Verbs 13 Flashcards
To be illuminated
To be enlightened
تْنَوَّر، يِتْنَوَّر
اُدْخُلِ المَدْرَسَة حَتَّى تِتْنَوَّر بِالعِلِم [I] Enter the school so you’ll become enlightened by knowledge.
To subside, die down
اْنخَمَد، يِنِخمِد
اْن-نَارِ اْنخَمَد [P] the fire has died down
To nationalise (ه =
أَمَّم ، يْؤَمِّم
تْأَمَّم، يِتْأَمَّم
كُلّ البُنُوق (البُنُگ)ِ تْأَمِّمَتِ بهالبَلَد [I] All the banks in this country were nationalized.
الهُكُوْمِة أَمَّمَتِ الشِركِة [P] the government nationalized the company; {‘il-hukūme ʔammamatᴵ-š-širke}
الهُكُوْمِة أَمَّمَتِ المَصنَع [P] the government nationalized the factory; {‘il-hukūme ʔammamatᴵ-l-mɑṣnɑʕ}
شَرِكَاتِ النَفطِ مءَمَّمِة [P] the oil companies are nationalized; {šarikātᴵ-n-nɑfṭᵉ mʔammame}
مَصر أَمَّمِت شِرْكِة قَنَاةِ السّْوَيْس سِنْةْ سِتَّا وْخَمْسِين [S] Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Company in 1956
To be stubborn, persist stubbornly
عَنَّد، يْعَنِّد
إِزَا الوَلَد بيْعَنِّد [P] if the boy persists in being stubborn; { ʔiza-l-walad byºʕanned}
لَيْشِ مْعَنِّد هَيْك؟ [P] why are being stubborn like this?;
To classify, arrange, sort, categorize, grade (ه =
صَنَّف، يْصَنِّف
تْصَنَّف / اِتْصَنَّف / اِصَّنَّف، يِتْصَنَّف
تْصَنَّفُوا الجّْرَابَات [S] Have the stockings been sorted?
بِتصَنِّفِ الزرَار [P] she sorts out the buttons; {bitṣɑnnefᴵ-z-zrᾱr}
بَصَنِّفِ الكُتُب حَسَبِ المَوَاضِيْع [P] I arrange the books by subject / topic; {bɑṣɑnnefᴵ-l-kutob ḥasabᴵ-l-mɑwᾱḍīʕ}
صَنِّف هَالزّْرَاْرِ بْحَسَبْ الِقْيَاس [S] Assort these buttons according to size,
بِتْساعِدْنِي اْصَنِّف هالكِتِب [S] Will you help me classify these books?
البِرْدْقَان بْيِتْصَنَّف حَسَب الِقْيَاس وَالصِّنِف [S] Oranges are graded according to size and quality
To civilise (ه = s.o. /
حَضَّرَ، يحضّر
مَدَّن، يْمَدِّن
To roll up (ه = the sleeves, عن = from the arm)
شَمَّر ، يْشَمِّر
شَمَّرِ كْمَامُو [P] he rolled up his sleeves; {šammɑrᵉ kºmāmo}
شَمَّر عَن إِيْدَيْه [P] he rolled up his sleeves (from his hands / arms); {šammɑr ʕan ʔīdēᴴ}
لَازِم يْشَمّدِر وِيرُوْح يْسَاعِد [P] he has to roll up his sleeves and go and help; {lāzem yºšammder wirūḥ yºsāʕed}
شَمَّر عَن إِيْدَيْه وْسَاعِد [S] to roll up one’s sleeves and help out
شَمَّرْنَا عَن إِيْدَيْنَا وْسَاعَدْنَا [S] We pitched right in
شَمَّر عَن سَوَاعْدَو [S] he rolled up his sleeves
شَمِّر عَن سَوَاعْدَك وْقُوْمِ اْشْتِغِل [S] Roll up your sleeves and get down to work
To roll (in general, though some specify it as to roll down, roll downhill)
تْدَحرَج، يِتدَحرَج
الطَّابِة تْدَحْرَجِت تَحْتِ الطَّاوْلِة [S] The ball rolled under the table
البَرمِيْلِ تْدَهرَج في النَزَلِة [P] the barrel rolled down the slope
To roll (ه =
دَحرَج ، يْدَحرِج
لا تْدَحْرِجِ البَرْمِيل [S] Don’t roll the barrel
بيْدَحرِجِ البَرمِيْل لَتَحِت [P] he rolls the barrel downhill
To wipe
مَسَّح ، يْمَسِّح
To prune (ه =
شَفَّى، يْشَفِّي
الوَرْد بِدَّو تِشْفَايِة [S] The rosebushes need to be pruned
To squash, crush, flatten (ه =
فَعَص، يِفعَص
أَجَت سَيَّارَة فَعصَتُو [P] a car came and
flattened him
فِيْه هَوْن صَرصُوْر، اِفعَصُو [P] there’s a cockroach, squash it!; {fīᴴ hōn ṣɑrṣūr، ifʕɑṣo}
أَجَت سَيَّارَة فَعصَتُو [P] a car came and flattened him; { ʔajat sayyᾱrɑ fɑʕṣɑto}
الجَّمْهُوْر كانُوا رَحَ يِفْعَصُوه فَعِص = الجَّمْهُوْر كانُوا رَحَ يْشَقّْفُوا شِقَف [S] He was nearly mobbed by the crowd
To roll out, flatten (ه =
رَقّ، يْرِقّ
بِترِڥّ / بِترُڥِّ العَجِيْنِة بِاْلشَّوْبَك [P] she rolls out the dough with the rolling pin
To close, shut, bar, barricade (ه = a door)
دَرْبَسِ البَابِ بْقَضِيب حَدِيد [S] He barricaded the door with an iron bar.
نِسِي يْدَرْبِسِ البَوَّابِة [S] He forgot to bar the gate,
To handcuff (ه = s.o.)
كَلبَش، يْكَلبِش
كَلْبَشُوا المَحَابِيْس (المَحَبِيْس) [S] They handcuffed the prisoners
كَلبَشُوْه [P] they handcuffed him
To be on one’s guard (من = against), be cautious, wary (من = of)
هالشَّخُص أَحْتِرِس مِنَّه هْوَايا [I] I am very much on my guard with this fellow.
اِحْتِرِسِ هْوَايَا تَرَى تاخُذ بَرِد [I] Be very careful or you’ll catch cold.
To spray, splash, splatter (ه = s.o. /
طَرطَش، يْطَرطِش
طَرْطَشِتِ الماي الضِفْدَع [L] the water splashed the frog
To juice (ه =, squeeze (ه = fruit) (e.g. to make juice or extract the liquid from fruit)
عَصَر، يُعصُر
بَعصُرِ اللَمُوْنِة بِالعَصَّارَة [P] I juice the lemon with the juicer; {bɑʕṣorᴵ-l-lamūne bi-l-ʕɑṣṣᾱrɑ}
أَنَا بِعْصُرِ البِرْدْقَانَات [S] I’ll squeeze the oranges
To ladle, scoop out (ه =
غَرَف، يِغْرِف
خَلِّيني اِغْرِف لَك كِبْشَايِة شَوْرَبَا [S] Let me dip you a bowl of soup,
To extinguish, put out (ه =
To put out (ه =, e.g. fire, a candle), turn off, switch off (ه =, e.g. a light)
طَفَّى ، يْطَفِّي
تْطَفَّى، يِتْطَفَّى
To hiss
To breath out, blow (على = on), blow out (على =
To blow up, inflate, pump up (ه =;
نَفَخ ، يِنْفُخ
الحَيِّة كانِت عَم تِنْفُخ بِدَّهْا تِقْرُص [S] The snake
hissed menacingly
نَفَخ عَ الشَوْرَبَة [P] he blew on the soup (to cool it); {nafaḵ ʕa-š-šōrɑbɑ}
لَازِم تُنفُخِ العَجَل [P] blow out the candle
العَجَل مَنفُوْخ [P] you need to pump up the tire; {‘il-ʕajal manfūḵ}
بَنفُخِ البَالَوْن [P] the tire has been pumped up; {banfoḵᴵ-l-balōn}
بَنفُخُو / بَنِفخُو [P] I blow it up, I inflate it; {banfᵒḵo / banᵉfḵo}
دِيْكِ الحَبَش بُنفُخ حَالُو [P] the turkey puffs itself up; {dīkᴵ-l-ḥabaš bunfoḵ ḥālo}
وَاحِد بُنفُخ حَالُو [P] a self important person, an arrogant person; {wāḥed bunfoḵ ḥālo}
الوَلَد بِدَّو ياك تِنْفِخ لَو بَالَوْنَو [S] The kid wants you to blow up his balloon for him
نَفَخ حالَ [S] to boast
حاجِة تِتْبَجَّح = حاجِة تِنْفُخ حالَك [S] Stop boasting
بَالله اْنْفِخ لِي الدُّوْلَابَيْنِ القِدَّامَانِيِّة [S] Will you please pump up the front tires?
To fall out, fall off (e.g. leaves, hair, fruit from a tree)
هَرّ، يْهِرّ / يْهُرّ
عَمِ يْهِرّ شَعْرِي [S] I’m losing my hair
كِلّْ شَعْرَو هَرّ [S] All his hair fell out.
بالشِّتا بِيهِرّ وَرَقَهْا وْبالرَّبِيع بْتِرْجَع خَضْرَا [L] in winter it’s leaves fall off, and in summer it comes back again green
الرُزّ عَم بِهُرّ مِنِ الكِيْس [P] the rice is leaking out of the bag;
To wail, howl, lament
وَلوَل ، يْوَلوِل
المَرِيْض مِنِ الوَجَع بيْوَلوِل [P] the patient wails in pain; {‘il-mɑrīḍ minᴵ-l-wajaʕ byºwalwel}
بيْكَفّي تْوَلوِل [P] stop wailing
To sting, bite (ه = s.o. / (e.g. said of a wasp)
قَرَص، يِقْرُص
النَحلِة ڥَرصَتُو [P] the bee stung him
To straighten (ه =, e.g. hair)
To smooth, level, straighten (ه =
مَلَّس ، يْمَلِّس
النَجَّار بيْمَلِّسِ الخَشَبِة بْوَرَق قَزَاز [P] the carpenter smooths the wood with sandpaper; {‘in-najjᾱr byºmallesᴵ-l-ḵašabe bºwaraq qazāz}
مَلِّس شَعْرَاتَك [S] Smooth down your hair
مَلِّس شَرْشَفِ الطَّاوْلِة [S] Smooth out the tablecloth
بِدّهَا تْمَلِّس شَعِرهَا [P] she wants to have her hair straightened
To take across, lead across, help (ه = s.o.) across (ه =
To interrupt (ه = / s.o., or على = s.o. /
To cut up, slice up, hack up (ه =
قَطَّع ، يْقَطِّع
[P] she cut up the cake; {qɑṭṭɑʕatᴵ-l-kaʕke}
بَقَطِّع لُو اللَحمِة [P] I cut up the meat for him; {bɑqɑṭṭeʕ lo-l-laḥme}
الرُّعَاع قَطَّعُوا الجِّثِّة عَن حَقَا شِقَف شِقَف [S] The rabble literally hacked the corpse to pieces
بِدَّكِ تْقَطِّعِ الرَّوْسْتَو [S] Do you want to slice the roast
شُو قَطَّعْتِ الحَطَب [S] Have you chopped up the wood already?
قَطَّع لَكِ اللَحْمِة اللَحَّاْم [S] Did the butcher chop up the meat for you?
قَطّْعَو أَرْبَع شِقَف [S] Cut it up in four pieces,
قَطَّع… رَاسِ العَصْفُوْر [S] to dice meat into small sized cubes (to the size of a small bird’s head)
قَطِّعِ اللَحْمِة رَاسِ العَصْفُوْر قَبِل ما تْحَمِّرَهْا [S] Dice the meat before browning it
قَطَّعني / قَطَّع عَلَيّ [P] he interrupted me; {qɑṭṭɑʕny / qɑṭṭɑʕ ʕalayy}
بَلَاشِ تْقَطِّعني [P] stop interrupting me
مِسِكِ الوَلَد وْقَطَّعُو الشَارِع [P] he took the boy’s hand and took him across the road; {misekᴵ-l-walad wºqɑṭṭɑʕo-š-šāreʕ}
اُطلُب مِن وَاحَدِ كْبِيْر يْقَطَّعَك [P] ask a grown up to take you across the road
To run through (ه =
To cut (ه =
To cover (ه = a distance)
To break off, cut off (ه =, e.g. relations)
To stop, cut off, interrupt, disconnect (ه =
To cross (ه =, e.g. a street), got across (ه =
قَطَع ، يِقطَع
قَطَعْنَا المَسَافِة بِتْلِتْةْ ساعَات [S] We covered
the distance in three hours
الِحْدُوْد بْتِقْطَع حَقْلِة نَخِيل [S] The boundary runs through a palm grove
قَطَعِت أُصبَعي [P] I cut my finger, {qɑṭɑʕᵉt ʔuṣbɑʕy}
هايِّ السِّكِّيْنِة الوَحِيدِة يَللي بْتِقْطَعِ مْنِيْح [S] This is the only knife that cuts well
قَطَعِت إِصْبَعْتِي [S] I cut my finger
لِطْفًاِ اْقْطَعِ (قْطَاعِ) الخِبِز [S] Will you cut the
bread, please
قَطَع الخَيْط [P] he disconnected the wire / line; {qɑṭɑʕ-l-ḵēṭ}
المَيّ مَقطُوْعَة [P] the water has been cut off; {‘il-mɑyy mɑqṭūʕɑ}
وْبَعدَيْن، قَطَعتُوا [P] and then, did you break it off (i.e. stop seeing each other)?; {wºbaʕdēn، qɑṭɑʕtu}
وَلَا سِنِة مَا قَطَعتِ المَسرَح [P] there hasn’t been a year that I have stopped going on stage; {wala sine ma qɑṭɑʕtᴵ-l-masraḥ}
بيْقطَعُوْ الحَكي [P] they cut the talk (often said to mean, they stopped talking and reached an agreement. For instance, used to refer to two sets of in-laws working out wedding details) {byºqṭɑʕū-l-ḥaky}
قَطَع عَلَى حالَو خَطِّ الرَّجْعَة [S] he burnt his bridges behind
شِرْكِةِ الكَهْرَبَا قَطْعِتِ الكَهْرَبَا عَلَيْنَا [S] The Electric Company shut off our lights
اْقْطَعَو (قْطاعَو) بْآخْرَو [S] Cut it off at the end.
إِذَا ما بْتِدْفَع فَاتُوْرْتَك مْنِنْجِبِر نِقْطَع خَطَّك [S] If you don’t pay your bill we’ll have to
disconnect your line
قَطَعُ النَهِر [P] they crossed the river; {qɑṭɑʕu-n-nahᵉr}
قَطَعنَا البَلَد [P] we crossed town; {qɑṭɑʕna-l-balad}
فينا نُقْطَع [L] can we pass through/cut through?
خَلِّيك رايِح دِغْرِي، تَتَقْطَع جِسر صْغِير فَوْقِ النَهر [V] keep going straight until you cross a small bridge over the water;
قَطَعْتِ المُحِيط تْمِن مَرَّات بَيْن نِيَوْر وْلندن [S] I’ve made the passage eight times between New York and London
خَلِّيْنَا نِقْطَع الجِسِر [S] Let’s walk across the bridge
خَطّ هالتّْرَمْوَاْي بْيِقْطَع اِلْبَلَد [V] This streetcar line goes (right) across town,
اْقْطَعِ (قْطَاْعِ) الشَّارِع عَ الإِشَارَة الخَضْرَا [S] Cross the street at the green signal
أَيْمْتَى لَحَ نِقْطَع الِحْدُوْد [S] When do we cross the border?
قَطَع سْبَاْحَة [S] to swim across
فِيك تِقْطَعِ البُحَيْرَة سْبَاحَة [S] Can you swim the lake?
To hook (ه =
To interlock (ه = the fingers)
شَبَّك ، يْشَبِّك
شَبِّك أَصَابِيْعَك (أَصَبِيْعَك) [S] fold your hands, interlock your fingers
سَاعِدْنِي شَبِّك هالجَّنْزِير [S] Help me hook this chain,
To consider (ه = beautiful
اْستَحلَى ، يِستَحلي
To weld, solder (ه =
لَحَم، يِلْحِم