Adverbs / Phrases 9 Flashcards
As, like (used before a verb)
مِتِل مَا
كِلّْ شِي صار مِتِل مَا كَان بِدُّهْن [S] Everything turned out the way they wanted it
بْيِحْكِي أَلْمَاني مِتِل ما بِحْكِي أَنَا = بْيِحْكِي أَلْمَانِي مِتْلِي [S] He talks German as well as I do
بَعْدِ الغَارَة الجَّوِيِّة البَلَد ما عادِت مِتِل ما كَانِت أَبَدًا [S] After the air raid, the town has never been the same
بَعِد هالتَّجْرُبِة مُو رَحَ يْعُوْد مِتِل مَا كان مِن قَبِل أَبَدًا [S] After that experience he’ll never be the same
ما فِي شِي بْيِسْتْحِقِّ الذِّكِر [S] It’s nothing to speak
على ذِكْرِ الكِتِب، شِفْت شِي رْوَايْتَو الأخِيرِة [S] Talking of books, have you seen his latest novel?
Opposite (adjective)
Opposite, facing (preposition)
As compared with, against
Recompense, in exchange for, in return for
إِجَا مْنِ الجِّهَة الِـمْقَابْلِة [S] He came from the opposite direction
كَانُوا أَلفَيْن هَا السِنِة مُقََبِل أَلفِ السِنِة المَاضْيِة [P] there were two thousand this year, as compared with one thousand last year; {kānu ʔalfēn ha-s-sine muʠɑabel ʔalfᴵ-s-sine-l-mᾱḍºye}
خَمْسِين بَاخْرَة مَرَقُوا بِالقَنَاْتِ مْقَابِل خَمْسَة وْتْلاتِين بِالشَّهْرِ المَاضِي [S] fifty ships went through the Canal as against thirty last month.
مْقَابِل كِلِّ مْعَلِّم مْنِيح فِي خَمْسِة عَطْلِيْن [S] for every good teacher there are five bad ones,
اْنسِحَاب مُقَابِل سَلَام [P] withdrawal in exchange for peace; {‘ºnsiḥāb muʠᾱbel salām}
المُتَطَوِّع مَا بْيَاخُد أَيّ مُقَابِل [P] the volunteer receives no recompense (for his work); {‘il-mutɑṭɑwweʕ ma bºyāḵod ʔayy muʠᾱbel}
حِلْو إِنَّو نِشْتْرِي لُهْنِ هْدِيِّة مْقَابِل ضْيَافِتُهْن [S] We ought to buy them a present in return for their hospitality
With open arms
اْسْتَقْبَلُوه بِالحَفَاوِة [S] They received him with open arms
Security (adjective), safety (adjective)
أَجْهِزة أَمْنيّة [CA] security services
شَرْط أَمْنيّ [CA] security requirement
إجْراءات أَمْنيّة [CA] safety measures
دَوْريّة أَمْنيّة [CA] patrol
خَطَر أَمْنيّ [CA] security risk
لِأَسْبابٍ أَمْنيّةٍ [CA] for security reasons
Supposed, presumed, assumed
المَفْرُوْض [S] should, ought
المَفْرُوْضِ تْقِلْ لَو عَنْهَا [S] You ought to tell him about it
المَفْرُوْض عَ الأَقَلّْ يْتَلْفِن لُهْن [S] At least, he ought to give them a call
الـمَفْرُوض يْرُوْح بِكْرَا [S] He is to go tomorrow
المَفْرُوض ب … إِنَّو [S] to be supposed to
المَفْرُوض فِيه إِنَّو غَنِي [S] He’s supposed to be rich
المَفْرُوضِ بْإِخْتَهْا إِنَّهْا ذَكِيِّة كْتِير [S] Her sister is supposed to be very intelligent
المَفْرُوض فِيِّي اِطْلَع اِسْهَرِ اللَيْلِة بَسّْ أَنَا تَعْبَانِ كْتِير [S] I’m supposed to go out tonight, but I’m too tired
المَفرُوْض إِنُّو [P] it’s assumed that; {‘il-mɑfrūḍ ʔinno}
المَفرُوْض إِنَّكِ تْخَلِّص [P] your supposed to finish; {‘il-mɑfrūḍ ʔinnakᵉ tºḵɑlleṣ}
المَفرُوْض إِنُّو يَعطُوْه مُهلِة [P] they’re supposed to give him an extension; {‘il-mɑfrūḍ ʔinno yɑʕṭūᴴ muhle}
From a long time ago until now
مِن زَمان وْ جاي
Unwillingly, against one’s will, grudgingly
غَصبٍ عَن
لَازِم يِعمَلهَا غَصبٍ عَنُّو [P] he has to do it, even if he doesn’t want to; {lāzem yeʕmalha ġɑṣben˜ ʕanno}
هَادَا بيْصِيْر مَعي غَصبٍ عَنّي [P] It happens to me even though I don’t want it to; {hāda byºṣīr maʕy ġɑṣben˜ ʕanny}
غَصْبًا عَن + ضمير [S], by no choice of…
وِقِع اِلصَّحِن غَصْبًا عَنِّي [S] I dropped the plate accidentally
سَلَّمِت غَصْبًا عَنَّهْا [S] She gave in grudgingly
To fall in love with
وِقِعِ بْغَرَام
وِقِع بِغَرَامهَا [P] he fell in love with her
وَاقِعِ بْغَرَامَهْا [S] He’s fallen in love with her
التّْنَيْن شَافُوا بَعْضُهْن وْوِقْعُوا بْغَرَام بَعْضُهْن [S] The two met and fell in love
Required, obligatory, incumbent, imperative (على = on s.o.)
واجِب علَى كِلِّ الطِّلَّاب إِنَّو يِحْضَرُوا الاِجْتِماع [S] It is imperative for all students to attend the meeting
Beginning, starting
ابتداءاً من اليوم، و مرة واحدة في الأسبوع سنعرض عليكُم شريط فيديو تعليمي لمدة نصف ساعة من وقت التلفاز.
Starting today, once a week, we’re going to show you an instructional video for one half-hour of TV time.
- At once, immediately,
or 2. completely, forever, continuously
or 3. always, constantly,
or 4. all the way
عَلَى طُوْل
رَحِ تْضَلّ اِنْتَ هَيك على طُول [L] Will you be like this all the time (note that the verb precedes انت);
مَات عَلَى طُوْل [P] he dropped dead on the spot; {māt ʕala ṭūl}
لَازِم يِدفَع عَلَى طُوْل [P] he must pay right away; {lāzem yidfaʕ ʕala ṭūl}
يَا رَيْت يَعطِيْني دَوَا وَاْشفَى عَلَى طُوْل [P] I wish he would give me some medicine so I would get better immediately; {yā rēt yɑʕṭīny dawa wᵃ’ºšfa ʕala ṭūl}
تَرَك شُغلُو عَلَى طُوْل [P] he left his job for good; {tarak šuġlo ʕala ṭūl}
رَحَ اْسَافِر عَلَى طُوْل لَأَمَيْرْكَا [P] I’m going to America for good; {rɑḥᵃ ‘ºsāfer ʕala ṭūl laʔ¡amērºka}
لَشُو على طُول آنِي اْفَتِّش عَلَيك [L] why do I always have to look for you (note verb with ب after على طول);
ما بِتْحَمَّل هالشِّي على طُوْل [S] I won’t be able to stand that in the long run
التَّلِيْفَون صَاْرْلَو (صَرْلَو) مِدِّة عمَ يْدِقّ على طُوْل = التَّلِيْفَون صَارْلَو مِدِّة عم يْدِقّ ما فَتَر [S] The phone has been ringing constantly
قَطَعْت عَلَاقْتِي مَعَو على طُوْل [S] I’m through with him for good
Up to, match for
أَنَا مِش قَدّْهَا [P] I’m not up to it, it’s too much for me; { ʔana miš qaddºha}
اِنْت قَدّ هايِ الكِلْمِة [L] are you up to this word (i.e. are you up to what you’ve said)?;
ما طِلِع قَدّْ هَللي كان مَعْرُوف عَنَّو [S] He didn’t live up to his reputation
ما طِلْعِت قَدّْ هَللي كنْت مِنْتِظِر مِنَّهْا [S] She didn’t live up to my expectations
هُوِّ مُو قَدّْ هَالشَّغْلِة [S] He’s not the man for it
نْشَالله يِطْلَع قَدَّهْا [S] I hope he won’t fall down on the job
What a lot of…! how very…! So…! (expression of exclamation or disbelief)
قَدَّيْش أَنَا مَبسُوْط [P] how happy I am!; {qaddēš ʔana mɑbsūṭ}
قَدَّيْش صَرَفنَا مَصَاري عَلَيْهَا [P] what a lot of money we spent on her / it; {qaddēš ṣɑrɑfna mɑṣᾱry ʕalēha}
قَدَّيْش بِشْعَة هِيِّة [S] How ugly she is!
قَدَّيْشَك شَاْحِب [S] You look so pale!
قَدَّيْشَك لَطِيْف [S] You’re so kind!
قَدَّيْشُهْن أَغْنِيَا [S] They’re so rich
قَدَّيْشِ البَلَد حِلْوِة [S] The town is so beautiful
قَدَّيْش مِشْتَاقْ لَك [S] I missed you so much
قَدَّيْشَو بِيْمَلِّل [S] He’s such a bore
ما شَالله، قَدَّيْش قِطِعْتَو كْبِيْرِة هالصَّبِي = مَا شَالله ما أَكْبَرَهْا [S] What a big boy he is!
قَدَّيْش نْهَارِ مْبَارِح كان حِلْو = ما أَحْلَى نْهَارِ مْبَارِح [S] What a nice day we had yesterday
يا عَيْنِي قَدَّيْش حِلْوِين هالزّْهُوْر (هَللي) بِجْنَيْنْتَك = يا عَيْنِي ما أَحْلَى هالزّْهُوْر بِجْنَيْنْتَك [S] What beautiful flowers you have in your garden
Every time
كِلّْ مَا / كِلّْمَا
كِلّْمَا مِنْحِبّ نِطْلَع لَبَرَّا بْتِنْزِل مَطَر [S] It rains every time we want to go out
جَلالْتَك [E] your Majesty (address to royalty);
صاحْبِة الجَلالة [E] Her majesty;
جَلالِة المَلِك [E] His Majesty the King;
بِجَلَالْتُه = بِجلالِة قَدْرُه [E] used ironically: the high and mighty, the great, as in:
سِي مَنْصُور بِجلالتُه [E] Mr. Mansur in all is majesty;
جَلَالِةِ المَلَكِة [S] Her Majesty, the queen
In principle
First of all
By God Almighty
وَاللهِ العَظِيم [G] By God Almighty
وَالله [G] either 1. By God!, or 2. honestly, really, I mean it (when used casually, like a form of emphasis), or 3. well… (when used to show someone is thinking or transitioning)
Hopeless, despaired, desperate, lost (like a lost cause
مَيْؤُوْس مِن + ضِمير
(in CA, the form ميؤوس does not conjugate, rather من is added. as in: ميؤوس منها . But in colloquial the form ميؤوسة may be heard as well);
الحَالِة مَيْؤُوْس مِنْهَا تَمَام [S] The situation is completely hopeless
هِيِّة بْحالِة مَيْؤُوْس مِنْهَا [S] She’s in a desperate situation
حَالتُو كَانَت مَيؤُوْس مِنهَا [P] his condition was dire; {ḥālto
At random, blindly
عَ العِمْيَانِي
اْنْجَبْرِتِ تْقَرِّر عَ العِمْيَانِي [V] She had to make a decision blindly
اْضْطَرَّيْنَا نْسُوق تَقْرِيبًا عَ العِمْيَانِ بِالضَّبَابِ الأَسْوَد [S] We had to drive almost blind in the black (thick) fog.
تْنَاْوَل (سْنَاْوَل) كَاسِة عَ العِمْيَانِي مِن عَ الرَّفّ [S] He chose a glass at random from the shelf
هالشَّغْلِة بِتْصِيْر عَ العِمْيانِي [S] that job’s a cinch
Next, following, subsequent;
(in colloquial جاي is usually used)
التَالي [P] the following; {‘it-tāly}
اْتِّصلُوا عَلَى التَلِفَوْنِ التَالي سِفِر تَلَاتِة [P] call the following number: zero three… {‘ºttiṣlu ʕala-t-talifōnᴵ-t-tāly sifer talāte}
النَتِيْجِة كَاْلتَّالي [P] the outcome is as follows; {‘in-natīje ka’ºttāly}
وْبِاْلتَّالي [P] hence, therefore, in consequence; {wºbi’ºttāly}
بِاليَوْمِ التَّالِي [S] the next day
كالآتِي = كَالتَّالِي = كَمَا يَلِي [S] as follows
لازِمْنِي الِغْرَاضِ التَّالْيِة [S] I need the following items…
Mount Sinai
جَبَل سِيْنَا
The Gaza Strip
قِطَاع غَزِّة
غَزَّاوي، ج غَزَازوِة، المؤنث: غَزَّاوِيِّة
Gazan, a native / resident of Gaza
غَزَّاوي، ج غَزَازوِة، المؤنث: غَزَّاوِيِّة
Gazan, of or related to Gaza
This is tantamount to, equivalent to, on par with
هَاي عِبَارَة عَن
بِمَثابِة + إضافة
التَهَرُّب مِ الضَرِيبة بْمثابِة سِرْقة [E] tax evasion is tantamount to stealing;
عَدَدِ كْبِيْر، اِلّي هُوْ عِبَارَة عَن صَفَّيْن [P] a large number, equivalent to two classes (of students); {ʕadadᵉ kºbīr، ‘illy hū ʕibᾱrɑ ʕan ṣɑffēn}
الدَورَة بِتكُوْن عِبَارَة عَن خَمس مِيْت سَاعَت تَعلِيْم [P] the course consists of five hundred hours of study;
Contravening of
مْخَاْلِف ل + إضافة
مُخالِف للدُسْتورِ [CA] unconstitutional
مُخالِف للقانونِ [CA] illegal, against the law
مُخالِف لِشُروطِ العَقْدِ [CA] contrary to the stipulations of the contract
To be able to
طِلِع بْإِيد
ما طِلِعِ بْإِيْدِي إِلَّا شَوْفَهْا [S] I couldn’t help but see it
بَحْلَق بِالڤَازش المَكْسُور وْعلى وِشَّو تَطْلِيْعِة واحِد مُو طالِعِ بْإِيْدَو شِي [S] He stared at the broken vase with a helpless expression on his face,
مو طالِعِ بْإِيْدَو يِتْرُك شِغْلَو بْهالإِيَّام [S] He can ill afford to quit his job now
ما بِيْطْلَع بْإِيدِي أَشْتِرِي هادا = مادِّيْتِي ما بْتِسْمَح لِي اِشْتِري هادا [S] I can’t afford that (financially)
عِمِل كِلّ هاللي بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيْدَو / هاللي بْإِمْكَانَو [S] He did everything he could,