Verbs 19 Flashcards
To go beyond, overstep (ه =
To overtake (ه = s.o. /
To go past, overstep, step over, exceed (ه =
To encroach (على = upon)
تْجَاْوَز ، يِتْجَاْوَز
بيْجَاوَز صَلَاحِيَّاتُو [P] he oversteps his
السَيَّارَة تْجَاوَزَتنَا [P] the car overtook
عَم يِتْجَاوَز حْدُوْدَو مِتْلِ العادِة [S] He’s ignoring the rules again, He’s kicking over the traces again
تْجَاوَز حَدَّو [S] to take liberties
بْيَاخُد حِرِّيْتَو كْتِير = بْيِتْجَرَّا عَلى غَيْرَو كْتِير = بْيِتْجَاوَز حَدَّو [S] He takes too many liberties
تْجَاوَزِت هالطَّوْر هَلَّق [S] I’m past that stage now
لا تِتْجَاوَز هالخَطّ [S] Don’t step over this line
المِنْتَظَر إِنَّو أَرْبَاحُهْن هالسِّنِة تِتْجَاوَز خَمَسْتَعْشَر أَلْف لَيْرَة [S] Their profits should exceed fifteen thousand pounds this year
ما فِيك تِتْجَاْوَزَو [S] You won’t get around him
To shock (ه = s.o.)
صَدَم، يِصْدُم
To park (ه =, e.g. a car)
To queue, stand in line
To stand in a row, get in a line
صَفّ، يْصِف
To change (ه =, من = from, ل = to)
To exchange (a product)
غَيَّر، يْغَيِّر
تْغَيَّر / دْغَيَّر، يِتغَيَّر / يِدغَيَّر
To bridge, make a bridge (بين = between)
جَسَّر، يْجَسِّر
To cause (ه = s.o.) to mount / board (ه / على =, to give (ه = s.o.) a ride
To give a ride (ه = to s.o.)
رَكَّب، يْرَكِّب
To tread on, trample on, step on (على =
To run over (ه =
دَعَس، يِدعَس
اْنْدَعَسِ بْكَمْيَوْن [S] He was run over by a truck
To put on speed, accelerate
To drive quickly, speed
أَسرَع، يِسرِع
To slow down
يبطِّئ ، بطَّأ
To return, come back, go back (note that preferred preposition is على / ع , but ل is also used)
To back up, go backwards (لَوَرا), reverse
To repeat, do again (فعل مضارع بدون علامة =
To go back (عن / في =, e.g. on a promise, one’s word, etc.)
رِجِع، يِرجَع
رِجِع عَن كَلَامُو [P] he went back on his word
To fill (ه =, ه = with s .th.)
To fill out, fill in (ه = a form)
To load, charge (ه = a weapon)
To charge (ه =
عَبَّى، يْعَبِّي
To make (ه = s.o. / work
To operate, turn on, set in motion (ه =, e.g. a machine of some kind)
شَغَّل، يْشَغِّل
To hit, beat, strike, knock, bang, slam, crash
خَبَط، يِخْبُط
عَرَبِيِّتي اْتْخَبَطِت مِن وَرا [E] my car was hit from behind;
المَرْكِبِ اْتْخَبَطِت فِ الرَصيف [E] the ship struck the quay;
إن شا اْلله أَتْخِبِط فِ نَظَري لَو [E] may I be struck blind if (said as a disclaimer, e.g. if I were lying…);
دا أَكِيدِ اْتْخَبَط فِ دْماغُه عَشان يِتْصَرَّف بِالشَكْل دا [E] he must have been struck in the head to act like this;
أَبصَر مِيْن خَبَط لي السَيَّارَة [P] I don’t know who hit my car;
لا تِخْبُط بِالطَّاوْلِة [S] Don’t knock against the table
خَبَط الِكْتَاْب عَ الطَّاوْلِة [S] He banged the book down on the table,
مِيْن عَم يِخْبُط عَ البَاب [S] Who’s that banging on the door?
خَبَطِ الصَّنْدُوْق (السَّنْدُوء) عَ الأَرِض [S] He slammed the box on the floor,
خَبْطِتِ البَابِ بْنِصّْ دِين وِشِّي [S] She slammed the door right in my face
To fortify, entrench (ه =
حَصَّن، يْحَصِّن
تْحَصَّن / اِتْحَصَّن، يِتْحَصَّن
To laugh (على = at), make fun of (على = s.o.);
(note the preposition على is often used to mean against, so here it means to laugh against s.o.)
ضِحِك، يِضْحَك
عَم بْتِضحَك عَلَيّ [P] are you making fun of me
To supply, equip, furnish, provide (ه = s.o., ب = with)
زَوَّد، يْزَوِّد
وَفَّر، يْوَفِّر
عَمِ تْزَوِّدَهْا شْوَيِّة [S] You’re carrying matters just a little too far
الشِّرْكِة بِتْزَوّْدَك بِالتَّجْهِيْزَاتِ اللازْمِة [S] The company will provide you with the necessary equipment
المَخْبَزِة تَبَعْنَا بِتْزَوِّد كِلِّ الأَوْتَيْلَات الِكْبَار [S] Our bakery supplies all the big hotels
دايْمًا بِيْزَوِّدْنَا بِالسِّيْگَارَات [S] He always supplies us with cigarettes,
زَوَّدُوْهُم بِسْلَاح [P] the supplied them with weapons
To base (ه =, على = on)
To build, construct, erect (ه =
بَنَى، يِبْنِي
على أَنُو أَسَاس عَم تِبْنِي أَرْقَامَك [S] On what do you base your figures?
حِجّْتَو مَبْنِيِّة على فَرِض إِنَّو [S] his argument is based on the assumption that…
To smooth, level, straighten (ه =
مَلَّس، يْمَلِّس
النَجَّار بيْمَلِّسِ الخَشَبِة بْوَرَق قَزَاز [P] the carpenter smooths the wood with sandpaper
مَلِّس شَعْرَاتَك [S] Smooth down your hair
مَلِّس شَرْشَفِ الطَّاوْلِة [S] Smooth out the tablecloth
To borrow (ه = money, من = from), take out a loan
تْدَيَّن، يِتدَيَّن
To lend, loan (ه = s.o., ه = money / a loan)
دَيَّن، يْدَيِّن
بِتْدَيِّنْنِي عَشِر وَرَقَات = بْتِقْرِضْنِي عَشِر وَرَقَات [S] Would you lend me ten pounds
To fund, sponsor, fund (ه =
مَوَّل، يْمَوِّل
تْمَوّل / اِتْمَوّل، يِتْمَوّل
To pay (ه = an amount of money)
دَفَع، يِدفَع
To pay off (ه =
تْسَدِّد / اِتْسَدِّد / اِسَّدِّد، يِتْسَدِّد
سَدَّد كِلِّ دْيُوْنَو [S] He paid off all his debts
بَعِد شَهِر بْكُوْن سَدَّدْتْ كِلّْ شِي [S] In a month I’ll have it all paid up
To bring, fetch, get (ه =, ل = to, or ه = s.o., ه =, or ل = to s.o., ه =
To cum, orgasm
To give birth to, bring into the world, bear (ه = a child)
جَاب، يْجِيْب
اْنْجَاب، يِنْجَاب
جَارِتنَا جَابَت صَبي [P] our neighbor had a son; {jᾱretna jābat ṣɑby}
رَاحَتِ تْجِيْب [P] she’s gone to the hospital to give birth; {rᾱḥatᵉ tºjīb}
بَعدَيْن جِبِت مَحمُوْد، وْجِبِت نُهَى [P] then I gave birth to Mahmud, and (then) to Nuha; {baʕdēn jibᵉt maḥmūd، wºjibᵉt nuha}
جابِت لَو تْلَتْة صِبْيَان [S] She bore him three sons.
To save up (ه = money)
وَفَّر، يْوَفِّر
المَصَاري اللي وَفَّرهَا [P] the money he saved up; {‘il-mɑṣᾱry-l-ly waffɑrha}
كان فِيكِ تْوَفِّر على حالَك هَالتَّعَب [S] You could have saved the trouble.
وَفَّرْت عَلِيِّ مِشْوَار عَ المَكْتَب [S] You saved me a trip to the office,
بِتْوَفِّر وَقِت إِذَا بِتْساوِيْهَا بِالطَّرِيْقَة تَبَعِي [S] You’ll save time if you do it my way
وَفَّرِت تَقْرِيبًا مِيْت دَوْلَار بْسَفِرْتِي بِالبَاْص [S] I saved almost a hundred dollars by going by bus
صَارْ لَهْا (صَرْ لَهْا) مِدِّة عَمِ تْصَمِّد لَهْا شْوَيِّة مَصَارِي كِلّْ شَهِر [S] She’s been putting aside a little money each month
بْمَعَاْش مِتِل هاد مِسْتَحِيْلِ الواحِد يْصَمِّد مَصَارِي [S] On a salary like this it’s impossible to save any money
To try, attempt (ه =, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do
To deposit (ه =
وَدَع، يُوْدِع
To pull, draw (ه =
To withdraw, take out, pull out (ه =, e.g. money from an account)
To bring in, take in (ه = money)
To take back, withdraw (ه =
سَحَب، يِسحَب
اْنْسَحَب ، يِنْسِحِب
اِسحَبِ الحَبِل [P] pull the rope; {‘isḥabᴵ-l-ḥabᵉl}
اِسحَبِ البُردَاي [P] pull the curtain, draw the curtain; {‘isḥabᴵ-l-burdāy}
لا تِسْحَب بْقُوِّة [S] Don’t pull so hard.
سَحَب شي عن بَعْضُهْن [S] to pull apart
اْضْطَرَّيْنَا نِسْحَب الِكْلَاب عَن بَعْضُهْن مْنِ رْقَابُهْن [S] We had to pull the two dogs apart by the scruff of their necks,
سَحَب شِي لَوَرا [S] to pull back
سَحَبْنِي لَوَرَا مْنِ الكِرْب [S] He pulled me back from the curb,
اْسْحَب لَك كِرْسِي [S] Pull up a chair,
قِيمِ البَرَادِي = اْسْحَبِ (سْحَابِ) البَرَادِي [S] Pull back the curtains,
اْسْحَب (سْحَاْب) نَفَس غَمِيْق [S] Draw a deep
مَدِّ اْلُّو إِيْدُو هَدَاك سَحَب إِيْدُو [P] he held out his hand to him, (but) that other man drew his hand back; {maddᴵ ‘ºllo ʔīdo hadāk saḥab ʔīdo}
بِدّي أَسحَب مَصَاري مِنِ البَنك [P] I want to withdraw money from the bank; {biddy ʔasḥab mɑṣᾱry minᴵ-l-bank}
سَحَبُوْلُو الرُخصَة [P] the revoked his license; {saḥabūlo-r-ruḵṣɑ}
سَحَبِ اْقتِرَاحُو [P] he withdrew his proposal; {saḥabᴵ ‘ºʠtirᾱḥo}
اِسرَائِيل سَحَبَت قُوَّاتهَا مِن هَا المَنطِقَة [P] Israel has withdrawn its forces from this area; {‘isrᾱʔīl saḥabat ʠuwwātha min ha-l-mɑnṭiʠɑ}
سَحَبُوا مِنُّو اِعتِرَاف [P] they extracted a confession from him; {saḥabu minno ‘iʕtirᾱf}
سَحَبنَا حَالْنَا وْرَوَّحنَا [P] we pulled ourselves together and went home; {saḥabna ḥālºna wºrawwaḥna}
تِسْحَب خَطّ اِلتَلِيفَون، آي، رَقَبْتُه لَـأَسْحَبَهْا [L] he’s going to pull out the telephone lines? I’ll pull out his neck!
لِسَّا اليَوْم على بِكْرَا سَحَبِت مِيْتَين لَيْرَة مِنِ حْسَابِي [S] Only this morning I withdrew 200
pounds from my account
بِسْحَب يَللي قِلْتَو [S] I take back what I said.
بِسْحَبِ الاِقْتِرَاح [S] I withdraw the motion
طَيِّب، بِسْحَب هَللي حَكَيْتِو [S] All right, I withdraw what I said
عَم يِسْحَبُوا كِلِ العِمْلِة القَدِيمِة [S] All the old currency is being recalled
سَحَب مِنهَا مَصَاري [P] he extorted money from her; {saḥab minha mɑṣᾱry}
هَا الدُكَّانِة بْتِسحَب هَيْك وْهَيْك [P] this shop brings in such and such (amount of money); {ha-d-dukkāne bºtisḥab hēk wºhēk}
لازِم اِسْحَب خَمْسِين دَوْلَار مْنِ البَنْك [S] I’ll have to draw out fifty dollars from the bank
To sign (ه = / على = on
مَضَى، يِمْضِي
اْنْمَضَى ، يِنْمَضَى
To number
رَقَّم، يْرَقِّم
تْرَقَّم / اِتْرَقَّم، يِتْرَقَّم
الصَفحَاتِ مْرَقَّمِة [P] the pages are numbered
To staple
كَبَّس، يْكَبِّس
To photograph, take a picture of (ه =
صَوَّر، يْصَوِّر
تْصَوَّر ، يِتصَوَّر
To sell (ه =, ل = to s.o. or ه = s.o., ه =
بَاْع، يْبِيْع