Verbs 2 Flashcards
To reprimand, tell off, shout at, treat harshly (ه = s.o.), yell at (ه = s.o.), insult (ه = s.o.), tear into, rip into (ه = s.o.)
بَهدَل ، يْبَهدِل
To entertain
سَلَّى ، يْسَلّي
To suffer, be tortured
تْعَذَّب ، يِتْعَذَّب
To found, establish, set up (ه =
أَسَّس ، يْؤَسِّس
To make come true
حَقَّق ، يْحَقِّق
To interest (ه = s.o.)
To concern, worry, trouble (ه = s.o.)
هَمّ ، يْهِمّ
هَادَا اللي بيْهِمّْني [P] that’s what concerns me; {hāda-l-ly byºhemmºny}
وَلَا يْهِمَّك [P] don’t worry! don’t let it worry you!; {wala yºhemmak}
بيْهِمِّشَ اْتدَخَّل [P] it’s not worrying (offensive) if I intervene? (i.e. may I intervene); {byºhemmᵉšᵃ ‘ºtdaḵḵal}
كَان يْهِمّْني [P] it used to worry me; {kān yºhemmºny}
ما بْيِهِمّ [L] either 1. it doesn’t matter, it is not important, or 2. it’s nothing to worry about, it doesn’t cause worry;
وَلا يْهِمَّك [L] don’t worry, don’t let it bother you, not a problem;
وْلا يْهِمَّك [S] don’t worry!
ما بِيْهِمّ [S] It doesn’t matter
ما بِيْهِمّ بَعْمِلَهْا لَحَالِي [S] Never mind, I’ll do it myself,
To concern, apply to, have to do with (ه = s.o.), be of interest (ه = to s.o.)
خَصّ ، يْخِصّ
بَحَثْنَا كِلِّ المَوَاضِيْع (المَوَضِيع) يَللي بِتْخِصّْنَا [S] We discussed all questions of interest
هادا ما بِيْخِصَّك أَبَدًا [S] That’s none of your business
هادا بِيْخِصَّك اِنْتِا [S] This concerns you
هَادَا مَا بيْخُصَّك [P] that doesn’t concern you; {hāda ma byºḵoṣṣak}
شُو خَصّني أَنَا / شُو بيْخُصّني أَنَا [P] what does it have to do with me?; {šu ḵɑṣṣny ʔana / šu byºḵoṣṣny ʔana}
شُو خَصّ هَادَا في اللي عَم نِحكِيْه [P] what does that have to do with what we’re talking about?; {šu ḵɑṣṣ hāda fy-l-ly ʕam niḥkīᴴ}
ما يْخَصِّك [L] it doesn’t concern you!
ما بْيِخِصَّك [V] it doesn’t concern you, it’s none of your business;
إنْ شا الله ما حَدَا يْخُصُّ شِي [L] hopefully nothing (bad) will happen to anyone;
شُو خَصَّك [L] what does it have to do with you?!
To participate, take part, join, share (ه = with s.o., في / ب = in
شارَك , يْشارِك
كِلّْ واحِد شارَك بِالغِنِة [S] Everybody joined in the singing,
خَلِّيْنِي شَارْكَكِ بْهالبِيْرَة [S] Let me share this beer with you.
بِتْحِبِّ تْشارِكْنِي بْهالشَّغْلِة [S] Would you like to go in with me on this deal?
البِنت بِدّْهَا تْشَارِكِ الشَابّ في النَشَاطَات [P] girls want to take part in the boys’ activities; {‘il-bint biddºha tºšārekᴵ-š-šābb fy-n-našᾱṭᾱt}
To go crazy, lose one’s mind, go nuts
جَنّ ، يْجِنّ
To check on, examine closely, inspect (ه =
تْفَقَّد ، يِتْفَقَّد
الِـمْوَظَّف رَايِد يِتْفَقَّد المَدْرَسِة اليَوْم [S] The official wishes to inspect the school today.
To make a mistake, be wrong (also, depending on context, miscalculate, misinterpret, misunderstand, etc.
غِلِط ، يِغلَط
To be happy
فِرِح ، يِفرَح
To joke
مَزَح ، يِمزَح
To consist (من = of)
تْكَوَّن ، يِتْكَوَّن
To move (away), relocate (ل = to)
To move on (ل = to)
To be transferred, assigned (ل = to
To be transported, moved, carried (ل = to)
To be conducted (e.g. electricity, heat)
نْتَقَل ، يِنْتِقِل
To work hard, toil, slave, drudge, wear (oneself) out
تِعِب، يِتْعَب
To aspire, strive, be ambitious
طَمَح ، يِطمَح
To have fun, pass time, have a good time, amuse o.s.;
تْسَلَّى ، يِتسَلَّى
شْلَوْن اْنْبَسَطِت = شْلَوْنِ تْسَلَّيْت [S] Did you have a nice time?
بِدُّو يِتسَلَّى [P] he wants to have fun; {biddo yitsalla}
الشَبّ بيْتسَلَّى عَلَيْهَا [P] the boy is just using her to have a good time (and has no serious intentions); {‘iš-šabb byºtsalla ʕalēha}
تْسَلَّى [P] help yourself! (e.g. to roasted seeds / nuts, etc.); {tºsalla}
ما فيهَا تِتْسَلَّى إِلا بِاليُونان [V] she can’t/won’t have fun except in Greece;
زَهْقَانِة وْبَدِّي اتْسَلَّى فِيك [L] I’m bored and want to bother you
To take, bring, convey, deliver (ه =, ل = to)
To give (ه = s.o.) a lift, ride
To deliver, get (ه =, على / ل = to)
وَصَّل ، يْوَصِّل
To share (ه = with s.o., في / ب = in
شَارَك ، يْشَارِك
كِلّْ واحِد شارَك بِالغِنِة [S] Everybody joined in the singing,
خَلِّيْنِي شَارْكَكِ بْهالبِيْرَة [S] Let me share this beer with you.
بِتْحِبِّ تْشارِكْنِي بْهالشَّغْلِة [S] Would you like to go in with me on this deal?
البِنت بِدّْهَا تْشَارِكِ الشَابّ في النَشَاطَات [P] girls want to take part in the boys’ activities; {‘il-bint biddºha tºšārekᴵ-š-šābb fy-n-našᾱṭᾱt}
To apply, put into practice, implement, enforce
طَبَّق ، يْطَبِّق
نَفَّذ، يِنَفِّذ
تْنَفَّذ ، يِتنَفَّذ
تْطَبَّق، يِتْطَبَّق
هالقَاعِدِة ما بْتِتطَبَّقِ بْكِلّْ حالِة [S] This rule doesn’t hold in every case.
هالقَأنُون بْيِتْنَفَّذِ الشَّهْرِ الجَّايِة = هالقَأنُون يِسْرِي مَفْعُوف الشَّهْرِ الجَّايِة [S] That law will go into effect next month
الأَمِر بْيِتْنَفَّذ مِن بِكْرَا = الأَمِر بْيِسْرِي مَفْعُول مِن بِكْرَا [S] The order becomes effective tomorrow
هالقَانُونِ بْحَيَاتَو ما تْطَبَّقِ بْحَزَافِيْرَو (حَذَفِيْرَو) [S] This law has never been strictly
أَيْمْتَى هالقَوَاْنِيْن (هالقَوَنِيْن) اْنْعَمَل فِيْهُن / سَرَى مَفْعُوْلُهْن / تْنَفَّذُوا [S] When did these laws come into force?
الأَمِر مَا تْنَفَّذ [P] the order was not carried out; {‘il-ʔamᵉr ma tºnaffa∂}
الوَعِد مَا تْنَفَّذِش [P] the promise wasn’t kept
To borrow
ستَعَار ، يِستْعِيْر
To own, possess (ه =
مَلَك ، يِملِك
بيْملِك أَرَاضي [P] he owns lands; {byºmlek ʔɑrᾱḍy}
الأَرَاضي اللي بُملُكهَا [P] the lands that he owns; {‘il-ʔɑrᾱḍy-l-ly bumlokha}
هَدَوْل لَاجِئِين بيْمِلكُوْش أَرض [P] those people are refugees, they don’t own any land; {hadōl lājiʔīn byºmᵉlkūš ʔɑrḍ}
مِلْك مِين البَيت يِلِّي ساكِن فيه = مِي بْيِمْلِك البَيْت يِلِّي ساكِن فيه [V] who owns the house you live in;
بْيِمْلِك بَيْت = عَنْدَو بَيْت [S] He owns a house
مِين هَللي بْيِمْلِك هَالشَّقْفِةِ الأَرْض = مين صاحِب هالشَّقْفِةِ الأَرْض [S] Who owns this lot?
هادا كِلّْ مَا بِمْلُك [S] That’s all I possess
To treat unjustly, wrong, oppress
ظَلَم، يِظْلُم
To last
دَاْم ، يْدُوْم
دَامَت حَيَاتَك [P] may you live long (common response to the phrase دايمِة); {dāmat ḥayātak}
مَا دَام [P] while, as long as, since; {mā dām}
مَا دَام هَيْك [P] as long as that’s how things are; {mā dām hēk}
مَا دَام بِدُّو يْرُوْح [P] as long as he wants to leave; {mā dām biddo yºrūḥ}
الحَرْب دامِت سِتِّ سْنِين [S] The war lasted six years
To long for, yearn (ل =
حَنّ ، يْحِنّ
بيْحِنّ لَبْلَادُو [P] he longs for his homeland; {byºḥenn labºlādo}
بِتهِمّ لَءَيَّامِ الطُفُوْلِة [P] she longs for the days of her childhood; {bithemm laʔayyāmᴵ-ṭ-ṭufūle}
بَحِنّ لَشُغلي القَدِيْم [P] I miss my previous
To turn, make a turn
To make a difference
فَرَق ، يُفْرُق
Note conjugation of imperative:
فُرُوق، فْرُقِي، فْرُقُو
مَا بْتِفرِق مَعي [P] it makes not difference to me (note that in the general sense, the verb can often be feminine, probably because it refers to الدنيا); {ma bºtifreq maʕy} (note generic feminine)
ما بْتِفْرِق مَعِي [S] I have no preference, (note generic feminine)
بْتِفْرِق شِي [S] Does it make any difference?
ما بْتِفْرِق مَعَو إِذَا بِيْسُوق كِلِّ اللَيْل [S] He thinks nothing of driving all night, (note generic feminine)
بْتِفْرِق شِي إِذا كَتَبْتِ بْقَلَمِ رْصَاص [S] Does it make any difference if write in pencil? (note generic feminine)
ما بْتِفْرِق أَيْمْتَى ما بِدَّك تِجِي [S] It makes no difference when you come (note generic feminine)
خَلِّصْنَا بَقَى، شُو بْتِفْرِق [S] Oh, what’s the difference! (note generic feminine)
بِالحَقِيْقَة ما فَرْقِت مَعِي [S] It didn’t really matter (note generic feminine)
خَلِّصْنِي بَقَى، شُو بْتِفْرِق [S] Oh, come on, what does it matter
ما بْيِفْرِق مَعِي شُو عَمِ تْقُوْل، حَ سَاوِيْهَا [S] It doesn’t matter what you say, I’ll do it (note generic masculine)
To consult, ask for advice (ه = from s.o.)
شَاوَر ، يْشَاوِر
اْستَشَار، يِستَشِيْر
جِيْت أَستَشِيْرَك [P] I’ve come seeking your advice; {jīt ʔastašīrak}
حَكِيم بِدِّي اسْتِشِيْرَك بِشَغْلِة [L] Doctor, I want to seek your advice on something;
كان أَحْسَن لَك تِسْتَشِيْرْنَا [S] You should have consulted us
اْضْطَرَّيْنا نِسْتشِير اِخْتِصاصِي [S] We had to call in a specialist,
جِيْت أَشَاوْرَك [P] I’ve come to ask your advice; {jīt ʔašāwºrak}
بِدّي أَشَاوِر عَقلي [P] I want to think it over alone (literally: I want to consult my mind); {biddy ʔašāwer ʕaqly}
ما بِدِّي اِتْصَرَّف بِدُوْن ما اْشَاوْرَو [S] I don’t want to go over his head,
ما بْيِقْدِر يَعْمِل حَرَكِة بَلَا مَا يْشَاوِر مَرْتَو = ما بْيِقْدِر يِتْحَرَّك بَلَا ما يْشَاوِر مَرْتَو = ما بْيِقْدِر يْحَرِّك قَشِّة بَلا ما يْشَاوِر مَرْتَو [S] He can’t make a move without asking his wife
To put pressure (على = on), squeeze (على = on), clasp (على = on to)
To exert pressure, pull, draw tight
To tie, tighten, fasten, make fast
شَدّ ، يْشِدّ
اْنشَدّ، يِنشَدّ
إِذَا فِيْه رْطُوْبِة الحَبِل بيْنشَدّ [P] if there is humidity / moisture the rope becomes taut
To make (ه = s.o.) feel (ب =, or إن = that)
حَسَّس ، يْحَسِّس
To move forward, advance, progress
تْقَدَّم ، يِتقَدَّم
تْقَدَّمتِ كْتِيْر بِالعَرَبي / اِتْقَدَّمتِ كْتِيْر بِالعَرَبي [P] you’ve progressed a lot in Arabic; {tºqaddamtᵉ kºtīr bi-l-ʕɑrɑby / ‘ᵉtºqaddamtᵉ kºtīr bi-l-ʕɑrɑby}
ما تْقَدَّمْنَا إِلَّا بْبِطِء مِن كِتْرِ التُّلُوْج [S] We made only slow headway in the deep snow,
أَحْمَد عَم يِتْقَدَّم بِالمَدْرَسِة [S] Ahmad is improving in school.
الظَّاهِر ما عَم يِتْقَدَّمُوا بِالمَرَّة [S] They don’t seem to make any headway at all
وْأَخِيْرًا الِأْمُوْر عَم تِتْقَدَّم [S] Things are finally moving along now
عَم تِتْقَدَّم بِكْتَابَك شِي [S] Are you making any progress with your book?
تْقَدَّمْتِ كْتِير بِالسِّتّ جِمَع يَللي كِنْت غَايِب فِيْهَا [S] You’ve progressed a lot in the six weeks I’ve been away
تْقَدَّمِ كْتِير مِن وَقْتِ عْرِفْتَو بِالمَدْرَسِة [S] He’s come a long way since I knew him in school
تْقَدَّمْنَا عِشْرِين مِيل بْيَوْم وَاحِد [S] We advanced twenty miles in one day
الظَّاهِر لَسَبَب مْنِ الأَسْبَاب ما عَم يِتْقَدَّم [S] He doesn’t seem to get ahead for some reason
وَقِت طَلَبُوا مِتْطَوّْعِين سِتِّ رْجَالِ تْقَدَّمُوا [S] When volunteers were called for, six men came forward
وَقْتْ طَلَبُوا مِتْطَوّْعِيْن سِتِّ رْجَالِ تْقَدَّمُوا [S] When volunteers were called for, six men came forward,
الِبْلَاد تْقَدَّمِتِ كْتِيرِ بْهالإِيَّام [S] The country has seen a lot of progress lately
To mean, intend (ه = / to do, aim (ه = to do
قَصَد ، يُقصُد
To last, continue, take (a long) time
طَوَّل ، يْطَوِّل
قَدَّيْش بيْطَوِّل [P] how long will it take?; {qaddēš byºṭɑwwel}
بيْطَوِّل هَا المَكتُوْب تَنُّو يُوْصَل [P] will this letter take a long time to arrive; {byºṭɑwwel ha-l-maktūb tanno yūṣɑl}
مُش رَح يْطَوِّل [P] it won’t take long; {muš rɑḥ yºṭɑwwel}
تْقِيْلِ الدَمّ بيْطَوِّل وْهُوْ يْفَسِّر [P] he’s annoying, he drags out explaining every detail; {tºqīlᴵ-d-damm byºṭɑwwel wºhū yºfasser}
طَوَّلْت بِالحَفْلِة [S] Did you stay long at the party?
الحَفْلِة طَوَّلِت وْطَوَّلِت [S] The party went on and on
طَوَّلْت بِالشِّغِلِ مْبَارْحَة بِاللَيْل [S] Did you work long last night?
ما طَوَّل لَهُوِّي مات [L] it was not long before he died
To sacrifice (ب =
ضَحَّى ، يْضَحّي
تْضَحَّى / اِتْضَحَّى / اِضَّحَّى، يِتْضَحَّى
To get confused, be at a loss, not to know what to do
تْلَبَّك ، يِتلَبَّك
To poison (ه = s.o. /
سَمَّم ، يْسَمِّم
تْسَمَّم ، يِتسَمَّم
To inform, notify (ه = s.o., ب = of, or إنّ = that), let (ه = s.o.) know (ب =
خَبَّر ، يْخَبِّر
تْخَبَّر، يِتْخَبَّر
أي شي رَح تِحْكِي رَح يِتْخَبَّر [L] anything you might say will be informed on (i.e. could be told to the police
To pray
صَلَّى ، يْصَلّي