Adverbs / Phrases 6 Flashcards
Shame on you!
!حَرَام عَلَيْك
يا عَيْبِ الشُوم
What a pity
يَا حَرَاْم = حَرَاْم
يَا حَسرَة [P] what a pity! it’s a terrible thing
يَا خْسَاْرَة = خْسَارَة [S] interjection: What a pity
The Crusades
الحَمَلات الصَليبيّة
I seek forgiveness from God
أَستَغفِرَ الله
You have (in a shop)
في عندك
Who, which, that
Whoever, whichever, whatever
الوَلَدِ اللي شُفتُو [P] the boy whom I saw
عَشَان هَيْك ڥُلتِ اللي ڥُلتُو [P] because of that I said what I said
اِلّي جَابُوْه مِش رَح يْكَفّي [P] what they’ve brought won’t be sufficient
النَاسِ اللي بيْفَكّرُوا هَيْك [P] the people who think like that
مِن فَضْلَك رَجِّع الِكْتَاب يَللي اْسْتْعِرْتَو [S] Please return the book which you borrowed
اِلّي ڥَال لَك هَيْك [P] whoever told you that
مْنِيْحِ اللي جِيْتي [P] it’s good that you came
برَاڤُو عَلَيْكِ اللي فَكَّرت فِيْهَا [P] good for you that you thought of it
Nothing wrong with it
Not that bad
ما بو شي
On Saturdays
إيام السبت
At your place
ما رح اقدر اجي اتغدى عندك بكرا
Something very important came up
جد عليي شي كتير ضروري
We would’ve like you to be with us
كنّا حابّينك تكون معانا
Its fine, its okay, what can I do
When someone cancels on you for example
يلّا بسيطة
Who cares?!
مين باله؟!
After that
من بعدها
While I was speaking
أنا و عم إحكي
I broke down laughing
فرطت ضِحِك
I broke down crying
فرطت بِكي
The plan fell apart
فرط المشروع
Particle showing either exclamation or expressing a large amount
How many…! what a lot of…! how…!;
ياما شَمَّيْنا الهَوَا [L] how often we’ve gone out, we’ve gone out a lot!
ياما نصحتُه [L] how often I’ve advised him, I’ve given him so much advice!
يَامَا فِيْه نَاس بيْفَكّْرُوا [P] what a lot of people think that…; {yāma fīᴴ nās byºfakkºru}
يَامَا اْحلَاهَا هَدِيْكِ الأَيَّام [P] how wonder those days are
Get to know each other
نتعرف لبعض
Probably, likely
على الأرجح
From now on…
من هلقّ و رايح…
Thank you in advance
شكرًا سَلَف
I don’t care
ما بيهمني
Who cares about you?
مين قاريك؟
I lost my temper
طلعت من تيابي
End of discussion
نقطة عالسطر
Instead, in place of, as a substitute for, in exchange for
ما فِيْكِ تْرُوْح عَوَاضِي [S] Couldn’t you go instead of me?
مِمْكِن آخُدِ كْتَاب عَوَاض هَادا [S] May I have another book in place of this one?
عَمِ نْدَوِّر على واحْدِ بَدَال سِكِرْتَيْرِتْنَا = عَمِ نْدَوِّر على واحْدِ عَوَاْض سِكِرْتَيْرِتْنَا [S] We’re looking for a replacement for our secretary
السَّمْنِة النَّبَاتِيِّة مِسْتَعْمَلِة كْتِير عَوَاضِ الزِّبْدِة [S] Margarine is frequently used as a substitute for butter
اْكْتُب (كْتَوْب) فَاصْلِة عَوَاض نِقِطْتَيْن [S] Use a comma instead of a colon
رِدّ عَ التَلِفَون عَوَاضِي عْمِيْل مَعْرُوْف [S] Would you answer the telephone for me please
عَطَيْتَو عِلْبِة سِيْگَاْرَاْت عَوَاض قَدَّاْحْتَو [S] I gave him a cigarette case in exchange for his lighter,
بَسّْ عَم اِشْتِغِل عَوَاض أَخِي هَللي مَرِيْض [S] I’m just helping out for my brother who’s ill
Clear, evident, (to) appear (that), seem that
Note that a pronoun can be added on, as in: تاريه مِش هَون [L] it seems he is not here
تاريه مِش هَون [L] it seems he is not here;
تاريك ما بْتِفْهَم [L] it seems you don’t understand;
تاري فيه زَوَايِد [L] It seemed there were some extras
تارِيك [L] it appears that you…