Ear: Middle Ear Flashcards
Ventricle space lying within petrous temporal bone
- Anterior: nasopharynx via auditory tube
- Posterior: mastoid antrum via aditus ad antrum
Resembles biconcave lens:
1. Very narrow from side to side (2mm)
2. Longer in its anteroposterior and vertical diameters (15mm)
6 walls
- Roof
- Floor
- Anterior wall
- Posterior wall
- Medial wall
- Lateral wall
Tygmen tympani
Thin convex bone plate: separates middle ear from jugular fossa
Anterior wall
From above downwards:
1. Canal for tensor tympani
2. Bony part of auditory tube
3. Ascending part carotid canal
Posterior wall
- Aditus ad antrum
- Pyramid
- Ventricle part of facial canal behind pyramid
Aditus ad antrum
Opening communicating upper part middle ear with mastoid antrum
- Small conical bony projection
- Contains: Stapedius origin
Lateral wall
Tympanic membrane and bone surrounding
Medial wall
Thin bone plate separates middle from inner ear
Has the following:
1. Promontory
2. Oval window
3. Round window
4. Horizontal pat of facial canal
Rounded central bulging with tympanic plexus on it
Oval window
Above and behind promontory closed by stapes
Round window
Below and behind promontory closed by secondary tympanic membrane
Horizontal part of facial canal
Runs Bacardi’s above promontory and oval window
- Ossicles
- Muscles
- Nerves
- Blood vessels
3 ossicles articulating together by synovial joints from lateral to medial:
1. Malleus
2. Incus
3. Stapes
Fixed to tympanic membrane inner surface
Begin malleus and stapes
Closes oval window
Tensor tympani and Stapedius acting together reflexly to damp down high noise by decreasing tympanic membrane vibration and stapes movements
- Tympanic plexus
- Chorda tympani
Blood vessels
- Anterior and posterior tympanic arteries
- Tympanic branches from ICA
- Middle meningeal artery
- Ascending pharyngeal artery
Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube
- Bony cartilaginous tube (36 mm long) begins from middle ear anterior wall directed downwards, forwards, and medial to end in nasopharynx 1 cm behind inferior concha
- Normally closed at rest, but opened by combined action of tensor palati and Levator palati during swallowing and yawning