Vagus Nerve Flashcards
Same except parasympathetic from dorsal nucleus vagus
- Leaves skull via jugular foramen
- Descend inside carotid sheath between ICA and IJV then between CCA and IJV
- Enters thorax by passing in front of 1st part subclavian artery
Has 2 ganglia superior (inside jugular foramen) and inferior ( inside carotid sheath)
2 branches from superior ganglion:
1. Meningeal
2. Auricular
2 branches from inferior ganglion:
1. Pharyngeal
2. Superior laryngeal
2 cardiac branches:
1. Superior
2. Inferior
Recurrent laryngeal
Posterior cranial fossa dura
- External auditory meatus
- Ear drum
Pharyngeal course
Passes between ECA and ICA ending in pharyngeal plexus on middle constrictor muscle
Pharyngeal supply
- All pharynx muscles except Stylopharyngeus
- All soft palate muscles except tensor palati (contains fibers from cranial root accesory nerve)
Superior laryngeal
Passes deep to ECA and ICA dividing into:
1. Internal laryngeal
2. External laryngeal
Internal laryngeal
Pierces thyrohyoid membrane to larynx mucosa above vocal cords and epiglottis
External laryngeal
Accompanies superior thyroid artery to circothyroid or larynx
External laryngeal supply
Gives a twig to pharynx inferior constrictor
Cardiac branches
To cardiac plexus heart
Recurrent laryngeal right
Arises from right vagus in root of neck (hooking around subclavian artery)
Recurrent laryngeal left
Arises from left vagus in thorax (hooking around arch aorta)
Recurrent laryngeal
Both ascend between trachea and esophagus entering larynx deep to inferior constrictor lower border
Recurrent laryngeal branches
- Motor
- Sensory
- Branches to trachea, esophagus, and heart
- All muscles larynx (except cricothyroid)
- Inferior constrictor
Mucosa larynx below vocal cords