Translation Book 5 - Booklet 3 Flashcards
Te daré el tuyo.
I’ll give you yours.
Tengo el mío porque me pertenece a mí.
I have mine because it belongs to me.
Tienes el tuyo porque te pertenece a ti.
You have yours because it belongs to you.
Él tiene el suyo porque le pertenece a él.
He has his because it belongs to him.
Ella tiene el suyo porque le pertenece a ella.
She has hers because it belongs to her.
Tenemos el nuestro porque nos pertenece.
We have ours because it belongs to us.
Tenéis el vuestro porque os pertenece.
You have yours because it belongs to you.
Tienen el suyo porque les pertenece.
They have theirs because it belongs to them.
Guardo mi libro donde guardas el tuyo.
I keep my book where you keep yours.
Guardas tu libro donde guardamos el nuestro.
You keep your book where we keep ours.
El guarda su libro donde ella guarda el suyo.
He keeps his book where she keeps hers.
Ella guarda su libro donde ellos guardan el suyo.
She keeps her book where they keep theirs.
Guardamos nuestro libro donde él guarda el suyo.
We keep our book where he keeps his.
Guardáis vuestro libro donde yo antes guardaba el mío
Your keep your book where I used to keep mine.
Guardan su libro donde antes guardábamos el nuestro
They keep their book where we used to keep ours.