Cerebral Hemisphere White Matter: Commisural Fibers Flashcards
Band of white matter connecting part of CNS on one side with the same part of opposite side crossing middle line helping to coordinate activities of both hemispheres
5 major commissures
- Corpus callosum
- Anterior commissure
- Posterior commissure
- Hippocampal commissure
- Habenular commissure
Corpus callosum
Arched mass of fibers 10 cm long connecting nearly all area of both cerebral hemispheres except anterior parts of temporal lobes which are connected by anterior commissure
Corpus callosum site
Lies at median longitudinal fissure bottom nearer to frontal lobe than occipital lobe
Corpus callosum contents
- Genu
- Rostrum
- Body (trunk)
- Splenium
Blood supply corpus callosum
All supplied by anterior cerebral anterior except splenium which is supplied by posterior cerebral artery
Genu site
Most anterior part of corpus
Genu attachment
Its posterior aspect gives attachemnet to septum pellucidum in median plane and forms anterior limit of lateral ventricle anterior horn each side
Genu fibers
Fibers passing through curve forwards and medial into frontal lobe forming forceps anterior (minor) connecting prefrontal region on either side
Rostrum site
Connected to optic chiasma by grey matter sheet, lamina terminalis
Rostrum attachment
Its upper surface is attached to septum pellucidum in median plane and forms anterior horn floor of lateral ventricle on each side
Rostrum fibers
Fibers passing through connect orbital surfaces of both frontal lobes
Body site
Extends from genu to splenium lying at median longitudinal fissure bottom
Body attachment
- In median plane, it’s lower surface gives attachment to septum pellucidum in front
- It’s closely related to fornix body behind
- On each side, it’s lower surface forms roof of anterior horn and central part lateral ventricle
Body fibers
Fibers passing through connect both parietal lobes and posterior parts of both frontal lobes
Splenium site
Most posterior part of corpus callosum
Splenium fibers
- Fibers passing through curve backwards and medial into occipital lobe forming forceps posterior (major) causing bulging into posterior horn medial wall of lateral ventricle, bulb of posterior horn
- Some of the fibers of splenium and body posterior part form roof and lateral wall of lateral ventricle posterior horn as they pass lateral then downwards into occipital and temporal lobes, constituting tapetum
Anterior commissure
Small round bundle of fibers crossing middle line within lamina terminalis forming part of 3rd ventricle anterior wall
Anterior commissure fibers
Some of its fibers join olfactory tract lateral root but the remainder pass to temporal lobe cortex of….
It connects temporal lobes,….
Hippocampal commissure
Crosses midline between bodies and 2 cura of fornix, connecting hippocampi of both sides
Posterior commissure
Slender bundle of fibers lying in pineal stalk lower aspect connecting right and left:
1. Superior colliculi
2. Pretectal nuclei
3. Medial longitudinal bundles
Habenular commissure
Bundle of fibers lying in pineal stalk upper aspect above pineal recess and posterior commissure connecting right and left Habenular nuclei