Nouns 1 Flashcards
Break of dawn
وِلِدْتِ الصُّبُح مَعْ جَهْجَهَةِ الضَوّ [S] I was born at the break of dawn
Planning, designing, design
تَصْمِيْم، ج تَصْمِيْمَاْت / تَصَاْمِيْم
تَفْصِيْل، ج تَفْصِيْلَاْت / تَفَاْصِيْل
Daytime, day (from dawn until dusk, as opposed to night)
نْهَاْر، ج نْهَاْرَاْت
Achievement, accomplishment
إِنجَاز، ج إِنجَازَات
إِنجَازِ السَلَام [P] the achievement of peace; { ʔinjāzᴵ-s-salām}
أَنَا بَقُول لَك مَبرُوْك عَلَى إِنجَازَك [P] I congratulate you on your achievement; { ʔana baqul lak mabrūk ʕala ʔinjāzak}
الإِنجَازَاتِ اللي حَقَّقهَا [P] the achievements that he realized; {‘il-ʔinjāzātᴵ-l-ly ḥaqqaqha}
بْيِفتَخِر في إِنجَازَاتُو [P] he is proud of / boasts of his achievements
Pressure, stress
ضَغْط، ج ضُغُوط
Complete, full, whole;
Rest, ease of mind, relaxation
Period of time, (a) while, interval
فَتْرَة، ج فَتْرَاْت
مِدِّة، ج مِدَد
Situation, state (plural أوضاع is sometimes translated as state of affairs);
وَضِع (وَضْع)، ج أَوْضَاْع
Purpose, objective, goal
هَدَف، ج أَهْدَاْف
Smell, scent, odor
رِيْحَة، ج رَوَاْيِح
Nature (the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth)
Person, human being, man (in the general sense)
An individual (person)
فَرِد (فَرْد)، ج أَفْرَاْد
Party, celebration
حَفْلِة، ج حَفْلَاْت
Love, affection
Happiness, gladness, joy
فَرَح / فَرَح، ج أَفرَاح [S] فَرَح
جِيْل، ج أَجْيَاْل
Record, register file, archive
سِجِلّ، ج سِجِلَّاْت
Freedom, liberty
حُرِّيِّة / حُرِّيِّة، ج حُرِّيَّات
Running, run
مَا عَلَيْش بَرُوْح مَشي [P] never mind, I’ll go on foot; {mā ʕalēš barūḥ mašy}
هَادَا أَوَّل مَشيُو [P] these are his first steps (said of a baby); {hāda ʔawwal mašyo}
المَشي بيْضُرّ إِجرَك [P] walking damages your foot; {‘il-mašy byºḍorr ʔijrak}
عَ المَشِي [L] on the go (in the context of restaurants as well, getting food to go
دِرَاْسِة ،ج دِرَاْسَاْت
دِرَاسِةِ المَوضُوْع [P] studying the subject; {dirᾱseᴵ-l-mɑwDūʕ}
تَحْتِ النَّظَر = تَحْتِ الدِّرَاسِة [S] under consideration
بِدُّو يْكَمِّل دِرَاسْتُو [P] he wants to complete his studies; {biddo yºkammel dirᾱsºto}
خَلَّص دِرَاسْتَو [S] Has he finished his studies?
بِرْنَامِج دِرَاْسِة، ج بَرَامِج دِرَاسِة [S] curriculum (see also منهج and منهاج)
بِرْنامِج دِرَاسْتَك لَهالسِّنِة لَحَ يْكُوْن شْوَيِّة صَعِب عَلَيْك [S] Your curriculum for this year will be rather difficult
Mood, temperament, humor, disposition
مَزَاْجَك رَايِقِ اليَوْم [S] Are you in a good humor today?
كِيْف مَزَاْجَو اليَوْم [S] What humor is he in today?
كِيْف مَزَاجُو اليَوْم [P] how is his mood today; {kīf mazājo-l-yōm}
حَسَب مَزَاجُو [P] according to his mood, depending on his mood; {ḥasab mazājo}
بِتعَلَّقِ بْمَزَاجِ المُوَظَّفِيْن [P] it all depends on the mood of the officials
Field, domain, area (e.g. of study, of politics, etc.)
مَجَال، ج مَجَالَات
Peace, quiet, tranquility, calmness
Excursion, (short) outing, walk
مِشْوَاْر، ج مَشَاْوِيْر
Movement, gesture, motion, move
حَرَكِة، ج حَرَكَاْت
Energy, power, ability
طَاْقَة، ج طَاْقَاْت
عَم تَعْمِلِ بْحُوْثِ بْمِيْدَانِ الطَّاقَة الذَرِّيِّة [S] She is doing research in atomic energy
هَادَا فَوْق طَاقَتُو [P] that’s beyond his ability; {hāda fōq ṭᾱʠɑto}
طَاقَةِ الشَمس [P] solar energy
Habit, custom, usual
عَاْدِة، ج عَاْدَاْت
مِتلِ العَادِة [P] as usual; {mitlᴵ-l-ʕāde}
جِدّي كَان اِلُو عَادِة إِنُّو يِنزِل كُلّ يَوْم عَ السُوْق [P] my grandfather was in the habit of going to the market every day; {jiddy kān ‘ilo ʕāde ʔinno yinzel kull yōm ʕa-s-sūq}
العَادِة بيرجَع بَكِّيْر; [P] (his) habit is to get back early; {‘il-ʕāde byrjaʕ bakkīr;}
هَيْكِ العَادِة عِندنَا / عِنَّا [P] that’s the custom with us, or that’s what we usually do; {hēkᴵ-l-ʕāde ʕindna / ʕinna}
طِلِع مِتِل عَادتُو يْشِمِّ الهَوَا [P] He went out, as is his custom, to smell (some fresh) air (i.e. to go for a walk); {ṭileʕ mitᵉl ʕādto yºšemmᴵ-l-hawa}
اِنتِا مِش زَيّْ عَادتَك [P] You’re different from your usual; {‘inte miš zayyº ʕādtak}
عْمِلْتَهْا عَادْتِي إِجِي عَ الشِّغِل عَ الوَقِت [S] I’ve made it a practice to get to work on time
عَاْدِت حَلِيْمِة لَعَادِتَهْا القَدِيْمِة [S] proverb: He’s at it again
نَفْسِ القِصِّة مِن أَوَّل وِجْدِيد = رِجْعِت حَلِيمِة لَعَادِتَهْا القَدِيمِة [S] It’s the same old thing over again
هادا غَرِيْب عَنَّو = هادا مُو مِن عادْتَو [S] That’s quite unlike him
مِتْلِ العادِة = كَالعَادِة [S] as usual
نَازْلِة مَطَر مِتْلِ العادِة [S] It’s raining, as usual,
تَحِت تَأْثِيْرِ العادِة [S] from force of habit
بْتَعْمِلَهْا تَحِت تَأْثِيرِ العادِة [S] She does it from force of habit.
صارِت مَعَو هالعادِة معِ السّْنِيْن [S] He formed that habit over the years
هَايّ عادِة رَدِيِّة [S] That’s a bad habit
أنا عادْتِي نام لضَحْوِة / ضَحْوِة = أنا مِعْتَاد نام ضَحْوِة / لَضَحْوِة [S] I’m in the habit of sleeping late
عَم أَعْمِل جَهْدِي اْبَطِّل عادِةِ التَّدْخِين مَعِي [S] I’m trying to break myself of the habit of smoking
اِلعَادَات وِ التَقَالِيْد [P] customs and traditions; {‘ilʕādāt wi-t-taʠᾱlīd}
حَسَب عَادَاتِ بْلَادهُم; [P] in accordance with the customs of their community; {ḥasab ʕādātᵉ bºlādhom;}
بِحَافظُوا عَلَى عَادَاتهِن; [P] [P, G] they retain their customs; {biḥᾱfẓu ʕala ʕādāthen;}
بِيْقُولُوا هَايِّة عَادِة مَحَلِّيِّة قَدِيْمِة = بِيْقُولُوا هَايّْ مْنِ التَقَالِيدِ (التَقَلِيْدِ) المَحَلِيِّة القَدِيمِة [S] It’s said to be an old local tradition
هالعادِة راحِت مِن زَمَاْن [S] That custom died out a long time ago
العادِة هَوْن مُو هَيْك [S] That’s not the custom here.
Waking up
اْهتِمَام، ج اْهتِمَامَات
بِنِيْتَو كِلَّهْا عَضَلَاْت [S] He has a muscular physique
بِنِيْتَو قَوِيِّة كْتِير [S] He has a powerful physique
بِنِيْتَو (بِنِتَو) قَوِيِّة [S] He has a heavy frame
Opponent, competitor, rival
مْنَاْفِس، ج مْنَاْفْسِيْن
خَصِم (خَصْم)، ج خْصُوْم / خْصُوْمِة / أَخْصَاْم
هُوِّ خَصِم بْيِنْخَاف مِنَّو [S] He’s a dangerous opponent
خَصمَك [P] your opponent
Damp, dampness, humidity
البَاب دايْمًا بْيِعْلَق بِالرّْطُوْبِة [S] The door always sticks in damp weather
بِسَبَبِ رْطُوْبِةِ البَيْت [P] because the house is damp
Coldness, cold, indifference (in personality, emotion or behaviour)
في بْرُود مِن عَشِيِّة [L] this is coldness since evening;
بِبْرُوْد / بِبْرُوْدِة [S] coldly
سَلَّمُوا عَلَيْه بِبْرُوْد [S] They greeted him coldly
Music, singing
آلِة طَرَب [P] a musical instrument; { ʔāle ṭɑrɑb}
الطَرَبِ العَرَبي [P] Arab music; {‘iṭ-ṭɑrɑbᴵ-l-ʕɑrɑby}
كُنَّا في حَفلِة طَرَب [P] we were at a music concert; {kunna fy ḥafle ṭɑrɑb}
عِدِّةِ الطَّرَب [S] entertainment
مِين لَحَ يْجِيْب عِدِّةِ الطَّرَب [S] Who’s going to provide the entertainment?