Verbs 21 Flashcards
To blow gust blow in gusts (Said of the wind)
هَبّ، يْهِبّ
الهَوَا / الرِيْح بيْهِبّ [P] the wind gusts
To air out ventilate fan
هَوَّى يْهَوِّي
تْهَوَّى يِتهَوَّى
عَشَانِ الأَوضَة تِتهَوَّى [P] so that the room gets aired out
مِن فَضْلَك هَوِّي الأُوْضَة بِغْيَابِي [S] Would you please air the room while I’m out?
To snow;
(usually used in the feminine (تِتْلُج ) because الدنيا is the subject)
تَلَج يِتْلُج
To have flashes of lightening;
(this is usually said in the feminine with the world (الدنيا) as the implicit or explicit subject)
بَرَق يِبرِق
بَرَقَت [P] there was a flash of lightening / flashes of lightening; {baraqat}
To catch fire ignite (intransitive)
اْشْتَعَل يِشْتِعِل
البَنْزِينِ اْشْتَعَل لَـمّا السَّيَّارَة ضَرْبِتِ الشَّجَرَة [S] The gasoline ignited when the car hit the الخَشَب ناشِف لدَرَجِة بْيِشْتِعِل فِيها بْسْهُوْلِة [S] The wood is so dry that it will catch fire easily
To crawl, creep, slither
زَحَف يِزْحَف
To bloom
زَهَّر يْزَهِّر
الشَجَرَة بِتزَهِّر [P] the tree is flowering the tree is in bloom
To let make (ه = s.o.) smell (ه =
شَمَّم ,يْشَمِّم
شَمَّمني الزَهرَة [P] he gave me a flower to smell
To lengthen, become longer
طِوِل / طِوِل ,يِطوَل
النْهَار عَم يِطوَل [P] the days are getting longer
To count (ه =
To consider (ه = s.o./ to be (ه =
عَدّ يِعِدّ
عَدَّيْتِ الكَرَاسِي [P] I counted the chairs; {ʕaddētᴵ-l-kɑrᾱsiy}
عِدّهُم / عِدِّيْهُم كَمَان مَرَّة [P] count them again; {ʕeddhom / ʕeddīhom kamān mɑrrɑ}
عِدّهِن كَمَان مَرَّة [P] [P, G] count them again; {ʕeddhen kamān mɑrrɑ}
بتِعرِفِ تْعِدّ لَلعَشَرَى [P] can you count to ten; {bteʕrefᵉ tºʕedd lalʕašɑrɑ}
عِدّ لَلعَشَرَى [P] Count to ten!; {ʕedd lalʕašɑrɑ}
حَگَرَة بَگَرَا عِدِّي لَلْعَشَرة = حَگَرَة بَگَرَا قِلِّي عَمِّي عِدِّ لَلْعَشَرة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة [S, Has] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English (note the ق is said g);
حَدَرَة بَدَرَا قِلِّي عَمِّي عِدِّ لَلْعَشَرة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة [S?] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English
الله مالَّا قِلِّي رَبِّي عِدّ لَلْعَشَرَة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة [S, Christian only?] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English
اِبِنْهَا الزّْغِيْر بْيِقْدِر يْعِدّ مِن واحِد لَخَمِسْتَعِش (لَخَمِصْطَعِش) [S] Her little boy can count from one to fifteen
مِن فَضْلَك عِدِّ الِكْمالِة تَبَعَك [S] Please count your change
فِي نِقَّادِ كْتِير بِيْعِدُّوا أَهَمّْ كاتِب بْهالجِّيْل [S] Many critics rate him as the most important author of this generation
بَعِدَّك صَحِب إِلِي [P] I consider you a friend of mine;
To calculate (ه =
حَسَب يِحسِب
To subtract (ه = من = from) (mathematics)
طَرَح يِطرَح
To multiply (ه = ب / في = by)
ضَرَب ,يِضْرُب
To divide (ه = على = over
قَسَم يِقسِم
To equal (ه = (also in math)
سَاوَى يْسَاوي
To fall
وِقِع، يُوْقَع
To drop (ه =
وَقَّع، يْوَقِّع
To abandon, desert (ه = s.o./
هجَر، يِهْجُر
To accept (ه =
قِبِل، يِقْبَل
تْقَبَّل، يِتْقَبَّل
اْنقَبَل، يِنِقبِل
هُوِّ اْنقَبَل في الجَامعَة [P] he got accepted to the university
To come (ه = to s.o./, or ل / على )
إِجَا / جَا، يِجي
To confess, admit (ب = to)
To recognise, acknowledge (ه =
اْعْتَرَف، يِعْتِرِف
To advise, recommend (ه = to s.o., ب = / to do, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do
نَصَح، يِنْصَح
To fatten, make fatter
نَصَّح، يْنَصِّح
To influence, affect (على / في =; (often to refer to emotions, like to sway s.o., emotionally touch s.o.)
أَثَّر / أَتَّر، يْؤَثِّر / يْؤَتِّر
To apologise
اْعْتَذَر، يِعْتِذِر
اِعتَذَر لَك [P] did he apologize to you; {‘iʕtɑ∂ɑr lak}
اِعتَزَرتِ اْلُّو [P] I apologized to him; {‘iʕtazɑrtᴵ ‘ºllo}
لَازِم تِعتْزِر لُو [P] you’ve got to apologize to him
To reveal, show, demonstrate (ه =; (also to illustrate, indicate, etc. depending on context)
To appear, be visible
To seem (على = refers to subject, can be followed a sentence, adjective, إنّ = that, etc.)
بَيَّن، يْبَيِّن
مْبَيِّن عَلَيْك ما لَك عَم تَفْهَم [S] You don’t seem to understand,
التَّقْرِيْرِ مْبَيِّنِ مْنِيح [S] The report sounds good
لَيْش مُش عَم بِتبَيِّن [P] where have you been? We haven’t seen you in ages!; {lēš muš ʕam bitbayyen}
هَادَا مَا بيْبَيِّنِش عَلَيْه [P] it doesn’t appear on him, you don’t see it on him; {hāda ma byºbayyenᵉš ʕalēᴴ}
بيْبَيِّن عَلَى وِجهَك [P] it’s written all over your face; {byºbayyen ʕala wijhak}
هَلَّق بَيَّنَت [P] now everything is clear! (also used as now the cat is out of the bag!); {hallaq bayyanat}
كِل يَوْم عَم بِيْبَيِّـن [L] every day it is become clear(er);
مِتِل ما صار مْبَيِّـن [L] as has become clear;
ما بَيَّن إِلَّا بْآخِر دَقِيقَة [S] He appeared at the last minute,
ما عادِت بَيَّنِتِ بْبَقِيْتِ اللَيْلِة [S] She remained invisible for the rest of the evening
الفِشَّايِة مْبَيّْنِة شِي [S] Does the spot show?
ما بَقَى يِسْتَرْجِي يْبَيِّن هَوْن [S] He doesn’t dare show himself again around here
دَايْمًا بِيْبَيِّن مَطْرَح ما ما بِدَّك يَاه يْكُوْن [S] He’s always turning up where you don’t want him
وَيْن بَيَّنِت حالَها؟ عَ الرَّقَص [L] when did she show her true colors? During the dancing
بِيْبَيِّن مِن عَيْنَيه [L] it is clear from it’s eyes
بِنْت الحَرَام بِتْبَيِّن مِن عَيْنَيهَا [L] you can tell a bad woman just by her eyes.
بَيِّن حَالَك [P] drop around and see us (make yourself appear); {bayyen ḥālak}
بَيِّن شَطَارتَك [P] show (us) how clever you are! (often said sarcastically, like come big shot, let’s see what you’ve got); {bayyen šɑṭᾱrtak}
مَا بَحِبَّ اْبَيِّن [P] I don’t like to attract attention;
To organize, arrange, put in order (ه =
نَظَّم، يْنَظِّم
To be
يكون، كان
To become
يصير، صار
To beg, plead, implore (ه = s.o.)
تْرَجَّى، يِترَجَّى
To behave properly
تْأَدَّب بَقَى [S] behave yourself
To bet, lay a wager (ه = with s.o., على = for
رَاهَن، يْرَاهِن
بْرَاْهْنَك عَشَرَة لَوَاحِد إِنَّو بْيَعْمِلَهْا [S] I’ll lay ten to one that he does it
بْرَاهْنَك إِنَّو فاتَو التّْرَيْن [S] bet you he missed the train
بِتْرَاهِن = بِتْرُوح شَرِط [V] Want to bet?
To reproach, blame (ه = s.o.)
لَاْم، يْلُوْم
انْلَاْم، يِنْلَاْم
ما تِنْلَام على اللي سَوَّتَه [E.G.] She can’t be blamed for what she did
ءَنَا مَا بَلُوْمَك [P] I don’t blame you; {ʔana ma balūmak}
مَا تْلُوْم إِلَّا نَفسَك [P] you’ve no one to blame except yourself; {ma tºlūm ʔilla nafsak}
ما بِقْدَر أَلُومَك [L] I can’t blame you;
لا تْحِطِّ اللَوْم عَلِيِّ = لا تْلُوْمْنِي أَنَا [S] Don’t put the blame on me
تَحِت هالظُّرُوف صِعِب عَلِيِّ اْلُوْمَهْا [S] Under those circumstances could hardly blame her
لَاْمْنَا نِحْنَا عَ الحادِث [S] He blamed us for the accident
ما بْلُوْمَك على رَوْحْتَك [S] don’t blame you for going,
ما عَمِ نْلُوْمَك على شِي [S] We’re not blaming you for anything,
عَم يْلُوْمْنِي على كِلّ شِي صار [S] He blames everything on me
To be interested in (ب =, care for, be careful of (ب =, concern (ب = for), mind (ب =
اْهْتَمّ، يِهْتَمّ
To make (ه = bear (ه = a burden)
حَمَّل، يْحَمِّل
اْلِحمَار كَانِ مْحَمَّل حَطَب [P] the donkey was carrying (a load of) wood; {‘ºlᵉḥmᾱr kānᵉ mºḥammam ḥɑṭɑb}
بِدُّو يْحَمِّلني المَسؤُولِيِّة [P] he wants to make me bear the responsibility
To follow, tail, pursue, give chase to (ه = s.o.)
لَاحَق، يْلَاحِق