this is the increase in mean CSF pressure above 200 mm H2O w/ patient recumbent
increased intracranial pressure
swelling of brain parenchyma caused by numerous diseases
cerebral edema
two types of effects associated with increased intracranial pressure?
diffuse and focal
what are the two types cerebral edema?
vasogenic edema
cytotoxic edema
name this type of cerebral edema?
disruption of normal BBB]
fluid escapes into intercellular space
- brain has few lymphatics so it doesnt drain well
- there is poor resorption of excess intercellular fluid
vasogenic edema
name this type of cerebral edema?
increased intracellular fluid
secondary to cellular injury
cytogenic edema
generalized edema has both vasogenic and cytotoxic edema, T/F?
increased CSF enlargement of ventricles causes increased intracranial pressure? what is this?
what are the types of hydrocephalus?
communicating hydrocephalus
noncommunicating hydrocephalus
hydrocephalus ex vacuo
name this type of hydrocephalus
blockage *outside the ventricular system
communicating hydrocephalus
name this type of hydrocephalus
blockage *anywhere along the ventricular system
noncommunicating hydrocephalus
name this type of hydrocephalus
brain atrophy w/ compensatory expansion of ventricular system; seen in Alzheimers
hydrocephalus ex vacuo
what are the causes of increased intracranial pressure?
mass effect
cerebral edema
what are the causes of hydrocephalus?
decreased resorption of CSF
-most common cause
increased CSF production
localized expansion of brain due to increased intracranial pressure like cerebral edema causes displacement of structures in relation to dural folds
what is this condition?
this is the effect (name this) of a herniation in which there is displacement of brain parenchyma across fixed barriers? (what are these, 3 of them)
what is this type of hernia?
occurs in cingulate gyrus under the falx cerebri
subfalcine herniation
what is this type of hernia?
a displacement of the uncus over the free edge of the opening of the tentorium
transtentorial herniation
what is this type of hernia?
a displacement of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum
tonsillar herniation
absence of the brain and calvarium (incompatible with life)
diverticulum of CNS tissue through a defect in the cranium, most often occurs in the hospital region or posterior fossa
extension of CNS tissue through a defect in the vertebral column affecting
extension of only the meninges through a defect in the vertebral column
may be asymptomatic bony defect or severe malformation
spina bifida