Cerebellum Flashcards
Largest part of hindbrain, lying in posterior cranial fossa
Relations: above
Tentorium cerebelli separating it from cerebral hemispheres
Relations: in front
Back of pons and medulla separated by 4th ventricle
Relations: lateral
- Sigmoid Dural sinuses
- Mastoid antrum
- Mastoid air cells
- Two large lateral cerebellar hemispheres
- Vermis
Cerebellar hemispheres
Formed of many gyri called folia separated by deep fissures
Narrow median part joining the two cerebellar hemispheres.
It is divided into superior and inferior vermis
- 2 Notches
- 2 Surfaces
- Anterior notch
- Posterior notch
Anterior notch
Wide notch related to brain stem back
Posterior notch
Narrow notch receiving Falx cerebelli
- Superior surface
- Inferior surface
Superior surface content
- Superior vermis
- Fissure prima (primary fissure)
Inferior surface content
- Vallecula
- Inferior vermis
- Flocculus
- Tonsil
Superior vermis
Median longitudinal ridge merging with cerebellar hemispheres
Superior vermis is formed of?
Formed of 5 lobes
1. Lingula
2. Central lobule
3. Culmen
4. Declive
5. Folium (from before backwards)
Fissura prima
Wide V-shaped fissure separating anterior lobe from middle (posterior lobe)
Deep median longitudinal groove between inferior surfaces of both hemispheres
Inferior vermis
Longitudinal ridge lying in Vallecula
Inferior vermis lobules
- Nodule
- Uvula
- Pyramid
- Tuber vermis from before backward
- Lies on each side along anterior border of inferior surface hemisphere
- Almost isolated from hemisphere by posterolateral fissure
- The 2 oculi are connected to nodules forming
flocculo-nodular lobe
- Small part of hemisphere on either side of inferior vermis uvula
- It is partly separated from hemisphere inferior surface by retrotonsillar fissure
- Primary
- Posterolateral
- Horizontal
Primary fissure
On superior surface separating anterior from posterior lobes
Posterolateral fissure
Separates flocculondular lobe from rest of hemisphere
Horizontal fissure
Separates superior and inferior surfaces of cerebellum
- Anatomical division
- Functional division
Anatomical division
Divided by primary and posterolateral fissures into 3 anatomical lobes:
1. Anterior lobe
2. Posterior lobe
3. Flocculo-nodular lobe
Anterior lobe
Area on superior surface cranial to primary fissure
Posterior lobe
Large area between primary and posterolateral fissures lying in superior and inferior surfaces
Flocculo-nodular lobe
Consists of right and left flocculi and median nodule lying in caudal to posterolateral fissure
Functional division
3 functional zones:
1. Vestibule-cerebellum (Archi-cerebellum)
2. Spino cerebellum (paleo-cerebellum)
3. Cerebro-cerebellum (neo-cerebellum)
Oldest part of cerebellum Phylogenitically
- Formed of flocculo-nodular lobe
- Connected with internal ear vestibular system
- Concerned with equilibrium
- Formed of vermal (midline vermis) and paravermal (part of hemisphere adjacent and parallel to vermis) zones
- Connected with spinal cord and brain stem
- Concerned with regulation of muscle tone and muscle coordination
- Connected with cerebral cortex
- It is concerned with planning and control of movements
Atrial supply
- Superior cerebellar artery
- Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
Superior cerebellar artery
From basilar artery supplies superior surface
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
From basilar artery supplies small anterior part of inferior surface
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
From vertebral artery
Supplies large posterior part of inferior