Verbs 4 Flashcards
To forge, fake (ه =
زَوَّر ، يْزَوِّر
زَيَّف، يْزَيِّف
أَبُوْهَا زَيَّفِ الهَوِيِّة [P] her father forged the identity card; { ʔabūha zayyafᴵ-l-hawiyye}
وَصلِ مْزَيَّف [P] a fake / forged receipt; {wɑṣlᵉ mºzayyaf}
هَاي عُملِة مْزَيَّفِة [P] this is counterfeit money; {hāy ʕumle mºzayyafe}
اْعْتَرَف إِنَّو كان عَم يْزَيِّف مَصَارشي قَبِل كَم سِنِة [S] He admitted he had counterfeited some money a few years ago.
الوَثَايِقِ مْزَيَّفَة [S] The documents were faked
بْيِظْهَر فِي حَدَا زَيَّف هَالبَاسْبَوْر [S] It looks as if someone had forged this passport
هَادَا إِمضَا مْزَوَّر [P] this signature is forged; {hāda ʔimḍɑ mºzawwɑr}
هَاي شَهَادِة مْزَوَّرَة [P] this certificate is a fake; {hāy šahāde mºzawwɑrɑ}
الوَثَايِقِ مْزَوَّرَة [S] The documents were faked
أَكِيْد هالإِمْضَا مْزَوَّر [S] The signature was definitely forged
To convince, persuade (ه = s.o., ب = of / to)
قَنَع ، يِقْنِع
To lick (ه =
لَحَس ، يِلْحَس
To catch, trap (ه =
To catch on to, pick up on (ه =
لَقَط ، يُلقُط
مْبَارِح لَقَطْنَا فَارَة بِالقَبْو [S] Yesterday we trapped a mouse in the basement
لَقَطتِ الفَار [P] I caught the mouse
لَقَطِ اللَحِن [P] he picked up the tune; {lɑqɑṭᴵ-l-laḥᵉn}
بُلقُطِ الأَموَاجِ القَصِيْرِة [P] he picks up the short wave; {bulqoṭᴵ-l-ʔamwājᴵ-l-qɑṣīre}
هَلَّق مْسِكْت رَاسِ الشَّمُوْط = هَلَّق لَقَطْتَهْا = هَلَّق مْسِكْتَهْا [S] Now I’ve got the knack of it
لَقَطْتَهْا [S] I’ve got it!
لَقَطْتْ طِلْيَانِي مْنِيحِ بْسَفِرْتِي [S] I picked up quite a bit of Italian on my trip
To ruin, damage, spoil (ه =
To remove, strip off/out (ه =
نَزَع ، يِنْزَع
نَزْعِت لِي كِلّْ مَرَاقِي [S] She’s spoiled all my fun
نَزَع سِلَاح حَدَا [S] to disarm s.o.
نَزَعُوا سِلاحِ المَسَاجِينِ (المَسَجِينِ) بْسِرْعَة [S] They disarmed the prisoners quickly
To copy, duplicate (ه =
نَسَخ ، يِنْسَخ
To protrude, stick out, project
To be prominent, conspicuous
بَرَز ، يِبْرُز
الحَجَر بيْبرِز مِنِ الحَيْط [P] the stone sticks out of the wall; {‘il-ḥɑjɑr byºbrez minᴵ-l-ḥēṭ}
الجّْسُوْرَة بَارْزِة مْنِ البَيْت [S] The beams project from the wall
أَوْعَك! في بِسْمَار بَارِزِ هْنِيك [S] Watch out! There’s a nail sticking out over there
بَحِبِّش أَبرِز [P] I don’t like to stand out
To recommend (على / ب / في =, ه = to s.o., or إنّ = that, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do
To will (ه =, ل = to)
وَصَّى ، يْوَصِّي
وَصَّى عَلَيّ [P] he recommended me; {wɑṣṣɑ ʕalayy}
حَكَيْت مَعِ المُدِيْر وْوَصَّيْت عَلَيْك [P] I had a word with the manager and I recommended you; {ḥakēt maʕᴵ-l-mudīr wºwɑṣṣēt ʕalēk}
بِنوَصِّيْهِ اْنُّو يِتوَجَّه لَلطَّبِيْب [P] we recommend that he see a doctor; {binwɑṣṣīᴴᴵ ‘ºnno yitwajjah lɑṭṭɑbīb}
وَصَّيْتَو فِيْهَا كْتِير [S] I recommended her highly to him
وَصَّى كِلّْ أَمْلَاكَو لِلِكْنِيْسِة [S] He willed all his property to the church,
To deprive, deny, dispossess (ه = s.o., من = from)
حَرَم ، يِحرِم
انْحَرَم، يِنْحِرِم
انْحِرَمْت مِن أَشْيَا واجْدَة (وايْدَة) [E.G.] I was deprived of many things
انْحِرْمَوا مِن شَوفِ التَلَفِزْيَوْن [E.G.] they were prevented from watching TV.
حَرَمُوْهُم مِن حُقُوْقهُم [P] they deprived them of their rights; {ḥɑrɑmūhom min ḥuʠūʠhom}
حَرَم حَالُو مِنِ الكَمَالِيَّات [P] he denied himself luxuries; {ḥɑrɑm ḥālo minᴵ-l-kamāliyyāt}
كَان مَحرُوْم مِن حَنَانِ الإِمّ [P] he was deprived of maternal love; {kān maḥrūm min ḥanānᴵ-l-ʔimm}
مَحرُوْمِيْن مِن أَبُوْهِن [P] [P, G] deprived of their father; {maḥrūmīn min ʔabūhen}
حَرَم حالَو [S] to deny oneself
بْحَيَاتِك ما حَرْمِة حالَهْا شِي [S] She never denied herself anything
ما بِدِّي اِحِرْمَك (مِن) سِيْگَارَاتَك [V] wouldn’t want to deprive you of your cigarettes
ما بْيِحْرِم حالَو شِي [S] He doesn’t deprive himself of anything,
To mention (ه =
ذَكَر ، يُذكُر
To collapse
نْهَاْر ، يِنْهَاْر
اْنْهار مِن كِتْرِةِ الإِجْهَاْد [S] He cracked up under the strain
بَعْضُهْن اْنْهارُوا مِن شِدِّةِ التَّعَب [S] Some of them dropped from exhaustion
اْنهَارَت أَعصَابهَا [P] she had a nervous breakdown; {‘ºnhᾱrɑt ʔɑʕṣᾱbha}
اْنهَارَت عِلَاقَاتهَا مَعُو [P] he relationship with him has fallen apart; {‘ºnhᾱrɑt ʕilᾱʠᾱtha maʕo}
اْنْهَارِت تَمَامًا [S] She went completely to pieces,
لا بِدّْ عَاجِلًا أَو آجِلًا مَا يِنْهَار شِغْلُهْن [S] Sooner or later their business is bound to go to pieces
اْنْهار لـمّا سِمِعِ الخَبَر [S] He broke down when he heard the news,
الجِّسِر على غَفْلِة اْنْهار [S] The bridge suddenly collapsed
اْنْهارِ بْنِصِّ الشَّارِع [S] He collapsed in the middle of the street.
To clash, collide, crash (ب = with / into
To clash (مع = with)
صطَدَم ، يِصطَدِم
في مِتْظَارهْرِينِ اْصْطَدَمُوا مَعِ الشِّرْطَة اليَوْم قَبْلِ الضِّهِر [S] Demonstrators clashed with the police early this morning,
السَيَّارتَيْنِ اْصطَدَمُوا [P] the two cars crashed into each other; {‘is-sayyᾱrtēnᴵ ‘ºṣṭɑdɑmu}
الباخْرَة اْصْطَدَمِت بْصَخْرَة [S] The ship struck a rock.
To lead, command (ه =
قَاد ، يْقُوْد
اْنْقَاْد ، يِنْقَاْد
مِيْنِ اللي قَادِ المَعرَكِة [P] who commanded the military operation? {mīnᴵ-l-ly ʠᾱdᴵ-l-maʕrake}
لَازِم يِعرَف كِيْف يْقُوْد شَعبُو [P] he has to know how to lead his people; {lāzem yeʕrɑf kīf yºʠūd šaʕbo}
عَمْرو ابْنِ العَاص قَادِ الجّْيُوْشِ العَرَبِيِّة المَصِر [S] Amr Ibn As led the Arab armies into Egypt
To light, illuminate (ه =
To set straight, show the light (ه = to s.o.)
نَوَّر ، يْنَوِّر
فِيكِ تْنَوِّرْنِي بْهالشَّغْلِة [S] Can you set me straight on this?
نَوَّرت عَلَيْنَا البَيْت [P] you’ve brought light into our home (with your visit); {nawwɑrt ʕalēna-l-bēt}
نَوَّرت = نَوَّرْتِ البَيْت [V] you have brought light (to the house, to our neighborhood, etc.); (conventional greeting to a guest);
To be on fire, to burn (intransitive) (in all sense of burning up, burning down, getting a burn, etc.)
حْتَرَق ، يِحْتِرِق
سَيَّارِتْنَا اْحْتَرَق دِيْنَهْا بْهالسَّفْرَة [S] Our car took a lot of punishment on that trip
هالحَطَب بْيِحْتِرِقِ مْنِيْح [S] This wood burns well
اْحْتَرَق كِلَّو [S] to burn down completely
البِنَايِة اْحْتَرَقِت كِلَّهْا [S] The building has burned down completely
كِتْبُو اْحْتَرَقُوا بِالحَرِيقَة [S] His books burned up in the fire,
البَيْت عَم يِحْتِرِق [S] The house is on fire
احترق السُّوق [L] the market’s prices spiked;
اْحْتَرَق دِين إِمّ السِّيَارَة [L] the car is bloody ruined!
To hang, hang up, put up (ه =
To interpret, comment, provide commentary (على = on)
عَلَّق ، يعَلِّق
بيعَلِّق عَلَى البَرنَامَج [P] he comments on the program; {byʕalleʠ ʕala-l-barnāmaj}
عَلَّقِت عَ التَغْيِيرات الِكْتِيرِة بِالبَلَد [S] She commented on the many changes in the town,
To act humble, modest
تْواضَع / اِتْواضَع، يِتْواضَع
To publicly shame, disgrace, make a scandal of (ه =
To make shameful facts public, make a scandal out of (ه =;
فَضَح ، يِفضَح
تْجَرَّس، يِتْجَرَّس
اْنْفَضَح كَجَاسُوْس [S] He was exposed as a spy
فَضَحهَا [P] he exposed her to public disgrace / he ruined her reputation; {fɑḍɑḥha}
مَا تِفضَحنَاش [P] don’t disgrace us! {ma tifḍɑḥnāš}
يِفْضَح حَرِيْمَهْا [S] Damn it! (more literally: may its women be exposed or may God expose its women!) (note generic ها )
يِفْضَح حَرِيْمَك، هايّْ كَمَان ما بَعْرِف وَيْن حَطَّيْت كَزِلْكِي [S] Hang it all, I don’t know where I put my glasses
بِدّنَاش نِفضَحِ الأُمُوْر [P] we don’t want to bring the matters to light (i.e. because then there would be a scandal); {biddnāš nifḍɑḥᴵ-l-ʔumūr}
To play (على = a musical instrument)
عَزَف ، يِعزِف
To hollow out (ه =
جَوَّفْنَا نِصِّ اليَقْطِيْنِة [S] We hollowed out half of the pumpkin
To turn, direct (النَظَر = the attention, ل = to)
لَفَت ، يِلْفِت
To get better, heal, recover
طَاب ، يْطِيْب
صَحّ، يْصِحّ
صَحصَح، يْصَحصِح
بَعِد مَا صَحَّيْت [P] after I recovered
بَلكي بيْصَحصِح [P] perhaps he’ll feel better
الجُرِح رَح يْطِيْب [P] the injury will heal; {‘il-jurᵉḥ rɑḥ yºṭīb}
بَعِد مَا طَابَت إِجري [P] after my leg got better; {baʕᵉd ma ṭᾱbat ʔijry}
بِدّيَ اْطِيْب [P] I want to get better; {biddyᵅ ‘ºṭīb}
وْفِعلًا طِبِت [P] (I took this medicine) and I actually did get better; {wºfeʕlan˜ ṭebᵉt}
بِيْطِيْب بْهالكَم يَوْم [S] He’ll get better in these (next) few days
بِيْطِيب بْهَالكَمْ يَوْم [S] he’ll be all right again in a few days.
يا تَرَى بِيْطِيْب [S] Will he get well again?
طَابِ بْسِرْعَة مِن مَرَضَو [S] He recovered quickly from his illness.
أَوَّل شِي لازِم اْطِيْب [S] First I must get well
الجِّرِح ما عَم يْطِيْب كَمَا يَجِب [S] The wound isn’t healing properly
طاب عالآخِير [S] He’s completely cured
To accustom, condition, get (ه = s.o.) used to (على =
عَوَّد ، يْعَوِّد
كَيَّف ، يْكَيِّف
To get used, become accustomed (على = to
تْعَوَّد ، يِتْعَوَّد
تْكَيَّف، يِتكَيَّف
To be in a temper, to sulk
حِرِد ، يِحرَد
بَوَّز، يْبَوِّز
To define, fix, set, determine (ه =
To limit (ه =, define limits for (ه =, restrict (ه =
To schedule, set a time (ه = for
حَدَّد ، يْحَدِّد
هالخَطِّ الأَسْوَد بِيْحَدِّدِ بْحْدُوْدْنَا تَمَام [S] This black line defines our border exactly
الأُجُوْر، مع غَيْر عَوَامِل، بِتْحَدِّدِ الأَسْعَاْر [S] wages, among other factors, determine the prices
الشِّرْطَة لِسَّا ما حَدَّدِتِ الدّوَاْفِع [S] The police still haven’t established the motive
لَازِمِ نْحَدِّد صَلَاحِيَّاتُو [P] we needed to define his areas of authority; {lāzemᵉ nºḥadded ṣɑlᾱḥiyyāto}
صَعبِ نْحَدِّدِ المُشكِلِة [P] it’s hard to define the problem;
في السَاعَة المُحَدَّدِة [P] at the set time / prearranged time; {fy-s-sĒʕa-l-muḥaddade}
الاِجْتِمَاع مْحَدَّد بِكْرَا [S] The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow
مَبْدَئِيًّا حَدَّدْنَا الِـمْقَابَلِة الخَمِيْس [S] We have tentatively scheduled the appointment for Thursday,
حَدَّدنَا مَوعِد [P] we set a date; {ḥaddadna mawʕed}
خَلِّيْنَا نْحَدِّد يَوْم [P] let’s set a day
To expose, uncover (ه =
كَشَف ، يِكشِف
اْنكَشَف، يِنكَشِف
اْنْكَشَفِ السِّتَار عَن [S] to be unveiled
إِسَّا اْنكَشفَت [P] now it has been revealed!; { ʔissa ‘ºnkašfat}
اْنكَشفَتِ المُآمَرَة [P] the plot was discovered; {‘ºnkašfatᴵ-l-muʔᾱmɑrɑ}
لَمَّا اْنكَشَفِ السِرّ [P] when the secret was discovered / came out; {lamma ‘ºnkašafᴵ-s-sirr}
سَرَق إِشي وْخَاف إِنُّو يِنكَشِف [P] he stole something and was afraid he would be caught
الجَرِيْدِة كَشَفَتِ الحَقِيْقَة [P] the newspaper exposed the truth; {‘il-jarīde kašafatᴵ-l-ḥaqīqa}
كَشَف أَورَاقُو [P] he exposed his cards; {kašaf ʔawrᾱqo}
مَا بيْكشِف عَوَاطْفُو [P] he doesn’t reveal his feelings; {ma byºkšef ʕɑwᾱṭºfo}
إِذَا كَشَف إِشي عِندِ المَرِيْض [P] if he finds anything wrong with the patient
To be necessary (ه / ل = for s.o.) (mainly used in the present tense)
لَزَم ، يِلْزُم
بَلكي بيْلزَمَك [P] it might be needed for you, you might need it
بيْلزَم لُو عِلَاج [P] treatment is necessary for him
عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) كِلّْ شِي بْيِلْزَمْنَا [S] We have all we need
To be worth, have value
سِوي ، يِسوَى
هَا الفِيِم مَا بيْسوَاش [P] that film’s not
worth seeing
شُو بيِسوَى / بيْسوَى [P] how much does it cost / how much is it worth?; {šu byiswa / byºswa}
هَا الفِيِم مَا بيْسوَاش [P] that film’s not worth seeing; {ha-l-fiᵉm ma byºswāš}
هَا الِبْضَاعَة مَا بْتِسوَاش [P] this merchandise is worthless
To monopolise, gain exclusive control of (ه =
حتَكَر ، يِحتَكِر
To scratch (ه =;
خَدَش ، يِخْدُش
To bring into being, create (ه =
خَلَق ، يِخْلِق
الله خَلَقِ العَالَم [P] God created the world; {‘ɑllɑ ḵalaqᴵ-l-ʕālam}
يَا مَا خَلَق الله [P] What (strange) people God has created!; {yā ma ḵalaʠ ‘ɑllᾱh}
هُوِّ بْيِخلِق مَشَاكِل [P] he causes problems; {huwwe bºyiḵleq mašākel}
اَلله خَلَقِ الكَوْن [S] God created the universe
هِيِّة أَحْلَى واحْدِة بِالعَالَم = أَحْلَى مِنَّهْا اَلله ما خَلَق [S] She’s the prettiest thing in all creation
To prop up, support (ه =
To lean (ه =, على = on)
سَنَد ، يِسنِد
لَازِم نِسنِدِ الحَيْط [P] we’ve got to prop up the wall; {lāzem nisnedᴵ-l-ḥēṭ}
أَحْسَن لَك تِسْنُدِ الشَّجَرَة قَبِل ما تِقَع [S] You’d better prop the tree before it falls.
فِي عَضَاْدَة ضَخْمِة واحْدِة سَانْدِة السَّقِف كِلَّو [S] One huge pillar supports the entire ceiling
لا تِسْنُدِ الكِرْسِي تَبَعَك عَ الحَيْط [S] Don’t lean your chair against the wall
To rinse (ه =
شَطَف ، يُشطُف
شَطفَتِ الجَلي [P] she rinsed the dishes
To appeal (ه = to)
عَجَب ، يَعْجِب