Nouns 18 Flashcards
Fraternity, brotherhood
Sight, vision, spectacle, scene;
(something worth watching or that pulls the attention (a sight, spectacle))
مَعْرُوْض لِلْفِرْجِة [S] on view
فِي صُوَر مَعْرُوْضَة لِلْفِرْجِة بْمَدْخَلِ السِّيْنَمَا [S] Pictures are on view in the lobby of the theater
شُوْف لَك هَا الفُرجِة [P] look at that beautiful vision / sight; {šūf lak ha-l-furje}
البَيْت هَادَا فُرجِة [P] that house is is a sight! (from context: a sight for sore eyes, or in some other ways a welcome sight); {‘il-bēt hāda furje}
فُرجِة عَظِيْمِة [P] a wonderful sight; {furje ʕɑẓīme}
بَلَاش نِعمَل فُرجِة عَلَيْنَا [P] let’s not make a spectacle of ourselves; {balāš neʕmal furje ʕalēna}
خَلُّوا حَالِتهُم فُرجِة [P] they made a spectacle of themselves; {ḵallu ḥālethom furje}
لا تَعْمِلْ لْنَا فِرْجِة قِدَّامْ كِلِّ النَّاس [S] Don’t make a scene in front of all these people
شِفِت على بِكْرَا فِرْجِة كْتِير غَرِيبِة [S] I saw a most curious spectacle this morning.
Appointment, nomination (e.g. to a position)
(but note that nomination of a political candidate is تشريح)
تَعْيِيْن، ج تَعْيِيْنَاْت
قَبلِ التَعيِيْن [P] before being appointed; {qablᴵ-t-taʕyīn}
لِسَّا مَا أَخَدتِشِ التَعيِيْن [P] I haven’t been appointed yet; {lissa ma ʔaḵadtᵉšᴵ-t-taʕyīn}
تَهَانِيْنا على تَعْيِيْنَك [S] Congratulations on your appointment
Gamble, gambling
Recognition, acknowledgement, admission
Confession, admission
اِعْتِرَاْف، ج اْعْتِرَاْفَاْت
حِزِر (حِزْر)، ج حْزُوْرَة
Appraisal, assessment (also depending on context judgement, evaluation)
تَقْدِيْر، ج تَقْدِيْرَاْت
حَسَبِ التَقدِيْرِ الرَسمي [P] according to the official estimate; {ḥasabᴵ-t-taʠdīrᴵ-r-rasmy}
الدَّهَّان عِمِلْ لْنَا تَقْدِيْرَات [S] The painter made
us an estimate,
تَقدِيْرُو مِش مَظبُوْط [P] his assessment is
inaccurate; {taqdīro miš mɑẓbūṭ}
عَبَّر عَن تَقدِيْرُو [P] he expressed his appreciation; {ʕɑbbɑr ʕan taʠdīro}
شُكرًا عَلَى تَقدِيْرِك [P] thank you for your (words of) appreciation; {šukran˜ ʕala taqdīrek}
ما حَصَل عَ التَّقْدِير يَللي اْسْتَحَقَّو [S] He didn’t get the recognition he deserved,
هادا كان كِلَّو تَقْدِيْر مِنَّك [S] That was very considerate of you.
ما لِي مِنْتِظِر أَيّ تَقْدِير [S] don’t expect any appreciation
تَطَوُّر، ج تَطَوُّرَاْت
Hesitation (and hence also indecision)
تَرَدُّد، ج تَرَدُّدَات
بِدُوْن تَرَدُّد [P] without hesitation; {bidūn taraddod}
جَاوَب بِدُوْن أَيّْ تَرَدُّد [S] He answered without hesitation
مِن أَعْلَنِ خْصَاْلَوِ التَّرَدُّد [S] Indecision is one of his worst qualities
بِدُوْن تَرَدُّن [S] without hesitation, readily
اْعْتَرَف فِيْهَا بِدُوْن تَرَدُّد [S] He readily admitted it
غَرِيْزِة، ج غَرَاْيِز
بْيِعرِف بِالغَرِيْزِة شُو يِعمَل [P] he knows by instinct what to do;
فَرِيْسَة، ج فَرِيْسََاْت
One of a pair, one half of a couple;
(used for words that refer to pairs of things, like صبّاط for a pair of shoes, so فردة صبّاط is a single shoe)
فَرْدِة، ج فَرَادِي
(A) pair, couple, double
جَوْز، ج اْجْوَاْز
وَصْلِة عاطْلِة (بِالشَّرَايِط) سَبَّبِتش الكَوْنْتَاْك [S] A faulty connection caused the short circuit,
لازِم يْكُوْن فِي كَوْنْتَاك بِالرَّادْيَو [S] There must be a short in the radio
الكِنْتَاك تْسَبَّب عَن وَصْلِة مَنْزُوْعَة [S] The short circuit was caused by a faulty connection
Demilitarised Zone
المنطقة المجردة من السلاح
Hazard, risk
مْخَاْطَرَة، ج مْخَاْطَرَاْت
مْجَاْزَفِة، ج مِجَاْزَفَاْت
هايِّ مْجَازَفِة لازِم نِحْسِبْ لَهْا حْسَاب [S] That’s a hazard we have to take into account,
ما فِينِي جازِف هَيكِ مْجَازَفِة [S] I can’t take such a risk,
كانِت مْجَازَفِة خِطْرَة [S] It was a dangerous venture
بَلَا مْجَازَفِة، ما فِي رِبِح [S] Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
تَجْريد من السِلاح
Petroleum, oil (like crude oil, not cooking oil)
Gas mask
كَمَّاْمِة، ج كَمَّاْمَاْت
غَاْز، ج غَاْزَاْت
Fan, lover, (of the arts, sports, etc.)
Amateur, hobbyist (in contrast to a professional)
هَاْوِي، ج هُوَاْة
عَ الغَالِبِ الهُوَاةِ بْيِلْعَبُوا أَحْسَن مْنِ المِحْتِرْفِين [S] Frequently amateurs play better than professionals
كَوَاحِد هاوِي رَسْمَو لا بَأِس [S] For an amateur he paints quite well
أَنَا بَسّ هَاوي [P] I’m just an amateur
هَاوي مُوْسِيْقَى [P] music lover; {hāwy mūsīʠɑ}
نِحْنَا التّْنَيْن مِن هُوَاْةِ الفُوْتْبَال [S] We’re both soccer fans
Whistle (as the actual tool that makes the noise)
صِفَّيْرَة، ج صِفَّيْرَاْت
سْمِعْنَا صِفَّيْرَة مِن على مَسَافِة [S] a whistle blew in the distance.
عَطَانَا إِشَارَة بْصِفَّيْرْتَو [S] He signaled to us with his whistle,
Whistle (as the sound itself)
صَفْرَة، ج صَفْرَاْت
الإِشَارَة كانِت صَفْرَة طَوِيلِة وْصَفْرَة قَصِيْرِة [S] The signal was one long and one short whistle
Spare, reserve
اِحْتِيَاْط، ج اِحْتِيَاْطَاْت
تْحَمَّل مَلَامِة غَلْطِتُهْن [S] He took the blame for their mistake
لا تْحِطِّ اللَوْم عَلِيِّ = لا تْلُوْمْنِي أَنَا [S] Don’t put the blame on me
حَطِّ اللَوْم [S] to pass the buck
لا تْحَاوِلِ تْحِطِّ اللَوْم عَلِيِّ [S] Don’t try to pass the buck to me
بيْحُطِّ اللَوْم عَلَيّ [P] he puts the blame on me; {byºḥoṭṭᴵ-l-lōm ʕalayy}
بيْحُطِّ اللَوْم عَلَى الظُرُوْف، لَازِم يْحُطِّ اللَوْم عَلَى نَفسُو [P] he puts the blame on circumstances when he should be blaming himself
Knot, tangle (in a string, or non-literal as well)
Complex, inhibition, hang-up
عِقْدِة، ج عِقَد
لَازِمِ نْفِكِّ العُقدِة [P] we have to untie the knot; {lāzemᵉ nºfekkᴵ-l-ʕuqde}
بيْحُطِّ العُقدِة [P] he frowns (literally: he has put on a knot); {byºḥoṭṭᴵ-l-ʕuqde}
العُقدِة في القُصَّة [P] the twist of the story; {‘il-ʕuqde fy-l-quṣṣɑ}
بْتِقْدِرِ تْفِكّ هالعِقْدِة [S] Can you untie this knot?
الخَيْط كِلَّو مْعَقَّد = الخَيْط كِلَّو عِقَد [S] The string is all knotted
كانِت حاطَّة عِقْدِة حِلْوِة عَلَى شَعْرَهْا [S] She had a
pretty bow in her hair.
مُرَكَّب نَقِص = عِقْدِة نَقِص [S] inferiority complex
دُميِة، ج دُمَى
مَسرَحِ الدُمَى [P] puppet theater; {masraḥᴵ-d-duma}
هُوْ دُميِة في إِيدَيْهُم [P] he’s a puppet in their hands;
بِلاد الرافِدَيْنِ
Railing, balustrade, bannister, handrail
دَرَبْزَيْن، ج دَرَاْبْزِيْنَاْت
ِمسِكِ الدَرَبزِيْن [P] hold on to the railing; {imsekᴵ-d-darabzīn}
اْمْسِكِ (مْسَيْكِ) الدَّرَاْبْزِيْن [S] Hold on to the railing
فَجْوِة، ج فَجْوَاْت
فِيْه فَجوِة في الحَيْط [P] there’s a gap in the wall; {fīᴴ fajwe fy-l-ḥēṭ}
فِي فَجْوِة بْصَفّ هالِبْيُوْت [S] There’s a gap in the row of houses,
فِي فَجْوِة بِسْنَانَو القِدَّامَانِيِّة [S] There’s a gap between his front teeth,
فِي فَجْوَاْتِ كْبِيْرِة بْثَقَافْتَو [S] There are large gaps in his education,
لَقَى فَجوِة في القَانُوْن [P] he found a loophole in the law; {laqa fajwe fy-l-ʠānūn}
هِيِّ مِتعَلّْمِة وْجَوْزهَا لَأ. فِيْه بَيْنَاتهُم فَجوِة [P] she’s (well) educated but her husband isn’t, there’s a gap between them; {hiyye mitʕallºme wºjōzha laʔ. fīᴴ bēnāthom fajwe}
فَجوِةِ الأَجيَال [P] the generation gap
خَوْف، ج مَخَاوِف
Period of grace (that is granted, like a grace period)
مِهْلِة، ج مِهَل
أَعطِيْني مُهلِة [P] give me some time!; { ʔɑʕṭīny muhle}
أَعطُوْنَا مُهلِة شَهرَيْن [P] they gave us two months; { ʔɑʕṭūna muhle šahrēn}
صَاحِبِ البَيْت عَطَانَا مِهْلِة لَنِنْتِقِل [S] The landlord gave us notice to move.
صَانْعِتْنَا عَطِتْنَا مِهْلِة إِنَّو بِدَّهْا تِتْرِك [S] Our maid gave us notice last week
المِهْلِة بْتِنْتِهِي بْعَاشِر يَوْم [S] The period of grace expires on the tenth day
عَطَانِي مِهْلِة جِمْعَة تَاْنْيِة [S] He gave me another week’s extension
مِهْلِة قَانُونِيِّة [S] legal period of grace