Nouns 19 Flashcards
أَصِل (أَصْل)، ج أْصُوْل
أَصِلنَا مِن لُبنَان [P] our origin is from Lebanon, we are originally from Lebanon
أَصْلَهْا حَلَبِي [V] she is of Aleppine descent
أَصْلَو أَرْمَنِي [S] His of Armenian origin
Pattern, design
(A) sketch, drawing, painting; (also used as painting, but only in the fine art sense);
رَسْمِة، ج رَسْمَاْت
رَسْمِة هالسِّجَّادِة كْتِير حِلْوِة [S] This rug has a
pretty pattern
غَطَا الطَّاوْلِة إِلَو رَسْمِة بَسِيْطَة [S] The
tablecloth has a simple design,
هَاي رَسِمتي [P] that’s my sketch / my drawing; {hāy rasᵉmty}
بيْبَيِّن في رَسَمَاتُو [P] it appears in his drawings, it is expressed in his drawings; {byºbayyen fy rasamāto}
رَسْمِة مَطْبُوْعَة [S] print
المَتْحَف فِيه مَجْمُوْعَة جَمِيلِة رْسُوْم مَطْبُوْعَة [S] The museum has a fine collection of prints
Wish, desire
عِندي أُمنِيِة [P] I have a dream / wish; { ʕindy ʔumniye}
أَيْش هي ُمنِيَاتِك لَلمُستَقبَل [P] what your hopes for the future; {
المُفرَد [P] the singular; {‘il-mufrad}
في المُفرَد [P] in the singular; {fy-l-mufrad}
شُوْ مُفرَد هَا الكِلمِة [P] what’s the singular of this word; {šū mufrad ha-l-kilme}
مَرَة مِفْرَد نِسْوَان [S] “mara” is the singular of “neswaan”
جَمِع ج جْمُوْع
Area, region; (also translated as zone, territory, district)
مَنطِقَة، ج مَنَاطِق
Unity, union, unification
اِتِّحَاْد، ج اِتِّحَاْدَاْت
الاِتِّحَادِ السُوفيَيْتي [P] the Soviet Union; {‘il-‘ittiḥādᴵ-s-sufyēty}
هِيِّة تَابْعَة لَاِتِّحَادِ الجَّمْهُوْرِيِّاْت الاِشْتِرَاكِيِّة السَّوْڤْيَيْتِيِّة [S] It belongs to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
بَعِدِ اْتِّحَادِ الحِزبَيْن [P] after the unification of the two parties; {baʕᵉdᴵ ‘ºttiḥādᴵ-l-ḥizbēn}
القُوِّة بِالاِتِّحَاْد [S] In union there is
بِيْطَالِب بْاِتِّحَاْدِ الدُّوَلِ العَرَبِيِّة [S] He advocates federation of the Arab states
بَلْدِة، ج بْلَاْد
مَبْشَرَة، ج مَبَاْشِ
حَشْكُوْلِة، ج حَشَاْكِيْل (حَشَكِيْل)
مُكَوِّن، ج مُكَوِّنَاْت
قِلْ لِي كِلِّ الحَشَاْكِيل (الحَشَكِيْل) هَللي بْتِلْزَم لِلْكِبِّة [S] Tell me all the ingredients you need for the kibbe
هالحَشَاْكِيْل بْيِمْشُوا مَع بَعْضُهْن [S] Will these ingredients combine all right?
Dish (of food), (a type of) food, meal (this is in contrast to أَكِل, which is just “food” in general)
أَكْلِة، ج أَكْلَاْت
(A) cloud
غَيْمِة، ج غَيْمَاْت / غْيُوْم
ورقة نعوة
Laundry, wash
بَعدِ الغَسِيْل [P] after the laundry; {baʕdᴵ-l-ġasīl}
نَشَرتِ الغَسِيْل [P] I hung up the laundry; {nɑšɑrtᴵ-l-ġasīl}
صَابُوْن غَسِيْل [P] laundry soap; {ṣᾱbūn ġasīl}
مَسحُوْق غَسِيْل [P] washing powder (for laundry); {masḥūq ġasīl}
هَلَّق وِصِل غَسِيْلِي مِن عَنْدِ الكَوَّا [S] I My laundry just came back
بْتَعْرِف لِي حَدَا يْغَسِّل لِي غَسِيْلِي [S] Do you know of someone to do my laundry?
الغَسِيْل لَسَّا ما رِجِع مْنِ المَصْبَغَة [S] The wash hasn’t come back from the laundry
قِلْ لَهْا تِنْشُرِ الغَسِيْل [S] Tell her to hang out the washing
بِدَّك غَسِيل مِعْدِة الله لا يْوَفّْقٔك! [L] You need a stomach pump, damn you!
A shivering
رَجْفِة، ج رَجْفَاْت
Tiredness, weariness, fatigue
تَعَب، ج أَتعَاب
مِن كُترِةِ التَعَب [P] out of weariness /
Precautionary measure
Spare, reserve
اِحْتِيَاْط، ج اِحْتِيَاْطَاْت
لَازِم يَاخدُوا اْحتِيَاطَات [P] they must take precautions; {lāzem yāḵdu ‘ºḥtiyᾱṭᾱt}
لَازِم تاخُد اِحْتِيَاطَات أَحْسَن مِن هَايّْ ضِدِّ الحَرِيق [S] You should take better precautions
against fire
اْحتِيَاطِ النَفط بيْكَفّي لَسِتُّ اْشهُر [P] the oil reserves are sufficient for six months; {‘ºḥtiyᾱṭᴵ-n-nɑfṭ byºkaffy lasittᵘ ‘ºšhor}
فِشّ مَعَك مُفتَاحِ اْحتِيَاط [P] don’t you have a spare key
Contemplation, reflection, meditation
تَأَمُّل، ج تَأَمُّلَات
وَڥتِ مْعَيَّن لَلتَّأَمُّل [P] time set aside for reflection
Any plant that grows naturally without care from a human
Dry cleaner
تَنْضِيْف، ج تَنْضِيْفَاْت
مَحَلّ تَنْضِيْف = مَحَلّ تَنْضِيفَاْت [S] dry cleaner
بْتَعْرِف لِي شِي مَحَلّ تَنْضِيفَاتِ مْنِيح بْهالنَّوَاحِي [S] Do you know of a good dry cleaner around here?
بَعَتْتِ لَّك بَدِلْتَكِ الرّْصَاصِي لِلتَّنْضِيْف [S] I sent
your gray suit to the dry cleaner
بَعِد تَنضِيْفِ الجُرُح [P] after the wound has been cleaned; {baʕᵉd tɑnḍīfᴵ-l-jurᵒḥ}
بَسَاعِدهَا في تَنضِيْفِ البَيْت [P] I help her clean the house; {basāʕedha fy tɑnḍīfᴵ-l-bēt}
السَاعَة بِدّهَا تَنضِيْف [P] the watch needs cleaning; {‘is-sĒʕa biddha tɑnḍīf}
plural is generally used to mean different kinds of grasses
عِشِب (عِشْب)، ج أَعْشَاْب
عِشبِة / عُشبِة
(a) grass, (a variety of) grass
الجّْنَيْنِة كِلَّهْا مَلَانِة أَعْشَاْب [S] The whole garden is full of weeds
الأَعشَ ابِالبَرِّيِّة [P] wild grasses
Rotation, alternation, rotation
بِاْلتَّنَاوُب [P] in rotation, taking turns, in shifts
Bucket, pail
سَطِل (سَطْل)، ج سْطُوْل / سْطُوْلِة
Road works
Jesus Christ
يسوع المسيح
Kiosk, small shop, booth (specifically: a small open-fronted hut or cubicle from which newspapers, refreshments, tickets, etc., are sold.)
كِشِك (كَشْك)، ج كْشَاْك
Spirit, mood
هايِّ النَّفْسِيِّة المَظْبُوْطَة [S] That’s proper spirit!
قَاْلِب، ج قَوَاْلِب
فِيكِ تِسْتَعِمْلِي هَالقَالِب لِلگَاتَو [S] You can use this mold for the cake
صِحي مِنِ السَكرَة [P] he woke up from the drunkenness, he sobered up; {ṣiḥy minᴵ-s-sakrɑ}
بِترُوْحِ السَكرَة وْبْتيْجِي الفِكرَة [P] drunkenness departs and sense arrives
Spending money irresponsibly
Someone who spends money irresponsibly
Magician, sorcerer, shaman, conjuror
سَاحِر، ج سَحَرَا / سَاحْرِيْن
A touch
لَـمْسَة، ج لَـمْسََاْت
Proximity, nearness, vicinity nearness
بِالقُرب مِنِ المَدِيْنِة [P] close to the town, in the vicinity of the town; {bi-l-qurb minᴵ-l-madīne}
قِرِب + إضافة [S] close to
بْيِرْجَع قِرْبِ السَّاعَة خَمْسِة [S] He’ll be back by five o’clock.
بِالقِرِب [S] close by
فِي مَطْعَم بِالقِرِب [S] Is there a restaurant close by?
خَرُّوْبَة، ج خَرُّوْبَاْت