Verbs 8 Flashcards
To disseminate, distribute, publicise, spread (ه =
شَيَّع ، يْشَيِّع
To tame, train (ه = s.o. /
رَوَّض ، يْوَرِّض
الِحْصَان لِسَّا ما تْرَوَّض [S] The horse hasn’t been broken in yet.
To object to (على =
اْعْتَرَض ، يِعْتُرِض
To ease, facilitate, make more convenient (ه =
سَهَّل ، يْسَهِّل
I’ll make it easier for you = راح هوّنا عليك
To appear, become evident;
(also in the sense of appearing miraculously)
ظَهَر ، يِظهَر
To inaugurate, consecrate, christen (ه =
دَشَّن ، يْدَشِّن
دَشَّنْنَا المَرْكَبِ مْبَارِح [S] We christened the boat yesterday.
دَشَُّوا الِكْنِيْسِة [P] they consecrated the church
To stab (ه = s.o. /
بَطّ ، يْبُطّ
طَعَن، يِطْعَن
اْنْطَعَن بِالِخْنَاقَة [S] He was stabbed in the brawl
To leave (ه = a legacy, inheritance), bequeath (ه = s.o., ه =
وَرَّت ، يْوَرِّت
To spend the night, stay the night
بَات، يْبَات
بَات في الشَارِع [P] he slept in the street; {bāt fy-š-šāreʕ}
بَات زَعلَان [P] he spent the night angry; {bāt zaʕlān}
مَرَتي بَاتَت زَعلَانِة [P] my wife spent the night angry; {mɑrɑty bātat zaʕlāne}
خُبِز بَايِت [P] bread that has been left out all night; {ḵubᵉz bāyet}
بْنِيْتِي اْبَاتِ هْنِيك لَيْلِة [S] I intend to stay there overnight
To spend the summer (ب / في = in a place)
صَيَّف ، يْصَيِّف
To spend winter
شَتَّى ، يْشَتّي
To spend (ه = money)
صَرَف ، يُصرُف
To take advantage of, seize (ه = an opportunity)
ستَغنَم ، يِستَغنِم
لَازِم نِستَغنِمِ الفُرصَة [P] we must take advantage of the opportunity
To seize, confiscate (على =
حَجَز ، يِحْجُز
هَجَزُوا عَلَى التَلِيزيَوْن تَبَعُو [P] they seized his television {hajazu ʕala-t-talizyōn tabaʕo}
هَجَزُوا عَلَ أَتَات بَيْتُو [P] they seized his furniture; {hajazu ʕala ʔatāt bēto}
مْنِحجِز لُو المَعَاش حَتَّى يِدفَع [P] we’ll garnish his wages until he pays
To receive hospitably, entertain (ه = s.o. / guests)
ضَيَّف ، يْضَيِّف
تْضَيِّف / اِتْضَيِّف / اِضَّيِّف، يِتْضَيِّف
To hint (بْإِنَّ / إِنَّ = that, or عن = about)
لَمَّح ، يْلَمِّح
To divide up, subdivide (ه =
قَسَّم ، يْقَسِّم
جَزَّء ، يْجَزِّئ
اِجَّزَّأ، يِتْجَزَّأ
To commit o.s., pledge, undertake, promise, vow (فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do, or ب / في =, or إنّ = that)
To contract, enter into a contract you
تْعَهَّد ، يِتعَهَّد
هُوِّ تْعَهَّد يِدفَع [P] he promised to pay; {huwwe tºʕahhad yidfaʕ}
اِلّي تْعَهَّدِت فِيْه [P] what I’ve myself to doing; {‘illy tºʕahhadᵉt fīᴴ}
لَمَّا فَتَحُوا المَدَرَسِة تْعَهَّدُوا [P] when they opened the school they pledge that…; {lamma fataḥu-l-madarase tºʕahhadu}
تْعَهَّدْتِ بْخَمِس دَوْلارَات لِلصَّلِيبِ الأَحْمَر [S] I pledged five dollars to the Red Cross
المَدْرَسِة بْتِتْعَهَّدِ بْتَزْوِيْد كِتْبِ الطِّلَّاب بْبَلَاْش [S] The school undertakes to provide textbooks free of charge
تْعَهَّد مَا يْعِيدَهْا تَانِي مَرَّة [S] He vowed not to
do it
تَعَهَّدُوْا يِبْنُوا البِنَايِة بْخَمِسْةِ اْشْهُر [S] They’ve contracted to put up the building in five months.
To inoculate, vaccinate
طَعَّم ، يِطَعِّم
تْطَعَّم / طَّعَّم، يِتطَعَّم / يِطَّعَّم
To have an inclination (ل = to), lean towards (ل =
To bend, slope, incline, lean (ل = to)
مَال ، يْمِيْل
البُرج مَايِل [P] the tower leans (to one side)
بيْمِيْل لَلفَنّ [P] he has artistic inclinations; {byºmīl lalfann}
الأَكتَرِيِّة بِتمِيْل لَهَا القَرَار [P] the majority is in favor of his decision; {‘il-ʔaktɑriyye bitmīl laha-l-ʠɑrᾱr}
بَمِيْل لَتَبَنّي طَرِيْقَة أُخرَى [P] formal: I’m inclined to adopt another method; {bamīl latabanny ṭɑrīqa ʔuḵrɑ}
بِيْمِيْل ناحِ اليَمِين سِيَاسِيًّا [S] He leans toward the right in politics.
بِيْمِيل لِلتَّحَيُّز [S] He tends to be partial
To tilt, tip, incline, lean (ه =
مَيَّل ، يْمَيِّل
مَيِّلِ القَنِّيْنِة [P] tilt the bottle; {mayyelᴵ-l-qannīne}
إِذَا مَيَّلْتِ القَنِّيْنِة يِمْكِن فِيكِ تْطَالِعَهْا [S] If you tilt the bottle, you may be able to get it out
مَيِّل رَاسَك لَوَرَا [S] Tilt your head back,
لَا تْمَيِّل كِرْسِيْك كِلّْ هَالقَدّْ لَوَرَا [S] Don’t tilt your chair so far back
مَيِّل رَاسَك شْوَيِّة عَ الشّْمَاْل [S] Tip your head a little to the left
To make (ه = worse, worsen (ه = a situation), to aggravate (ه = a situation)
أَزَّم ، يْؤَزِّم
To make (ه = s.o.) lose (ه =
خَسَّر ، يْخَسِّر
To make (ه = s.o.) dizzy
دَوَّخ ، يْدَوِّخ
To become clear, obvious
تْبَيَّن ، يِتبَيَّن
مِن هَيْك بْيِتْبَيَّن إِنَّو [S] From this it follows that…
مِنِ البَحثِ تْبَيَّن ليِ اْنُّو [P] from the research it became clear to me
تْبَيَّن إِنَّهْا كَانِت غَلْطَة [S] It turned out to be a mistake
To summon (ه = / s.o.)
سْتَدْعَى ، يِسْتَدْعِي
To deteriorate, decline
تْدَهوَر ، يِتدَهوَر
To retreat, withdraw, fall back (من = from)
To revoke, go back on (من = from)
تْرَاجَع ، يِترَاجَع
الفَوْج تْرَاجَع قِدَّام دَبَّابَاتِ العَدُوّ [S] The battalion retreated in the face of the enemy tanks
الجَيْشِ تْرَاجَع قُدَّامهُم [P] they army retreated before them; {‘il-jēšᵉ tºrājaʕ quddāmhom}
ما فِينا نِتْرَاْجَع هَلَّق [S] We can’t back down now
بَعْدَيْنِ تْرَاجَع مِنِ الفِكرَة هَاي [P] he later retreated from the idea / he dropped the idea; {baʕºdēnᵉ tºrājaʕ minᴵ-l-fikrɑ hāy}
عَطَيْنَا كِلْمِتْنَا وْمَا فِيْنَا نِتْرَاجَع هَلَّق [S] We gave our word and we can’t turn back now.
To stabilise
سْتَقَرَّ ، يَسْتَقِرّ
To spare (على = s.o.)
بَقَّى ، يْبَقِّي