Digastric Triangle: Suprahyoid Muscles Flashcards
Digastric triangle
Submandibular region
Auprahyoid msucles
- Geniohyoid
- Digastric
- Mylohyoid
- Stylohyoid
Geniohyoid origin
Lower genial tubercle mandible
Geniohyoid insertion
Anterior surface hyoid body
Geniohyoid nerve supply
C1 via hypoglossal nerve
Geniohyoid action
- Elevation of hyoid in swallowing (if mandible is fixed)
- Depression of mandible (if hyoid is fixed)
Digastric origin
- Anterior belly: digastric fossa mandible
- Posterior belly: digastric (mastoid) notch mastoid process
Digastric insertion
Intermediate tendon (connected to hyoid by fibrous loop)
Digastric nerve supply
- Anterior belly
Nerve to mylohyoid (Mandibular nerve) - Posterior belly
Facial nerve
Digastric action
- Elevation of hyoid in swallowing (if mandible is fixed)
- Depression of mandible (if hyoid is fixed)
Mylohyoid origin
Other name: Diaphragma oris
Mylohyoid line mandible
Mylohyoid insertion
- Anterior and middle fibers: mylohyoid raphe
- Posterior fibers: hyoid body
Mylohyoid nerve supply
Nerve to mylohyoid from inferior alveolar nerve (Mandibular nerve)
Mylohyoid action
- Elevation of hyoid and mouth flor in swallowing (if mandible is fixed)
- Depression of mandible (if hyoid is fixed)
Relations anterior belly: superficial
- Skin
- Fascia
Relations anterior belly: deep
Mylohyoid muscle
Relations posterior belly: superficial
- 1 vein
- anterior or common facial vein - 2 bones
- mastoid process
- mandible angle - 2 glands
- parotid (lower end)
- submandibular - 3 muscles
- sternomastoid
- Masseter
- medial pterygoid
Relations posterior belly: deep
- 1 muscle
- hypoglossus - 3 large blood vessels
- IJV - 3 small arteries
- lingual
- facial
- occipital - 3 last cranial nerves
- 10th
- 11th
- 12th
Posterior belly borders: upper
- Stylohyoid muscle
- Posterior auricular artery
Posterior belly borders: deep
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Occipital artery
Relations mylohyoid muscle: superficial (lower)
- Skin
- Superficial fascia (contains Platysma)
- Deep fascia
- Submandibular gland (superficial part
- Anterior belly digastric
- Nerve to mylohyoid
- Facial artery and it’s submental branches
- Submental lymph nodes
Relations mylohyoid: deep (upper
4 muscles
2 glands
2 nerves
1 ganglion
1 artery
1. Hypoglossus
2. Lateral to hypoglossus
- styloglossus
- lingual nerve
- submandibular ganglion
- deep part submandibular gland and its duct
- hypoglossal nerve and its vena comitants
- suprahyoid artery
3. Anterior to hypoglossus
- geniohyoid
- genioglossus
- sublingual gland
- 3rd part lingual artery and it’s sublingual branch