Verbs 12 Flashcards
To catch, pinch, jam (ه =
قَرَط ، يِقْرُط
قَرَطْت إِصْبَعْتِي [S] I’ve caught my finger.
قَرَط إِصْبَعْتَو بِالبَاب [S] He jammed his finger in the door
To jam (على = a signal)
شَوَّش ، يْشَوِّش
فِي حَدَا عَم يْشَوِّش على إِذَاعِتْنَا [S] Somebody is jamming our broadcast
To perpetuate, eternalise, immortalise
خَلَّد ، يْخَلِّد
تْخَلَّد، يِتْخَلَّد
بْهالتَّضْحِيَة رَح يِتْخَلَّد ذِكْرَه [I] By that sacrifice his memory will be immortalized.
بِدُّو يْخَلِّد ذِكرَاهَا [P] he wants to perpetuate her memory; {biddo yºḵalled ∂ikrᾱha}
خَلَّد اِسْمَو بْحَسَناتَو [S] He perpetuated his name through his good works,
To break, smash, crush (ه =
حَطَّم، يْحَطِّم
تْحَطَّم ، يِتحَطَّم
حَطَّمَو الخَبَر [S] He was crushed by the news,
هَادَا بيْحَطِّم نَفسِيّتِ الإِنسَان [P] that breaks a
person’s spirit
To conspire, plot (together, or مع = with)
تْآمَر، يِتْآمَر
To renovate, remodel, make anew, remake (ه =
To renew (ه = (also in some cases translated as to extend, e.g. a visa)
جَدَّد، يْجَدِّد
تْجَدَّد ، يِتجَدَّد
بِدّْنَا نْجَدِّدِ الصَالَوْن [P] we want to redo the sitting room
لازِم اْجَدِّد إِجَارِي [S] I have to renew my lease
جَدَّدْتْ جَوَاز سَفَرَك وِللا لِسَّا [S] Have you renewed your passport yet?
بيْجَدِّدُوْلي الرُخصَة كُلّ سَنِة [P] they renew my license every year
To swear, take an oath;
حَلَف ، يِحلِف
(this is often followed by يمِين or اليمِين , but it is not necessary);
حَلَف يَمِيْن; [P] he swore an oath; {ḥalaf yamīn;}
بَحلِف لَكِ اْنّي مُش رَح أَحكي لُو [P] I swear to you I won’t tell him; {baḥlef lakᴵ ‘ºnny muš rɑḥ ʔaḥky lo}
عَم تِحْلِف إِنَّهْا عَم تِحْكِي الصَّحِيح [S] She swears she’s telling the truth
بِحْلِف لَك بْاَلله إِنِّي ما سَاوَيْتَهْا [S] I swear by God I didn’t do it
بْتِحْلِف على هالشِّي [S] Can you swear to that
To inherit (ه =, من / عن = from)
وِرِت ، يِرَت
أَنَا وْرِتِت أَرض مِن أَبُوْي / عَن َبُوْي [P] I inherited land from my father
وْرِتْتِ الخاتِم مِن إِمِّي [S] I inherited the ring from my mother
To be taken prisoner, captured (in the context of war)
اْنأَسَر ، يِنأَسَر
اْنْأَسَر بِفْرَنْسَا [S] He was taken prisoner in France.
الجُنُوْدِ اللي اْنأَسَرُوا [P] the soldiers that were taken prisoner
To stop (ه =
To suspend (ه =
To turn off (ه =
To pull up, stop, park (ه = a car);
(often intransitive as well, i.e. without a direct object)
To stop, come to a stand still
To station (ه = s.o.)
To arrest, detain, hold (ه = s.o.); (of police, security)
To stand, stand up (ه =
To lean (ه =, على = on)
وَقَّف ، يْوَقِّف
بِدّْهُم يْوَقّْفُوا العِلَاج [P] they want to stop the treatment; {biddºhom yºwaqqºfu-l-ʕilāj}
بَالله وَقِّف هَالضَّوْجِة [S] Please stop that noise,
أَمَرْتِ البَنْك يْوَقِّفِ الشَّكّ [S] I instructed the bank to stop the check
وَقّْفُوا بِكِي [L] stop crying
البَنْك وَقَّف كِلِّ الدَّفْعَاْت [S] The bank has
suspended all payments
مْنِيْحِ اللي وَقَّفِ الشِتَا [P] it’s good that the rain has stopped; {mºnīḥᴵ-l-ly waqqafᴵ-š-šita}
سَاعْتي وَقَّفَت [P] my watch stopped; {sĒʕºty waqqafat}
بْنِصِّ الجِّمْلِة على غَفْلِة وَقَّف [S] He suddenly broke off in the middle of the sentence,
حَاجِة! خَلِّيْنَا نْوَقِّفِ اليَوْم [S] That’s enough! Let’s knock off for today!
بَالله نَزِّلْنِي بِالِـمْحَطَّة الجَّايِة = بَالله وَقِّفْ لِي بِالِـمْحَظَّة الجَّايِة [S] Please let me off at the next stop
وَقَّفِ شْوَيِّة قَبِل ما يْجَاوِب [S] He paused briefly before he answered,
صَار وَقْتِ نْوَقِّف [S] It’s time to quit.
اْنْتِظِر لَحَتَّى يْوَقِّفِ العَقْرَب [S] Wait till the pointer is at rest
أَيْمْتَى بِتْوَقِّف مْحَطِّةِ الإِذَاعَة [S] When does the radio station sign off?
البَاص بِيْوَقِّف عَ الطَّرَفِ التَّانِي مْنِ الشَّارِع [S] The bus stops on the other side of the street
وَقَّفْنَا لَيْلِة بْلَوْكَنْدَة زْغِيرِة [S] We stopped at a small inn overnight,
وَيْن لَحَ نْوَقِّف [S] Where are we going to stop?
سَاعْتِي وَقَّفِت [S] My watch has stopped
وَقَّف على غَفْلِة [S] to stop suddenly
السَّيَّارَة يَللي قِدَّامِي كانِت وَقَّفِت على غَفْلِة [S] The car ahead of me had stopped short
وَقِّفِ المَتَوْر [P] turn off the engine!
وَقِّف لي هَوْن [P] stop here for me!; {waqqef ly hōn}
هَا البَاص بيْوَقِّف في كُلِّ المَحَطَّات [P] this bus stops at all the stations; {ha-l-bᾱṣ byºwaqqef fy kullᴵ-l-mɑḥɑṭṭᾱt}
وَقَّفت قُدَّامِ البَاب [P] I pulled up in front of the door; {waqqaft quddāmᴵ-l-bāb}
مَمنُوْعِ تْوَقِّف هَوْن [P] you can’t park here; {mamnūʕᵉ tºwaqqef hōn}
فِشّ مَحَلّ لَنْوَقِّفِ السَيَّارَة [P] there’s no place to park the car; {fišš maḥall lanºwaqqefᴵ-s-sayyᾱrɑ}
بِتْوَقِّف السِيَّارة بِمَكان مَمْنُوع الوُقُوف [L] she parks her car in a place where parking is not allowed;
السَّيَّارَة إِجَا وْوَقَّفِت قِدَّامِ البَيْت [S] The car pulled up in front of the house,
وَقَّفِ السَّيَّارَة تَمَام [S] He brought the car to a full stop,
وَقِّفِ السَّيَّارَة بِالمَفْرَقِ الجَّايِة [S] Stop the car at
the next crossing
الشِّرْطَة وَقَّفِت شِرْطِي قِدَّامِ البَاب [S] The police stationed a policeman at the door
وَقَّفُوْه [P] they stopped / arrested him; {waqqafūᴴ}
هُوِّ مْوَقَّف لَلتَحقِيْق [P] he is being held for interrogation; {huwwe mºwaqqaf lataḥqīq}
الشِرْطَة وَقَّفُوا اْتْنَيْن [S] the police made two arrests.
الِعْنَايِة الطِّبِّيِّة الِـمْنِيْحَة بْتِقِدرِ تْوَقِّف مَرَضِ البَرَصِ بْمَرَاحْلَو الأُوْلَى [S] Proper medical care can arrest leprosy in its early stages
وَقَّفُوا بْتِهْمِة تَشَرُّد [S] They booked him for vagrancy,
وَقَّفِتْنَا الشِّرْطَة [S] The police stopped us
وَقِّفِ الوَلَد عَ الكُرسي [P] stand the boy on the chair; {waqqefᴵ-l-walad ʕa-l-kursy}
وَقِّفِ القَنِّيْنِة [P] stand the bottle up right; {waqqefᴵ-l-qannīne}
هايّْ كانِت حادْثِة بِتْوَقِّف شَعْرِ الرَّاس [S] That was a hair raising experience
حَكَى لْنَا قِصَّة بِتْوَقِّف شَعْرِ الرَّاس [S] He told us a hair-raising story.
وَقَّف شِي على عَرْضَو [S] to stand on end
وَقِّف السَّحَّارَة على عَرْضَهْا بِالقِرْنِة [S] Stand the
crate on end in the corner
بَسّْ وَقِّفِ البارُوْدِة على جَنْبِ الطَّاوْلِة [S] Just lean the gun against the table
To strengthen, reinforce (ه =
عَزَّز ، يْعَزِّز
تْعَزَّز ، يِتعَزَّز
العِلَاقَات رَح تِتعَزَّز [P] the ties will be become stronger
هَادَا بيْعَزِّزِ العَلَاقَات [P] It strengthens relations; {hāda byºʕazzezᴵ-l-ʕɑlᾱʠᾱt}
بِدُّو يْعَزِّز مَركَزُو الاِجتِمَاعي [P] he wants to improve (strengthen) his social standing; {biddo yºʕazzez markazo-l-‘ijtimāʕy}
بِنعَزِّزِ المُعَسكَرِ المُعتَدِل [P] we’ll strengthen the moderate camp (in politics);
To refrain, abstain, hold (o.s.) back (عن / من = from)
اْمْتَنَع ، يِمْتِنِع
ما بْيِقْدِر يِمْتِنِع عَن أَكِل أَضَاْفِيْرَو (أَضَفِيْرَو) [S] He can’t keep from biting his fingernails
اْمتَنَعُوا عَنِ التَصوِيْت [P] they abstained from voting; {‘ºmtanaʕu ʕanᴵ-t-tɑṣwīt}
بَمتْنِع عَن أَكل [P] I refrain from eating…; {bamtºneʕ ʕan ʔakl}
To interfere, meddle, butt (في / ب = in
تْدَخَّل، يِتْدَخَّل
مَا تِتدَخَّلِش [P] don’t interfere (masculine); {ma titdaḵḵalᵉš}
مَا تِتدَخَّلِيْش [P] don’t interefer (feminine); {ma titdaḵḵalīš}
مَا بِدّي أَتدَخَّل في حَيَاتِك [P] I don’t want to meddle in your affairs;
To consolidate, merge (ه =
To mix (ه =, مع / ب = with)
دَمَج، يِدْمُج
بيْدِمجُوا الطُلَاب مَعِ البَنَات [P] they mix the male students with the girls (female students) (i.e. they have coeducational classes); {byºdᵉmju-ṭ-ṭulᾱb maʕᴵ-l-banāt}
بيْدمِجِ السُكَّر مَعِ المَيّ وِاْلطّْحِيْن [P] he mixes sugar with water and flour
الِحْكُوْمِة دَمْجِت شِرْكَاْت شِكَكِ الحَدِيد تَحِت إِدارَة واحْدِة [S] The government consolidated the railroad companies under one head.
عَم يْفَكّْرُوا يِدِمْجُوا الشِّرِكْتَيْن [S] They’re thinking of merging the two companies,
To cancel, void, terminate, abolish (ه =
To cancel, invalidate, abolish, abrogate, terminate, do away with (ه =;
لَغَى ، يِلْغِي
اْنْلَغَى، يِنْلِغِي
هالطَّلَبِيِّة اْنْلَغِت [S] This order has been canceled,
هالطَّلَب اْنْلَغَى [S] This order has been canceled, (in a restaurant, etc.)
اْنْجَبَرِت اِلْغِي مَوِعْدِي مَعِ الدُّكْتَور [S] had to cancel my doctor’s appointment
بِدِّي اِلْغِي حَجِز أُوْضْتِي [S] I’d like to cancel my room reservation
لَحَ اِلْغِي الشَّكّ [S] I’ll void the check
بِدّْنَا نِلْغِي هَالدَّرْسِ السِّنِة الجَّايِة [S] We’re going to eliminate that course next year
بْأَلْعَنِ الحالَات لازِم نِلْغِي عْقُوْدُهْن [S] If worse comes to worse, we’ll have to terminate their contracts
الإِذَاعَة اْلْتَغِت لَأَسْباب فَنِّيِّة [S] The broadcast was called off for technical reasons
أَلغُوا مَنعِ التَجَوُّل [P] they lifted the curfew; { ʔalġu manʕᴵ-t-tajawwol}
أَلغَيْتِ الدَرس [P] I cancelled the lesson; { ʔalġētᴵ-d-dars}
نِيِّتُهْن يِلْغُوا أَكْتَرِ المِتْطَلَّبَات [S] They plan to do away with most of the requirements
To make a pilgrimage
حَجّ ، يْحِجّ
اِلّي بِدّْهُم يْحِجُّوا [P] those who want to make the pilgrimage; {‘illy biddºhom yºḥejju}
حَجَّيْتُوا سَوَا؟ [P] do you go on the pilgrimage (hajj) together
To be told, related, expressed
To be spoken, said
نحَكَى ، يِنحَكَى
أَشيَاء بتِنحَكَاش لَحَدَا [P] things which are not told to anyone
هَادَا إِشي مَا بيْنحَكَى [P] that’s something that can’t be said; {hāda ʔišy ma byºnḥaka}
ما في شي اْنْحَكَى عَنُّو [L] there is nothing to talk about;
To sort itself out, be taken care of, clear up (said of an issue, problem)
تْدَبَّر، يِتدَبَّر
المَبلَغ مِش كَافي — بيْتدَبَّر [P] the sum of money is not enough — it’ll take care of itself; {‘il-mablaġ miš kāfy — byºtdɑbbɑr}
إِذَا بَسّ هَايِ الشَغلِة، اِبتِتدَبَّر [P] if that is the only issue, it’ll sort itself out
To be mixed
To mix (ب = with), to mix, mingle (مع = with)
اْخْتَلَط ، يِخْتِلِط
ما بَدُّهْن يِخْتُلْطُوا بِالـمِسْلِمِين بِهَالبَلَد [L] they don’t want to mix with Muslims in this country;
ما مْنِخْتِلِطِ كْتِير مَع جِيْرَانْنَا = ما مِنْخَالِط جِيْرَانْنَا كْتِير = ما مِنْعَاشِر جِيْرَانْنَا كْتِير [S] We don’t mix much with our neighbors
To warn, caution (ه = s.o., من = of / against)
حَذَّر ، يْحَذِّر
أَنْذَر، يِنْذِر
تْحَذَّر / اِتْحَذَّر، يِتْحَذَّر
بْأَنْذْرَك لا تَعْمِلَهْا تانِي مَرَّة [S] I warn you, don’t do that again
حَذَّرْنِي مِنَّو [S] They warned me against
حَذَّرِتْنِي مِن هالشَّغْلِة [S] She cautioned me against it
بَحَذّْرَك مِنُّو [P] I’m warning you against him; {baḥa∂∂ºrak minno}
حَذَّرني مِنِ الخَطَر [P] he warned me of the danger;
To be influenced, be affected (ب = by, also sometimes من)
تَأَثَّر ، يِتأَتَّر
كْتِيْرِ تْأَتَّرِت مِنُّو [P] I was greatly influeced by him; {kºtīrᵉ tºʔ¡attarᵉt minno}
تأَتَّرنَا / اِتْأَتَّرنَا مِن كُلِّ اللي حَكَا لْنَا اْيَّاه [P] we were affected / impressed by everything he told us; {tʔ¡attarna / ‘ᵉtºʔ¡attarna min kullᴵ-l-ly ḥakā lºna ‘ºyyāᴴ}
كْتِيْرِ تْأَتَّرنَا في الجُنَّاز [P] we were very affected at the funeral; {kºtīrᵉ tºʔ¡attarna fy-l-junnāz}
الكُلِّ تْأَتَّرُوا كْتِيْر مِن خِطَابُو [P] everyone was very touched by his speech; {‘il-kullᵉ tºʔ¡attaru kºtīr min ḵiṭᾱbo}
تْأَثَّرِت لَدَرَجِةِ البِكِة [S] I was moved to tears
كانِت مِتْأَثّْرَة لَدَرَجِة إِنَّو ما قِدْرِت تِحْكِي [S] She was so overcome, she couldn’t talk
هِيِّة بْتِتْأَثَّر بِسْهُوْلِة [S] She’s very easily swayed
تْأَثَّرْتِ كْتِير مِن لَطَافْتَو [S] I was deeply touched by his kindness.
بْيِتْأَثَّر لَـمّا بْتِحكِي عَن مَقَامَو الجَّامْعِي [S] He’s touchy about his academic standing
To be dissolved
To be solved
To become limp, weak, collapse; (said of the body or body part)
To give way
اْنحَلّ ، يِنحَلّ
الحَبِل عَم يِنْحَلّ [S] The rope’s giving way
حَمَاها وِقَع عَ قَرْص الدَرَج، اْنْحَلّ ضَهْرُه [L] her father in law fell on the steps, his back gave out;