Adverbs / Phrases 10 Flashcards
By oneself, on (his) own, separately, alone (either in the sense of doing something independently or being alone)
لَحَال + ضمير
لَوَحْد + ضمير = وَحْد + ضمير
فين يناموا كِلّ تْنَيْن لَحال [S] can they sleep separately in pairs (i.e. can they sleep in twos)
مِنْسَاوِي تْخُوْتِتْنَا لَحَالْنَا [S] We make our beds ourselves
رُوْح لَحَالَك [P] go by yourself!; {rūḥ laḥālak}
أَنَا بْقِيْت لَحَالي [P] I was left on my own; { ʔana bºqīt laḥāly}
كَتَبتُو لَحَالي [P] I wrote it by myself; {katabto laḥāly}
إذا شافَك القَنَّاص مَع السُوْتْيَان، بْيِتْرِك لَك لَحالَك تْرُوح [L] if the sniper sees you with the bra, then he will leave you alone to go;
لازِم يْسَاوُوا التّْخُوت لَحَالُهْن [S]They have to make the beds themselves
عَن حَقَا عِمْلُوا كِلّْ هالشِّغِل لَحَالُهْن [S] Did they really do all that work by themselves?
ما بِسْتَرْجِي اْخَلِّي الِوْلاد لَحَالُهْن بِالبَيْت [S] I don’t dare leave the children by themselves in the house,
خَلِّيْنَا نِبْحَثِ بْكِلّ حِجِّة لَوَحْدَهْا [S] Let’s consider each argument apart,
اْتْرِكْنِي لَحالِي = رُوْح عَنِّي = اْفْرِقْنِي [S] Leave me alone
لَيْش ما بْتَعْمِلَهْا لَحَالَك [S]Why don’t you do it yourself?
صَلَّحْتِ المَوْتَور لَحَالَك [S] Did you repair the engine all by yourself?
مَضَّيْت كِلّْ الأَحَد لَحَالَك [S] You spent the whole Sunday by yourself?
هالتَّعْبِير ما فِيك تِسْتَعِمْلَو لَحَالَو [S] You can’t use this expression by itself
هالبَاب بِيْسَكِّر لَحَالَو [S] This door closes by itself
خَيَّطِتِ الرَّوْب كِلَّو لَحَالَهْا [S] She made the dress all by herself,
عامِلَهْا لَحَالَو وِللا ساعَدْتَو [S] Did he make it all by himself or did you help him?
ما بِتْحِبّ تِقْعُد وَحْدَهْا بِالبَيْت [S] She doesn’t like to be the house all by herself,
كان مَعْزُوم عَلى العَشَا وَحْدُو [V] he was invited to the dinner by himself;
البَيْت لَوَحْدَو بْيِسْوَى هالقِيْمِة [S] The house itself is worth that
خَلَّى وَحْدَو = تَرَك وَحْدَو [S] to let alone (ه = s.o.)
مِمْكِن تَعْطُوْنِي أُوْضَة إِلِي وَحْدِي [S] Can I have a room of my own?
أَخِي كان لَو (كَن لَو) سَيَّارَة إِلَو وَحْدَو بْهَدِيكِ الإِيَّام [S] My brother had a car of his own at that time.
بِدِّي اِحْكِي مَعَك وَحِدْنَا [S] I’d like to talk to you in private,
فِيك تِشْتِرِي كِلِّ مْجَلَّد لَوَحْدَو [S] Can you buy each volume separately?
هُوِّ بْمِفْرَدَو مَسْؤُول عَن هالشِّي = هُوِّ وَحْدَو مَسْؤُول عَن هالشِّي [S] He’s solely responsible for it
عْمِلِت هالشِّي وَحْدِي [S] I did that by myself
ساكِن وَحْدَك [S] Do you live alone
اِنْتِا وَحْدَك بْتِقْدِرِ تْسَاعِدْنِي [S] You alone can help me.
أَحْسَن لَك تِتْرِكَهْا وَحْدَهْا [S] Better leave it alone.
خَلِّيْنَا نِبْحَثِ بْكِلّ حِجِّة لَوَحْدَهْا [S] Let’s consider each argument apart,
لازِم ما يِمْشِي بِالشَّوَارِع وَحْدَو بِاللَيْل [S] He shouldn’t walk in the streets all by himself at night
From the starting point of, from the underlying logic or principle of
مُنْطَلَق، ج مُنْطَلَقَاْت
مِن مُنْطَلَق + إضافة [CA] from the starting point of, from the underlying logic or principle of
من هذا المُنْطَلَقِ [CA] from this point
التدخل السوري جاء من منطلق حرص سوريا على [CA] the syrian intervention came from the underlying principle of syriaٰs endeavor to …
In conclusion
خُلَاصْةِ الحَكِي
بِالخُلَاصَة، اِلـمَسْأَلَة مَسْأَلِة اِقْتصَادِيِّة [S] In essence, it’s an economic question
خُلَاصْةِ الحَدِيث، هُوِّ ما بْيِسْوَى أَبَدًا [S] To sum up, he’s no good at all
خُلَاصْةِ الحَكِي، المِشِكْلِة بالحَقِيقَة ما لَهْا مْعَقَّدِة قَدّْما لَهْا مْبَيّْنِة [S] In the final analysis, the problem is really not so complicated as it may look
On the part of
مِن قِبَل + ضمير
Fact of life, such is life, that’s life
سنة الحياة
Nearly, on the verge of, almost, on the point of
على وَشَك
أَمْوَالْنَا على وَشَك تِخْلُص [S] Our funds are running low
على وَشَك اِخْلُص = تَقْرِيْبًا لَحَ اِخْلُص [S] I’m nearly finished
كِنَّا عَلَى وَشَك نِمْشِي لَـمّا إِجُوا ضْيُوْف [S] We were on the point of leaving when company arrived
هِيِّة على وَشَك اِنْهِيَار عَصَبِي [S] She’s on the verge of a breakdown,
كِنْت على وَشَك قِلْ لَو = ما صِفِي شي إِلَّا قِلْ لَو [S] I was on the verge of telling him
كِنَّا عَلى وَشَك إِنَّو نِسْتَسْلِم لَـمَّا = كِنَّا لَحَ نِسْتَسْلِم لَـمّا [S] We were almost ready to give up when
كِنِت على وَشَكِ الجَّيِّة على الحَفْلِة لَو وَصْلِةِ رْفِيْقِي على غَفْلِة = كِنِت لَحَ إِجِي عَالحَفْلِة لَو وَصْلِةِ رْفِيْقِي على غَفْلِة [S] I’d almost come to the party if it hadn’t been for my friend’s unexpected arrival.
The day that…
يَوْم مَا
يَوْم مَا زُرتُو [P] the day I visited him; {yōm ma zurto}
مِن يَوْم مَا فَتَحُوا الدُكَّان [P] from the day they opened the shop; {min yōm ma fataḥu-d-dukkān}
مِن يَوْم مَا خْلِقِت [P] since the day I was born; {min yōm ma ḵºleqᵉt}
مِن يَوْم مَا طْلِعُوا مِنِ المَدرَسِة [P] since the day you left school;
Either 1. as much as or 2. however much, so much that, or 3. as long as;
(note that this should be followed by either a verb or verb-like phrase (i.e. with a participle), or a prepositional phrase);
قَدّْ ما
خُد قَدّ مَا بِدَّك [P] take as much as you want; {ḵod qadd ma biddak}
عِندي بَنَانِيْر قَدّ مَا عِندَك [P] [P, J] I’ve got the same number of marbles as you; {ʕindy banānīr qadd ma ʕindak}
عِندي گلَاج قَدّ مَا عِندَك [P] [P, G] I’ve got the same number of marbles as you; {ʕindy glāj qadd ma ʕindak}
قَدّ مَا تْعِبِت، مَا قْدِرتِش أَمشي [P] I was so tired I couldn’t walk; {qadd ma tºʕebᵉt، ma qºdertᵉš ʔamšy}
قَدْما أَنا دافِع [V] as much as I paid;
قَدّْ مَا كِنِت زَكِي مُو لَحَ تِحْزِل هايّ [S] No matter how smart you are, you won’t guess this one
قَدّْ مَا عَجَّلِتْنِي هَالشَّغْلِة مَا بْتِخْلُص أَبْكَر [S] No matter how much you rush me, it won’t get done any sooner
قَدّْ مَا بْيِدْفَع لِي مَصَارِي ما بْبِيْع الِكْتَاب [S] No matter how much money he pays, I won’t sell the book
بْتِقْدِر تْخَلِّيْه مَعَك قَدّْمَا بِدَّك [S] You can keep it as long as you wish
حَبَّيْت تَمْثِيْلتَو الأُوْلَى قَدّْمَا حَبَّيْت هَايّ [S] I liked his first play equally well.
هُوِّ ذَكِي قَدّْما بْتِقْدِر تِتْوَقَّع مِنَّو ذَكَا [S] He’s as bright as you can expect him to be.
بْيِشْتِغِلِ بْعَجَلِة قَدّْ مَا بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيْدَو [S] He works as fast as he possibly can
مُو … قَدّ ما [S] not so… as (for following verb, participle, sentence, etc.)
عِمْرَو مُو كْبِير قَدّْ ما لَك فَاكِر [S] He’s not so old as you would think