Oral Cavity: Tongue Flashcards
Muscular mass invested by mucous membrane
- Tip
- Root
- Margins
- 2 surfaces
- Lower (ventral) surface
- Upper (dorsal) surafce
Lower surface
Smooth and related to mouth floor shows:
1. Frenulum linguae
2. Deep lingual vein
3. Fimbriated ridge
Frenulum linguae
Mucous membrane raised ridge connecting tongue and mouth floor ending posterior by sublingual papillae
Deep lingual vein
On each side of frenulum, extending backwards from tongue tip
Fimbrated ridge
Lateral to deep lingual vein
Fimbrated ridge
Lateral to deep lingual vein
Upper surface
Rough (lingual papillae) divided by V-shaped groove (sulcus terminalis) into 2 parts:
1. Anterior 2/3 (oral part)
2. Posterior 1/3 (pharyngeal part)
Oral part
- Lies in mouth cavity
- Directed upwards
- Contains lingual papillae:
- vallate
- fungiform
- foliate
All contain taste buds except filiform - 2 sensory nerves:
- lingual
- chorda tympani
Pharyngeal part
- Lies in Oropharynx
- Directed backwards
- Contains lingual tonsil (lymph mass in submucosa)
- 1 sensory nerve:
- Glossopharyngeal
- Extrinsic
- Intrinsic
Extrinsic muscles
- Styloglossus
- Genioglossus
- Palatoglossus
- Hyoglossus
Intrinsic muscles
- Superior longitudinal
- Inferior longitudinal
- Transverse
- Vertical
Styloglossus origin
Styloid process tip
Styloglossus action
Retracts tongue
Genioglossus origin
From upper genial tubercle
Genioglossus action
Protrudes tongue
Palatoglossus origin
Palatine aponeurosis
Palatoglossus action
Elevates tongue
Hyoglossus origin
Hyoid bone
Hyoglossus action
Depresses tongue
Intrinsic muscle
They change shape of tongue turning its tip upwards or downwards and folding its borders
Nerve supply
- Motor
- Sensory
All muscles (extrinsic and intrinsic) are supplied by hypoglossal nerve except Palatoglossus by pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory via pharyngeal branch of vagus)
Anterior 2/3:
1. Lingual nerve
2. Chorda tympani
Posterior 1/3:
1. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Root: in front of epiglottis
1. Internal laryngeal nerve (vagus nerve)
Lingual nerve
For general sensation
Chorda tympani
For taste sensation
Glossopharyngeal nerve
For general and taste sensations
Internal laryngeal nerve
For general sensation
Atrial supplu
- Deep artery of tongue (profounda linguae)
- 2 dorsal lingual arteries
Profunda linguae
Continuation of lingual artery
1. Tongue anterior part and tip
Anastomoses with opposite artery at tip
Dorsal lingual arteries
From 2nd part lingual artery
1. Tongue posterior part
Venous drainage
- Deep lingual vein
- Lingual artery venae comitants
Deep lingual vein
- Extends from tongue tip backwards on lower surface muslsa
- Joined by sublingual vein forming vena comitants of hypoglossal nerve
- Runs superficial to Hyoglossus ending in lingual vein
- End in IJV
Lingual artery venae comitants
Runs deep to hypoglossus receiving 2 dorsal lingual veins ending in lingual vein
Lymph drainage
Anterior 2/3:
1. Tip and frenulum
2. Margins
3. Central part
Posterior 1/3
Tip and frenulum
Submental nodes
- Submandibular node
- Jugulodigastric node
- Jugulo-omohyoid node
on the same side
Central part
- Submandibular node
- Jugulodigastric node
- Jugulodigastric-omohyoid node
On both sides of the
Posterior 1/3
Jugulodigastric and Jugulodigastric-omohyoid nodes on the same side in case of margins and on both sides and in case of central part