Verbs 11 Flashcards
To list, enumerate, itemise (ه =
عَدَّد ، يْعَدِّد
عَدَّد كِلِّ العَوَامِل هَللي ضِدِّ المَشْرُوْع [S] He enumerated all the factors that would speak against the plan
To appoint (ه = s.o.) as an agent / representative, to authorize (ه = s.o.) to act on one’s behalf
وَكَّل ، يْوَكِّل
المُدِيْر وَكَّلني أَمضي عَنُّو [P] the manager has authorised me to sign for him
To be pulled out, be extracted
To come off, be pulled off
To be dislocated, thrown out of joint
To be deposed, be ousted
To ally o.s. (مع = with)
To be filled, have a filling added (e.g. of a tooth)
اْنْحَشَى ، يِنْحَشَى
To be preferred
النَوْعِ القَدِيم لِسَّه مِتْفَضَّل عَنِ الجِديد the old type is till preferred to the new
To become lighter
خَفّ، يْخِفّ
To expand, extend, spread, spread out, become wide;
تْوَسَّع، يِتوَسَّع
To be approved (على =
To fit in, tally, be in harmony, be in agreement, correspond
تْوَافَق ، يِتوَافَق
طَلَبَكِ تْوَافَق علَيْه [S] Your application has
been approved
كِيْف بْيِتوَافَق مَعِ اللي قُلتُو [P] how does it tally with what your said; {kīf bºyitwāfaq maʕᴵ-l-ly qulto}
خِطَطَو بْتِتْوَافَق تَمَام مَع خِطَطِي [S] His plans are in complete harmony with mine
هادَا حَتْمًا ما بْيِتْوَافَق مَعِ الشّْرُوْطِ العَقْدِ الأَصْلِيِّة [S] This is definitely not in agreement with the original terms of the contract
التَرْجَمِة ما بْتِتوافَق معِ الأَصِل = التَرْجَمِة ما بِتْطَابِقِ الأَصِل [S] The translation does not correspond to the original
To legislate (ه =
To sharpen (ه =
سَنّ ، يْسِنّ
to be sharpened
بيْسِنِّ السَكِّيْنِة [P] he sharpens his knife;
To conclude (ه =
To stamp, seal, put a stamp or postmark (ه = on
خَتَم ، يِختِم
خَلِّيْنَا نِخْتُمِ السَّهْرَة بْقَدَحِ نْبِيْت [S] Let’s top off the evening with a glass of wine,
خَتَمُوا المِؤْتَمَرِ بْجَوّ كِلَّو تَمَاسُح وْتَفَاهُم [S] They closed the conference in an atmosphere of toleration and understanding,
خَتَم خِطَابَو بْشاهِدِ مْنِ القِرْآن [S] He ended his speech with a quotation from the Qur’an
الطَابِع مِش مَختُوْم [P] the stamp is not postmarked; {‘iṭ-ṭᾱbeʕ miš maḵtūm}
في المَطَار خَتَمنَا الپَاسپُورطَات [P] we got our passports at the airport; {fy-l-mɑṭᾱr ḵatamna-l-pasporṭᾱt}
خَتَمْتِ المَكْتُوْب [S] Have you sealed the letter?
خَتَمْتِ الصَّنْدُوْق (السَّنْدُوْء) قَابِل لِلْكَسْر [S] Did you stamp the box “fragile”
خَتَمِت كِلِّ الوَثَايِق [S] I stamped all the documents
To be boxed, put into a box or crate
To be kept, preserved, put away (for safe keeping, with the goal of protecting / preserving it), taken care of
To strain (ه =, a limb)
فَلَش ، يِفْلِش
اْنْفَلَش وَتَرِ بْرِجْلِي [S] I strained a ligament in my foot
اْنْفَلَش وَتَرِ بْرِجْلِي [S] I strained a ligament in my foot
To study closely (ب =
To be accurate, meticulous, precise (في = in
دَقَّق ، يْدَقِّق
بيْدَقِّق في شُغلُو [P] he’s very precise in his work; {byºdaqqeq fy šuġlo}
هَلَّق بَدَيْتِ تْدَقِّق تَدْقِيقَات بَلَا طَعْمِة [S] Now you’re just splitting hairs
دَقَّقْنَا بِالخَرِيطَة قَبِل ما مْشِيْنَا [S] We studied the map before we started
تْطَلَّع عَلَيهَا بْدِقَّة = دَقِّقِ النَّظَر فِيها [S] Look at it closely
To manipulate (ب =, get up to funny business (ب = with
تْلَاعَب ، يِتلَاعَب
بيْتلَاعَب بِالأَسعَار [P] he messes with the prices; {byºtlāʕab bi-l-ʔasʕᾱr
To get caught, seized
To be gotten, grabbed, caught, taken, held
اْنمَسَك، يِنِمسِك
الحَرَامي اْنمَسَك [P] the burglar got caught
To be hostile, show enmity (ه = toward s.o.);
عَاْدَى، يْعَاْدِي
بيعَادِيْنِي [P] He dislikes me, he’s hostile to me
اِتَّخَذ مَوقِف مُعَادِي [P] He adopted a hostile attitude (more formal tone)
To force to flee, put to flight (ه = s.o. /
هَرَّب ، يْهَرِّب