Verb 3 Flashcards
To burden (على = s.o.)
To inconvenience (على = s.o.)
To overdo (ب =
تَقَّل ، يْتَقِّل
ما بِدِّي اْتَقِّل عَلَيكِ بْهالشِّي = ما بِدِّي اْغَلّْبَكِ بْهالشِّي
[S] don’t want to burden you with that
تَقَّلِت بِالأَكِل لَدَرَجِة ما قْدِرِت اْنَام [S] I ate so much I couldn’t sleep
بيْتَقِّل بْحَالُو [P] he acts self-important
To bleed
نَزَف ، يِنْزِف
To support, be in favour of (ه = s.o./
أَيَّد ، يْؤَيِّد
اِتْأَيّد، يِتْأَيّد
To constitute, make up, form (ه =
شَكَّل ، يْشَكِّل
هَادَا بيْشَكِّل خَطَر عَلَى النَاس [P] this constitutes a danger to people; {hāda byºšakkel ḵɑṭɑr ʕala-n-nās}
بَعْدَيْن شَكَّلُوا حِزْبُهْن لَوَحْدُهْن [S] Later on, they formed their own party
شَكَّلُوا حَلَقَة حَوَالِي عامُودِ البَيْرَق [S] They formed a circle around the flagpole
هالمَجْمُوْعَة مْنِ الكِلْمَات بِتْشَكِّلِ الصِّنْفِ التالِت [S] This group of words forms the third category,
مَسْأَلِةِ المَسَاكِنِ الصَّالْحَة بِتْشَكِّل أَهَمّ مِشِكْلِة بِالبَلَدُهْن [S] Proper housing constitutes the major problem in their city
شَكَّل جِمْلِة [S] to put together a sentence
To release (from prison, custody, etc.) (عن = s.o.)
أَفرَج ، يِفرِج
أَفرَجُوا عَنُّو [P] they released him, they let him go
To become warm
دِفي ، يِدفَى
تْدَفَّى يِتدَفَّى
To gather, collect, combine (ه =
To add (up), total (ه =
جَمَع ، يِجْمَع
To take to task, call to account (ه = s.o., على = over)
حَاْسَب ، يْحَاْسِب
تْحَاْسَب، يِتْحَاْسَب
بِدِّي اْحَاسْبَو على كِذْبَاتَو [S] I’ll take him to task for his lies
لَحَ حاسْبَو [S] I’ll call him to account
رَحَ حَاسْبَو [S] I’ll call him to account
To notice, observe, perceive (ه =
لَاحَظ ، يْلَاحِظ
تْلاحَظ / اِتْلاحَظ، يِتْلاحَظ
To cooperate, collaborate, help one another (or مع = with s.o.)
تْعَاوَن ، يِتعَاوَن
مِين عَم يِتْعاوَن مَعَكِ بْتَأْلِيف الِكْتَاب [S] Who’s collaborating with you on the book?
وَعَد إِنَّو بِتْعَاوَن مَعِ الشِّرْطَة بِالتَفْتِيْش عَ القاتِل [S] He promised to cooperate with the police in the search for the killer,
لَازِم نِتعَاوَن مَعهُم [P] we have to cooperate with them; {lāzem nitʕāwan maʕhom}
الرَجُل لَازِم يِتعَاوَن مَع مَرَتُو في تَربِيِةِ الأَولَاد [P] the man / husband must cooperate with his wife in raising the kids; {‘ir
To entrust (ه = s.o., على =
أَمَّن ، يْؤَمِّن
أَمَّنْنِي عَ السَّيَّارَة [S] He entrusted the car to me
To heed, obey (ه = s.o. /
طَاع ، يْطِيْع
To be saved, survive (من = from)
نِجي ، يِنجَى
To suit, be suitable to, be appropriate for (ه = s.o. /
نَاسَب ، يْنَاسِب
To volunteer
تْطَوَّع ، يِتطَوَّع
To hug (ه = s.o.)
عَبَّط، يْعَبِّط
حَضَن ، يِحْضِن
حَضْنِتِ البَيْبَيه بْإِيْدَيْهَا [S] She cuddled the baby in her arms
فيه دايْمًا واحِد بْيِعَبّْطَك بْطَرِيقَة غَرِيْبَة [L] there’s always one who hugs you in a weird way.
بس يِيجي يْعَبّْطَك بِتْحِسّ كَإنُّه فِيه فَرُو. [L] The minute he hugs you, you feel fur!
يْبَلِّش يْعَبِّط فِيك بَقٔى [L] He hugs you
To explore (ه =
سْتَكْشَف ، يِسْتَكْشِف
To exploit, take advantage of (ه =, make use (ه = of), capitalise on (ه =
ستَغَلّ ، يِستَغِلّ
To silence, shut up (ه =
سَكَّت ، يْسَكِّت
خَرَّس ، يْخَرِّس
To continue, go on
To stop doing, finish (ه =
كَفَّى ، يْكَفِّي
بِيْكَفِّي [L] that’s enough! often used like an imperative, meaning stop! that’s enough of that!
كَفِّي نْهَارَك على خير [L] finish up your day on a good note
خَلِّيْنَا نْكَفِّي شِغِلْنَا [L] Let’s finish our work
فِينَا نْكَفِّي اللِّعْبِة [L] Can we finish the game?
To eavesdrop, listen secretly, listen in (على = on)
تْسَمَّع ، يِتْسَمَّع
بْظِنّ فِي حَدَا عَم يِتْسَمَّع عَلَيْنَا [S] Somebody must be listening in
To shout, scream, yell
To call (ل = to / for s.o. /
To yell, shout (ب = at)
To jeer (ضِدّ = s.o.)
صَرَّخ، يْصَرِّخ
الجَّمْهُوْر صَاْر يْصَرِّخ مِنِ الضِّحِك [S] The audience howled with laughter
To become distant
بِعِد ، يِبْعُد
To incite, goad, provoke (ه = s.o., على = to, also sometimes ضد = against)
حَرَّض ، يْحَرِّض
اْستَفَزّ، يِستَفِزّ
To accuse (ه = s.o., ب = of
اْتِّهَم، يِتِّهِم
تَهَم، يِتْهِم
وْبَعْدَان، بْيِجِي لَعَنْدِي بْيِتْهِمْني أَنِّي عَم اْضَيِّع وَقْتِي [L] and afterwards, he’ll come to me and accuse me that that I’m wasting time;
تَهَمُوا بْسِرْقَة جَنَائِيِّة [S] They charged him with grand larceny.
ما فِيْك تِتْهِمْنِي بِالكَسْلَنِة [S] You can’t accuse me of being lazy
اْتَّهَمُوْه بْسِرقَة [P] they accused him of theft; {‘ºttahamūᴴ bºsirqa}
بْشُو اْتَّهَمِت السِتّ زَوْجَهْا [V] what did the woman accuse her husband of?
To raid (ه = a place)
دَاْهَم ، يْدَاْهِم
الشِّرْطَة داهَمِتِ المَحَلّ لَيْلْةِ مْبَارِح [S] The police raided the place last night
To unite (ه = / s.o.)
وَحَّد ، يْوَحِّد
تْوَحَّد، يِتْوَحَّد
To cross o.s., make the sign of the cross
صَلَّب ، يْصَلِّب
(this is sometimes followed by the phrase إِيْدُو على وِجْهُو , meaning (with) his hand over his face);
صَلَّبَت لَمَّا فَاتَت عَ الِكْنِيْسِة [P] she crossed herself when she entered the church
To oppose (ه = or s.o.)
عَارَض ، يْعَارِض
أَبُوْهَا عَارَض بِالبِدَايِة كْتِيْر [P] her father objected a lot at first; { ʔabūha ʕᾱrɑḍ bi-l-bidāye kºtīr}
مَهمَا قَالُوا بيعَارِض [P] Whatever they say, he disagrees; {mahma qālu byʕᾱreḍ}
بَعَارِض فِكِرتَك / الفِكرَة هَاي [P] I’m opposed to your idea / this idea; {bɑʕᾱreḍ fikᵉrtak / ‘il-fikra hāy}
أَنَا بَعَارِض هَادَا الاِقتِرَاح [P] I reject that proposal, I oppose that suggestion; { ʔana bɑʕᾱreḍ hāda-l-‘iʠtirᾱḥ}
بَعَارِض اِلّي قُلتُو [P] I’m opposed to what you said; {bɑʕᾱreḍ ‘illy qulto}
بيْعَارِض كُلّ حَلّ [P] He opposes every solution; {byºʕᾱreḍ kull ḥall}
مَهمَا قَالُوا، بيْعَارِض و بيْنَاقِش [P] Whatever (others) say he objects and argues
To combat, fight against (ه =; (this is probably become the most common word for phrases like “the war on terrorism” and “the war on poverty”)
كَافَح ، يْكَافِح
تْكافِح / اِتْكافِح / اِكَّافِح، يِتْكافِح
لازِم نَعْمِل أَقْصَى جَهِدْنَا لَـمْكافَحْةِ الأَمْرَاض [S] We must make every effort to combat disease
لازِمِ تْكَافِح هالعَادِة [S] You’ve got to fight that habit.
بيْكَافِحِ الفَسَاد [P] he’s fighting against corruption;
To become widespread, become extensive
To become numerous, proliferate, become many, increase
كِتِر، يِكتَر
كِترَتِ الحَالَات في المُدِّة الأَخِيْرِة [P] the number of cases has increased recently; {kitratᴵ-l-ḥālāt fy-l-mudde-l-ʔaḵīre}
عَدَدِ الحَوَادِث بيْكتَر مِن سِنِة لَ-سِنِة [P] [P, G] the number of accidents increases from year to year; {ʕadadᴵ-l-ḥawādeθ byºktɑr min sine la-sine}
بَعدَيْنِ الصُعُوْبَاتِ بْتِكتَر [P] later the difficulties increase; {baʕdēnᴵ
To make public, general, or make widespread
To make generalisations
To generalise (ه =
عَمَّم ، يْعَمِّم
تْعَمّم / اِتْعَمّم، يِتْعَمّم
بَلَاشِ نْعَمِّم [P] let’s not make generalisations
مُو حَقِّ تْعَمِّم هَيْك [S] It’s unfair to generalize like that
To exchange, substitute, replace (ه =, ب = with else)
بَدَّل، يْبَدِّل
تْبَدَّل ، يِتبَدَّل
هالبُوْرِي لَازِم يْتِبَدَّل بْواحِدِ جْدِيد [S] This pipe has to be replaced by a new one
أَسنَانِ الحَلِيْب رَح تِتبَدَّل [P] the milk teeth are going to be replaced
To dissolve, dismantle, break up (ه = (e.g. parliament)
حَلّ ، يْحِلّ
حَلِّ الحِزِب [P] he disbanded the political party; {ḥallᴵ-l-ḥizᵉb}
بِدُّو يْحِلِّ الشِركِة [P] he wants to dissolve the company; {biddo yºḥellᴵ-š-širke}
الشِّرْطَة حَلَّوا الاِجْتِماع [S] The police broke up the meeting
حَلَّيْنَا شَرَاكِتْنَا لَعِدِّة أَسْبَاب [S] We dissolved our partnership for several reasons.
الرَّئِيس هَدَّدِ بْحَلِّ المَجْلِس [S] The President has threatened to dissolve Parliament
To exile, banish, deport (ه = s.o.)
نَفَى ، يِنفي
اِنْتَفَى، يِنْتِفِي
نَفُوْه [P] they deported / exiled him; {nafūᴴ}
هُوِّ مَنفي [P] he is banished / is exiled
To learn by heart, memorise (ه =
To guard, preserve, take care, keep (ه = of
To keep (ه =
To save, put away for safe keeping (ه =
To save (ه = a file) (on a computer)
To hold (ه =, be able to retain (ه =
حِفِظ ، يِحفَظ
اِحفَظ كَلَامَك [P] watch what you say!; {‘iḥfɑẓ kalāmak}
الله يِحفَظَك [P] may God preserve you! (commonly said in response to a blessing or condolence); {‘ɑllɑ yiḥfɑẓɑk}
عِمِل كِلّْ جَهْدَو حَتَّى يِحْفَظ كَرَامْتَو [S] He struggled hard to preserve his dignity,
بْتِحْفَظ لِي شِي مَحَلّْ إِذَا بْتَعْمِل مَعْرُوْع [S] Would you save a seat for me, please?
بْتَعْمِل كِلّْ شِي لَتِحْفَظ كَرَامِتَهْا [S] She’ll do anything to save face
لازِم يِتْعَلَّم يِحْفَظ كَلَامَو [S] He should learn to bridle his tongue.
حَفَظ على صَوَابَو [S] to keep one’s head
مِنْ حِسْنِ الحَظّ الكِلّ حَفَظُوا على صَوَابُهْن [S] Fortunately, everyone kept his head
مِن فَضْلَك اْحْفَظ لِي ياها عَنْدَك [S] Please keep this for me
وَين بْيِحْفَظُوا المَصَارِي [S] Where do they keep the money?
اْحْفَظ (حْفَاظ) لِيْسْتَة [S] to keep a record of
قَيِّدِ بْدِقِّة كِلّْ شِي بْتِصِرْفَو = اْحْفَظ (حْفَاظ) لِيْسْتَة دَقِيقَة بْكِلّْ شِي بْتِصِرْفَو [S] Keep a careful record of all expenses
حَفَظ عَ الغَيْب [S] to learn by heart
حَفْظِتِ (حَڤْظِتِ) القَصِيْدِة عَ الغَيْب [S] She learned the poem by heart
لَيْش عَم تِحْفَظ هالجَّرَايِدِ القَدِيْمِة [S] Why do you save these old papers?
اْحْفَظ لِي مَصَارِيِّي (مَصَرِيِّي) عَنْدَك [S] Take care of my money for me.
لَازِم تِيْجي بُكرَا حَافِظ دَرسَك [P] you have to come tomorrow having memorized the lesson (with the lesson memorized); {lāzem tījy bukrɑ ḥᾱfeẓ darsak}
حَتَّى نِحفَظِ الكَلِمَات [P] so that we know the words by heart; {ḥatta niḥfɑẓᴵ-l-kalimāt}
بْيِحفَظِ الدَرس [P] he knows the lesson by heart; {bºyiḥfɑẓᴵ-d-dars}
بْيِحفَظِ الكَلِمَات [P] he remembers the words by heart; {bºyiḥfɑẓᴵ-l-kalimāt}
حَفَظ شِي عَ الغَيْب [S] to memorize
حَفَظِ القِرْآن مِن أَوَّلَو لَآخْرَو عَ الغَيْب [S] He memorized the entire Koran
بْتِفْتِكِر هالسَّطْلِ العَتِيق بْيِحْفَظِ المَيّ [S] Do you think this old bucket will hold water?
To congratulate (ل = s.o.)
To bless (في = s.o. / ه = s.o.)
بَارَك، يْبَارِك
الله يْبَارِك فِيْك [P] God bless you too (this is the most common response to any good wishes from the root برك); {‘ɑllɑᴴ yºbārek fīk}
الخُوْرِي اْلْتَفَت وْبَارَكُهْن [S] The priest turned
around and blessed them
بِدّنَا نْرُوْحِ نْبَارِك لُو [P] we want to go congratulate him; {biddna nºrūḥᵉ nºbārek lo}
بِدّي أَبَارِك لَك عَلَى الجَايزِة [P] I want to congratulate you on the prize; {biddy ʔabārek lak ʕala-l-jāyze}
بيْبَاركُوا لَلعَرِيْس وِاْلعَرُوْس [P] they congratulate the bride and groom; {byºbārku lalʕarīs we’ºlʕarūs}
كِنْت مارْقَة بِالحَي، حَبَّيْت اْبارِك لِك بِالشِقَّة الجِدِيدِة [L] I was passing through the neighborhood, I wanted to congratulate you on the new apartment;
To hinder, obstruct (ه = s.o./, handicap (ه = s.o.)
عَرقَل، يْعَرقِل
عَرقَلني [P] he hindered me; {ʕarqalny}
طُوْل عِمْرَو كانِ مْعَرْقَلِ الضِّعِف نَظَرَو [S] He’s been handicapped by poor eyesight all his life