Adverbs / Phrases 4 Flashcards
According to, in accordance with
حَسَب + إضافة [S] either 1. in accordance with, conforming with or 2. according to, 3. depending on
بْحَسَب + إضافة [S] either 1. in accordance with, conforming with or 2. according to, 3. depending on
حَسَبِ الظُرُوْف [P] according to the circumstances; {ḥasabᴵ-ẓ-ẓurūf}
حَسَبِ التَعلِيْمَات [P] in accordance with the instructions; {ḥasabᴵ-t-taʕlīmāt}
حَسَب شُو بْيِصِير [V] depending on what happens
حَسَب رَأيِي [P] in my opinion; {ḥasab rɑʔ¡yi}
حَسَب اِخْتِيار + ضمير [S] of one’s own accord
عِمِلَهْا حَسَب اِخْتِيَارَو = عِمِلَهْا حَسَب مَشِيْئْتَو [S] He did it of his own accord.
حَسَب طَلَبَك مْنِبْعَت لَك تْلِتْة نِسَخ تَانْيِة [S] In accordance with your request, we are sending you three more copies.
حَسَب اِلاِحْصَاءَات اِالجْدِيْدِة عَدَ اِلسِكَّان زَاد خَمْسِة بِالمِيِّة [S] According to recent statistics, the population has increased by five percent.
كِلّ شِي تْنَفَّذ حَسَب اِلتَعْلِيْمَات [S] Everything was carried out according to instructions,
هُوِّ مِن أَصِل نَبِيل = هُوِّ أَصِيْلِ الحَسَب وِالنَّسَب [S] He’s of noble descent
اْنْصَفُّوا بْحَسَبِ الطُّوْل [S] Line up in order of height
بْحَسَبِ القَانُونِ الجّْدِيدِ الضَّرَايِب لَحَ تْكُوْن أَعْلَى [S] Under the new law, taxes will be higher,
بْحَسَبِ الكَوْنْتْرَات مُو مِمْكِن صَرْفَو مْنِ الخِدْمِة بِدُون إِشْعَار واجِب [S] Under the contract, he cannot be fired without due notice
حَسَب قَوْلَو لازِمِ تْكُوْن ذَكِيِّة كْتِيْر [S] From what he says she must be a very bright girl
As far as (.. I am aware)
حَسَبْ مَا
حَسَبْ مَا بَعْرِف كِلّْ شِي مَاشِي مْنِيح [S] As far as I know everything is all right
حَسَبْ ما بَعْرِف لِسَّاه بْأُسْتْرَاْلْيَا [S] So far as I know he is still in Australia
حَسَب ما لِي شايِف مَعَو حَقّ [S] As far as can see, he’s right.
حَسَب مَا بَعْرِف ما في إِلَك بَوْسْطَة [S] As far as know, there’s no mail for you.
Perhaps, maybe, might be, it is possible that
بيْجُوْز [V] it’s possible (often followed by a sentence, like it’s possible he is going to the store); {byºjūz}
بِيْجُوْز إِجِي مَعْكُن [S] Perhaps I’ll come along
بِيْجُوْز يْكُوْن قال هالشِّي [S] He could have said that.
بِيْجُوْز = جايِز = مِمْكِن [S] It could be. (as a response)
بِيْجُوْز اْكُون مُو مَوْجُود لَـمّا تَعْمِل لِي تَلِفَون [S] I’m apt to be out when you call.
بِيْجُوْز يْكُوْن قال هالشِّي [S] He could have said that.
الأَحَد يِمْكِن يْكُون مِنْدَفِن بِنت حَماتِي [L] Sunday we might be burying my sister in law (note combination of يمكن يكون + اسم الفاعل, translated “we might be burying”);
هُوِّ في البَيْت؟ — يِمكِن [P] is he at at home? — he might be; {huwwe fy-l-bēt? — yimken}
يِمكِن رَاح [P] he might have gone; {yimken rᾱḥ}
يِمكِن يِرجَع [P] he might come back
Modal of possibility: maybe, possibly, can
مِمْكِن اِحْتِفِظ بْهالقَلَم = فِيني اِحْتِفِظ بْهالقَلَم = بْتِسْمَح لِي اِحْتِفِظ بْهالقَلَم [S] May I keep this
مُمكِن آجي بُكرَا [P] may I come tomorrow?; {mumken ʔājy bukrɑ}
بِيْجُوْز = جايِز = مِمْكِن [S] It could be. (as a response)
مِمْكِن اْكُوْن قِلْتَهْا [S] I may have said it
مِمْكِن هالشِّي يْكُوْن هَيْك [S] That may be so
مِمْكِن اْرُوْح إِذَا عَزَمُوْنِي [S] I might go if they invite me
مِمْكِن اِحْتِفِظ بْهالقَلَم = فِيني اِحْتِفِظ بْهالقَلَم = بْتِسْمَح لِي اِحْتِفِظ بْهالقَلَم [S] May I keep this pencil?
مِين مِمْكِن يْكُوْن عِمِل هالشِّي = يَا تَرَى مِين عِمِل هالشِّي [S] Who might have done that?
مِمْكِن مُو بِالبَيْت هِنِّة [S] Maybe they’re not at home
خَلِّيْنَا نِفْتِكِر بْكِلّْ خَطْوِة مِمِكْنِة = خَلِّيْنَا نِفْتِكِر بْكِلّْ خَطْوِة مِمْكِن نَعْمِلَهْا [S] Let’s consider every possible step,
بْتِقْدِر / بْتِحْسِن / مِمْكِن / فِيك تِتِّصِل فيِّ السَّاعَة تْلاتِة [S] Can you call me up at three o’clock?
ما بْتِقْدِر / ما بْتِحْسِن / مُو مِمْكِن / ما فِيك تِسْبَحِ بْهَالبُحَيْرَة [S] You can’t go swimming in this lake,
كان بْيِقْدِر / بْيِحْسِن / مِمْكِن / فِيه يْكُوْن أَوَّل واحِد بِالصَّفّ لَو راد [S] He could be first in class if he wanted to. (one could also say كان بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيدَو or كان بْإِمكَانَو )
مِمْكِن / بِحْسِن / فِيِّ / بِقْدِر اِتْطَلَّع عَلَيه، مِن فَضْلَك [S] Could I look at it, please? (one could also say بْتِسْمَح لِي , i.e. would you let me)
At most
Also, as well
Taking after
طالع ل
To a certain extent
الغَابِة كانِت كَثِيْفِة لَدَرَجِة كِنَّا رَحَ نْضَوِّع طَرِيْقْنَا [S] The forest was so thick we nearly lost our way
كِنِت مَشْغُوْل لَدَرَجِة بِالكَاد لَاحَظْتَو [S] I was so
busy I scarcely noticed
الِـمْحاضَرَة كانِت نَاْشْفِة لَدَرَجِة إِنِّي حَمَلْت حالِي وِمْشِيْت [S] The lecture was so dry, I walked out
Most of all
أكتر شي
Carefully, attentively
بْاِنْتِبَاه = بِعْنايِة
نَوعاً ما
Actually, really, truly
عَن صَحِيح
من حقيقة
يا تَرَى كَتَب هَالمَكْتُوْب عَن صَحِيح [S] Did he actually write this letter
Most / most
Of course
For sure, definitely (as a response)
Positively, entirely, for sure, sure, certainly (adverb)
On the contrary
أَمْلاكِ الغَيْر other people’s property;
حاجات غَيْري things that belong to those other than myself, other people’s things;
غَيْرَك خَدُه someone other than you took it;
شُوْف غَيْرْنا find someone other than us;
لازِم نِسْتَحْمِل خَطَأ الغَيْر we have to put up with others’ mistakes
At that time, then
In due course, at the time of, then, by then (fixed form) (note generic feminine)
مِن وَقْتَهْا [S] since (fixed form, note generic ها )
مِن وَقْتَهْا ما إِجَانَا أَيّْ خَبَر مِنَّو [S] We haven’t heard from him since
مِنْخَبّْرَكِ بْوَقْتَهْا [S] We will notify you in due course,
وَقْتَهْا هَلَّق هَيْدِي، رَبِيع [L] is it really time for that, Rabii’?
حَكَا لَك عَلَيْهَا وَقْتَهْا وِللا بَعْدَيْن [S] Did he talk to you about it then or later?
مَشْغُولِة وَقْتَهْا، بَرْكِي فاضْيِة هَلَّق [S] She was busy then, but she might be free now.
بِنْتِظِر لَوَقْتَهْا لَأْقَرِّر [S] I’ll wait then to decid
Since (e.g. since you are here, I will see you)
Given that
بِما إنّو
By word of mouth
من تم لتم
Don’t try to indirectly ask for something because I’m not going to do it for you
ما تسمِّع حَكي
When someone tries to deliver a message indirectly
عم يسمّعِ(ني) حَكي
Nice to meet you
تشرّفت بمعرفتك
In response to hello
He talks too much in terms of gossiping / He can’t keep a secret
لسانه طويل /لسانها طويل
Time flies
الوقت بيركض ركض
The days are going by so fast
الايام عم تركض ركض
Known for
معروف عن
Most of the time
أغلب الأوقات
أكتر الوقت
Worse, worst
From bad to worse
مِنِ السَيِّء لِلأَسوَأ