Verbs 15 Flashcards
To camouflage (ه =
اِتْمَوّه، يِتْمَوّه
السَدَنِة مَوَّهُوا الدَّبَّابِة بْشَبَك وِغْصُون [S] The crew camouflaged the tank with branches and netting
To bend, fold (ه =
تَنَى، يِتْنِي
طَوَى ، يِطوي
نطَوَى ، يِنِطوي
To impose a condition
شَرَّط، يْشَرِّط
أَبُوْه شَرَّط عَلَيْهِ اْنُّو يِبني بَيْت [P] his father imposed a condition on him that he build a home;
To be left, end up
صَفَّى، يْصَفِّي
وِاْحنَا وَيْن صَفَّيْنَا [P] and where have we ended up?;
تَرَكنَا بَيْت لَحِم وْصَفَّيْنَا في القُدس [P] we left Bethlehem and ended up in Jerusalem;
شُوْف وَيْن صَفَّيْنَا، في المُخَيَّم [P] look where we’ve ended up, in a camp;
كِنَّا رَحَ نْصَفِّي بِالحَبِس [S] We nearly landed in jail
صَوْتَو غَاْب لَصَفَّى مِتِل وَشْوَشِة [S] This voice sank to a whisper.
To furnish (ه =
فَرَش، يِفْرُش
عَفَّش، يعَفِّش
To chill, make cold (ه =
بَرَّد، يْبَرِّد
To belong (ل = to), be associated (ل = with);
اْنْتَمَى، يِنْتِمِي
اْنْتَسَب، يِنْتِسِب
اْنْتِسَب إِلَى جَمْعِيَّة خَيْرِيَّة [I] He joined a charitable organization.
بْيِنْتِسِب لَعَيْلِة أَمَيْرْكانِيِّة قَدِيمِة [S] He’s descended from an old American family
بْيِنتَمُوا إِلَى هَادي الجَمعِيِّة [P] they belong to this association;}
مَرَة عَرَبِيِّة تَنتَمي لَلطَّائِفِة الدُرزِيِّة [P] an Arab
woman from the Druze sect
To blackmail
بْتَزّ، يِبْتَزّ
To shrink, make small (ه =
زْغَّر / صَغَّر، يْزْغِّر / يْصَغِّر
To house
سَكَّن، يْسَكِّن
تْسَكِّن / اِتْسَكِّن / اِسَّكِّن، يِتْسَكِّن
To become a Christian, convert to Christianity;
To convert or be converted to Christianity, become a Christian
تْنَصَّر / اِتْنَصَّر، يِتْنَصَّر
To become Muslim, convert to Islam
أَسلَم، يْؤَسلِم
البِنت أَسلَمَت [P] the girl became a Muslim; {‘il-bint ʔaslamat}
اِنجَبَرُوا يْءَسلِمُوا [P] they were forced to convert to Islam
To adopt, embrace (ه =, especially a religion or doctrine), convert (ه = to, take up, adopt, profess (ه = (such as a religion, doctrine, etc)
اِعْتَنَقَ، يعتنق
To flatter, suck up to, brown nose (على = s.o.);
تْمَلَّق، يِتمَلَّق
To clear through customs
جَمرَك، يْجَمرِك
To row (a boat)
جَدَّف، يْجَدِّف
To feed (ه = s.o. /, give food (ه = to s.o. /
طَعَّم، يْطَعِّم
To scale, organize according to a scale, graduate (ه =
دَرَّج، يْدَرِّج
الضَّرَايِب بْتِتْدَرَّج حَسَبِ الدَّخِل [S] Taxes are graduated according to income
الأُجُوْرِ مْدَرَّجِة حَسَبِ الأَقْدَمِيِّة [S] Wages are scaled according to seniority
To estimate, appraise, assess (the value of) (ه =
خَمَّن، يْخَمِّن
خَمَّنُوا الأَمْلَاكِ بْمِيْتَين وْخَمْسِين أَلْف لَيْرَة [S] They assessed the property at 250,000 pounds,
اللِجْنِة قَدَّرِت أَضْرَارِ الفَيَضَان بْمَلْيَون دَوْلَار [S] The commission estimated the flood damage at a million dollars
To be calculated
To be counted, be considered
هالشِّي ما بْيِنْحِسِب [S] That doesn’t count
To make soft, make supple (ه =
لَيَّن، يْلَيِّن
المَسَاج بيْلَيِّنِ الجِسِم [P] the massage makes the body supple;
لَازِم يْلَيِّن مَوقِفُو [P] he has to soften his position
To bring into being, create (ه =
أَوْجَد، يُوْجِد
عَصِرْنَا الصِّنَاعِي أَوْجَد إِنْسَانِ جْدِيد [S] Our industrial age has brought a new type ofinto being.
لازِم نُوْجِد لَو وَظِيفِة [S] We have to create a position for him
To mock, ridicule (على / من = s.o. /
اْسْتَهْزَى، يِسْتَهَزِئ
To mock, ridicule, make fun (على / في = of)
تْمَسخَر، يِتمَسخَر
بْتِتمَسخَر عَلَيّ / عَلَيِّ [P] are you making fun of me?; {bºtitmɑsḵɑr ʕalayy / ʕalayye}
بْيِتمَسخَر فِيْهَا [P] he makes fun of her
بْيِستَهزِئ عَلَيْهَا / مِنهَا [P] he ridicules her; {bºyistahzeʔÁ ʕalēha / minha}
ما فِي لْزُوْم تِسْتَهْزِئِ بْهالمِسْكِين [S] You have no reason to sneer at the poor fellow,
ما كان لازِم تِسْتَهْزِي فِيه قِدَّام كِلّْ هالنَّاس [S] You didn’t have to make fun of him in front of all those people,
To seat, sit (ه = s.o.) down
قَعَّد، يْقَعِّد
To tweet, twitter (said of a bird)
غَرَّد، يْغَرِّد
العَصَافِير (العَصَفِير) طُوْلِ النّْهَار بِيْغَرّْدُوا قِدَّام شِبَّاكِي [S] The birds sing all day in front of my window.
العَصَافِيْر بِتغَرِّد [P] the birds tweet; {‘il-ʕɑṣᾱfīr bitġarred}
حَطَّيْنَاه في قَفَص بَطَّل يْغَرِّد [P] we put it (the bird) in a cage and it stopped tweeting;
Pioneer, front-runner
سَبَّاق، ج سَبَّاقِيْن
To part, separate, become separated, detached (عن = from)
اْنْفَصَل، يِنْفِصِل
مُو مِمْكِن فَصْلَو = ما بْيِنْفِصِل [S] inseparable
السُّؤَالَيْن مُو مِمْكِن فَصْلُهْن = السُّؤَالَيْن ما بْيِنْفِصْلُوا عَن بَعْضُهْن [S] The two questions are inseparable
اْضطَرُّوا إِنّهُم يِنفِصلُوا عَن بَعض [P] they were forced to part from one another; {‘ºḍṭɑrru ʔinnhom yinfeṣlu ʕan bɑʕḍ}
اْنْفَصَلُوا (عَن بَعْضُهْن) بَعِد مَا صَارْ لُهْن (صَرْ لُهْن) مِتْجَوّْزِين سَبْعِ سْنِين [S] They separated after seven years of marriage
أَبِي وْإِمِّي مِنْفِصْلِين عَن بَعْضُهْن [S] My parents are separated