Adjectives 5 Flashcards
Resolute, determined
بْلَهجِة حَازمِة [P] in a firm tone, in a resolute tone; {bºlahje ḥāzme}
لَازِم يْكُوْن حَازِم في النِقَاش [P] he has to be resolute (stand his ground) in the debate; {lāzem yºkūn ḥāzem fy-n-niʠᾱš}
سِتِّي كانِت سِتّْ حازْمِة كْتِير [S] My grandmother was a very resolute lady
طَلَب زْيَادِة مَعَاشِ بْلَهْجِة حازْمِة [S] He asked for a raise in a determined voice
Decisive, critical (e.g. a critical time, critical period), crucial
تْجَنَّبِ (دْجَنَّبِ) المَسْأَلِة الحاسْمِة [S] He avoided the crucial question
هالدَّوْلِة ما لَحَ تِتِّخِذ مَوْقِف حاسِمِ بْأَيّْ قَضِيِّة مِن هالقَضَايَا الِـمْهِمِّة [S] That country take a firm stand on any of these important issues
مَا أَدَّاش لَنَتِيْجِة حَاسْمِة [P] it didn’t lead to a decisive outcome; {ma ʔaddāš lanatīje ḥāsºme}
اِنتي في المَرحَلِ الحَاسمِة [P] you’re at the decisive stage
Cold, chilly (adjective, generally applied to people, or animate things, like “I feel cold.”)
بَردَان، ج بَردَانِيْن، المؤنث: بَردَانِة
Hot (adjective, generally applied to people, or animate things, like “I feel hot.”)
حَرَّاْن، ج حَرَّاْنِيْن
فَجعَان، ج فَجعَانِيْن
Economical, thrifty
هِيِّة سِتّْ بَيْت مِقْتِصْدَة [S] She’s a thrifty housewife
هِيِّة سِتّ بَيْتِ كْتِير مِقْتِصْدَة [S] She’s a very
economical housewife
هالنَّوعِ مْنِ التِدْفَايِة مْوَفِّرِ مْنِيح [S] This type of heating is very economical
Compassionate, tenderhearted, affectionate
Pleasant, kind, nice, agreeable
لَطِيْف، ج لُطَفَا
ظَرِيْف، ج ظْرَاْف
طَيِّب، ج طَيّْبِيْن
Thin, fine (said of an object)
رْقِيْق، ج رْقَاْق
عَم اْدَوِّر على وَرَقِ رْقِيْق [S] I’m looking for some thin paper
العَجِيْن لَازِم يْكُوْنِ رْقِيْق [P] the pastry has to be thin
Polite, well brought up, civil
هُوِّ مُو كْتِيرِ مْؤَدَّب [S] He’s not very polite
على قَلِيلِي كانِ مْؤَدَّب مَعْنا [S] At least he was civil to us
حَرَكَات مُشِ مْؤَدَّبِة [P] rude gestures
مْوَسْوَس، ج مْوَسْوَسِيْن
هُوِّ كْتِيرِ مْوَسْوَسِ بْلِبْسَو [S] He’s very fussy about his clothes
Brave, courageous
شِجَاْع، ج شِجْعَاْن
ما لَهْا جَسُورَة كْفَايِة تِطْلُب إِذِن [S] She’s not bold enough to ask for permission
وَالله بِنِت شِجَاعَة [S] She’s a brave girl,
جُندي شُجَاع [P] a brave soldier
حَشُّوْر، ج حَشُّوْرِيْن / حَشُّوْرَة
Reasonable, sensible, having reason, intelligence
عَاقِل، ج عَاقلِيْن / عُقَّال، المؤنث: عَاقلِة
اِنسَان عَاقِل; [P] a reasonable / sensible man; {‘insān ʕāqel;}
خَلِّيْك عَاقِل / خَلِّيْكِ عَاقلِة; [P] be sensible! be reasonable (male and female forms); {ḵallīk ʕāqel / ḵallīki ʕāqle;}
الإِنْسَان بْبَعْدِ الأَحْيَان بِيْسَمُّوه حَيَوَان عَاقِل [S] Man is sometimes called a rational animal
هِيِّة سِتّْ عَاقْلِة كْتِير [S] She’s a very reasonable person
إِيَّامِ بْحَاسِب إِنَّو هُوِّ مُو عَاقِل [S] Sometimes I think he’s not quite sane
هِيِّة وَاحْدِة عَاقْلِة، أَكِيْد حَ تِتْفَهَّم مِشْكِلْتَك [S] She’s a sensible person, she’ll understand your problem
نَبِيْل، ج نِبَلَا
Self-respecting, honourable, respectable
شَرِيْف، ج شِرَفَا
Annoying, tedious, tasteless, flat, stale, dull, boring (used to describe people or things)
الحَفْلِة يَللي رِحْنَا لَهْا مْبَارِح كَانِت بَايْخَة [S] It was a lifeless party we attended last night
الحَفْلِة كانِت يَعْنِي بَايْخَة [S] The party was pretty dull
شِفْنَا فِلِم بَايِخِ كْتِيرِ مْبَارِح [S] We saw a rotten film last night
أَنَا مَالِل مِن نِكَتَو البَايْخَة [S] I’m getting sick and tired of his stale jokes
هادا عِذِر بايِخ شْوَيِّة [S] That’s a pretty clumsy excuse.
بَعْدِ العَشَا اْضْطَرَّيْنَا نِسْمَع كِلْمِة بايْخَة مِن رَئِيْسْنَا [S] After dinner we had to listen to a dull speech from our boss
نِكَتَو دايْمًا بْتِطْلَع بَايْخَة [S] His jokes always fall flat,
Accurate, precise, meticulous
Gleaming, shining
Elegant, chic, fashionable
أَنِيْق، ج أَنِيْقِيْن
Spotted, dotted
مْنَين اْشْتَرَيْت هالإِشْرَب الِـمْنَقَّط [S] Where did you buy that dotted scarf?
Modest (clothing)
Turned off, cut off (of power, etc.)
Neighbouring, nearby
تْغَدَّيْنَا بْمَطْعَم مْجَاوِر [S] We had lunch at a nearby restaurant
القُرَى المُجَاوِرَة [P] the neighboring villages; {‘il-ʠurɑ-l-mujāwirɑ}
في الدُوَلِ المُجَاوِرَة [P] the the neighboring countries
Growing, developing
الدُوَلِ النَامِيِة [P] the developing countries
كِلّْ واحِدِ اْسْتَهْجَن سُلُوْكَو الشَّائِن [S] Everyone was shocked by his outrageous behavior
Fabricated, made up, not true
هَاي قُصَّة مْلَفَّقَة [P] this is an untrue story, this is not true; {hāy quṣṣɑ mºlaffaqa}
هالقِصَّة مْبَيِّنْةِ لِّي مْلَفَّق شْوَيِّة [S] That story sounds pretty phony to me
أَخبَار مُتَنَاقِضَة [P] contradictory reports; { ʔaḵbᾱr mutanᾱʠiḍɑ}
التَّصْرِيْحَيْن مِتْنَاقْضِيْن [S] the two statements are self-contradictory
سْمِعْنَا عِدِّة أَخْبَار مِتْناقْضَة عَنْهَا [S] We heard several contradictory reports on it
Heavy, enormous, immense, massive (e.g. of a responsibility, losses, etc.)
ثَمَن فادِح [CA] an exorbitant price
العَدُوِّ تْكَبَّد خَسَايِر فادْحَة [S] The enemy suffered heavy losses
أَضْرار فادِحة [CA] substantial damage
خَطَأ جَسيم [CA] a massive error
مَسْؤوليّة جَسيمة [CA] immense responsibility
عَواقِب جَسيمة [CA] serious consequences
ضَرَر جَسيم [CA] extensive damage
أَضْرار جَسيمة [CA] extensive damages
Enormous, huge; (also translated as : bulky, immense, large, mammoth)
ضَخِم ، ج ضْخَام
عَمَارَة ضَخمِة [P] a huge building; {ʕɑmᾱrɑ ḍɑḵme}
تِمسَال ضَخِم [P] an enormous statue; {timsāl ḍɑḵᵉm}
مَگَالِغ ضَخمِة [P] large amounts (e.g. of money); {magāleġ ḍɑḵme}
ما فِيني اِحْمِل هالباكَيْت، ضَخْمِ كْتِير [S] I can’t carry this package, it’s too bulky,
صَخْمِ الجِثِّة [S] husky
قَدَّيْشَو ضَخْمِ الجِثِّة [S] He’s such a husky fellow
بْيِسْتَوِرْدُوا كَمِّيَّات ضَخْمِة مْنِ اللْحُوْم كِلّْ شَهِر [S] Immense quantities of meat are imported every month
بَسّْ خَوْد بَالَكِ مْنِ التَكَاْلِيْف (التَّكَلِيْفِ) الضَّخْمِة [S] But think of the enormous costs
عَم يْطَالِع مَعَاش ضَخِم بِدُوْن ما يِشْتِغِل [S] He draws a fat salary without really working
عَم يْعَمّْرُوا سَدّْ ضَخِم عَ النَّهِر مِن فَوْق [S] They’re building a huge dam upriver
Perceptible, noticeable
Little, meagre, paltry, faint, slight
النَّتَايِج كانِت ضَئِيْلِة [S] The results were meager
رِبِحِ بْفَرِق ضَئِيْل بِالأَصْوَاْت [S] He won by a close vote,
الظَّاهِرِ الأَمَل بِالِوْصُوْل لَتَسْوِيِة قَرِيْبِة ضْعِيف = الظَّاهِرِ الأَمَل بِالِوْصُوْل لَتَسْوِيِة قَرِيْبِة ضَئِيْل [S] The chances of an early settlement appear dismal,
ما صِفِي إِلَّا أَمَل ضَئِيْل [S] There’s only a faint hope left
بَعْرِف قَضِيِّة مْشَابْهَة [S] I know of a similar case