Verbs 27 Flashcards
To sway (ه = s.o.)
ما فِي شِي بِيْزَحِزْحَو بَعِد ما يِعْتِمِد على شِي [S] Nothing can sway him after his mind is made up
To move or be moved (said of heavy)
To move, budge, be displaced (intransitive)
اِزَّحْزَح، يِتْزَحْزَح
هالپِيْپ ثِقِيل (ثِگِيل) هْوَايَا وْما يِتْزَحْزَح [I] This barrel is very heavy and won’t budge.
تْزَحْزَحِ شْوَيَّة حَتَّى يْصِير لي مُكان أَقْعُد (أَگْعُد) [I] Move over a little so there’ll be room for me to sit down.
To be wavy, to undulate (sea)
مَاْج، يْمُوْج
To cause (ه = a surface) to become rippled or wavy
تْمَوّج / اِتْمَوّج، يِتْمَوّج
To philosophise
To be pedantic, quibble, split hairs
تْفَلسَف، يِتفَلسَف
بَلَاش تِتفَلسَف اِنتِا [P] don’t spilt hairs
To encode, code, encrypt (ه =
To reincarnate, transmigrate (the soul)
تَتَقَمَّصُ الروحُ [CA] the soul reincarnates
To be filled with awe
تْهَيَّب، يِتْهَيَّب
مِن يِدْخُل عَ الوَزِير، يِتْهَيَّبِ هْوَايَا [I] When he goes in to see the minister he feels great awe
To menstruate
طَمَث، يِطْمُث
To be or become torn to shreds
تْمَزَّق / تْمَزَّگ، يِتْمَزَّق / يِتْمَزَّگ
To tear up, cut/tear to shreds (ه =
تْمَزِّقَت (تْمَزِّگَت) هْدُومَه مْنِ العَرْكَة [I] His clothes were all torn up in the fight.
To be supported, based, founded (على = on)
To lean (على = on)
To rest one’s weight, support one’s weight (على = on)
To rely on, use as an authority (ل / على =
اْستَنَد، يِستِنِد
أَنَا بَستنِد عَلَى بَحث [P] I rely on research
To protect (ه =, من = from)
To watch over, look out for, protect (على =
دَارَى، يْدَاري
بيْدَاري حَالُو مِنِ الشِتَا [P] he protects himself from the rain
بيْدَاري عَلَى عَيْلتُو [P] he looks out for his family;
To take shelter, protect o.s., “hide” o.s. (من = from)
تْدَارَى، يِتدَارَى
بيْتدَارَى مِنِ البَر [P] he protects himself from the cold; {byºtdᾱrɑ minᴵ-l-bar}
تَعَالي نِتْدَارَى مِنِ الشِتَا [P] come on, let’s shelter from the rain; {taʕāly nitºdᾱrɑ minᴵ-š-šita}
To play the hypocrite, feign honesty, innocence
نَاْفَق، يْنَاْفِق
To impersonate (ه = s.o.), pose as (ه = s.o.), take on (ه = s.o.’s identity)
اِنْتَحَل شَخْصِيِّتُه = اِنْتَحَل ;
اِنْتَحَل شَخْصِيِّة دُكْتُور وِاْشْتَغَل فِ مُسْتَشْفى [E] he masqueraded as a doctor and worked in a hospital;
To criticize, attack (على = s.o., ه = for
عاب، يْعِيب
ما حدا بْيِعيب عليه رِزْقُو [L] no one is criticizing him for his wealth;
To take advice, follow an advice, be advised
To question, wonder (عن = about
تْساءَل، يِتْسَاءَل
To charm, fascinate, entrance (ه = s.o.), hold, capture (ه =, attention)
فَتَن، يِفتِن
اْستَهوَى، يِستَهوي
To be charmed, fascinated (ب = by)
كِلِّ السَّامْعِين اْنْسَحَرُوا بْقِصّْتَو [S] The entire audience was fascinated by his story
هِيِّ اْستَهوَتُو [P] she charmed him
فَتنَتُو [P] she charmed him; {fatnato}
هالخَطِيْب بْيَعْرِف كِيْف يِفْتِنِ السَّامْعِين [S] That speaker knows how to hold his audience
بْيِفْتِن كِلِّ النَّاسِ بْاِبْتِسامْتَو [S] He charms everybody with his smile