Nouns 23 Flashcards
Farewell, goodbye, leave taking
تَرَك مِن غَيْر تَودِيْع [P] he left without saying goodbye;
تَرَك مِن غَيْر وِدَاع [P] he left without saying goodbye; {tarak min ġēr widāʕ}
السَّفَارَة سَاوِتْ لَو حَفْلِة وَدَاْع [S] The embassy held a farewell party for him
Pulling, drawing, taking
Absorption, incorporation, integration, assimilation
مِرْسِل، ج مِرْسِلِيْن
مِسْتِلِم، ج مِسْتِلِمِيْن
اْكْتُب (كْتَوْب) اِسْمِ المِسْتِلِم بْوُضُوْح [S] Write the receiver’s name legibly
مُستَشَار، ج مُستَشَارِيْن
مُسْتَشار قانونيّ a legal adviser
مُسْتَشار ماليّ a financial adviser
مُسْتَشار أَمْنيّ a security adviser
مَرْسُوْم، ج مَرَاْسِيْم
المَرْسُوم لَحَ يِنْعِمِل فِيْه مِن بِكْرَا The decree goes into effect tomorrow
في الحَرب، سْوِيْسرَا ضَلَّت عَلَى حِيَاد [P] in the war, Switzerland remained neutral; {fy-l-ḥarb، sºwīsrɑ ḍɑllat ʕala ḥiyād}
السّْوَيْد كانِتِ مْحَايْدِة وَقْتِ الحَرْبِ العالَمِيِّة الأُوْلَى = السّْوَيْد كانِتِ عَ الحِيَاْد وَقْتِ الحَرْبِ العالَمِيِّة الأُوْلَى [S] Sweden was neutral during the First World War
المِنْتَظَر إِنَّو العائِدَات مِنِ كْتَابَو الأَخِيرِ تْزِيد دَخْلَو زْيَادِة مْنِيحَة [S] The royalties his latest book should increase his income considerably
Doubt, distrust, suspicion
شَكّ، ج شْكُوْك
مَا فِيْه شَكّ [V] there’s no doubt; {mā fīᴴ šakk}
لا شَكّ [V] no doubt,
بَلَا شَكّ [V] without a doubt; {bala šakk}
بِدُوْن شَكّ [V] without a doubt; {bidūn šakk}
هالشِّي ما فِيه شَكّ [S] There is no question about it
لَا شَكِّ اْنُّو رَح يْجَرِّب [P] no doubt he’ll try; {lā šakkᴵ ‘ºnno rɑḥ yºjarreb}
هَادَا بِثِيْر شُكُوْك [P] that arouses distrust / suspicion; {hāda biθīr šukūk}
فِي عَنْدَك أَيّْ شَكّ [S] Do you have any doubts?
ما فِيْهَا شَكّ [S] There’s no doubt about it
بِدُوْن شَكِّ التّْرَيْن لَحَ يِتأَخَّر [S] No doubt the train will be late.
بِدُوْن أَيّْ شَكّ = بَلَا شَكّ = ما فِي شَكّ [S] without a doubt
بِدُوْن أَيِّ شَكّ هُوِّ أَصْلَح واحِد لِلشِّغْلِة [S] Without a doubt he’s the best man for the job
فِي شَكّ إِذَا بِيْطِيْب [S] It’s doubtful if he’ll get well,
ما فِي شَكّْ كانِت مِخِطْأَة [S] She was obviously wrong
ما فِي شَكّْ هادا غَلَط [S] That’s obviously a mistake
بِدُوْن شَكّ هادا أَحْسَن حَلّ [S] That’s easily the best solution
Annoyance, disturbance, bother
مِتأَسِّف عَلَى الإِزعَاج [P] I apologize for the disturbance; {mitʔ¡assef ʕala-l-ʔizʕāj}
إِذا ما في إِزْعاج [L] if it is not a bother;
عَفْوًا على هالإِزْعَاج [S] Pardon this interruption,
حِطَّو لِلْإِزْعَاج بَسّ [S] He’s only a bother
Standard of living
مِسْتَوَى المَعِيْشِة
Cost of living
غَلَاءِ المَعِيْشِة
(Way of) living, lifestyle, livelihood;
بْيِكِسْبُوا مَعِيْشِتُهْن بِالصَّيْد [S] They gain their livelihood by hunting
مِسْتَوَى المَعِيْشِة [S] standard of living
كِيْف بْيِسْحَب مَعِيْشْتَو [S] How does he earn his bread?
مُستَوَى المَعِيْشِة [P] the standard of living; {mustawa-l-maʕīše}
غَلَاءِ المَعِيْشِة [P] cost of living; {ġalāʔÅᴵ-l-maʕīše}
بيْطَلِّع مَعِيْشتُو [P] he makes a living;
Living conditions
الأحوال المعيشة
Economic liberalisation
التحرير اقتصادي
مُنَظَّمة الدُوَلِ المُصَدِّرةِ للبِتْرول
Ownership, possession
لَازِم يِثبِت مُلكِيْتُو [P] he’s got to prove his ownership; {lāzem yiθbet mulkīto}
قَدَّيْش صَارْ لَو (صَر لَو) هَالشِّي بْمِلْكِيْتَك = قَدَّيْش صَارْ لَو (صَر لَو) هَالشِّي بْمِلْكَك [S] How has that been in your possession?
Value, price, cost (preferred for abstract / non-literal costs)
تَمَن، ج أَتمَان
دَفَعِ التَمَنِ الكَامِل [P] he paid the full price; {dafaʕᴵ-t-tamanᴵ-l-kāmel}
مَهمَا كَانِ التَمَن [P] whatever the price, however much it may cost; {mahma kānᴵ-t-taman}
مَا بَعمِلهَاشِ بْأَيّ تَمَن [P] I won’t do it at any price; {ma baʕmelhāšᵉ bºʔ¡ayy taman}
شَعَرتِ اْنُّو حَيَاتي مَا لْهَاش أَيّ تَمن [P] I felt that my life was worthless; {šaʕɑrtᴵ ‘ºnno ḥayāty ma lºhāš ʔayy tamn}
أَنَا اللي دَفَعتِ التَمن [P] I was the one who paid the price; { ʔana-l-ly dafaʕtᴵ-t-tamn}
البِنتِ بْتِدفَع تَمَن غَالي [P] (in such cases) the girl pays a high price; {‘il-bintᵉ bºtidfaʕ taman ġāly}
ما بْسَاوِيْهَا وْلا بْأَيّْ تَمَن [S] You couldn’t pay me to do that,
Moral values
القِيَمِ الأَخلَاقِيِّة
Council, committee, assembly, house (as an official body);
مَجلِس، ج مَجَالِس
Elected representative
Elected person, elected candidate
مُنتَخَب، ج مُنتَخَبِيْن
Delegate, representative, envoy, commissioner
مَنْدُوْب، ج مَنْدُوْبِيْن
مَندُوْب مَصِر في الأُمَمِ المُتَّحِدِة [P] the Egyptian delegate to the United Nations; {mandūb mɑṣᵉr fy-l-ʔumamᴵ-l-muttaḥide}
إِسرَائِيل كَمَان رَح تِبعَت مَندُوْب [P] Israel is going to send a representative; { ʔisrāʔīl kamān rɑḥ tibʕat mandūb}
المَنْدُوْبِين لِلْمَهْرَجَان لَحَ يِصَلُوا خِلالِ اليَوْم وْبِكْرَا [S] The delegates to the convention will arrive in the course of today and tomorrow,
مْفَوَّض سَامِي، ج مْفَوَّضِين سامْيِيْن = مَنْدُوْب سامِي، ج مَنْدُوْبِين سامْيِيْن [S] High Commissioner
مِغْتَاْل، ج مِغْتَاْلِيْن
مجلس التعاون الخليجي
حَاوَلُوا يْوَقّْفُوا اِنْتِشَارِ المَرَض [S] They tried to check the spread of the disease
Humanitarian situation
الحالة الإنسانية
War crimes
جرائم الحرب
War criminal
مجرم حرب
Closing, closure
تَسكِيْرِ الشَارِع بيْسَبِّب بَلبَلِة [P] closing the road causes disruption