what are the two types of cell injury?
reversible cell injury
irreversible cell injury
causes of cellular injury?
oxygen deprivation physical agents chemical agents infectious agents immunologic reactions genetic derangements nutritional imbalances
cellular responses to injurious stimuli depends on?
type of injury
consequences of cell injury depends on?
vulnerable systems?
type of cell
state of cell
cell membrane integrity
aerobic respiration
protein synthesis
integrity of genetic apparatus (RNA/DNA)
what are the general mechanisms of cell injury?
ATP depletion accumulation of oxygen deprived free radicals loss of calcium homeostasis defects in membrane permeability damage to DNA and proteins mitochondrial damage and dysfunction
ATP depletion is based on?
failed Na+ pumps
increased glycolysis
failure of Ca2+ pumps
depletion of ATP
ROS is generated by what 2 major pathways?
reduction oxidation reactions
produced in phagocytic leukocytes
nitric oxide
what are the harmful effects due to the loss of calcium homeostasis?
decreases ATP via atpase
decreased phospholipids b/c of phospholipase
disrupts cell membrane and cytoskeleton proteins (proteases)
damage nuclear chromatin (endonucleases)
persistent of severe injury can cause irreversible injury such as?
inability to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction
disturbance in membrane function
what is the effect of ischemic/reperfusion injury?
*what are the new damaging processes?
sustains loss of cells in addition to the cells that are irreversibly damaged at the end of ischemia
i. e- myocardial infarction, stroke, organ transplantation
* generation of oxygen free radicals during reperfusion
production of cytokines and increased expression of adhesion molecules
chemicals induce cell injury by two general mechanisms?
direct acting
convert to toxic metabolites
these initiate autocatalytic reactions?
free radicals
free radicals seem to be a final common pathway for cell injury in these varied processes?
chemical damage
radiation damage
cellular aging
formation of the free radials is due to?
radiation endogenous redox reactions metabolism of exogenous chemicals or drugs transition metals nitric acid
effects of free radicals?
lipid per oxidation of membranes
oxidative modification of proteins
DNA fragmentation
protective mechanisms of free radicals?
spontaneous decay
binding transition metals to proteins
free radical scavenging enzymes
what are the sub cellular responses to injury?
lysosomal catabolism heterophagy autophagy induction of SER mitochondrial alterations cytoskeletal abnormalities heat shock proteins
heat shock proteins play important roles in?
- protein folding
- disaggregation of protein-protein complexes
- transport of proteins into intracellular organelles
- reforming of denatured polypeptides
- tagging irretrievable denatured proteins