Nouns 46 Flashcards
Celsius, centigrade
دَرَجَة حَرَارَةِ الغُرْفَة ثْلاثِين مِئَوِيَّة [I] The room temperature is 30 degrees celsius.
Product line, brand, make, trade-mark
مَاْرْكَة، ج مَاْرْكَاْت
شُو مَارْكِةِ الرَّادْيَو تَبَعَك [S] What make is your radio?
شُو مَوْدَيْل سَيَّارْتَك = شُو مَارْكِة سَيَّارْتَك [S] What make is your car?
شُو مارْكِةِ القَهْوِة يَللي بِتْفَضِّلَهْا [S] What brand of coffee do you prefer
خِلِق (خِلْق)، ج أَخْلَاْق
أَبِي تَمّْ طَالِع خِلْقَو ساعَة لَـمّا حَكَيْتِ لَّو عَن هالشَّغْلِة [S] My father was storming for an hour when I told him about it
خِلْقَو ضَيِّق [S] He has a vicious temper
بْيِطْلَع خِلْقَو قَوَام [S] He loses his temper easily
ما بَعْرِف لَيْش طِلِع خِلْقَو [S] I don’t know why he blew his top
Imported good
وَاْرِد، ج وَاْرِدَاْت
Tiler, floor-tile layer
بَلَّاط، ج بَلَّاطَة / بَلَّاطِيْن
الاكتفاء الذاتي
Conceit, vanity
Authorisation, authority
تَفْوِيْض، ج تَفَاْوِيْض (تَفَوِيْض)
مَعَو تَفْوِيْض مْنِ الشَّعِب [S] Has he a mandate from the people?
مَكتُوْب تَفوِيْض [P] letter of authorization; {maktūb tɑfwīḍ}
عِمِلَهْا بِدُوْن تَفْوِيْض مِنِّي [S] He did this without my authorization
خَاْزُوْق، ج خَوَاْزِيْق (خَوَزِيْق)
عَلِّق جاكَيْتْتَك عَ الخَازُوْق بِالخَيْط [S] Hang your jacket on the peg in the wall,
مْنِسْتَعْمِل خَازُوْق لَنْسِدّْ بَلُّوْعِةِ البَحْرَة [S] We use a peg to plug the drain of the basin,
Information (e.g. information counter, information centre)
وْحَيَاتَك، وَين بِتْصِير الاِسْتِعْلامات [V] please, where is the information desk?
أَلَّو اِسْتِعْلَاْمَاْت [S] Hello, is this Information?
Enquiry, inquiry
اِسْتِعْلَاْم، ج اِسْتِعْلَاْمَاْت
اِسأَل مَكتَبِ الاِستِعلَامَات [P] ask at the enquiry office; {‘isʔ¡al maktabᴵ-l-‘istiʕlāmāt}
إِجَانَا عَدَد مْنِ الاِسْتِعْلَامَات بِخْصُوص هالإِعْلَاْن [S] We had a number of inquiries about this ad.
Dispersion, scattering;
(this is the intransitive / reflective form, i.e. the undergoing of dispersion / scattering);
تَشَتُّتِ الأَفكَار [P] lack of concentration, scattered thoughts
Scattering, dispersal
Picking, batch
هَيْدِي أَوَّل قَطْفِة مِن هَزْرَعِتْنا [L] this is the first batch from our farm;
Chatter, prattle, rambling
Prattler, chatter, chatty person, rambler
ثَرْثَاْر، ج ثَرْثَاْرِيْن، المؤنث: ثَرْثَاْرَة
Quarrel, fight, row
خْنَاْق / خْنَاْقَة، ج خْنَاْقَاْت / خَنَاْيِق
خُصُوْمة، ج خُصُوْمَاْت
بْسَاوِيْهَا بَسّْ لَاِتْفَادَى الخِصَام [S] I’m doing it just to keep peace,
صَار فِيْه خْنَاقَة [P] there was a fight; {ṣᾱr fīᴴ ḵºnāqa}
صَار بَيْنَاتُهْنِ خْنَاقَة فَظِيعَة مْبَارِح عَشِيِّة [S] They had an awful scrap last night
صَار فِي خْنَاقَة بَيْنَو وْبَيْن مَرْتَو [S] He had a fight with his wife
جِيْرَانِي صَار فِي عَنْدُهْن خْنَاقَة فَظِيعَة مْبَارْحَة عَشِيِّة [S] My neighbors had a terrible row last night
صار فِي خْنَاقَة بَيْنِي وْبَيْنَو [S] I had a row with him
تْخَانَقْنَا خْنَاقَة كْبِيْرِة كْتِير [S] We had a violent argument.
تْوَرَّط بِخْنَاقَة لَيْلْةِ مْبَارِح [S] He got mixed up in a brawl last night
مِيْن بَلَّشِ الِخْنَاقَة [S] Who started the quarrel?
شَرْنَقة، ج شَرانِيق
مَاْرِق، ج مَاْرْقِيْن، المؤنث: مَاْرْقَة
شُو واحِد مَارِق لازِم يْكُوْن أَخَدَهْا [S] A passer-by must have picked it up
Dearness, preciousness
وِحياة غلاوْتَك [E] by your dearness to me;
وِغلاوتَك = وحياة غلاوتك
Annoyance, trouble, sorrow, grief
Peak, pinnacle (not literal), climax
بِعِزِّ الشِتَا [P] in the depths of winter (i.e. the “peak” of winter); {biʕizzᴵ-š-šita}
في عِزّ شَبَابُو [P] in the prime of his youth; {fy ʕizz šabābo}
عِزّ الصيف [L] the peak or most intense part of summer;عِزّ البَرْد [L] the most intense (part of) the cold (season);
زَهْرِ التِّفَاحِ بْعِزَّو [S] the apple trees are in full bloom,
بْعِزّ + إضَافة [S] in full swing
الحَفْلِة بْعِزَّهْا [S] The party is in full swing
كَانْ لَهُنْ (كَن لُهْن) إِيَّام عِزِّ وْجَاْه [S] They are down and out now
Laughing stock, object of ridicule
مَسخَرَة، ج مَسَاخِر
هَاي مُش مَسخَرَة [P] this is not a laughing matter!; {hāy muš masḵɑrɑ}
بيْسَاوي حَالُو مَسخَرَة [P] he makes a fool of himself; {byºsāwy ḥālo masḵɑrɑ}
حَاوَل ياخُدِ القَضِيِّة كِلَّهْا مَسْخَرَة [S] He tried to laugh the whole thing off
الاِنْتِخَابَاتِ الأخِيرِة كانِت مَسْخَرَة مِن مَسَاخِرِ الدِّيْمُوْقْرَاطِيِّة [S] The past elections were a mockery of democracy
إِذَا بِدَّك تْسَاوِي حالَك مَسْخَرَة ما حَدَا مانْعَك، اِعْمِلَهْا [S] If you want to make a fool of yourself, go ahead and do it.
Return, coming back
بِرْجُوْعِ البَوْسْطَة [S] by return mail
إِذَا مِمْكِن جَاوِب بِرْجُوْعِ البَوْسْطَة [S] If possible, answer by return mail
سْمِعِت بيْؤَجِّل رُجُوْعُو [P] I heard he’s postponing his return, I hear he is putting off coming back; {sºmeʕᵉt byºʔ¨ajjel rujūʕo}
مَع رُجُوْعُو صَار فِيْه فَوضَى [P] when he came back there was chaos;
تَوحِيْدِ القُدس [P] the unification of Jerusalem
زَعَامَة، ج زَعَامَاْت
الخَيْر وِاْلشَّرّ [P] good and evil, good and bad; {‘il-ḵēr wi’ºššɑrr}
عَمَلِ الخَيْر [P] doing good, doing good deeds; {ʕamalᴵ-l-ḵēr}
بيْمِلِ الخَيْر [P] he does a lot of good (or good work, good deeds); {byºmelᴵ
Groans, groaning
سْمِعْنَا أَنِيْنَو طُوْلِ اللَيْل [S] We heard his groans all night long
أَنِين بِكِة [S] sobbing
Barbarism, brutality, savagery
Qualified, certified, (well) trained
مُؤَهَّل، ج مُؤَهَّلِي، المؤنث: مُؤَهَّلَة، ج مُؤَهَّلَاْت
أَهِل ج أَهَاْلِي
لَكِنَّهْا هِيِّة مُو أَهِل لَهَالمَرْكَز [S] But she doesn’t qualify for this position
هُوِّ مُو أَهِل لَهَالوَظِيفِة [S] He is not qualified for this job
المُدَرَّسِين مُؤَهَّلِين تَأْهِيل فِعْلًا كْوَيِّس جِدًّا [S] the teachers are really very well qualified
ناس ما مُؤَهَّلِين شَدِيد [S] not well-qualified people, not well-trained people
Kindling, igniting, ignition;
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