Nouns 48 Flashcards
لَعْيِة نَفِس
Simultaneous existence (of several things), simultaneity, contemporaneousness coincidence, concurrence, conjunction, synchronization
Decline, fall, decay, decadence, deterioration
انْحِطاط الدَوْلةِ العُثْمانيّةِ [CA] the decline of the Ottoman state
انْحِطاط اللُغةِ [CA] deterioration of the language
انْحِطاط الأَخْلاقِ [CA] moral decay
عَصْر الانْحِطاطِ [CA] the Period of Decadence
Transmission by inheritance
تَقَمُّص، ج تَقَمُّصَات
Microbe, bacteria
مِيْكْرَوْب، ج مِيْكْرَوْبَاْت
ما العرق بْيِشِيل المِيْكْرَوبَات. [L] Doesn’t Araq get rid of the bacteria.
Relationship by marriage
هُوِّ مِن أَصِل نَبِيل = هُوِّ أَصِيْلِ الحَسَب وِالنَّسَب [S] He’s of noble descent
فِيْه نَسَب بَيْنَّا [P] we’re related by marriage; {fīᴴ nasab bēnna}
اِحنَا جَايِيْن نُطلُب نَسَبكُم [P] we’ve come to ask to be related to you by marriage (introductory phrase when asking for a girl’s hand in marriage from her family
Cost, worth, what is payable (for something such as an item bought)
حَقّ، ج حْقُوْق / حُقُوْق
قَدَّيْش حَقَّهْا [V] how much does it cost?
البَيَّاع مِش رَح يِقْبَل أَقَلّ مِن أَلف دُوْلار حَقّ السِجَّادِة [V] the salesman won’t accept less than a thousand dollars for the price of the carpet;
وْهَدَاك، شُو حَقُّو [P] and that one, how much does it cost?; {wºhadāk، šu ḥaqqo}
كَسَرتُو لَازِم تِدفَع حَقُّو [P] you broke it, you must pay its cost; {kasɑrto lāzem tidfaʕ ḥaqqo}
قَدَّيْش يِطْلَع حَقَّو [S] How much will that be?
قَدَّيْش حَقّ هالسَّاعَة = بْقَدَّيْش هالسَّاعَة [S] How much is that watch?
Trouble, mess, plight, predicament, dilemma, fix; (also defined as jam, pickle)
وَرْطَة، ج وَرْطَاْت
هَاْيّْ وَرْطَة مَلْعُوْنِة [S] That’s a fine how-do-you-do
نِحْنَا وَاقْعِيْنِ بْوَرْطَة عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] That’s a fine mess we’re in
بْوَرْطَة [S] in a tight spot
هُوِّ وَاللهِ وَاقِع بْوَرْطَة مَلْعُوْنِة [S] He’s in a pretty pickle now
دَخِيل عِرْضَك، أَنَا وَاقِع بْوَرْطَة مَلْعُونِة [S] Boy, I’m in real trouble
هالمَرَّة وْقِعْنَا بْوَرْطَة عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] This time we’re really in hot water
هُوِّ واقِعِ بْوَرْطَة مَلْعُوْنِة [S] He’s in a terrible fix
رَحِ تْسَبِّب لي وَرْطَة كْبِيرِة مَع بَيِّي [L] you’re going to cause me a big problem with my father;
شُوْ هَا الوَرطَة [P] what a mess!; {šū ha-l-wɑrṭɑ}
خَلِّصني مِن هَا الوَرطَة [P] save me from this predicament; {ḵɑlleṣny min ha-l-wɑrṭɑ}
أَنَا وَاقِع بْوَرْطَة اَلله لَا يُرِيْك [S] I’m in an awful jam
هالِوْلَاد دايْمًا بِيْوَقّْعُوا حالُهْن بْشِي وَرْطَة [S] Those boys are always getting into some kind of scrape
Rescue, deliverance, salvation
حْزَاْم نَجَاْة [S] safety belt
مَخْرَج نَجَاْة [S] emergency exit
سِلُّم نَجَاة [S] fire escape
مَخْرَج نَجَاْة [S] fire exit
عَجَلِ النَجَات [P] a life vest / life preserver
Putting out, extinguishing (of
جِهَاز إِطفَاء [P] fire extinguisher; {jihāz ʔiṭfᾱʔÅ}
إِطْفَاْء أَنْوَاْر [S] blackout
أَثْنَاءِ الحَرِب تَقْرِيبًا كِلّ لَيْلِة كان يْصِير عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) إِطْفَاء أَنْوَار [S] During the war, we had a blackout almost every night
Pram, trolley, cart, railroad carriage
عَرَبة، ج عَرَبَاْت
عَرَبَاْيِة، ج عَرَبَاْيَاْت
عَرَبِة أَكِل = فَرْگَوْن أَكِل [S] dining car
هالتّْرَيْن ما فِيه عَرَبِة أَكِل [S] This train has no dining car.
Joke, joking
عَم تِتْمَادَى كْتِير بِالمَزِح [S] That’s carrying the joke too far
ما بْيِلْقَى مَزِح [S] He can’t take a joke
حَاوَل يْدِيْر كِلِّ الشِّغْلِة مَزِح [S] He tried to make a joke of the whole thing
بَلَا مَزِح [S] All joking aside
قال هالشِّي نِصّ عَن مَزِح وْنِصّ عَن جَدّ [S] He said that with his tongue in his cheek,
قِلْتَهْا على سَبِيْلِ المَزِح بَسّ [S] I only said it in fun
Punishment (usually in the context of home or school)
قَصَاص، ج قَصَاصَات
بْيَاخُد قَصَاص [P] he is given a punishment; {bºyāḵod qɑṣᾱṣ}
أَعطَيْتُو قَصَاص خَفِيْف [P] I gave him a mild punishment
دَرْوِيش، ج دراويش
Ascetic, abstemious person, one who has renounced worldly desires/temptations
زاهِد، ج زُهَّاد
Renunciation (of the world), abstemiousness, asceticism
الزُهْدِ يِضْمَن لِلْعَبْد الطَرِيق لِلسَعَادة الأَبَدِيَّة [E] renunciation (of worldly desires/temptations) guarantees the servant (of God) the way to eternal happiness
Drop, droplet
نِقْطَة، ج نِقَط
خَوْد تَلَت نُقَط في مَيّ [P] take three drops (of the medicine) in water; {ḵōd talat nuqɑṭ fy mɑyy}
خُد (خَوْد) تْلِتْةْ نِقَطِ بْكاسِة مَيّ [S] Take three drops in a glass of water,
نِقْطِة + إضافة [S] a dash of
ما فِيْهَا وْلا نِقْطِة ذَكَا [S] she’s anything but bright,
فِي نِقَطِ زْغِيرِة مْنِ العَرَق بانِت على جْبِينَو [S] Tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead
Sanctification, hallowing
Suppression, inhibition, restraint, repression (also psychology)
الكَبْت الجِنْسِيّ [CA] sexual repression
كَبْت نَفْسيّ [CA] mental restraint
تَشْقِير الوِجّ باللَيْزَر [L] bleaching the face by laser
فْطِيْسِة، ج فَطَايِس
الضَبِع بيْفترِس كَمَان فَطَايِس [P] the hyenas also eat carrion / carcasses; {‘iḍ-ḍɑbᵉʕ byºftres kamān fɑṭᾱyes}
لازِمِ تْنَضِّف أرض هيدي الِمْغَارة مْنِ الفَطايِس اللي فيها [L] you have to clean the ground of this cave from the carcasses that are in it;
Reduction, cut (e.g. to one’s salary)
تَخفِيْضِ العُملِة [P] devaluation of the currency, currency devaluation; {tɑḵfīḍᴵ-l-ʕumle}
صَاْرْ لَو (صَرْلَو) مِدِّة عَم يِتْوَقَّع تَخْفِيْضِ بْمَعَاشَو [S] He has been expecting a cut in salary for some time,
Suspension, putting on hold
تَعلِيْق، ج تَعلِيْقَات
تَعلِيْقِ الإِعلَانَات مَمنُوْع هَوْن [P] ad posting prohibited here; {taʕlīʠᴵ-l-ʔiʕlānāt mamnūʕ hōn}
تَعلِيْق تَنفِيْذِ القَرَار [P] suspending implementation the decision
Sculpture, sculpting
نَحَّات، ج نَحَّاتِيْن
تْعَلَّم فَنِّ النَحت [P] he learned sculpture; {tºʕallam fannᴵ-n-naḥt}
عَم يِدْرُسِ النَّحِت وِالرَّسِم [S] He is studying sculpture and painting,
نازِل نَحِت مِنْشَانِ الفَحِص [S] He’s cramming for the exam
Partial paralysis (of one side of the body, or of one particular limb)
هُوِّ مَفلُوْج، يَعني سَايبُو فَالِج [P] he’s paralysed, that’s to say he has partial paralysis
Humankind, mankind
Metropolitan (a bishop having authority over the bishops of a province, in particular, in many Orthodox Churches, one ranking above archbishop and below patriarch.)
مُطرَان، ج مَطَارْنِة
بَيْتِ المُطرَان [P] the bishop’s palace, the bishop’s residence
Thought, thinking (about
تَفْكِيْر، ج تَفْكِيْرَاْت
مْجَرَّدِ التَّفْكِير فِيْهَا بِيْلَعِّي لي نَفْسِي [S] The very thought of it makes me sick
مْلَاحَظَة بِدُون تَفْكِير سَبَّبِتِ المِـشِكْلِة كِلَّهْا [S] A thoughtless remark brought on the whole trouble
غَرْقَان بِالتَّفْكِيْر [S] thoughtful, lost in thought