damaged area replaced by the same cell which was already there, works when reticular framework of organ I left intact, but only in certain organs (skin, GI tract, liver and kidney)
scar formation, loss of function
replacement by connective tissue
decrease cells in population
increasing rate of cell death
increase cells in populations
decreasing rate of cell death
how quick are cells going through mitosis
changing rate of proliferation
how many cells will mature rather than remain in a replicating form
changing rate of differentiation
entry and progression of cells through cell cycle
normal cell proliferation
hematopoietic cells like bone marrow, epithelia (skin, mucosa) that proliferate continuously throughout life replacing dead cells
continuously dividing (labile)
liver, kidney, pancreases, vascular endothelial cells, fibroblasts with low level of replications, G0 phase can be driven into G1 with injury
stable (quiescent)
cardiac muscle, neurons
cannot undergo mitotic division in postnatal life
proliferation is insufficient for tissue regeneration
permanent (nondividing)
embryos contain pluripotent stem cells which can produce all tissues of the human body
embryonic stem cells
many adult tissues contain stem cells but the have. a more restricted differentiation capacity
adult stem cells
a change in stem cell differentiation from one cell type to another
multiplicity of stem cell differentiation options
developmental plasticity
most GFs have pleiotropic (multiple) effects
polypeptide growth factors
target receptors on the same cell
target receptors on neighboring cells
travel through bloodstream to affect cells all over body, systemic effects
binding of a growth factor to its specific receptor
ligand receptor binding
form complexes with cyclins to perform their functions
cyclin dependent kinases
surveillance mechanism
cells stop dividing when in contact with other cells
contact inhibition