Nouns 8 Flashcards
تِنِّيْن، ج تَنَاْنِيْن
سِرّ، ج أَسْرَاْر
فَيّ، ج فَيَّاْت
ظِلّ، ج ظْلَاْل / أَظْلَاْل
• “تعال قَعُد بالظلّ، هون الجو أريح.”
(Come sit in the shade, it’s more comfortable here.)
• “دور على ظلّ تحت الشجرة.”
(Look for shade under the tree.)
Chance, coincidence, unexpected occurrence
بالصِّدْفِة = بْطَرِيْق اِلصِّدْفِة [S] by accident, coincidentally, coincidental, by chance
عْرِفْتَهْا بْطَرِيقِ الصِّدْفِة [S] I found it out by accident.
هادَ ما حَصَلِ بْطَرِيق اِلصِّدْفِة [S] That didn’t happen by accident.
عْرِفْت اِلحَقِيقَة بْطَرِيقِ الصِّدْفِة [S] I accidentally learned the truth
بِدَّك رَأْيِي؟ لا تِعْتِمِد عَ الصِّدْفِة بَسّ [S] You shouldn’t rely on mere chance
اِجْتِماع بِالصِّدْفِة غَيَّر لُهْن كِلّ مَجْرَى حَيَاتُهْن [S] A chance meeting changed their whole life.
شِفْتَو بِالصِّدْفِة = صادَفْتَوْ مْصادَفِة [S] met him by chance
أَنَا سْمِعِت عَنُّو بِاْلصُّدفِة [P] I heard about it by chance; { ʔana sºmeʕᵉt ʕanno bi’ºṣṣudfe}
صُدفِة نْفَتَحِ البَاب [P] suddenly the door opened; {ṣudfe nºfataḥᴵ-l-bāb}
مِلَّا صِدْفِة غَرِيْبِة [S] What a strange coincidence
Struggle, conflict, dispute
نِزَاْع، ج نِزَاْعَاْت
نِضَاْل، ج نِضَاْلَاْت
صِرَاْع، ج صِرَاْعَاْت
وَاللهِ كان نِضَال قَاْسِي [S] It was a hard struggle
النِزَاعِ الإِسرَائِيلي الفَلَسطِيْني [P] the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Port, harbor
مَرْفَأ، ج مَرَاْفِئ
مِيْنَا، ج مَوَاْنِي
Side, aspect
نَاْحْيِة، ج نَوَاْحِي
هَادَا مْنِيْح؟ مِن أَيّ نَاحيِة [P] is this fine? from what aspect (is it fine)?; {hāda mºnīḥ? min ʔayy nāḥye}
مِنِ النَاحيِة الاِقتِصَادِيِّة [P] from an economic standpoint, from the economic angle; {minᴵ-n-nāḥye-l-‘iʠtiṣᾱdiyye}
مِن نَاحيِةِ فْلُوْس فِشّ مُشكِلِة [P] from the money aspect, there’s no problem; {min nāḥyeᵉ fºlūs fišš muškile}
مِن كُلِّ النَوَاحي [P] from all aspects; {min kullᴵ-n-nawāḥy}
دَرَسِ المَوضُوْع مِن كُلِّ النَوَاحي [P] he studied the subject from all angles; {darasᴵ-l-mɑwḍūʕ min kullᴵ-n-nawāḥy}
دَرَسْنَا المَوْضُوْع مِن كِلِّ النَّواْحِي [S] We considered the matter from all angles,
مِن كِلّْ ناحْيِة [S] in every respect
كِنَّا رَضْيَانِيْن مِن كِلّْ ناحْيِة [S] We were satisfied in every respect.
مِنِ كْتِير نَواحِي = بْنَواحِي كْتِيرِة [S] in many respects
مِنِ كْتِير نَوَاحِي أَنَا مِتِّفِق مَعَك [S] In many respects I agree with you
مِن ناحْيِة [S] in a sense
بْناحْيِة مْنِ النَّوَاحِي [S] in a sense
مِن ناحْيِة أَنَا مَسْؤُول [S] In a sense, I’m responsible
مِن نَاْحِيْة + ضمير [S] on the part of
مِن هَالنَّاحْيِة [S] for that matter
مِن هالنَّاحْيِة خَلِّيْه يِبْقَى بِالمَحَلّ يَللي هُوِّ فِيه [S] For that matter he can stay where he is
بْهالنَّاحْيِة [S] from that aspect, on that score
ما لَازِمِ تْشَغِّل بَالَك بْهالنَّاحْيِة [S] You don’t need to worry on that score,
Merchandise, goods
بْضَاْعَة، ج بَضَاْيِع
الِبْضَاعَة راحِت شَحِن [S] The goods were sent by freight
هالبَضَايِع مَطْلُوْبِة كْتِير هالإِيَّام [S] These goods are very much in demand now
البَضَايِعِ القِطْنِيِّة غالْيِة نِسْبِيًّا [S] Cotton goods are comparatively expensive
جِبتِ-اْلَّك الِبضَاعَة [P] I’ve brought you the goods; {jibtᴵ-‘ºllak-l-ebḍᾱʕɑ}
بُعرُضِ بضَاعتُو [P] he displays his merchandise; {buʕroḍᵉ bḍᾱʕto}
كِيْف بِتمَشّي بْضَاعتَك [P] how do you market your goods;
Production, output
لَازِمِ نْزِيْدِ الإِنتَاج [P] we need to increase production; {lāzemᵉ nºzīdᴵ-l-ʔintāj}
إِحكي لْنَا عَن إِنتَاجَكِ الأَدَبي [P] tell us about your literary output
Taste (in context of ‘good taste’ in men, food, etc…)
أَزمِة، ج أَزَمَات
اِنْتِقَاْل، ج اِنْتِقَاْلَاْت
Supervisor, overseer
مِشْرِف، ج مِشِرْفِيْن
Mentality, way of thinking
عَقْلِيِّة، ج عَقْلِيَّاْت
ذِهْنِيَّة، ج ذِهْنِيَّاْت
عَرَض، ج أَعرَاض
أَيْش أَعرَاضِ المَرَض [P] what are the symptoms of the disease
Seat, bench
مَقْعَد، ج مَقَاْعِد
حَطَّيْنَا عَفِشْنَا بِالمَقْعَدِ الوَرَّانِي تَبَعِ السَّيَّارَة [S] We stowed our luggage on the back seat of the car
عَلَى مَقعَدِ المُتَّهَمِيْن [P] on the seat of the accused (i.e. in the dock); {ʕala mɑʠʕɑdᴵ-l-muttahamīn}
عِندهُم تْلَت مَقَاعِد في المَجلِس [P] they’ve got three sets on the council; {ʕindhom tºlat mɑʠᾱʕed fy-l-majles}
المَقَاعِد ما صَار لُهْن زَمَان مَدْهُوْنِيْن [V] The benches were only recently painted
هالمَقْعَد بِدَّو تَصْلِيح [S] This seat needs fixing
هالمَقْعَد مَأْخُود [S] This seat is taken
Settings (on a computer, program, etc.)
إِعْدَاْد، ج إِعْدَاْدَاْت
قِيَادِة، ج قِيَادَات
الطَّيَّار الِـمْعاوِنِ اْسْتَلَم الِقْيادِة [S] The co-pilot took over the controls,
Voting, vote; (as a verbal noun)
(this is in a general sense “voting.” a specific, individual vote is صوت , i.e. someone’s voice)
لَازِمِ نْحُطِّ المَسأَلِة لَلتَّصوِيْت [P] we have to put the issue to vote; {lāzemᵉ nºḥoṭṭᴵ-l-masʔ¡ale lattɑṣwīt}
نَتَائِجِ التَصوِيْت [P] the results of the vote; {natāʔejᴵ-t-tɑṣwīt}
حَضْرِةِ الرَّئِيْس، أَرْجُوْك طَرْحِ القَضِيِّة عَ التَّصْوِيْت [S] Mr. Chairman, I call for the question!
الاِقْتِرَاح اْنْوَضَع عَ التَّصْوِيت [S] The motion was put to a vote
حَقِّ التَّصْوِيت [S] vote, right to vote
القَاصْرِيْن مَا لُهْن حَقِّ التَّصْوِيت [S] Minors have no vote
أَيْمْتَى لَحَ يِطْرَحُوا مَشْرُوْعِ القَانُون عَ التَصْوِيت [S] When will the bill come up for a vote?
Foreign community, diaspora
جَاْلِيَة، ج جَاْلِيَاْت
مْنَاْقَضَة، ج مْنَاْقَضَاْت
تَنَاقُض، ج تَنَاقُضَات
إِطْرُوْحتَو مَلَانِة مْنَاقَضَاْت = إِطْرُوْحْتَو كِلَّهْا تَنَاقُض [S] His thesis is full of contradictions.
فِيْه تَنَاقُضَات في إِفَادْتُو [P] there are contradictions in his testimony; {fīᴴ tanᾱʠoḍᾱt fy ʔifādºto}
فِيْه تَنَاقُض بَيْنِ الشَرِيْعَة وِاْلقَانُوْنِ المَدَني [P] there is a contradiction between the Sharia and civil law; {fīᴴ tanᾱʠoḍ bēnᴵ-š-šarīʕa wi’ºʠānūnᴵ-l-madany}
مُتَنَاقِضِيْن تَنَاقُضِ المَيّ وِاْلنَّار [P] incompatible the way water and fire, complete opposites
عَرِيْضَة، ج عَرَائِض
مَضُّوْني عَلَى العَارِيْضَة [P] they got me to sign the petition; {mɑḍḍūny ʕala-l-ʕᾱrīḍɑ}
لَيْش ما بْتِرْفَعُوا عَرِيضَة [S] Why don’t you get up a petition?
قَدَّم عَرِيضَة [S] to petition
قَدَّمْنَا عَرِيضَة لَوَزِيرِ المَعَارِف طَالْبِين فِيْهَا مَدْرَسِة جْدِيدِة [S] We petitioned the Minister of Education for a new school
مُنْطَاْد، ج مَنَاْطِيْد
Return, revenue, yield, rents, take (money received, e.g. at a theater, movie, etc.)
إِيْرَاْد، ج إِيْرَاْدَاْت
قَدَّيْش دَخْلَو = قَدَّيْش وارْدَو / وَارْدَاْتَو [S] How much of an income does he have?
مْمَشِّي حالَو مْنِيح مِن وارْدَات تِجَارْتَو [S] He is managing pretty well on the income from his business
الوَارْدَاتِ اليَوْم كانِت قَلِيلِة [S] The receipts were low today
الإِيْرَاد بِيْرُوْح لِلأَغْرَاضِ الخَيْرِيِّة [S] The proceeds will go to charity
قَدَّيْش إِجَاك إِيْرَاد مِن تَوْظِيف أَمْوَالَك [S] How much of a return did you get on your investment?
الإِيْرَاد مِن بَيْعِ التَّذَاكِر وَحْدَو بْيِطْلَع أَلْف وْخَمِس مِيْت لَيْرَة [S] The returns on the ticket sales alone run up to 1500 pounds
الرَّيْع وِصِل لَخَمْسِين أَلْف دَوْلَار [S] The take ran to fifty thousand dollars
Overcrowding, crush, crowd
زَحْمِة، ج زَحْمَاْت
هُوِّ اْختَفَى في الزَحمِة [P] he disappeared in the crowd; {huwwe ‘ºḵtafa fy-z-zaḥme}
فِيْه زَحمِة شُغُل [P] there’s a big pile-up of work; {fīᴴ zaḥme šuġᵒl}
ضَوَّعْتَو بِالزَّحْمِة [S] lost him in the crowd,
مَزْحَة، ج مَزْحَاْت
نِكْتِة، ج نِكَت
Cover, covering, lid;
(masculine noun)
غَطَا، ج إِغِطْيِة
(picture, window) Frame
بُروَاز، ج بَرَاوِيْز
نِيْشَاْن، ج نَيَاْشِيْن (نَيَشِيْن)
أَخَد نِيْشَان [P] he received a medal; { ʔaḵad nīšān}
في المَدرَسِة أَعطُوْنَا نَيَاشِيْن [P] we’ve got medals (for distinction) at school; {fy-l-madrase ʔɑʕṭūna nayāšīn}
مِنْشَاْن أَيْش أَخَدِ النِّيْشَاْن [V] What did he get the decoration for?
Perfume, scent
عِطِر (عِطْر)، ج عْطُوْر / عْطُوْرَة
خَنْجَر، ج جَنَاْجِر
Bias, impartiality
عَدَمِ التَحَيُّز [P] impartiality; {ʕadamᴵ-t-taḥayyoz}
بِدُوْن تَحَيُّز [P] impartially, without taking sides; {bidūn taḥayyoz}
عَدَم تَحَيُّز [S] impartiality
Reproach, blame, rebuke
لا تْحِطِّ اللَوْم عَلِيِّ = لا تْلُوْمْنِي أَنَا [S] Don’t put the blame on me
حَطِّ اللَوْم [S] to pass the buck
لا تْحَاوِلِ تْحِطِّ اللَوْم عَلِيِّ [S] Don’t try to pass the buck to me
بيْحُطِّ اللَوْم عَلَيّ [P] he puts the blame on me
Tin, can, box, container
عِلْبِة، ج عِلَب
Reason, need, call for
دَاْعِي، ج دَوَاْعِي
بالنِسْبِة لَإِلِي ما في مَشْكَل، ما في داعي لَكِلّ هالشِي [L] in my opinion there is no problem,
there is no need for all this;
لَ دَاعي إِنُّو [P] there’s no need / reason that…; {la dāʕy inno}
فِشّ دَاعي اِنَّك تِيْجي وْتغَلِّب حَالَك [P] there’s no need for you come and trouble yourself because of this matter; {fišš dāʕy ‘innak tījy wºtġalleb ḥālak}
ما فِي داعِي نِحْكِي إِنَّو بِدَّك تِنْزِل عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) لَـمّا بْتِجِي عَ الشَّام [S] Needless to say, you’ll stay at our house when you come to Damascus,
ما عَطَانِي أَيّْ داعِي لِلشَّكْوَى [S] He gave me no reason for complaint.