمْلُوا مْنَاوَرَات عَسْكَرِيِّة على طُوْل الِحْدُوْد [S] They’re holding military maneuvers along the border
عِملُوا مُنَاوَرَات [P] they carried out maneuvers; {ʕimlu munāwɑrᾱt}
المُنَاوَرَة نِجحَت [P] the stratagem succeeded; {‘il-munāwɑrɑ nijḥat}
تَحرِيْرِ الجَرِيْدِة [P] editing the newspaper
Sorting, classification, categorisation
Assessment, evaluation, valuation (e.g., of abilities)
Embodiment, personification
Demonstration, performance, show, display
Proposal, suggestion, offer
عَرِض (عَرْض)، ج عْرُوْض / عْرُوْضَة
اْنْبَسَطْتِ كْتِيرِ اليَوْم بَعْدِ الضِّهِر بْعَرْضْ الِـمْصَارْعَة [S] enjoyed the wrestling demonstration this afternoon,
تْسَلَّيْت بِالعَرِض [S] Did you enjoy the performance?
كَان فِيْه عَرض أَزيَاء [P] there was a fashion show; {kān fīᴴ ʕɑrḍ ʔazyāʔÅ}
مَنَعُوْهُم / مَنَعُوْهِن مِن عَرضِ الفِلِم [P] they stopped them from showing the film
; صَاْلِة عَرِض [S] showroom
بَقبَل عَرضَك [P] I accept your proposal / offer; {baqbal ʕɑrḍɑk}
رَفَض عَرضي [P] he rejected my proposal / offer; {rɑfɑḍ ʕɑrḍy}
قَدَّمْ لِي عَرْضِ مْنِيح [S] He made me a good offer
وافِق على العَرْض [V] he accepted the offer
Character (e.g. in a story, novel)
شَخْصِيِّة، ج شَخْصِيَّاْت
مَشْهَد، ج مَشَاْهِد
هادا بِالمَشْهَدِ التَّالِت بِالفَصْلِ التَّانِي [S] That’s in the third scene of the second act
Failure, flop
إِخْتِي مَزْعُوْجِي بْسَبَبِ سْقُوْطَهْا بِالفَحِص [S] My sister is upset because of her failure in the exam
مَهْمَا كَلَّفِ الأَمِر لازِم نِتْفَادَى فَشَل الِـمْفاوَضَات [S] We must avoid a breakdown in the negotiations at all costs,
فَشَلِ العَمَلِيِّة كان بِالحِسْبَاْن [S] The failure of the operation was to be expected
بَعدِ الفَشَل جَرَّب يْصَلِّح نَفسُو [P] after failing he tried to improve himself; {baʕdᴵ-l-fašal jɑrrɑb yºṣɑlleḥ nafso}
هَادَا الزَلَمِة فَشَل في حَيَاتُو الزَوجِيِّة [P] he’s a failure in his married life; {hāda-z-zalame fašal fy ḥayāto-z-zawjiyye
Division, distribution
Delivery (of mail)
مُشكِلِة تَوزِيْعِ المَكَاتِيْب في القُرَى [P] the problem of delivering letters in the villages; {muškile tawzīʕᴵ-l-makātīb fy-l-ʠurɑ}
تَوْزِيْعِ الأَشْغَالِ المِخْتِلْفِة بْيِرْجَع لِلِمْناظِر [S] The assignment of the various jobs is
taken care of by the foreman
المَكْتُوب إِجَا بِالتَّوْزِيعِ التَّانِي [S] The letter came in the second delivery,
Series (i.e. of lectures, articles, books)
Chain, series
Range (e.g. of mountains)
سِلسِلِة، ج سَلَاسِل
سِلسِلِة مُحَاضَرَات [P] a series of lectures; {silsile muḥᾱḍɑrᾱt}
سِلسِلِة مَقَالَات [P] a series of articles; {silsile mɑʠᾱlᾱt}
سِلسِلِة أَوَامِر [P] a series of (computer) commands; {silsile ʔawāmer}
هادا أدَّى لَسِلِسْلِة حَوادِث عَن صَحِيْح [S] This led to a whole chain of events.
لَحَ يَعْطِي سِلْسْلِةِ مْحَاضَرَات [S] He’s going to give a series of lectures
الضَّيْعَة وَرَا سِلْسِلْةْ هالجّْبَال هَايّ [S] The village is behind that range of mountains over there.
سِلسِلِةِ جْبَال [P] mountain range
Writer, author
أَدِيْب، أُدَبَا / أُدَبَاء
أَدِيْب مَشهُوْر [P] a famous author; { ʔadīb mašhūr}
الُدَبَاءِ العَرَب [P] Arab writers
Foreward, preface, introduction, prologue
Table of contents, index
فَهْرَس، ج فَهَاْرِس
Line (of text, or in a ruled notebook)
سَطِر، ج سْطُوْر / أَسطُر
Piece (of music, poetry, etc.)
مَقْطُوْعَة، ج مَقْطُوْعَاْت
• Example: “قرينا مقطوعة من الرواية.”
(We read an excerpt from the novel.)
Example: “سمعت مقطوعة موسيقية حلوة.”
(I heard a beautiful musical piece.)
Verse (of poetry)
بَيْت، ج بْيَاْت
أَبيَاتِ الشِعِر [P] verses of the poem; { ʔabyātᴵ-š-šiʕᵉr}
بََيْتِي يا بْوَيْتاتِي يا مْسَتِّر لِي عْوَيْاتِيّ [L] my house, my little house, you cover up my little faults (roughly equivalent to home sweet home)
بْيَاْت شِعِر [S] verse (in general)
التَمْثِيْلِيِّة مَنْظُوْمِة بْبْيَات شِعِر [S] The play is written in verse
خَلِّيْنَا نْغَنِّي البَيْتِ الأَوَّل بَسّ [S] Let’s sing only the first verse
Recreation, entertainment
لَيْش رُحتُوا لَهُنَاك؟ — تَرفِيْه [P] why did you go there? — for a break / for fun!; {lēš ruḥtu lahunāk? — tarfīh}
في القَريِة مَا فِيْه مَحَلَّات تَرفِيْه [P] in the village there are no places of entertainment; {fy-l-ʠɑrye mā fīᴴ maḥallāt tarfīh}
بْيُقُصهُم أَمَاكِنِ التَرفِيْه [P] they don’t have places of entertainment; {bºyuqoṣhom ʔamākenᴵ-t-tarfīh}
شُو بْتِنْصَح لِلتَّرْفِيه، دُكْتَوْر [S] What kind of recreation do you advise, doctor?
الشِّرْكِة عَمِ تْوَسِّع مَرْكَزِ التَّرْفِيه تَبَعْنَا [S] The company is expanding its recreation center.
Enjoyment, delight, pleasure, satisfaction
لَذِّة، ج لَذَّاْت
ما بِشْعُرِ بْأَيّْ لَذِّة بْهَيكْ شِغِل [S] I don’t get any satisfaction out of that kind of work,
بيْحِسّ بِلَذِّة مُعَيَّنِة [P] he feels a certain enjoyment (e.g. when doing something); {byºḥess bila∂∂e muʕayyane}
لَذَّاتِ الحَيَاه [P] life’s pleasures; {la∂∂ātᴵ-l-ḥayāᴴ}
ما تْفَكِّر يجي الوقت لَحَتَّى نِحْنَ نِسوان نِيخُد (ناخُد) اللَذِّة بَدَل ما نعطِيَهْا [L] don’t think that the time will come when us women are taking the pleasure instead of giving it
ما بْيِخْلُط أَبَدًاِ الشِّغِل وِالبَسِط [S] He never combines business with pleasure,
الشِّغِل قَبْلِ البَسِط [S] Business comes before pleasure
Human being (singular)
Human being(s), humankind (treated as a plural)
أَنَا بَشَر كَمَان [S] I’m only human
لا تِنْسَى إِنَّو إِنْسَان هُوِّ = لا تِنْسَى إِنَّو هُوِّ بَشَر [S] Don’t forget he’s a human being
هادا مُو لَبَشَر مِتْلِي وْمِتْلَك [S] That isn’t for ordinary mortals
تِنسَاشِ اْنُّو هُوِّ بَشَر زَيَّك زَيُّو [P] don’t forget he’s only human, you and he and just alike
Relation by marriage, in-law
نسِيْب، ج نَسَايِب
يَ نسِيْبنَا [P] O our in-law {ya nsībna}
هَادَا مُش مِنِ العَيْلِة، هَادَا بَسِّ نْسِيْب [P] he’s not family, he’s just a relation by marriage; {hāda muš minᴵ-l-ʕēle، hāda bassᵉ nºsīb}
اِحنَا نَسَايِبكُم [P] we’re related to you by marriage
مَهِر، ج مُهُوْر
بَرْبَرِي، ج بَرَاْبْرَة
اِخْتِرَاْع، ج اِخْتِرَاْعَاْت
البَاقي مَع تَسلِيْم الِبضَاعَة [P] the balance (of the sum to be paid) on delivery of the goods; {‘il-bāqy maʕ taslīm-l-ᵉbḍᾱʕɑ}
التَسْلِيم عَنْدِ الدَّفِع [S] collect on delivery, C.O.D.
بِبْعَتْ لَكِ الطَّرْد، اِلتَّسْلِيم عَنْدِ الدَفِع [S] I’ll mail the package to you C.O.D
بِدْفَع لَك عَنْدِ التَّسْلِيم [S] I’ll pay you on delivery
الدَّفِع عَنْدِ التَّسْلِيم [S] cash on delivery, c.o.d.
بِبْعَتْ لَكِ الطَّرْد وِالدَّفِع عَنْدِ التَّسْلِيم [S] I’ll mail the package to you c.o.d
Warranty, guarantee
كْفَاْلِة، ج كْفَاْلَاْت
فِيْه كَفَالِة لَمُدِّة سِنتَيْن [P] there’s a two year guarantee; {fīᴴ kafāle lamudde sintēn}
بْتَأْخُد كَفَالِة خَمْسِ سْنِين لَهالسَّاعَة [S] You get a
five-year guarantee on this watch
دَفَعِ الكَفَالِة [P] he paid the bail; {dafaʕᴵ-l-kafāle}
أَبُوْه طَلَّعُو بِالكَفَالِة [P] his father got him out with bail; { ʔabūᴴ ṭɑllɑʕo bi-l-
الـمَحْكَمِة حَدَّدِت كَفَالْتَو أَلْفَيْن دَوْلَاْر [S] The court fixed his bail at two thousand dollars
تَحِت كَفَالِة [S] on bail
طِلِع هَلَّق تَحِت كَفَالِة [S] He’s out on bail now
فِيْه كَفَالِة لَمُدِّة سِنتَيْن [P] there’s a two year guarantee; {fīᴴ kafāle lamudde sintēn}
بْتَأْخُد كَفَالِة خَمْسِ سْنِين لَهالسَّاعَة [S] You get a five-year guarantee on this watch
Appeal (i.e. for help, money)
نِدَاْء، ج نِدَاْءَاْت
رَئِيْسِ الجَمْعِيِّة وَجَّه نِدَاء لَجَمْعِ التَبَرُّعَاْت [S] The head of the society made an appeal for contributions
Attractiveness, appeal, attraction
بْيُشعُر بِاْنجِذَاب إِلهَا [P] he feels attracted to her;
عِندهَا جَاذِبِيِّة [P] she has an attractiveness to her; {ʕindha jā∂ibiyye}
جاذْبِيْةِ البَلَدِ بْكِتْرِة مَبَانِيْهَا التَّارِيْخِيِّة [S] The town’s attraction lies in its many historic buildings.
جَاْذْبِيِّة جِنْسِيِّة [S] sex appeal
هِيِّة بِنِت بِتْصِيرِ الشَّهْوِة كْتِير = هِيِّة بِنِت عَنْدَهْا كْتِير جاذْبِيِّة جِنْسِيِّة [S] She’s a very sexy girl
اللِعْبِة ضَيَّعِتِ كْتِير مِن جاذْبِيِّتَهْا = اللِعْبِة ما عادِتِ تْسَوِّقِ كْتِيْر [S] The game has lost much of
its appeal.
قَانُوْن الجاذْبِيِّة [S] The law of gravity
Appeal (of a legal decision)
اِسْتِئْنَاْف، ج اِسْتِئْنَاْفَاْت
Juror, juryman, member of the jury
مْحَلَّف، ج مْحَلَّفِيْن
مْحَلَّفِيْن : jury
الِـمْحَلَّفِيْن لِسَّا ما طالَعُوا قَرَارُهْن [S] The jury hasn’t brought in a verdict yet
Witness (على = for)
شَاْهِد، ج شْهُوْد
شَاهِد عَيَان [P] eye witness; {šāhed ʕayān}
شَاْهِد عَيَاْن، ج شْهُوْد عَيَاْن [S] eyewitness
عِندَكِ شْهُوْد [P] have you any witness; {ʕindakᵉ šºhūd}
شَاهِدِ الدِفَاع [P] witness for the defense; {šāhedᴵ-d-difāʕ}
شَاهِدِ الاِدِّعَاء [P] witness for the prosecution; {šāhedᴵ-l-‘iddiʕāʔÅ}
هُوِّ جَاي شَاهِد [P] he is coming (in the role of) a witness; {huwwe jāy šāhed}
مْنَصِّةِ الشْهُوْد [P] the witness box / stand; {mºnɑṣṣeᴵ-š-šºhūd}
كُنت شَاهِد عَلَى هَايِ العَمَلِيِّة [P] I witnessed that procedure / I was a witness to that operation; {kunt šāhed ʕala hāyᴵ-l-ʕamaliyye}
الشَّاهِدِ التَّانِي مِن فَضْلَك [S] Next witness, please
كِرْسِي شْهُوْد [S] witness stand
بْيِتْفَضَّلِ الشَّاهِد لَكِرْسِي الشّْهُوْد [S] Will the witness take the stand, please,