Adverbs / Phrases 8 Flashcards
Below, downwards, down
لَو قُلتِ اللي كُنت جِبتُو [P] if you’d told me, I
would have brought it
حَتَّى لَو مَا دَفَعُوْش [P] Even if they hadn’t paid, even though they didn’t pay
شُ بيْصِيْر لَو أَخَدتُو [P] what would happen if I were to take it
وْلَو + فعل ماضي = حَتَّى لَو + فعل ماضي [V] even if
حَتَّى لَو عَطَانِي مِيْت لَيْرَة ما بْساوِيْهَا [S] Even if he gave me pounds I wouldn’t do it
Because of that
كرمال هيك
So that
In order to
On time
كْتِير رَكَز مِن بَعِد مَا تَرَكِ المَدْرَسِة [S] He’s tamed down a lot since he left school
مِن بَعِد الِكْلِيْل [P] after the (Christian) wedding ceremony
وَقَّفِ شْوَيِّة قَبِل ما يْجَاوِب [S] He paused briefly before he answered,
لازِم تَعْمِل فَحِص قَبِل ما تاخُد رِخْصِةِ سْوَاقَة [S] You have to take a test before you get a driver’s license
ما لَاحَظْتِ الِإشَارَة مِن قَبِل [S] I didn’t notice the sign before
كِنِت هَوْن مَرَّة مِن قَبِل [S] I’ve been here once before
By the time
لحدّ ما
لَبَيْن ما
لَحَدّ مَا وِصِلنا، كانوا راحوا. • Pronunciation: laḥadd ma wiṣilna, kānū rāḥū. • Meaning: “By the time we arrived, they had already left.” • لبين ما وِصِلنا، كان المطر وقف. • Pronunciation: labein ma wiṣilna, kān el-maṭar wiʾif. • Meaning: “By the time we arrived, the rain had stopped.”
Example 2:
• لبين ما فتّحت الباب، كان هوّ راح.
• Pronunciation: labein ma fataḥet el-bāb, kān huwwe rāḥ.
• Meaning: “By the time I opened the door, he had already left.”
when a pronoun suffix is added to it, it becomes بَيْنات , as in: بَيْناتْنا
Next to, along, against
Beside, next to, near
جَنِب (جَنْب)، ج جْنَاْب
حَدّ، ج حْدُوْد
Behind, in back of, in the rear
By means of
من ورا
عَاْيْشِة مِن وَرَا الِخْيَاطَة [S] She earns her living as a dressmaker
All around, surrounding as in
دايِر مَدَار
مِتْل ما شايْفَة فِيه بَلْكَونَات دايِر مَدَار [L] as you can see, there are balconies all around;
By, with
جيت على الشغل بالباص
كتبت الرسالة بالإيدها
كتبت الرسالة بقلم رصاص
I’m almost there
بدي مشوار الطريق
You’re right
مَعِك حَقّ
الحَقّ مَعُو [V] he is right;
مَعَو حَقّ = عَنْدَو حَقّ [S] He’s right,
بْتِفْتِكِر عَنْدْهَا حَقّ [S] Do you think she’s right
To take into account, take into consideration
حَسَبِ حْسَاب + إضافة / لَ
لازِم تِحْسِبِ حْسَاب لَقِلِّة خِبِرْتَو [S] You’ve got to make allowance for his inexperience
لازِم تِحْسِب حْسَاب كِلّ اِلعَوَامِل = لازِم تِحْسِب حْسَابَك لَكِلّ اِلْعَوَامِل [S] You have to take all the factors into account
لَازِم يِحسِبُوا حْسَاب إِنُّو فِيْه نَاس سَاكنِيْن تَحتهُم [P] they have to taken into consideration that there are people living underneath them
Same (when in an إضافة)
نَفس، ج أَنفُس / نُفُوْس
هَادَا نَفسِ الشِيْ [P] that’s the same thing; {hāda nafsᴵ-š-šī}
هالشَّغْلِة بْتَاخُد نَفْسِ الوَقِت [S] That takes just as long
فِيني اِرْجَعِ بْنَفْسِ اليَوْم [S] I can be back on the same day.
نِحْنَا بْنَفْسِ العِمِر [S] We’re the same age
نِفْسِ الرِّجَّال تَلْفَن تْلِتْةْ مَرَّات [S] The same man called three times
On the contrary, yes!;
(used to contradict a negative sentence, like saying “actually I did do it.”
affirmative answer to a negative question (i.e., should be translated as yes, but usually said specifically in reply to a negative question);
لَيش ما فيه أوتوبيسات؟ —- مْبلا، فيه أوتوبيسات، بس ما بِتْرُوح دِغْرِي [L] why aren’t there buses? — actually, there are, but they don’t go (there) directly;
ما لَك رَايِح مَعْنَا؟ —— مْبَلَا [S] Aren’t you coming with us? —— Why, yes
مَا شُفتَوْش؟ — مبَلَا / اِمْبَلَا [P] you didn’t see him? — yes, I did!; {ma šuftōš? — mbala / ‘ᵉmºbala}
لَكَاْن ما بْتَعِرْفَو؟ —— مْبَلا بَعِرْفَو [S] You don’t know him then? —— Of course I do
مُو رَايِح اِنْتِا هَلَّق؟ —— مْبَلَى رَايِح [S] You’re not going now, are you? —— yes, I am
Excuse me
عَن إِذنَك
عَن إِذنَك — إِذنَك مَعَك [P] With your permission! — Please feel free (said by a guest who wants to depart. The reply literally translates as: your permission is with you);
Excuse me! If I may…, if you were to permit
لَو سَمَحِت
Please! (come in / sit down / help yourself / etc.)
Here you go! Go ahead! You first!
Hello! Hi!
مَرحَبتَيْن [P] and welcome back to you! twice welcome (to you); {marḥabtēn}
مِيْت مَرْحَبَا [S] Hello! (response to مرحبا)
مَرَاْحِب [S] Hello! (response to مرحبا),
مَرْحَبَا! حَصَلْ لِي الشَّرَف وْتْعَرَّفْنَا مِن قَبِل [S] Hi! Haven’t we met before?
Good morning!
صَبَاحِ الخَيْر! — صَبَاحِ النُوْر
Fine, well
كُلّ شي تَمَام [P] everything is fine; {kull šy tamām}
كِلّْ شِي صَار تَمَام هَلَّق [S] Everything is okay now
شُو، كِلّْ شِي تَمَام [S] Is everything all right?
كِلّْ شِي لَحَ يْكُوْن تَمَام [S] Everything will turn out all right
هادا تَمَام مَعَك [S] Is that all right with you?
لا تِنْشِغِل، كِلّ شِي لَحَ يْكُون تَمَام [S] Don’t worry about it, it’ll be all right
What’s the news? (common greeting, like what’s new? what’s up?)
شُوِ الأَخْبَار
مَع اِلسَّلامِة
تِصْبَح على خَيْر
Soon, shortly
عَن قَرِيْب
جايِيْنِي عِطْلِة إِسْبُوْع عَن قَرِيْب [S] I’ll have a week off soon
عَن قَرِيْب بِيْصِيْر بِيْساعْدَك [S] Before long he’ll be able to help you
عِيْدَهْا عَن قَرِيب [S] Come again soon (note generic feminine)
اْنشالله تِشفَى عَن قَرِيْب [P] get well soon; {‘ºnšɑllɑ tišfa ʕan qarīb}
عَن قَرِيْب بَايْنِة تَمَام غَيْر شِكِل [S] From close up it looks entirely different,
On your way
By mistake