Nouns 27 Flashcards
مُرتَدّ، ج مُرتَدِّيْن
Time, period, era
Period of time
Times past, old days
زَمَاْن، ج زَمَاْنَاْت
هالقِرْنِة كانِت بْزَمَانَهْا مَرْكَزِ التِّجَارَة [S] In its time, this section was once the center of business
زَمَان كَانُوا يْفَكّْرُوا [P] in the old days they used to think; {zamān kānu yºfakkºru}
عَ زَمَانِ الأَترَاك [P] in the time of the Turks / Ottoman period; {ʕa-zamānᴵ-l-ʔatrᾱk}
كانْ رْيَاضِي ماكِن بْزَمانَو [S] He was quite an athlete in his day
كَاْن لَو (كَنْ لَو) إِيَّام = كَان لَو (كَن لَو) زَمَان [S] He’s had his day
بْزَمَانَاْتِي ما كِنِت اْحِبِّ الخِضَر [S] There was a time when I didn’t like vegetables
زَمَان كَانُوا يْفَكّْرُوا [P] in the old days they used to think;
عَ زَمَانِ الأَترَاك [P] in the time of the
Turks / Ottoman period
شِي دْقِيقَة زَمَان [V] about a minute;
شِي ساعة زَمَان [V] about an hour;
مِن زَمَان [V] long ago, from a long time ago, since a long time;
رَاح مِن زَمَان [P] he went a long time ago; {rᾱḥ min zamān}
اْسْتَأْجَر هالشَقِّة مِن زَمَان [V] he rented this apartment a while ago;
إِلْنا زَمَان [L] it has been a while for us, as in:
إِلْنا زَمَان ما حْضُرْنا مَسْرَحِيَّات [L] it has been a while for us since we attended a play;
وِصِل بَعِد مِنَّا بْزَمَان [S] He got there long after we did
الِحْدُوْد تَمِّتِ مْسَكَّرَة بَعْدِ الحَرْبِ بْزَمَان [S] The borders remained closed long after the war
هادا صَار مِن زَمَان [S] That was a long time ago
عْرِفِت هادا مِن زَمَان [S] I knew that long ago
مُو مِن زَمَان = ما ل + ضمير + زمان [S] not long ago, the other day
مُو مِن زَمَان شِفْتَو = ما لِي زَمَان شِفْتَو [S] I saw him the other day.
مْؤَخَّرًا شِفْتَو = ما لِي زَمَان شِفْتَو [S] I saw him only recently.
صَاْرْ لِي (صَرْ لِي) زَمَان ما شِفْتَو [S] I haven’t seen him for a good while,
مْبَيِّن عَلَيْه إِنَّو كَان لَو (كَن لَو) زَمَاْن [S] He has seen better days,
كَاْن لَو (كَنْ لَو) إِيَّام = كَان لَو (كَن لَو) زَمَان [S] He’s had his day
شِي + مدة زمن + زَمَان [V] about (a period of time), as in:
رَح يْضَلّ شِي شَهر زَمَان [V] he will stay about a month;
بَعِد مِن… بْزَمَان [S] long after
مَضَى عَلَيْهَا زَمَانِ كْتِير ما عَاد فِينِي اِتْذَكَّرَهْا [S] It’s been such a long time that I can’t remember any more,
قَدَّيْش مَضَى زَمَان عَلى آخِر مَرَّة شِفْتَك [S] It’s been such a long time since I saw you last.
مِن زَمَاْنَاْت [S] in ages
مِن زَمَانَات ما عِدْنَا شِفْنَاهُن [S] We haven’t seen them in ages
حَدْثِت مِن زَمَانِ كْتِير [S] It happened a long time ago
صَارْ لِي (صَرْ لِي) زَمَان ما رِحْتْ لَعَنْدُهْن عَ البَيْت [S] I haven’t been to their house in a long time,
فَرْعَوْن، ج فَرَاْعِيْن
مُهَاجِر، ج مُهَاجِرِيْن
Prostration, kneeling
رَكعَة، ج رَكعَات
مَهْزَلِة، ج مَهَاْزِل
هالاِنْتِخَابَات ما كانِت إِلَّا مَهْزَلِة [S] That election was nothing but a farce.
اِفْتِرَاْض، ج اِفْتِرَاْضَاْت
هالخِطَّة مَبْنِيِّة على اِفْتِرَاض إِنَّو ما يْصِيْر تَدَخُّل خارْجِي [S] This plan is based on the assumption that there will be no outside interference
كِلّْ هالاِفْتِرَاض عَن تَقَارُب مِحْتَمَل مَا لَو أَسَاس أَبَدًا [S] All this speculation about a possible rapprochement is completely baseless.
Satellite (adjective)
فَضَائِيِّة، ج فَضَاِيَّات
بيْصَل الِبْيُوْت عَن طَرِيْقِ الفَضَائِيَّات [P] it’s reaches (is broadcast to) people’s homes by satellite
Valid, eligible
صَالِح، ج صَالْحِيْن
حِجّْتَك مُو صالْحَة [S] Your argument isn’t valid
الڤِيْزَا تَبَعَك مَا عَاد مَعْمُول فِيْهَا = الڤِيْزَا تَبَعَك مَا عادِت صالْحَة [S] Your visa isn’t valid any more
Impertinence (lack of respect; rudeness)
وَقَاْحْتَو ما عادِت تِنْحِمِل [S] His impertinence is becoming unbearable,
أَمَّا وَقَاحَة [S] Some nerve
ما بَعْرِف لَيْش عَم تِهْضُم وَقَاحْتَو [S] I don’t know why you put up with his insolence,
لا شَكّ عَنْدَو وَقَاحَة كْتِير لَيِطْلُب مِنَّك تَعْمِلْ لَو هالشَّغْلِة [S] He has a lot of nerve, asking you to do that for him
Pretext, grounds, excuse, argument (in defense of or for;
حِجِّة، ج حِجَج
هايّ حِجِّة لَصَالْحَو [S] That’s an argument in his favor
ما لِي فَهْمَان حِجّْتَك [S] don’t follow your argument,
Upside down
Inside out
لَقَيْتُو هَيْك مَقلُوْب [P] I found it upside down like that; {laqēto hēk maqlūb}
الكُبَّايِة مَقلُوْبِة [P] the glass is upside down; {‘il-kubbāye maqlūbe}
أَخَد يِصِيح بِالمَقْلُوب [S] he started shouting at the top of his lungs;
عَ المَقْلُوْب [S] upside down
هالصُّوْرَة مَحْطُوْطَة عَ المَقْلُوْب [S] That picture is
upside down
الدِّنْيِة بِالمَقْلُوْب! هَلَّقِ إْجِتْنَا المَصَارِي مَا عادِت لَازِمِتْنَا [S] It’s ironical! Now that we have the money we don’t need it any more
بِالمَقْلُوْب [S] backwards
الكِلْمِة إِذا بْتِقْرَاهَا مِن أَوَّلْهَا وِللا بِالمَقْلُوْب دايْمًا مِتِل بَعْضَهْا [S] The word, whether you read it forward or backward, is always the same.
عَ المَقْلُوْب [S] backwards
(اِنْتِ) لَابِس هالكَنْزِة عَ المَقْلُوْب [S] You’ve got
that sweater on backwards.
عَ المَقْلُوْب [S] inside out
لابِس كَنِزْتَو عَ المَقْلُوْب [S] He has his sweater on inside out
Creditor, lender
دَيَّاْن، ج دَيَّاْنِة / دَيَّاْنِيْن
دَاْئِن، ج دَاْئْنِيْن
Greatness, splendor, grandeur, majesty
Prank, practical joke
Trick, ruse
حِيْلِة، ج حِيَل
هَايّْ حِيْلِة بَايْخَة [S] That’s a silly prank,
لِعِب دَقّ على = لِعِب حِيْلِة على [S] to play a joke on
مَرَضَو مَا هُوِّ إِلَّا حِيْلِة [S] His illness is only a pretense,
مَعِ الأَسَف، ما فِي بِاليَد حِيْلِة [S] Sorry, that can’t be helped
عَرَضُوا عَلَيْه مَصَاري كْتِير بَسِّ الحِيْلِة ما مِشْيِت علَيْه [S] they offered him a lot of money, but he wouldn’t take the bait, (the trick didn’t work on him)
ما خَلَّى حِيْلِة ما سَاوَاها [S] He tried everything
بْيَعْرِف كِلِّ الحِيَل = بْيَعْرِفِ المَدَاخِل وِالمَخَارِج [S] He knows all the ropes
نَفْدِت كِلّْ حِيَلِي [S] I’m out of tricks, at the end of my rope
اْضْطَرَّيْنَا نِلْجَأ لَشِي حِيْلِة [S] We had to resort to a ruse
لَا تْجَرِّب حِيَلَك عَلِيِّ [S] Don’t try your tricks on me!
بَعْرِف كِلّْ حِيَلَو [S] I’m on to his tricks
نَفْدِت كِلّْ حِيَلِي [S] I’m at my wit’s end
دَخَل عَ البَيْتِ بْحِيْلِة [P] he entered the house through trickery; {daḵal ʕa-l-bētᵉ bºḥīle}
هَاي حِيْلِة مِن حِيَلُو [P] that’s one of his tricks; {hāy ḥīle min ḥiyalo}
Speech, talk, way of talking
هَادَا كُلُّو حَكي / هَادَا حَكي [P] it’s all (just) talk; {hāda kullo ḥaky / hāda ḥaky}
الحَكي هَادَا قُوْلِيْه لَوَاحَد تَانِ [P] tell that story to someone else; {‘il-ḥaky hāda qūlīᴴ lawāḥad tāni}
أَنَا مَا بَهتَمّ بِحَكي النَاس [P] I don’t pay attention to what people say; { ʔana mā bahtamm biḥaky-n-nās}
الحَكي عَنِ مْبَارِح [P] the talk / conversation is about yesterday; {‘il-ḥaky ʕanᵉ mºbĒreḥ}
هَادَا أَوَّل حَكيُو [P] this is his first speech (said of a child first learning to talk); {hāda ʔawwal ḥakyo}
في بَيْنَك وْبَيْنَو حَكِي [L] is there talk between you (meaning anything from are you on speaking terms, are in you touch, are you communicating)
حَكيُو / الحَكي تَبَعُو مُش وَاضِح [P] his speech is not clear; {ḥakyo / ‘il-ḥaky tabaʕo muš wᾱḍeḥ}
ما وَقَّفِت حَكِي [V] she didn’t stop talking (ق = ء);
شُو هالحَكِي [V] what type of talk is this?! (expression of shock or disagreement at something said);
مِن فَضْلَك عَطِيْنِي هالكِلْمِة كِيْف ما بْتِجي بِالحَكِي [S] Can you give this word in context,
بَلَا حَكْي [S] Save your breath,
ما بِدَّهْا حَكْي، ما فِيني اِشْتِرِي هالسَّيَّارَة [S] Needless to say, I can’t afford to buy this car
شُو دِيْن هالحَكْي مِن زَلَمِة ذَكِي مِتْلَك [S] What kind of talk is that from an intelligent fellow like you?
خَلِّصْنِي هادا كِلَّو حَكْي [S] Oh that’s just talk
ما بِدَّهْا حَكِي اِنْتِا مَعْزُوْم [S] It goes without saying that you’re invited
عَن طَرِيقِ الحَكِي [S] by word of mouth
حْصِلْت على هالمَعْلُومات عَن طَرِيقِ الحَكْي بَسّ [S] I only have these facts by word of mouth,
شُغُل حَكِي [V] all talk., all bark and no bite
هُوِّ شُغُل حَكِي بس [V] he’s all talk
هيدا حَكِي! [L] either 1. That’s right! (expression of approval), or 2. how could you say that! (expression of shock)
هَوْر، ج أَهْوَاْر
Diary, journal
Protector, guardian (who is also a close relative)
وَلِي، ج أَوْلِيَا
العَمّ بيْكُوْن وَلي عَ الوْلَاد [P] the paternal uncle is the children’s guardian; {‘il-ʕamm byºkūn waly ʕa-l-wºlād}
هُوِّ وَلي أَمْرُو [P] he is his guardian (he is legally responsible for his affair); {huwwe waly ʔamºro}
أَنَا وَلِيِّة أَمِرهُم [P] I am their guardian (I am legally responsible for their affair);
Grudge, ill will, spite;
ضَغِيْنِة، ج ضَغَاْيِن
ما لِي فَهْمَان لَيْش هالضَّغِيْنِة هُوِّ حامِلَهْا عَلَيْهَا [S] I can’t understand his grudge against her.
فِيْه ضَغِيْنِة في قَلبُو [P] there is spite in his heart
شَمَّاس، ج شَمَامْسِة
الشَمَامْسِة عَم بيْرَتّْلُوا [P] the cantors are chanting / singing
بَطرِيَرك، ج بَتَركِة
Winter home, place to spend winter, winter resort;
مَشْتَى، ج مَشَاْتِي
Summer resort
مَصْيَف، ج مَصَاْيِف
Stuffing, filling (e.g. for zucchini), dressing
حَشْوِة، ج حَشْوَاْت
Excessiveness, overdoing (of
التَّدْخِينِ الزَّايِد / التَّدْخِينِ بْإِفْرَاط مِمْكِن يْسَبِّب سَرَطَانِ الرِّئَة [S] Excessive smoking can cause lung cancer
نَصرَاني، ج نَصَارَى
مَسِيْحي، ج مَسِيْحِيِّيْن، المؤنث: مَسِيْحِيِّة
رَبِّة بَيْت
رَبَّات الِبيُوْت