Verbs 25 Flashcards
To repress, bottle up (ه =
كَبَت، يِكبِت
بيْصِيْر إِشي بيْكبِتُو بْدَاخلُو اِنْكَبَت [P] (when) something happens he bottles it up inside him; {byºṣīr ʔišy byºkbᵉto bºdāḵlo}
كَبَت شَهوَاتُو [P] he repressed his desire
To plait, weave, twine (ه =
شَبَّك، يْشَبِّك
بيْشَبِّك قَشّ [P] he plaits straw
To bleach (ه =
شَقَّر، يْشَقِّر
To become blonde
اْشْقَرّ / اْشْگَرّ، يِشْقَرّ / يِشْگَرّ
شَعَرْهَا يِشْقَرّ (يِشْگَرّ) مِن تِلْعَب بِالشَّمِس [I] Her hair becomes blond when she plays in the sun.
To devalue (ه = currency)
To reduce, cut, mark down (ه = a price)
خَفَّض، يْخَفِّض
هالأَسْعارِ بْتِتْخَفَّضِ الشَّهْرِ الجَّايِ [S] These prices will be cut next month
مُمكِنِ تْخَفّْضُوا الصَوْت [P] could you keep the noise down?
خَفَّضُوا قِيْمِةِ العُملِة [P] they decreased the value of the currency, devalued the currency;
أَكِيْد لِسَّا بِيْخَفّْضُوا الَأسْعَار شِي يَوْم = أَكِيْد لِسَّا بِيْنَزّْلُوا الَأسْعَار شِي يَوْم = أَكِيْد لِسَّا بِيْوَطُّوا الَأسْعَار شِي يَوْم [S] They will lower the prices some day, I’m sure
المَنْطَوْيَات مْخَفَّض سِعْرُهْن مِن أَرِبْعِين دَوْلَار لَتْلَاتِين [S] The coats have been marked down from forty to thirty dollars
الشِّرْكِة خَفَّضِت مَعَشَات أَرْبَع مِسْتَخْدَمِيْن [S] The company cut the salaries of four employees
المَكْتَبِ الرَّئِيسِي خَفَّض بَدَل سَفَرَو [S] The main office decreased his travel allowance
To drop, fall, decrease, be reduced
اْنخَفَض سِعرِ الدُولَار [P] the price of the dollar has dropped, the dollar exchange rate dropped; {‘ºnḵɑfɑḍ siʕrᴵ-d-dolɑr}
اْنخَفضَت دَرجِةِ الحَرَارَة [P] the temperature has dropped; {‘ºnḵɑfḍɑt darjeᴵ-l-ḥɑrᾱrɑ}
To come (من = of), result (من = from)
طِلِع، يِطْلَع
يا تَرَى شُو بْيِطْلَع مِن تَطْبِيق هالفِكْرَة [S] I wonder how this idea would work out?
ما طِلِع مِنَّهْا شِي [S] Nothing came of it
To barter with (ه = s.o.), trade with (ه = s.o.)
قايَض، يْقَاْيِض
• بدّو يقايضني سيارتو بموتسيكل. (Baddo yuqāyiḍni sayyarto b-motsekil.) • “He wants to trade his car for a motorcycle.
To get trapped
To narrow down (ب = to)
اْنْحَصَر تَحِت جِسِر حَدِيد وَقَع عَلَيْه [S] He got trapped under a fallen girder
المَسْأَلِة اْنْحَصْرِت بْهالنِقْطَة، مِحِرْزِة الشَّغْلِة وِللا لَا [S] The question has narrowed down to this: Is it worth while or not
To read the future, tell the fortune (ل = for s.o.)
To put off, temporize, give (ه = s.o.) the runaround;
مَاطَل، يْمَاطِل
حَاْوِلِ تْمَاطْلَو لَبَيْن ما اِحْكِي مَعِ الرَّئِيْس [S] Try to hold him off for a while until I’ve talked to the boss
مَا فِيكِ تْمَاطْلَو شْوَيِّة [S] I can’t put off the matter any longer,
ما فِيكِ تْمَاطْلَو شْوَيِّة [S] Can’t you put him off for a while?
بيْمَاطِلني مِنِ اليَوْم لَبُكرَا وْلَبَعِد بُكرَا [P] he puts me off from today to tomorrow and then the day after; {byºmᾱṭelny minᴵ-l-yōm labukrɑ wºlabaʕᵉd bukrɑ}
بَعِد كُلِّ المُمَاطَلَاتِ اللي مَاطَلُوْنَا [P] after all the runaround they gave us;
To explain, make (ه = s.o.) understanding (ه =
فَهَّم، يْفَهِّم
أَنَا فَهَّمتُو [P] I explained (it) to him; { ʔana fahhamto}
بِدّي تْفَهِّمني إِشي [P] I want you to help me understand something; {biddy tºfahhemny ʔišy}
طَيِّب، أَنَا بَفَهّْمَك [P] okay, I’ll explain (it) to you; {ṭɑyyeb، ʔana bafahhºmak}
فَهِّمْنِي شُو بْتِقْصُد [S] Just what do you mean?
اِنْتِا شُو بِيْفَهّْمَك [S] What do you know?
ما لِي عَرْفَان كِيف بِدِّي فَهّْمَو إِنَّو [S] I don’t know how to put it across to him that…
نْشَالله كُوْن فَهَّمْتَك هالنِّقْطَة بْوُضُوح [S] Did make myself clear on that point?
ما حْسِنِت فَهّْمَو الفِكْرَة [S] I wasn’t able to get the idea across to him
To bind (ه = s.o., ب = in
أَلْزَم، يِلْزِم
مِتْأَسِّف ما فِيني اِلْزِم حالِي بْهالوَقِت [S] I’m sorry, can’t commit myself just yet
صَعِب تِلِزْمَو بْشِي [S] It’s difficult to nail him down to anything.
الكَوْنْتْرَا بْتِلِزْمَو يْخَلِّصِ الشَغْلِة بْسِنِة [S] The contract binds him to finish the job within a year
To authorise, empower, give full authority (ه = s.o.)
فَوَّض، يْفَوِّض
تْفَوَّض / اِتْفَوَّض، يِتْفَوَّض
المُدِيْر فَوَّضُو [P] the director gave him full authority; {‘il-mudīr fɑwwɑḍo}
لَازِمِ تْفَوِّض وَاحَد يِمضي عَنَّك [P] you have to authorize someone to sign for you
To walk (في = in water), to play (في = in water)
To ululate (i.e. make a high-pitched trilling sound, which is uttered by women on happy occasions such as wedding.)
زَغرَت، يْزَغرِت
To bother extremely
طَوَّشُونا، بَدْنَا نْسَكِّر [L] they’ve bothered us with their noise, we need to close (said of two people arguing and preventing a shop from closing);
طَوَّشوا الدِنِي بهالمَوْقِف [L] they made the world into an uproar with this position (in context: they took a position and got it all over the news and created a big media storm);
To flap, flutter
رَفرَف / رَفرَف، يْرَفرِف
العَلَم بيْرَفرِف [P] the flag flutters / flaps; {‘il-ʕalam byºrafref}
شُفتِ الفَرَاشِة بْعَيْنَيّ، عَم بِترَفرِف حَوَالَيْ [P] I saw the butterfly with my eyes, it was fluttering around me (line from a children’s song); {šuftᴵ-l-farāše bºʕēnayy، ʕam bitrafref ḥawālē}
الأَعْلَام كانِت عَمِ تْرَفْرِف بِالهَوَا [S] The flags were waving in the breeze
الأَعْلَام كانِت عَمِ تْرَفْرِف بِالنَّسِيْم [S] The flags were flapping in the breeze
العَصْفُوْر ضَلّ يْرَفْرِف بِجْناحاتَو بَسّْ ما قِدِر يْطِير مِن عَ الأَرْض [S] The bird kept flapping its wings but couldn’t get off the ground
To prey upon
اْفتَرَس، يِفتَرِس / يِفتْرِس
بْيِفترِسِ الغَنَم [P] he devours the sheep
As ye sow, so shall ye reap
هَللي بْتِزْرَعَو بْتِحِصْدَو
To increase gradually, rise, grow (steadily or gradually)
عَدَدِ السِّكَّان عَم يِتْزَاْيَدِ بْسِرْعَة مَهُوْلِة [S] The population grows at a fantastic rate
To act hastily, to rush into something without thinking carefully.
تْسَرَّع، يِتسَرَّع
أَحْسَن لَك ما تِتْسَرَّعِ بْقَرَرَاتَك [S] You shouldn’t make hasty decisions
بْمَحَلَّك ما بِتْسَرَّع فِيْهَا [S] I wouldn’t be hasty about it
لا تِتْسَرَّع بِالاِسْتِنْتَاْج [S] Don’t jump to conclusions
لا تِتْسَرَّع [S] Don’t rush yourself
لا تِتْسَرَّعِ بْحِكْمَك [S] Don’t make snap judgments
لا تِتْسَرَّع [S] Don’t jump the gun!
مَا تِتسَرَّع في الكَوْربَا [P] don’t go too fast on the curve; {ma titsarraʕ fy-l-kōrba}
بيْتسَرَّع في قَرَارَاتُو [P] he takes his decisions too hastily;