Verbs 18 Flashcards
To begin, start doing (فعل مضارع = doing
بَلَّش، يْبَلِّش
To seize, take advantage of (ه = an opportunity)
اْنْتَهَز، يِنْتِهِز
إِذَا ما اْنْتَهَزْت هالفِرْصَة بِيْجُوز يْكُوْن فاتِ الوَقِت [S] If I don’t seize this opportunity it may be too late.
اْنْتَهَزِ الفِرْصَة مْنِيح [S] He made good use of the opportunity
بْيِنْتِهِز كِل فِرْصَة [S] He takes advantage of every opportunity
بَنتْهِزِ الفُرصَة [P] I seize the opportunity
To finish, come to an end (intransitive)
To be finished, completed
To be done, finished (من = with)
خِلِص، يِخلَص
To finish, complete (ه =
To save, rescue (ه = / s.o., من = from)
خَلَّص، يْخَلِّص
To be late, delay, take too long
To be postponed, delayed
To be behind, lag behind, fall behind (عن = s.o. /
To fall behind (ب = in
تْأَخَّر، يِتأَخَّر
To travel (على = to a place)
سَافَر، يْسَافِر
أَمْتَى مْسَافِر عَ بَيْرُوت [L] when are you traveling to Beirut?
بْزَمَانِي سَافَرْتِ كْتِير [S] I have traveled a lot in my time
دار أَوْرِبَّا كِلَّهْا = سَافَرِ بْأَوْرِبَّا كِلَّهْا = جالِ بْأَوْرِبَّا كِلَّهْا [S] He has traveled all over Europe,
To be received, collected (e.g. of a salary)
To get, receive (ه = wages, money)
قَبَض، يِقْبَض
To be received, collected (e.g. of a salary) = اْنْقَبَض
أَنَا بَقبُض شَهري [P] I get my wages monthly
قَدَّيْشِ بْتُقبُض [P] how much do you earn?;
To incentivise
حَفَز، يِحفِز
To give (ه = s.o., ه =, or ه =, ل = to s.o.)
To yield, produce, give off (ه =
عَطَى، يَعْطِي
هالزَّهْرَة بْتَعْطِي رِيْحَة غَرِيْبِة [S] This flower gives off a strange odor,
الإِبْرِة عَم تِبْدَا تَعْطِي تَأْثِيْرَهْا [S] The injection is beginning to take effect
To promote (ه = s.o. /
رَقَّى، يْرَقِّي
تْرَقَّى، يِترَقَّى
To resign (من = from)
اْستَقَال، يَستَقِيْل
ق = ق
To disapprove of, condemn (ه =;
(this is mainly used in the media);
اْستَهجَن، يِستَهجِن
كِلّْ عَيْلِتَهْا اْسْتَهْجَنِتِ الجّْوَاْزِة [S] Her whole family frowned on the match
بَستَهجِن عَمَلِيِّة طَردِ العُمَّال [P] I condemn the operation of expelling (foreign) workers
To follow, pursue (ه = s.o.);
(this can also be negative, like stalking someone, harassing someone);
طَارَد، يْطَارِد
تْطَاْرَد، يِتْطَاْرَد
فَتَايَات مُطَارَدَات [P] young women who are being stalked; {fatāyāt muṭᾱrɑdᾱt}
بيْطَارِدِ البِنت عَ التَلِفَوْن [P] he harasses girls on the phone; {byºṭᾱredᴵ-l-bint ʕa-t-talefōn}
البِنتِ بْتُشعُرِ اْنّْهَا مُطَارَدِة [P] the girl feels that she is being stalked; {‘il-bintᵉ bºtušʕorᴵ ‘ºnnºha muṭᾱrɑde}
هُوِّ مُطَارَد مِنِ الشُرطَة [P] he is being pursed / looked for by the police
To retire (from work)
تْقَاعَد، يِتقَاعَد
To wish, hope (ه = for, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do, or أنّ = that)
تْمَنَّى، يِتمَنَّى
تْمَنَّيْنَا لَو سَفْرَة سَعِيْدِة [S] We wished him luck on his trip
بِتْمَنَّا لَك إِيَّام كِلَّهْا سَعَادِة وْرَفَاهِيِّة [S] I wish you many happy returns (of the day)
ما كِنت بِتْمَنَّاها تْصِير لَأَلَدّ أَعْدَائِي [S] I wouldn’t wish it to happen to my worst enemy,
بْيِتْمَنَّى لَو كان أَزْغَر عَشْرِين سِنِة [S] He wishes he were years younger
شُو بْتِتْمَنَّى أَكْتَر شِي [S] What do you wish for most?
بَتمَنَّالِكِ التَوفِيْق [P] I wish you success;
قَدَّمّنَالْكُم أَربَع أَفلَام بَتمَنَّ إِنّْهَا أَعجَبَتكُم [P] we’ve shown you four films, I hope they pleased you
To appoint (ه = s.o.) the مُخْتار (i.e. the local mayor) (typically said of a lord appointing a mayor)
To set up, form (ه =, e.g. a committee)
أَلَّف، يْؤَلِّف
البَرْلَمَان لَحَ يْؤَلِّف لِجْنِة خَاصَّة لَتِنْظُر بْهالِفْضِيْحَة الوِسْخَة [S] Parliament will set up a special committee to look into this sordid mess
أَلَّف وَزَارَة جْدِيدِة [S] He formed a new cabinet
فَنِّي واحِد وْتْلِتْةِْ مْسَاعْدِين بِيْؤَلّْفُوا هَيْئِةْ الِمْوَظَّفِين كِلَّهْا [S] A technician and three assistants make up the entire staff
To certify (على =
To believe to be truthful, deem truthful (ه = / s.o.)
صَدَّق / سَدَّء، يْصَدِّق / يْسَدِّئ
لازِم كاتِبِ العَدْل يْصَدِّق عَ الإِمْضَا [S] A notary public has to certify the signature.
To learn (ه =
تْعَلَّم، يِتْعَلَّم
To be entrusted (على = with)
To ask (ه = s.o., ه =
سَأَل، يِسأَل
اْنْسَأَل، يَنْسَئِل
To respond to, reply, answer (ه = to s.o., على =
جَاوَب، يْجَاوِب
جَاوِب على سُؤَالِي [S] Answer my question
To lift, raise (ه =
رَفَع، يِرفَع
رْتَفَع ، يِرْتِفِع
بْتِقدَر تِرفَعِ السَندُوْق لَحَالَك [P] can you lift the box by yourself
To dust
مَسَح، يِمسَح
مَسَح غَبْرِة + إضافة [S] to dust (ه =
To copy (ه =
To move house, move (ل = to a new house)
To move (ه =, transfer, convey, carry (ه =
To conduct (ه = (e.g. electricity, heat)
نَقَل، يِنْقُل
To succeed (ب / في = in)
نَجَح / نِجِح، يِنجَح
To fail (في / ب =
سَقَط، يُسقُط
فِشِل، يِفْشَل
جَرَّبِت وِفْ˜ِلِت [P] I tried and failed; {jarrabᵉt wᵉfº˜elᵉt}
فِشِل في الاِمتِحَان [P] he failed in the exam; {fišel fy-l-‘imtiḥān}
أَكِيْد رَح يِفشَل [P] he’s sure to fail; { ʔakīd rɑḥ yifšal}
التَجرُبِة فِشلَت [P] the experiment failed; {‘it-tajrube fišlat}
تَجْرِبْتَو فِشْلِت [S] His experiment failed
كِلِّ جْهُوْدْنَا فِشْلِت [S] All our efforts failed,
التَمْثِيْلِيِّة فِشْلِت [S] The play was a flop
كَمْعَلِّم هُوِّ فَاشِل ع الآخِيْر [S] As a teacher he’s a complete flop.
كْتَابَهْا التَّانِي فِشِل فَشَل زَرِيْع [S] Her second book flopped miserably.
To study
دَرَس، يِدْرُس
To differ, be different, vary (عن / من = from);
To disagree (with o.a., or مع = with s.o., على = on / over
ختَلَف، يِختْلِف / يِختَلِف
لَهجِتنَا بْتِختْلِف عَن لَهجِة لُبنَان [P] our dialect is different from that of Lebanon
To disappoint, let down (ه = s.o.);
(the difference between this meaning and the first is the nature of the object. Often, when the object is a person, it means you failing him or failing to live up to his expectations, rather than simply making him fail.);
فَشَّل، يْفَشِّل
بِدَّكِ تْفَشِّلني [P] are you going to let me down? (said to a guest who refuses to drink the coffee he is offered, or claims to have already eaten, etc.);
مَا تْفَشِّلنِيْش [P] don’t let me down (said by an intermediary who has been called in to help two people settle their differences, to the person who is refusing to accept a compromise);
رَاجِع دَرسَك، مَا تْفَشِّلنِيْش [P] go over the lesson again, and don’t disappoint me
To teach, educate (ه = s.o., ه =
عَلَّم، يْعَلِّم
To register (ه =
To record, make a record of (ه =
To read, register (ه = (of a device)
سَجَّل، يْسَجِّل
ما قْدِرِت اْصَوِّت لَإِنَّو سِهِي عَن بَالِي اِتْسَجَّل [S] I couldn’t vote because I forgot to register
To mean, intend (فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do
نَوَى، يِنْوِي
شُو نَوَت تِعمَل [P] what did she intend to do?
نَوَيْتَ اْسَافِر [P] I meant to go away, I intended to travel;
وَين نَاوِي تْمَضِّي الصَّيْفِيِّة [S] Where do you plan to spend the summer?
شُو نَاوِي تَعْمِل [S] What do you intend to do?
كِنِت ناوِي ساوِي لَك تَلِيْفَون بَسِّ نْسِيت [S] I meant to call, but I forgot
شُو ناوِي تَعْمِل [S] What do you mean to do?