Verbs 6 Flashcards
To think, be of the opinion that, assume
To consider (ب =, to take into consideration (ب
فْتَكَر ، يِفْتِكِر
بِفْتِكِر فِيْهَا [S] I’ll consider it.
في عِدِّة أَشْيَا لازِم ناخِدَهْا بْعَيْنِ الاِعْتِبار = في عِدِّة أَشْيَا لازِم نِفْتِكِر فِيْهَا = في عِدِّة أَشْيَا لازِمِ نْفَكِّر فِيهَا [S] We have to take several things into consideration,
To abide by, comply with, observe, adhere to (ب =, e.g. rules, the law)
يِلتَزِم , اْلْتَزَم
To comprise, consist of, contain, be made up of, include (على =
حتَوَى ، يِِحتِوي
To end, finish, come to an end, expire
اْنْتَهَى، يِنْتِهِي
اِنْتَهِت [S] That’s that! (note general feminine)
كِيْفِ اْنْتَهِتِ الاِنْتِخَابَات [S] How did the elections turn out?
كِلّْ شِي اْنْتَهَى على أَحْسَن ما يُرَام [S] It all turned out for the best
هَدِيْكِ الأَوْقَاْتِ الحِلْوِة اْنْتَهِت هَلَّق [S] Those good times have come to an end now
اْنتَهَى البَرنَامَج [P] the program is over, the program is finished; {‘ºntaha-l-barnāmaj}
وَقتنَا عَم بيْنتْهي [P] our time is coming to an end; {waqtna ʕam byºntºhy}
لَمَّا اْنتَهَتِ الحَرب [P] when the war ended; {lamma ‘ºntahatᴵ-l-ḥarb}
اْنْتَهَى مِتِل [L] to end up like, as in:
وْبْدُون شَهَادِة، تِنْتِهِي مِتِل اِبِن عَمَّك خَلِيل، بَيَّاع فْلافِل [L] and without a degree, you’ll end up like your cousin Khalil, a falafel seller;
اْنْتَهَى كِلّْ شِي بَيْنِي وْبَيْنَو [S] I am through with him
إِذَا بْتَعْمِل هَالشِّي مَرَّة تانْيِة كِلّْ شِي بَيْنَاتْنَا بْيِنْتِهِي [S] If you ever do that again, we’re through
To be able to do without (عن =, (be able to) spare (عن =
ستَغنَى ، يِستَغني
بْتِقدَر تِستَغني عَنُّو [P] can you manage without him? {bºtiqdɑr tistaġny ʕanno}
اليَوْم فِيْه نَاس مِتعَلّْمِيْن بيْستَغنُوا عَنِ الكَلِمَاتِ الأَجنَبِيِّة، بيْقُوْلُوا حَسُوْب مِش كَمبْيُوْتِر [P] today, there are well educated people who do without (using) foreign words, they say “hasub” instead of “computer”; {‘il-yōm fīᴴ nās mitʕallºmīn byºstaġnu ʕanᴵ-l-kalimātᴵ-l-ʔajnabiyye، byºqūlu ḥasūb miš kɑmbºyūter}
هَيْكِ زْبُوْن أَنَا بَستَغني عَنُّو [P] a like like this I can do without!; {hēkᵉ zºbūn ʔana bastaġny ʕanno}
تْفَضَّل زُوْرنَا! — بْنِستَغنِيْش، بْنِيْجي [P] please come and pay us a visit — we can’t do without (visiting you), we will come!; {tºfɑḍḍɑl zūrna! — bºnistaġnīš، bºnījy}
فِيك تِسْتَغْنِي عَن هَالقَلَم [S] Can you spare this pencil?
فِيك تِسْتَغْنِي عَن هالقَلَم شْوَيِّة = فِيك تِقْعُد بَلَا هالقَلَم شْوَيِّة [S] Can you do without this pencil for a while?
لا يُسْتَغْنَى عَنَّو [S] indispensable (CA passive)
مْحَسّْبِة إِنَّو لا يُسْتَغْنَى عَنَّهْا [S] She thinks she is indispensable,
To get ready, prepare
ستَعَدّ ، يِستَعِدّ
To make (ه = s.o.) trip, or to trip (ه = s.o.)
فَركَش ، يْفَركِش
To translate, interpret (ه =, من = from, ل = to)
تَرجَم، يْتَرجِم
To trip, get tripped up, stumble
تْفَركَش ، يِتفَركَش
To register (ه = land, property)
طَوَّب، يْطَوِّب
طَوَّبِ البَيْتِ بْاِسِم اِبنُو [P] he registered the house in his son’s name; {ṭɑwwɑbᴵ-l-bētᵉ bº’isᵉm ‘ibno}
طَوَّبِ البَيْتِ بْاِسِم مَرَتُو [P] he registered the
house in his wife’s name
طَوَّبِ البَيْتِ بْاِسِم اِبنُو [P] he registered the house in his son’s name; {ṭɑwwɑbᴵ-l-bētᵉ bº’isᵉm ‘ibno}
طَوَّبِ البَيْتِ بْاِسِم مَرَتُو [P] he registered the house in his wife’s name; {ṭɑwwɑbᴵ-l-bētᵉ bº’isᵉm mɑrɑto}
عَلَى اِسِم مِيْنِ مْطَوَّبِة الأَرض [P] in whose name is the land registered; {ʕala ‘isᵉm mīnᵉ mºṭɑwwɑbe-l-ʔɑrḍ}
الأَرضِ مْطَوَّبِة / مْسَجَّلِة عَلَى اِسمُو [P] the land is registered in his name
To bow, bend, stoop (of a person), lean over (of a person)
اْنْحَنَى ، يِنْحِنِي
To testify, bear witness (ل = for / on behalf of, على = against)
شِهِد ، يِشهَد
To con, swindle (على = s.o.)
نَصَب ، يِنْصُب
بُنصُب عَلَى النَاس [P] he cons people; {bunṣob ʕala-n-nās}
To sweep away, carry away, wash away (ه =
جَرَف ، يِجْرُف
مْخَيِّلَاتَو جَرَفْتَو مَعَهْا [S] His imagination ran away with him
المَيِّ بْتِجرِفِ الترَاب [P] the water carries away the soil; {‘il-mɑyyᵉ bºtijrefᴵ-t-trᾱb}
بِالرَّبِيْعِ المَاضِي السَّيْل جَرَفِ السَّدّ [S] Last spring the flood washed away the dam
الأَمْطَار جَرْفِتِ كْتِير مِن وِشِّ التِّرْبِة [S] The rains have eaten away a lot of the topsoil
To be strict, be severe, get tough (على = on
To emphasise (على =
To make strong, intensify, strengthen (ه =, على = on)
شَدَّد ، يْشَدِّد
تْشَدَّد، يِتْشَدَّد
شَدَّدَوا الحُكُم عَلَيه [E.G.] They made his sentence heavier
لا تْشَدِّد على الطُّلَّاب [E.G.] Don’t be hard on the students.
To uproot, root out (ه =
To remove (ه = by surgical operation
اْستَأْصَل ، يِستَأْصِل
To head, lead, preside, be in charge of, chair
تْرَأَّس ، يِترَأَّس
مِين يللي تْرَأَّسِ الاِجْتِماع [S] Who chaired the meeting?
بْيِتْأَمَّل إِنَّو لَحَ يِتْرَأَّس شِي يَوْمِ القِسِم هَاللي هُوِّ فِيه [S] He hopes to head his department some day
رَئِيْسِ البَلَدِيِّة تْرَأَّسِ الاِسْتِعْرَاْض = رَئِيْسِ البَلَدِيِّة كان على رأْسِ الاِسْتِعْرَاْض [S] The mayor led the parade
مِين بِدَّو يِتْرَأَّس اِجْتِمَاعِ الإِسْبُوْعِ الجَّايِة [S] Who’s going to preside over next week’s meeting?
الأُستَاذ بيْترَأَّسِ اللُجنِة [P] this gentleman is chairman of the committee; {‘il-ʔustā∂ byºtrɑʔʔɑsᴵ-l-lujne}
مِيْن رَح يِترَأَّسِ الجَلسِة [P] who is going to chair the meeting
To be held, convened, conducted (of a meeting, conference, etc.)
الاِجْتِمَاعَات بْتِنْعِقِد كِلّْ جِمْعَة مَرَّة [S] The meetings are held once a week
المَحْكَمِة بْتِنْعِقِدِ اليَوْم شِي [S] Does the court sit today?
To get mixed up (في / ب = in, become mired (في / ب = in), get involved (in a negative way)
تْوَرَّط ، يِتوَرَّط
To grow, develop, grow up
نَمَى، يِنمي
To risk (ل =, be exposed, subjected (ل = to)
تْعَرَّض ، يِتعَرَّض
To launch, wage (ه =, e.g. war, battle, campaign)
شَنّ ، يْشِنّ
الصَّحَافِة شَنِّت حَمْلِة عَنِيْفِة عَلَى رَئِيْسِ الوَزَارَة [S] The press launched a fierce attack on the Prime Minister
الِـمْرَشَّح لِلرِّيَاسِة بِدَّو يَعْمِل حَمِلْتَو الاِنْتِخَابِيِّة بَعِد كَم جِمْعَة [S] The presidential nominee will launch his campaign in a few weeks
ما فِيْهُن يِشِنُّ,ا حَرْب طَوِيْلِة [S] They can’t wage a long war
To wade across, to ford (ه =
خَاْض ، يْخُوْض
لَو كِنْتِ بْمَحَلَّك ما بْخُوْض بِهالنَّهِر [S] I wouldn’t wade into the stream if I were you.
ما فِيكِ تْخُوْض بْهالنَّهِرِ التَّيَّار قَوِي كْتِير [S] You can’t ford this river, the current is too strong
To give up, concede (عن =
To compromise (عن =
تْنَازَل ، يِتنَازَل
To expel, drive out, throw out, kick out (ه = s.o./
طَرَد ، يِطْرُد
كَحَش ، يِكحِش
To protest, complain (على = against
حْتَجّ ، يِحْتَجّ
To besiege, lay siege to (ه =
حَاصَر ، يْحَاصِر
تْحاصِر / اِتْحاصِر، يِتْحاصِر
To attack, assault, carry out a hostile act (على = on s.o.);
اْعتَدَى ، يِعتَدي
تْعَدَّى، يِتعَدَّى
العِصَابِة تْعَدِّت عَلَيْه بْحارَة عِتْمِة [S] The gang assaulted him in a dark alley.
To donate, contribute free of cost (ه =, ل = to, or من = from
تْبَرَّع، يِتبَرَّع
To make possible (ه = for s.o., من = to do, to enable (ه = s.o., من = to do
مَكَّن ، يْمَكِّن
خِبْرَة مِن هالنَّوع بِتْمَكّْنَك تاخُد شَغْلِة مْنِيحَة [S] This type of experience should enable you to get a good position