category of substances produced by malignant or benign cells in response to the presence of malignancy
tumor marker
used to describe molecular markers that predict disease free survival, disease specific survival and overall survival
prognostic markers
used in the context of predicting response to certain therapies
predictive markers
indicate host injury and response
nonspecific for malignancy and indicates inflammatory response
serum proteins or molecules as tumor markers
usually secreted by tumor cells into circulation
functionally identical to the native hormone
ectopic hormones as tumor markers
found on the cell membrane or in the cytoplasm
functionally, can modify tumor behavior
hormone receptors
produced by fetal cells during development but not normally produced by adult cells
used to detect recurrence and metastasis, flow response to therapy, and to assess prognosis
oncofetal antigens
what is this oncofetal antigen
glycoprotein produced by mucin secreting glandular epithelium in the fetus
detects: colorectal carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma, lung, gastric, and breast cancer
best used in monitoring post op/post treatment recurrence
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
what is this oncofetal antigen
glycoprotein that is the predominant component of serum proteins in early embryonic life
detects: hepatocellular carcinoma, germ cell tumors of the testis, and carcinomas of the colon, lung, and pancreas
lacks sensitivity because a lot things false positives: cirrhosis massive liver necrosis normal pregnancy fetal neural tube defects
alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
present in several tissues, structurally similar isotopes, assayed in the serum
what are the examples of the two main enzymes used as tumor markers?
alkaline phosphatase
acid phosphatase
name this enzyme
have several isoenzymes in the bone, liver, placenta, intestine and regan
detects osteoblastic lesions like osteosarcomas
alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
name this enzyme
numerous isoenzymes in bone, prostate, erythrocytes and platelets
detects prostate carcinomas and osteolytic metastasis
acid phosphatase (ACP)
intermediate filaments that are cell type specific measured on or in tumor cells, not in serum
examples: S-100=melanoma, Ca-125=ovarian cancer
cellular markers as tumor markers
serine protease that cleaves and liquifies seminal coagulum after ejaculation
prostate specific antgen
A high-molecular-weight antigenic determinant on a glycoprotein shed into the bloodstream by malignant cells derived from malignant cells coming from coelomic epithelium
Increased in patients with ovarian, endometrial, pancreatic, and other cancers
CA 125
An epitope of a large membrane glycoprotein encoded by the MUC1 gene that tumor cells shed into the bloodstream
Most useful in following the course of treatment in women with advanced breast cancer
CA 15-3
Can be elevated in cancers of the: ▪ breast ▪ colon ▪ gastric ▪ kidneys ▪ lung ▪ ovarian (carcinoma) ▪ pancreatic (carcinoma) ▪ uterine (carcinoma) ▪ hepatic (carcinoma)
CA 27-29
○ Produced by:
▪ Colon
▪ Pancreatic
▪ Biliary cancers
○ Not useful for screening, diagnosis, surveillance, or monitoring for colon or pancreatic cancer
▪ May have a role in prognosis
○ May have a role in monitoring therapy in patients with advanced cancer
CA 19-9