maintenance of the blood in a fluid clot free state in normal vessels
poised to induce a rapid and localized and localized hemostatic plug at a site of vascular injury
normal hemostasis
pathology of hemostasis; formation of clotted mass of blood constituents in uninterrupted vascular system
retarded flow of blood (especially in veins but also in arteries causes aneurysms or LV diastasic)
activation of platelets
endothelial injury
retards inflow of inhibitors
pale platelet and fibrin deposits alternating with darker red cell-rich layers
lines of zahn
thrombi accumulate additional platelets and fibrin
thrombi dislodge and travel other sites in the vasculature
result in fibrinolysis which lead to rapid and shrinkage and total disappearance of recent thrombi?
older thrombi become organized by ingrowth of endothelial cells, SM cells and fibroblasts
most occur in superficial and deep veins of the leg
venous thrombosis
cause local problems but rarely embolism
superficial venous thrombosis
more likely to embolize to the lungs and gives rise to pulmonary infarction
deep venous thrombosis
common cause of death, assoc. with atherosclerosis
arterial thrombosis
detached intravascular solid, liquid, or gaseous mass
> 95% origin is in deep veins of legs
sudden death, right heart failure, or CV collapse occurs when more than 60% of pulmonary circulation obstructed
pulmonary embolism
occludes main pulmonary artier and branches into L and R pulmonary arteries
saddle embolus
may be multiple and occur over time
pass into smaller branching arteries
tend to be clinically silent
-mulitple emboli over time cause pulmonary hypertension
small pulmonary emboli
arterial emboli
80% intracardiac mural thrombi
lower extremities and brain affected
systemic thromboembolism
microscopic fat globules found in circulation after fractures of long bones
fat embolism
gas bubbles in the circulation can coalesce causing obstruction of vascular flow (ischemia)
small venous gas emboli have no deleterious effects
can enter circulation via:
- obstetric procedures
- chest wall injury
- iatrogenic
- decompression sickness
air embolism
grave but uncommon complication of labor and delivery
-sudden severe dyspnea, cyanosis and hypotensive shock
amniotic fluid embolus
localized area of ischemic necrosis caused by obstruction of arterial supply or venous drainage