Translation Book 7 - Booklet 1 Flashcards
Eres demasiado pesimista.
You’re too pessimistic.
¿Tienes suficiente dinero?
Do you have enough money?
Show it to me.
¿Dónde estabas cuando ocurrió?
Where were you when it happened?
Son casi tan altos como yo.
They’re almost as tall as I am.
¿Sabes escribir una carta comercial?
Do you know how to write a business letter?
Me canso fácilmente.
I get tired easily.
Bring it to me.
Esto es mucho mejor.
This is much better.
Hay muchos errores pequeños.
There are a lot of small mistakes.
Hazlo así.
Do it like this.
Siempre le llevan en coche.
They always take him by car.
¿Sabes dónde viven?
Do you know where they live?
No dejes tus cosas aquí.
Don’t leave your things here.
Déjame intentarlo.
Let me try.